Latest police figures indicate further fall in crime

| 14/11/2012

police.jpg(CNS): Despite wide public speculation about claims that crime is falling, the latest set of figures from the RCIPS reveal another drop in the local serious crime rate of almost 6%. Figures relating to the end of this year’s third quarter show that drug, volume and serious crimes all fell when compared to 2011, leading to a reduction in overall crime of some 7.66%. With no murders, a 50% fall in attempted murder, a more than 47% drop fall in robberies and a reduction of close to 50% for all firearms related crimes, the RCIPS dealt with 33 less serious crimes this year than last. The most serious notable exception, however, was the increase in rape, which increased by 133.33%.

The roads also appear to be a little safer so far this year as traffic accidents overall fell by 5% and fatal accidents during the first three quarters were down by more than 57%. Overall traffic offences dropped by 1%, with speeding declining by some 17%. But people caught not wearing seat belts has more than doubled so far this year, with a startling 1,150% increase in people not wearing belts in September.

There has also been an increase in DUI’s during the course of this year, which started with a 57% increase in drunk drivers being arrested in January, followed by an 86% in April compared to last year. Overall police have arrested 13% more drivers so far in 2012 compared to 2011 for being drunk behind the wheel.

See the latest crime figures here.

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  1. Burn Notice says:

    A reduction in crime is not the same as a reduction in reported crime. maybe the RCIP are such a terrible job that people just don't bother reporting things anymore. You throw the good ones out, you get the resultant service. Good luck Cayman. Clearly even you God can't be bothered with you anymore.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Crappy stats!

    If they want TRUE comparisons, they should compare now to the crime stats of 5 or 10 years ago (ie before the crime-cuture shift of recent times)

  3. Rorschach says:

    LIes..damn lies..and Statistics…nuff said…

    • More Lipstick Please says:

      LIes, damn lies and statistics… and then a mile and a half further into the BS there's the stuff His Dishonour says…

  4. Anonymous says:

    So this means that when we all get our own personal policeman, crime will be non-existent?

    Move over Bubba, I'm trying to service my wife.

    Funny, eh? I've met hundreds of coppers and most of them have similar personality traits, most of which are not savoury.

    I have met half a dozen who were really nice but that would be the exception and not the rule. I really do not like the police. I am sorry. They are so damned aloof and arrogant. Suck it baby, free speech is still free.

  5. Anonymous says:

    For all those moaners out there who don’t believe this statement, let me ask you, why would crime NOT go down? It’s not impossible……maybe you are too jaded to actually accept any good news, or congratulate those who are working hard to reduce crime. For all those who are working to reduce crime – thank you for your success.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good grief – read the news much???


      Since the last report of a few weeks ago that crime was down – this site alone was riddled with stories about robberies and other crimes – heck, even Honda motor cars aren't safe anymore.

    • Not blinders says:

      Maybe you missed the part of what increased. As a woman – that is scary!! Especially with the low apprehension rates, conviction rate and sentencing time.

  6. Anonymous says:

    We had our jum leads and carpets stolen from our car. Other items stolen from yard. Crime is going up not down. Police are only interested in protecting the rich people on this island.

    • Silly Billy says:

      Looks like someone stole your "p" too! I notice there are 2 in " rich people" – maybe they have it.

  7. Environ-mentallist says:

    Hey RCIPS… We live on a rock not under one!

  8. The lone haranguer says:

    Crime is against the law in the Cayman Islands Islands!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Crime down…. corruption up.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Just remember this is 'reported' crime not actual crime.

    The figure that does intrigue me is the number of road accidents – over 1000 in nine months on islands with an area of about 100 square miles?

    Put this in context of the UK where a rural county over 2000 square miles in size with heavy traffic and some pretty nasty roads plus harsh, icy winters recorded 2000 road accidents in a full year. There's something very screwy going on here. Insurance scams maybe?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Despite wide public speculation about claims that crime is falling the latest set of figures from the RCIPS reveal another drop in the local serious crime rate of almost 6%





    Is it April's Fools' Day?