Water bills hiked by 9%

| 01/11/2012

water-from-faucet.jpg(CNS): Residents in Cayman face even more financial misery, as water joins the list of necessities that keep going up in price. As people reel from growing CUC bills, soaring food prices and endless increases to fees and taxes, the Water Authority has joined in the squeeze with an increase of 9.2% on water rates on Grand Cayman and 6.68% increase on Cayman Brac. Although the authority has now scrapped the minimum monthly fee, all customers of the government-owned company will be facing bigger bills this month after the rate increase on water and sewage services was implemented today. The problems the authority now faces borrowing cash because of the FFR was one of the reasons cited for the stiff increase.

Despite removing the $16.04 minimum fee, the increase from $4.01 per cubic metre to $4.38 for the first 3,200 gallons, and from 5.10 to 5.57 for usage over the first 12, residential customers will be feeling the pinch.

On top of the increasing cost of water sewerage and septage rates will increase of 10% and there will also now be an energy adjustment charge (EAF) on those services as well as on the water bills. The authority said EAF is expressed in CI$ per sewerage fixture unit and CI$ per 1,000 gallons of septage  covers fluctuations in the cost of electricity used to process the sewage and septage.  Other changes include an automatic annual rate adjustment and increases to statutory fees.

“The rate adjustment is driven by the need to invest in our water and wastewater infrastructure to ensure their proper and adequate operation in the years to come,” said Dr Gelia Frederick-van Genderen, Director of the Water Authority, as the government-owned company announced the bad news for its customers.

“The last comprehensive rate adjustment took place in 1995, with a minor rate adjustment in mid-2007. The Water Authority is facing increased difficulties with borrowing due to the FFR (Framework for Fiscal Responsibility) bill. However even with borrowing, a rate adjustment would still be necessary in order to maintain and expand the water and wastewater infrastructures in accordance with public demand.”

The authority said that the automatic annual rate adjustment will reflect the changing costs of doing business in the Cayman Islands.

In the face of the more than nine percent hike, the authority said its water was still much less costly than bottled water. A typical gallon of bottled water purchased at a retail store is $1.25-$1.50 compared to water from the Water Authority at less than $0.02 per gallon.
“The potable water produced by the Water Authority exceeds World Health Organization guidelines for drinking water quality,” it stated, advising how customers may reduce their consumption.

“A rate increase may cause concern for residents, however there are things people can do to minimize the impact on their pocket book,” it said. “The Water Authority continues to encourage customers to take charge of their water consumption and monitor their usage closely to manage and control their expenses. This can be as easy as identifying and fixing leaks without delay, avoiding unnecessary toilet flushing, installing water-saver shower heads and limiting water used for gardening.’

Customers can monitor their usage by keeping an eye on their water meter. By becoming familiar with the normal readings on the meter, customers can more easily identify abnormally high usage and take immediate steps to remedy problems.

The authority provides information on meter reading on its website www.waterauthority.ky.

Customers can also read the Water Authority (Amendment) Regulations 2012 there which provides an explanation of all the new changes.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Cant the Minister responsible do something about this?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yeah higher bills!


    • Anonymous says:

      This is a crying shame to raise the water bills, because the water is NO GOOD, it bleaches clothes leave marks when used to clean up, it ruins your hair, and it stinks, and dont talk about drinking it.  It is no good.  What  a shame.  Friends go back to your wells or build a cement holding tank.

      • Anonymous says:

        The water is coming out of the ocean they aren't importing it in, so how come such a high increase??????

  3. Anonymous says:

    You aint seen nutin yet just wait till they sell the water authority. Then it will be just like Cayman Water they wont even tell you when they raise the rates. I guess its like they say ignorance is bliss.   

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cisterns are part of  the answer. Unfortunately many of you are saying it for the wrong reason; to cut out the WA of their profit or just to cut the bill. We should all be trying to live lighter on the planet. We should all be taking responsibilty for what we do and use on a daily basis. Reverse osmosis requires energy and manpower , that means diesel costs, wear and tear on equipment etc.. If we try to utilize all the 'wasted' rainwater that runs offour roofs we would be doing us all a big favor. There are more effective ways to deal with rising costs than moaning. I'm tired off people complaining of how expensive their monthly electrical bill is… do something about it; look at how inefficient your home is and make a plan to change things that make the biggest impact. 1) Put some insulation in your ceiling. 2) plant some shrubs around the house blocking direct sun radiating heat or possibly shutters, or a pergola for shade 3) put window film on windows 4 ) invest in an energy efficient ac unit. If you are renting a place that is inefficient  look around there is lots of options out there. The difference between a home with these energy saving measures and one without can be $220/mos compared to $800 plus/mos …. thats over $6000/year if your in this latter category you can see that taking a loan out  will pay itself off in a short time if you plan reasonably. Or you can just compain and play the blame game. Life isn't fair….adapt and win rather than be set in your ways and be miserable about it. 

  5. Anonymous says:

    Water meter rip off!
    A water meter as used by the water authority costs 60 USD.
    They charge us 5 KYD per month to rent it.
    It’s paid for in the year, if you have lived in your house for ten years then that meter that THEY need to charge for a product, has cost YOU 600 KYD.

    And why do they insist on burying the meter two foot deep, inside my property and complain that they cannot get in or read the meter.

    How do you get to the main turn off valve? It’s pretty obvious to most ( if you have the tool to turn it off) but then again if the leak is on your side of the meter, then it’s your loss. You will pay for the water.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Well-water aka "country water" never tased so good.

  7. The lone haranguer says:

    What about the mooching 9000, are their bills going up to?

    • noname says:

      I guess the funds raised from these fee hikes will pay for the annual cleanup??????

  8. Anonymous says:

    Happy thanksgiving and Merry Christmas Cayman. this is your combined gift from your illustrious leader. Those of you without a brain who still support him – just think, even though you are selling out your country XXXXX, he is taxing the most important thing you need to live – Water. Surely even you cannot be so stupid as to continue to support such a monster.

    • Anonymous says:

      West Bayers still pay 10% more for their water, even after the increase, than Water Authority customers.

      Why should they worry? The purpose of a West Bay MLA is to pay their water and electric bill, plus any other bills that they might need a little "hep" with, and to give them a new fridge or stove every Christmas.

      An increase in the water bill is neither here nor there for the many who depend on government or someone else to pay their bills.

    • Dred says:

      Ooh I wouldn't be so sure about that. He cause most of them to loose their jobs when he hiked the business fees up and guess who he asked to show up to his rally? The same idiots he caused to loose their jobs. So not withstanding an electrical storm that fries the WBayers brains we are just out of luck there.

      Right now they are too busy trying to complete their set of appliances to worry about the rest of the Cayman Islands.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I would like to know when they plan on extending the piped water through Cayman Brac.  It goes no further now than when they first started piped water here. If we pay more, we should have more service.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman Brac dont seem to pay for anything, and definitely DONT contribute anything

      • Anonymous says:

        We pay for water and light just like you.  I'm not asking for free water.  I'm just asking for better service.  Do you think it's fair that only the western end of the island has piped water?  What about Little Cayman?  They don't have piped water either.  I'm just saying that we are paying more so why not put the money to use and extend the piped water?

        • Bling man says:

          Why they nah use money to extend pipes?  Cause it go in tings called pockets.

        • Anonymous says:

          This is a dilemma for JuJu Banton. She just spent $500,000 of other people's money to pave private parking lots, plus another $3 million to pave the road. She is going to need some new trenchers to dig up the road parking lots she just paved, but on the bright side it will provide employment for her supporters to be digging up and repaving the roads for as long as she remains in power.

          • Anonymous says:

            I have never accepted anything from her or any other politician and never will.  The 1st elected member is Mr. Moses so obviously not everyone is for JuJu.

            Brackers pay for piped water so it should be extended but why bother whne they can make more money out of trucking water.

      • Anonymous says:

        You all didn't have no problem using everything in Brac after Ivan though.  Really, Grand Cayman people are so hateful towards Brackers after all the help they gave after Ivan.  You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      When you pay the same duties and fees as everyone else, then we will start listen.  All Brackers do is want other people to spend money on them.  Here is a suggestion for extended piped water in the Brac; a 20% levy on water bills in the Brac to pay for it.   What do you think about the need for extended piping now?  Didn't think so. 

  10. Anonymous says:

    I am an expat who left Cayman a number of years ago (some Caymanians will say "good riddance").


    Financially I am better off paying income tax in my home country than paying the cost of living in Cayman. The warm tropical weather in nice, but happiness is in my heart, not in the weather.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanian but right behind you this place is going fast.  This mess is gearing up to be the perfect financial storm.  Unemployment, high cost of living, restricted government, increase in crime. 

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for the feedback.

      How do you account for the many individuals that still want to move to or stay in the Cayman Islands? They don’t seem to agree with you.

      Cayman was voted the most friendly place for expats in 2012 (search online).

    • Anonymous says:

      Nice of you to let us know. Bye!

    • Anonymous says:

      London and her new taxes will greet you with open arms. 🙂

  11. Anonymous says:

    “The problems the authority now faces borrowing cash because of the FFR was one of the reasons cited for the stiff increase.”

    Well Mac, is this one of the proposed amendments you will make to the FFR?

    • Anonymous says:

      The problems that Cayman are now facing have to do with no vision and lack of planning financial and otherwise.  The FFR does not even factor into the equation.  The first down fall of these islands is the mess that was created with immigration and control.  Second the spending like we had a money tree in the government administration back yard.  Now don't get me started on the greed of our politician and people. Until we get these solved this place will never get any better unless there is devine intervention from above that will take all things undesirable far away.  In short this place is one big mess and we choose to believe other wise until we are forced to stare reality in the face, we all live in a castle some where in Disney land far away from Florida or California.

    • Anonymous says:

      and why do we have to have this FFR?

      Any UDP Idiot want to comment.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Well time to shut the main line to my house off and turn on the cistern sure glad I built one it’s big enough to flush my toilets,shower,wash etc…while I’m at it will connect my well up too goodbye WA some of us don’t need you it was a nice to have 🙂

  13. Anonymous says:

    Sorry Mckeeva..It was abd enough tha you taxed the bread of our table but to further tax on the water our bodies need for survival, that is low even for you.

    Come on man, you are going to have to live with us after May next year and you won't be able to bathe in "Voss water" for the rest of your life.

    Have a heart please!! This is ridiculous! Are we going to last until next May?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ya Mac.  Stop being "honorable".  Its killing the rest of us.

    • Anonymous says:

      Coming right up. Taxes on the air we breathe. Mac does need to travel and collect multiple pensions, and a little cash for wote buying and nation building doesn't hurt either.

      • Anonymous says:

        And don't forget he needs to have at least 2 million on reserve at all times to keep his backside out of court.

  14. NeoSurvivor says:

    "The problems the authority now faces borrowing cash because of the FFR was one of the reasons cited for the stiff increase."


    WHAT?   So the WA is ALSO not self-sustaining, even with their monopoly on water?   Borrowing money to stay *cough* afloat?  


    I don't think it has squat to do with the FFR;   I think it has to do with the ponderous government thumb that keeps tacking on fuel taxes and other taxes, and the grief gets passed on to the customer. 


    ………. and so it will continue, eventually, in virtually every facet of our lives, that this government will continue to inflict their financial snafu upon us, and continue to demonstrate absolute noncompliance with any semblance of accountability for the funds raised, until they are voted out.  


    The END.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Everyone who has cisterns, needs to reactivate them. Others need to build and some needs to buy the redi-made ones from the pre cast place. We need to take our own actions and cut these greedy monopolies out. Don't sit still and let the Government ram their agendas down our throats to satisfy their greedy appetites.  

  16. Anonymous says:

    Its about time I tap/plumb into the communal complex strata water pipework – any good plumbers out there willing to do me a favour????

  17. Anonymous says:

    A simple question, in 3 parts:

    1. How much profit/loss did the GCM operation make last year?
    2. How much profit/loss did the CYB operation make last year?
    3. To what extent, if any is the GCM operation subsidising the CYB operation.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I am not sure why everyone is whining again.  Conserve water and your water bill will remain low. I never have more than $25 water bill. And I am a clean freak.

    Even 100% increase will not make any difference to me.  How much do you pay for your mobile??????

  19. Anonymous says:

    The water is dirt cheap in Cayman. Increase was overdue to facilitate its conservation. Less water in, less treated (dead) water out into a sea. Better for environment.

  20. Anonymous says:

    The water Bill I received in October was 3 times my normal water bill. I am already using my well and not using the Water Authority water.


  21. Kadafe says:

    Lets cut back our water usage by 18% see whats up then..

  22. Anonymous says:

    For many years now, I have been fortunate enough to have a low water bill by using ground water, cistern water and city water in various configurations. RIght now I only use city water for the kitchen sink and the fridge/icemaker and my bill for city water is always the minimum which includes the meter rental and the 4 cubic metre minimum of $16.04. Everthing else in the house is using ground water including toilets, baths, basins and the washer. Therefore, with the new charges and the removal of the minimum purchase of 4 cubic metres, my bill will actually be lower by about $10 per month. If you can afford to put in a deep well and supply at least part of your water needs, you will save a lot of money very quickly. I have calculated that with a family of 5 which includes 3 children and a lot of weekly washing, we probably save about $80 – $100 per month, or about $960 – $1200 per year. Over the past 7 years, (since the first child was born), that's a savings of between $6720 and $8400. It does not take a rocket scientist to see the huge potential for savings if you are able to install your own water service. I realise that not everyone has good ground water, but it might be possible to have a system installed that treats the water before it ireaches your home. When my ground water was tested they called to confirm that it was really a ground water sample, due to its purity. I can't see where many banks would deny a small loan to put in such a system for those who would not be able to pay for the upfront installation cost. The savings each month would more than repay the loan.

  23. Anonymous says:

    wow my low flow toilets will pay for themselves even faster now.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Has anyone actually stopped to look and what the other water company is charging its customers? Well I have water service to properties in both West Bay and George Town and I can tell you that even with this increase by Water Authority, their fees per gallon are still lower than what I currently pay Cayman Water Company for water in West Bay. It is funny how we talk about the Government must be accountable but yet we criticise the government entity for  only raising rates once in the last 17 years and trying to break even, but yet we don't question why Cayman Water rates have been increasing annually or why water service in West Bay is still much more than what customers of the Water Authority will pay with the new rates?

    Check Cayman Water Company rates, do the math and get the proof.


  25. Anonymous says:

    Screw 'em. I have a cistern and septic tank.  FINALLY an increase that does not hit me directly. Laa, la, la, la, laaah!.


    However, I do realise that indirectly we all take a hit as the cost of doing business increases and thus prices go up accordingly. Bad time to own a car wash!



  26. anonymous says:

    I am moving to Cuba where there is almost no crime and stress and no worry about greedy companies milking middle class/poor people………………….Now I don't give a flying flip who wanna get mad about me supporting socialist Cuba but i just can't take it anymore,Cayman gone!!

    • Anonymous says:

      see ya..

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course you might get cholera from their water but its cheap right. Take your friends with you its too crowded here. Too funny

    • RexT says:

      Not everything government run is good service; especially in the embargo-country of Cuba. Why do you think so many migrants are leaving Cuba?  A democratic communist country may work better in the people's favor than a capitalist country. But when that a communist country have a crippling trade embargo against it and a dictator calling all the shots, the people are not represented and not enough wealth is fairly distributed. For all you know the government elite of 1% have the swimming pools of the finest water whilst everybody else is drinking poorly untreated water. I think if the Fidels step down and allow a Presidential democracy within the communist system to take place, and the U.S. begin to respect countries that are not like it. Communist Cuba could prosper. Certain powerful investors in U.S. are just upset that communist countries don't allow private ownership of property so they can put up their mansions and takeover beaches for their hotels. A Communist country that is a true Democracy, is a top 1% Capitalist nightmare.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I guess WA figures if CUC can do it, then why can't they get an additional slice of the pie as well?  I have never seen a headline that said, "Salaries going up!"  The problem is, there are barely crumbs left in the bowl….

    It's time to return to cistern water!

  28. Anonymous says:

    It's just the beginning. Water is on the way to being 'Pay As You Go'.

    Also, just in case anyone is interested, Grand Cayman will be 'Pay As You Go' for electricity in the VERY near future.

    No more Mr. Nice Guy eh?

    What is money, but a man-made mechanism of control? How ingenious.

    Stop and THINK!

    Why are we charging each other for things that we actually think belong to us? All the raw materials of the earth including its ability to produce food has been freely given to us. If the people of Cayman don't wake up soon, you'll soon have a UN observer in your honeymoon beds!!

    • Anonymous says:

      In some ways Pay As you Go is better cause you can turn off stuff when you see your light going up.  I saved at least $100 in the summer with Pay As You Go.  Probably more cause the rates went up after I got Pay As you go.

      • Anonymous says:

        I didn't explain that well.  In Cayman Brac, we have pay as you go light.  It helped save a lot because the meter shows how much light you are using per hour, how much you used for the day, yesterday, this month and last month.  Therefore, I start shutting off lights, fans etc to see where the current is highest.  This helps me to save.  I don't know know how the water would work.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Every little bit just helps to kill Cayman…just like is Bermuda suffering now..instead of learning from their mistakes, we copy them. Brilliant strategy.

    • noname says:

      I keep telling you guys. Their days are numbered and they are screwing us***

      on the way out.

      the UDP is finished!

      Everything they do from here on is to agitate us, spite us and pure vindictiveness since it is clear


  30. Anonymous says:

    Only the GOOD LORD can help us now

  31. Ike N. Sienow says:

    May I make a suggestion?  I suggest the XXXXX turtle farm be shut down and the government subsidy of $10,000,000 per year squandered there be used in reducing the cost of water to the public.

  32. Anonkymous says:

    "In the face of the more than nine percent hike, the authority said its water was still much less costly than bottled water."

    I don't bathe in bottled water!! Nor do I drink city water!! So this comparison means diddly squat to me Water Authority!!

    Furthermore, WA doesn't "harvest" their water from a glacier in the middle of the cotton picking North Pole…or boat, fly, truck it to retailers and consumers. They suck their water out of their back door Caribbean Sea and desalinate it…

    So forgive me for being less than appreciative of the logic used to defend such a hike DURING A RECESSION! All i' t'is, is that companies here have learned how to get away with passing their infrastructural charges to their stupid consumers to avoid hurting their bottom line and affecting their investors' / shareholders' precious stock.

    And we take it!

    What else can we do?!? Protest by not bathing!? Have a "stink-out"?

    Seriously, maaan! How much more do these companies really think we can take? Good right they're stealing car tires and anything else that's not cemented down…with the robberies from the top of this country straight down the ranks and through the companies – it's more than a free society…it's a free for all.

    Water Authority: you know what you need to do?! Balance your budget and put a 5, 10, 20 yr growth and development plan in place and work towards that…gradually. How dare you feel a 9.2% hike is OK with your hostages! Increase in increments so we sit like frogs in boiling water and don't feel the pain so much. Or better yet, plan and save and get where you need to be with what we're giving you.

    I bet the price of city water around the caribbean is – like every other utility – muuuuuch lower than in Cayman. It's a FREE resource! You don't have to build it, make it or bottle it. Nature charges you nothing and certainly doesn't increase your fees!!

    Have a heart man!


  33. Anonymous says:

    I don't get this government. They keep taxing the local people and keep giving concessions to the big foreign investment companies.  


    Are they trying to starve us or in this case "thirst" us to death. This government has to go. you don't raise taxes in a recession, you lower them to create growth.


    This is the last nail in their coffins… Someone give me a hammer, please!!

  34. Kung Fu Iguana says:

    It is not the FFR that is the problem.  It is the government's overspending and effectively maxing out the credit card that is the problem.  Don't balme the FFR for Mac's wrongdoings!

  35. Anonymous says:

    It's about time government bodies keep pace with the increasing cost of doing business with annual adjustments rather than having to increase fees.

  36. Segbert says:

    This was the secret deal that was cut by or Great leader and these so called business leaders who whittle away the expat tax Pay up suckers!!!!! better pay that bill or you no get no Agua Comprendo?????

  37. Anonymous says:

    If you ask me I'm already getting robbed by water authority!

  38. Joe Grind says:

    This is what happens when you allow a special interest group to sit down with BaBa Buska an negotiate away the expat tax and substitute this for further taxes on the people of this island. Why are some so surprise about these taxes. Somebody has to Pay????? so get over it.

    • Anonymous says:

      REALLY??  The "expat tax" was replaced with substantial increases in expat work permit fees, so not sure you know what you are talking about.

      • Anonymous says:

        Expats don’t pay work permit fees. Their employers do.

        • SSM345 says:

          05:49, in theory yes, but it also depends on your position in the local workforce. We all know there are employers out there making expats pay for their own work permits.

        • Anonymous says:

          Indeed. A tax on companies which they have to earn elsewhere. Or go elsewhere.

  39. Anonymous says:

    There is nothing worse than that of worrying about financial problems. What is occuring in Cayman is not unique, but is having such a huge impact on the lives of many of the people who live here.

    I don't think that no one can dispute the fact that cost of living on Cayman is too high. While I cannot offer any"silver bullet" to this issue, I will say this. Already there is a growing trend for people leaving Cayman. Both local and expat.

    What the Government has to keep in mind, is that in order for it to function properly, it needs revenue. Where does that revenue come from? the people. (how it is spent is an entire different issue)

    The worst thing that can happen to Cayman has started. Many young educated people are leaving, or not coming back after university, those that are there are going to other countries.

    While we could of had a debate as to whether it was cheaper to live in the USA rather than Cayman, 20 years ago, the choice would have been Cayman. But not today. I have 4 friends, who have now left, gotten jobs in the USA and living better, while paying taxes. The costs are less, and food is cheaper. What we pay for a gallon of milk here is crazy!

    This is something that is going to cause other issues down the not too distant future. What happens to a country when its middle class has evaporated, moved on; along with the educated people?

    What will be the productivity of the remaining society? How will Government provided the services to these people if it's revenue stream has shrunk?

    Long term situations that present day politicians should be looking at.

    But hey, what do I know.

    • Anonymous says:

      I'm leaving next year and truly can't wait! I'm a Caymanian, but until there is more stability here, I'd rather be eslewhere.

    • Bling man says:

      Ya.  Be nuthin left but jamaicans, hondooranians, an filipinos.  Maybe lot of chinees if mac get his way.   Soon come?

  40. Anonymous says:

    can't make sense of this article…….

  41. Anonymous says:

    It is very strange that customers are charged thousands of dollars for a month when the premises are not even occupied.  When the old meters are changed the bills are reduced.  It is time for all the outdated meters to be changed and householders will see the difference in their monthly charges.

    This is one entity that the customer has no one to turn to.  The Water Authority has the right to charge and there is no recourse for the customer. 



    • Anonymous says:

      Old meters, like old cars, old boats, and old people, tend to go slower. I would much rather keep the meter that I have now.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Could the language in this article be any more hysterical? “Misery”?