Personal responsibility

| 06/11/2012

Our country is now at a crossroads as our premier faces, basically, an ultimatum from the UK on the FFR and the CHEC deal.  He has been told that he needs to pass the FFR as agreed upon and signed by him over a year ago, and that due process must be shown with the dock fiasco.  This, along with many other problems over his leadership and ongoing investigations, has produced overwhelming  support for him to step down and, if he fails to do so, for the UDP elected members to remove him as they can constitutionally can do.

The problem is there is a lack of people taking personal responsibility for their action – first and foremost the premier, who is claiming that he signed “under duress”.  It must be remembered that he gave not just his word but, as our leader, the word of the Cayman people that he would carry through on the undertaking.  He is now backing down on that, breaking not just his word but, by default, the word of the Cayman people.

Our elected UDP members, who are turning a deaf ear to the desires of the people who elected them, are not taking personal responsibility. They were elected, not to do what is best for the premier, but for the people.  They are not doing so and will be held responsible by the people for blindly following the premier’s lead with no consideration for what is best to save our country.

The Cayman public is also not taking personal responsibility. In the comment section here on CNS and comments on the Compass website we have hundreds of people giving their opinions of what should be done.  People are calling for the premier to step down, for the UK to take over, for the UDP members to deal with it, and all the while doing it under the guise of “Anonymous” and other hide-behind-names.  How can we expect to be taken seriously if we are not willing to take personal responsibility for our beliefs and comments?

Maybe I can start a trend.

I, Len Layman, believe that the premier should step aside.  I believe that if he doesn’t, the other UDP members should force it. If neither of these things happens, we should not blame the UK for the outcome.  I believe a large majority of Caymanians believe as I do.

Agree with me or disagree with me but please stand up and do it openly.  We can make a difference if we do.

I believe if we all take personal responsibly we can change things for the better.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I, Patrice Williams, agree the Premier should step down.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Shouldn't this first be a discussion between the people of Cayman and their local government, before the British got involved?


    • Anonymous says:

      When has our premier listened to or asked for the input of the people.  He is  busy talking to developers that is one of his main problems.  He is real good at "telling" and "yelling" at the people but not listening to them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did the Premier at any time seek to have a discussion with the Caymanian people before the British had to become involved, or did he sign up secret deals? 

    • R.U. Kidden says:

      How many times has this happened?

      About as many times as a dishonest politician has had action taken against him.

  3. Sheredan Coulburn says:

    I hope he resigns immediately and that he and his jelly fish all move to China….for good.

    He's an embarrassment to this country, to his family and to himself.

    I also sincerely hope that the UK has something to say about Cayman Airways, Turtle Farm and all the other 'entities' that are a total waste of money for the Cayman people.

    It's a crying shame that it has to come to this but we the Cayman people need to start showing serious backbone if we want the changes that we have been crying out for for years.

    Our country has suffered enough at the hands of these greedy politicians who shamelessly flaunt their ill gotten gains in our faces daily.

    God help us to move forward to a better 2013 for EVERYBODY!!





    • Chris Johnson says:

      I like your post Sheredan. Keep it up. Your friends need support you and blog also.

  4. Anonymous says:

    So we can be just like Cayman Compass where most of the opinions are watered down in fear of personal repurcussions from thier bosses or colleagues. I think your scarred of  the truth and more scarred that the truth doesen't seem to be generating from the manufactured leaders who are over-paid, over-regarded, and are incompetent with problems that regulaly  fly over thier big heads.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I anonymously agree with you 100%.

  6. peter milburn says:

    Len I also totally agree with you.The Caymanian people MUST stand up for what is best and right for this country.There is way too much complacensy here and its time that the people DEMAND whats best for this country.Clearly the party system has failed miserably and its Them against Us mentality needs to run away and hide.Time for a serious change and ALL across the board.Time will tell but THAT time is running out.We must rebuild Cayman for the sake of our children and grand children.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Peter, there is you me and Gordon answering and agreeing with Len’s article, the others are anonymous as are 90 per cent of all responses to CNS. Whilst many fear retribution if they stand up to Bush and for what is right, just where are the rest? Just what is their excuse? Cannot some others be countered. By the way how many contributions or responses to CNS have come from any politician? Are you Gordon and I wasting our time. Me thinks, yes.

      • Anonymous says:

        Chris, please don't think you are wasting your time. We are encouraged by your posts. Please don't abandon us.

      • Hawksbill says:

        Please remember that there are some of us who may be directly affected employment-wise if we make as bold as statement as we would like to by using our real names. I completely agree that we need to stop being so complacent and letting these things happen to our island without CRUCIFYING the person or persons responsible. For example, this deal with DART, where the details have still not been released!

  7. Gordon Barlow says:

    I, Gordon Barlow, agree with Len Layman's comments and recommendations as set out above.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Len I agree with you! The people are fed up and tired of this Bushmediocare. Some just do not care what happens and others like me just do not fight hard enough. Others do not beleive in standing up because they do not want to be associated with a political party. Yet others detest stanidng up with people who believe in organizing themselves as a Political Party but disguises themselves as independents (claiming they will leave Arden and Ezzard alone).What a mess! 

    • Anonymous says:

      Er…Anonymous 13.23, I think the point of Len's post was that you are supposed to show support for the call for the Premier to step down without the cover of anonymity.