New political group launches denying party concept

| 16/11/2012

(CNS): Calling itself a political advocacy group and not a political party, the Coalition for Cayman (C4C) is planning a public meeting on Monday night to draw in public support for its plan to take the country back to independent candidates and put an end to party politics. Taking the position that the local political landscape prior to the introduction of political parties was a more positive environment, the advocacy group says its single goal is to encourage voters to elect “honest, proven, capable and independent leaders” who will always put the “country first”. C4C insists it is not a political party and will not field candidates at next year’s election but instead endorse independent candidates it believes have the qualities listed.

“We are a public awareness group dedicated to leaders who put the best interest of our country first; we will be interviewing independent candidates and making endorsements of those candidates we feel will put country first when making important decisions,” the organisers stated.

On its website C4C states that before “political parties began taking over and driving their own agendas” Cayman had thrived. Since then, the group believes, unnecessary spending, excessive debt, fewer jobs and politicians who are more interested in keeping their party in power than doing what is best for families have taken over the political arena.

C4C says it recognizes that the people of Cayman are frustrated with party politics, government overspending, debt, crime and economic uncertainty.

“We are committed to bringing new and accountable leadership to unite the people of the country and restore the Cayman Islands' reputation while maintaining social balance and sustainable growth,” the group stated.

C4C will be hosting a public meeting in the car park of AL Thompson on Monday night at 7pm when the group says it will explain more about its aims and  how it will be supporting potential independent candidates for the May 2013 General Election.

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  1. Thunder Storm says:

    The Constitution states "the PARTY that has the majority votes shall"  become the govt.


    So tell me, how does the Coalition intend to become the govt?


    According to the Constitution, if they are NOT a PARTY,  they cannot be in control or govern the country.


    I now beg to wonder if any of the Coalition read the Constitution BEFORE they arrived at such an idea.


    Not a fine place to start running any race,………….

    • Anonymous says:

      If they were to win the Majority they would then claim that for all intents and purposes they are a party under the constitution therefore they are the government. 
      Quite a conundrum they have put forth.

      If they are not a party they need to be able to endorse candidates whether party members or independent how they feel meet their standards.  Like some of the ones they contacted in the PPM. They must think highly of them to have solicited them to be a part of their "non party"

    • Anonymous says:

      From the consitition.

      "(3) If no political party gains such a majority or if no recommendation is made under subsection(2), the Speaker shall cause a ballot to be held among the elected members of the Legislative Assembly to determine which elected member commands the support of the majority of such members,and shall record the vote of each member voting; and, where such a ballot is held, the Governor shall appoint as Premier the elected member who obtains a majority of the votes of the elected members."

  2. Anonymous says:

    The last thing one should do is compare UDP and PPM. There is as much difference between these two groups as chaulk and cheese. Have you seen either member of the UDP speak their individual minds since they took power. Did you see PPM prevent Chuckster from shooting himself in the foot. Might I remind you that he was the only Cabinet member of the PPM that was not re-elected in 2009?

    The reason our island is in the mess it is in is because the so-called independents split the vote against UDP in 2009 and allowed them to slip right back in power.

    The C4C is doing this with the knowledge of what they are doing which proves they are UDP in a new wrapping. Don't be fooled my fellow Caymanian we cannot afford 4 more years of the most corrupt rule we have ever had to contend with.

    PPM you are my choice. I don't have to wonder what you are about. Bring your plan on, we ready


    • Anonymous says:

      May I suggest the PPM step aside as not to split the vote. the C4C and their understanding of the fact that we need real representitives to deal with our real challanges! Challenges caused by the the inadquacies the people that place the party before the people and country..

      Caymanians have elected the same old heros that prove to be zeros election after election, we are ready to prove to our children and the world that we are not insane!

      So do the right thing Wayne, Woody, Al, Alden, Kurt, Tony, Marco, Mos, Kenny offer your talent to the C4C to put the country back on track rather than spending your efforts of trying to save your sinking ship. Be “Progressive” and put your “Country First”!

      • Why says:

        Why is it that you support Wayne, Woody, Al, Alden, Kurt, Tony, Marco, Mos, Kenny if they switched sides and joined C4C but just because they are Progressive members and potential candidates for the PPM you would not ? That means you are personalizing your decision and are not making decisions based on common sense but rather based on emotion. I know every one of these individuals and they are all very strong candidates and as a BT voter I will be voting for Al Suckoo, Wayne Panton, Ossie Bodden and Anthony Eden. They represent the new PPM and I will be proud to have them represent me. C4C has not offered one single solution, policy, or anything that will contribute to this society other than division and anti-party rhetoric. if they mean well they will endorse the above candidates and stop the foolishness, stop lying to the people about not being a party, and stop splitting up the vote because that will only return the UDP to power. I do not even know who most of the C4C people are and to me they have been invisible in the community until now. 

      • Anonymous says:

        Carefull with the C4C Kool-Aid. Sounds like you want all of the PPM candidates but you want the UDP money men behind C4C to control them. This looks alot like the ex-UDP folks wanting to take over the PPM since Mac's ego out grew them.

  3. The Guardian says:


    Changes can be made every day for our small country. Select the right people you think can get the job down right and at the same time be humble to our own, our guest and those that live amongst us today. Be the change that you want to see, that you feel that can and will make a difference to our country, our children and for their children sake. 

    We have to start fresh with a new beginning; a new beginning of new leadership, for that my friend is life that we all have to pursue and be a part of and keep building forward to a better country. So don’t let us jump the gun and play this old trick non-foolishness with in our society and chat false roamers. Because what I see and hear is this lack of confidence within our society, our  people, and I get that feeling because how we all been thought and brought up. But I can tell you there is a something that can come out of this because of your people power. Now is your time to settle the score and see if they have the rubber when it hits the road. 

    So be the change you want to be, be the change you want to see for your sons and daughters and their sons and daughters. If we continue to strive on non-sense such as, “Will they must be PPM and UDP people and they are the rich ones” etc, etc. This will only hold them back as it has old us the older folks in this lil islands that we love. This my follow Caymanians will never get us know where.

    It don’t matter if it’s an Independent, a UDP or PPM or even the ‘Other’ that you might choose, it your democratic right. But for God love, please, please be part of a change if YOU see fit for that change. If party’s not working in our favor or your favor then it’s your time to fix it now or in 6 months time. So we do have some time to decipher what’s on the horizon.

    So my follow Caymanians, get up and see what’s at stake and set aside the opinions that I have seen written here on CNS. Tell them what you want, not what you want to hear.

    Be that Change that You want out of a true and honest leadership that is so much waiting to come back in to the Halls of the LA and the Halls of our homes. Be part of that Change for your generations of future Caymanians and its leaders who ever they may be.       

    God bless you and these Cayman Islands

    • Trevor says:

      To The Guardian @ Mon, 11/19/2012 – 19:06.

      Will said, will said. 

  4. Anonymous says:

    So is Ezzard who helped the UDP form a government part of this group?

  5. Anonymous says:

    No longer talking to Linford? Was that because he had mapped out who was going to be who in Cabinet (including himself of course), oh, but wait, you aren't a party, I forgot. 

    • A West Baya for Change says:

      Right now West Bayers are looking for change – the good old boys way of doing things is unacceptable. Even if the UDP wins there must be at least one person in the party who can say no when the act is not in the best interest of the country.

      Any of the three ladies mentioned in a previous post would be good for the islands. They are all successful in thier own right, and I can hardly beleive that they got where they are by being yes women and doing things  which they know are wrong.

      Think about it, when you try to disect them niothing bad comes up. all you can hear from the people in West Bay is that they hope Cora Grant runs.  Her name comes up more than the other two ladies, and even more than other independents.

      A couple of other names are knocking around in the district but practically everyone I have spoken with seems to be more enthused about her name. She good people they say.

      We will have to wait and see, since she already has a good job with RBC where she has worked for over 20 years, but whether she runs or not I would like to see her hold a prominent position in government.  She would bring some balance to the world of men and their enormous egos.


  6. Anonymous says:

    I will be at the meeting to see what they say.   I do fear that it is UDP- redo and if any of the current UDP elected officials have ANYTHING to do whit ths group I will not support it or any of those who do.

    Current UDP elected officials have had their chance to prove they put the people of Cayman firs and all have failed.  They will not get a secsond chance from me.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Does this remind anyone else of the people who can't get on with the other people in their church, go and build their own church and then invite you to their "inclusive" church???

  8. peter milburn says:

    Having watched these fair Islands languish in the crap of the Party System its time for a SERIOUS change of direction.Give these folks a chance to turn things around.After all things CANNOT get any worse than they are right now.What have we gained from the so called Party System?Nothing,Nada so why not have some new people with fresh forward thinking ideas?Can that be so wrong that so many people are against the new Coalition(on here at least)?We have become such a divided country since the advent of the Party System that we are blinded by the fact that there are GOOD people out there willing to step up to the plate.I must say that this has taken a long time to happen but happen it will and Cayman will be all the better for it.For those of you that are so negative GO to the meeting tonight and listen to what they have to say AND THEN make up your minds as isnt that what a Democracy is all about?How does one get to advertise and put ideas forward without money?Some have an unlimited supply of it and that is why we are in the mess we find ourselves today.Give the folks a chance to talk about what they see as a new Cayman and go away and think about what you have heard and then make up your minds.I have NEVER supported andone in an election that was part of a political party and never will BUT I will continue to vote for those individuals who put the country FIRST and foremost for that is the key to getting country back on a sound footing and its also called working TOGETHER.This has not happend for so many years its hard to remember when that was but it worked before and it sure as hell will work again given the right people are elected to the LA.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians have matured politically over the years and this growth was needed. How many times have we heard that "it doesn't matter who gets in they are all in for themselves." Caymanians have be disheartened as they feel their wishes are in a large part ignored. How many prominent Caymanian leaders do we see even taking up the challenge to serve our country? Admit it that there has not been a sizeable pool of intellectual, prominent Caymanians that represent high ethical and moral standards to choose from.

    We now have the first ever group of concerned Caymanians trying to make a difference by bringing their views and ideas to the forefront in an effort to help educate the voting public from an independent prespective versus the politicians perspective who hold office.

    It is sad that the blogs are tearing down this group and are prejudice without first hearing their message. They are NOT running for office and have opened their lives up to speculation and insults to be heard in what is supposed to be a democratic society.

    Why is it that civil servants cannot even express their opinions without fear of retribution? Why do we continue to sit by and allow this practice to happen in a democratic society?

    Why now are we throwing stones at this group? To this group I say I will be at your meeting and take my hat off to you for starting the process of political maturity that is long overdue.


  10. GT voter says:

    Than what do YOU all want? Take this chance and put your voice to them. Give to them what you could not get with PPM or UDP. Open your minds and leave the pointless chita chat and lets see if they can move when the rubber hit the road.  

  11. Anonymous says:

    Where are your candidates!? Show us your candidates and then we will know what you really stand for. No crooks this time around please.  The problems we are having now  are due to greed and corruption on the part of a relatively small group of people who hold the political power. C4C founders are unfortunately among those that bankroled Macs campaign last time around and we all know how that turned out. 

  12. Anonymous says:

    Ok, this is Cayman and we all understand how the marl road works.  So what I am about to say may be based on erroneous information:

    I have heard that this group has ties to the Tea Party in the USA.  If this is correct I think they must be stopped in their tracks before they are able to begin.  Forget the platform of the Tea Party (you may agree with them or disagree with them I couldnt care less) and instead concentrate on the devastating effects this kind of politics could have in Cayman.

    Firstly, do we want any kind of foreign inflence over our politics?  Secondly, and more importantly, do we want to see the kind of vitriolic "identity politics" the Tea Party is known for to start here in Cayman?

    To be clear: I know full well there are liberal groups in the US just as bad with the hatred as the Tea Party.  And I would speak out against them coming here as well.

    The whole idea of this group is supposed to be so that Cayman can get away from the hatred and bickering of party politics.  If they plan to bring the Tea Pary here then just the opposite will happen.

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you every listened to anyone from the Tea Party speak? I would be surprised if half of them know where Boston is, much less the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      First of all any links to Tea Party is probably a joke and second, 'having no foreign influence over our politics is another joke! We have to start with the UK of course then we can include Europeans, Indians, Australians, South AFricans, Canadians, West Indians etc so guess only influence was some American, except for Dart of course, so somebody felt like 'representing' US with bigger group. 

      But would be funny if not true….the one thing we don't have are leaders looking out for Cayman and Caymanians. 

    • Far Canal says:

      Your first paragraph sums it up.

  13. Donkey face with reading glasses says:

    Coalition First and Country somewhere down the road!

    This group would be a source of humour but for the duplicity and danger to the country.

    How do dissaffected, disconnected and desperate to regain control Bushites think they can fool the people of this country?

    Do those members of this group who are a deep in the dirty dealings of their fading mentor and middle management of UDP "business" think that hide in the open by deflecting attention on others?

    These people are not for the ordinary citizens of this country. They are a special interest party and they are for themselves only! 

  14. Welcome says:

    I would like to welcome the "New UDP" to the fight. It is obvious that former UDP members are now behind thie group and they are looking for a new Government to do their bidding. As one of their executive said to me recently "We cannot control Mackeeva, only the UK can do that now". 

    This group launched on a lie! they said they were not fielding candidates but they have approached every one fo the new PPM Candidates and promised them all sorts of "Goodies" to jump ship and join them. If the PPM Candidates are considered ideal for the C4C then we might as well just cut out the middleman and vote PPM.



  15. Anonymous says:

    Extremely vague website (and extremely vague reporting CNS, c'mon I expect better from you!).  

    And nothing publicly stated about who is behind this effort.

    It may very well be a well run organization with fantastic people.  But the shroud of mystery they've put around themselves is NOT a good start in my opinion.

    How can you claim to stand for honesty and transparency and not even say who you are or what you plan to do?

    • Anonymous says:

      My sentiments exactly.  When I saw this the other day, I couldn't help but think what a bunch of cowards.  No names.  No nothing.  Embarassing.  If someone wants to create a new party, they should do so without the "non-party* politricks.  Embarassing.  I wouldn't want anything to do with them. 

  16. Anonymous says:

    UDP, the remix. Take a look at the people behind the scenes and this is just a Mac-less UDP. The very same folks that created the Mac monster in the first place. This group will split the non-Mac vote and he will walk right back in.

  17. Anonymous says:

    We I be able to view appliances in the parking lot during the meeting?

  18. Anonymous says:

    If Miller and McLean have anything to do with this, but I’m out, and in the don’t I’m in.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Maybe it time that the public really understood who these 'independent' persons are. I'll volunteer to tell you. They are the silent UDP supporters who accepted all the prestiguous appointments to high-falouting boards that thought they could control our lawless heads of state. Now that they realize that he is beyond control they want to pacify him with a non-voting position that still attracks big bucks and at the same time will allow him to save face.  They can no longer trust him at the helm so they are degotiating to have him back away.

    If our country had what has been wasted in the past 3.6 years we would not be in this dilemma. I can't for the life of me comprehend what was so bad about improving our country's infastructure that had been neglected for too many years and because a recession fell upon us we can't seem to find any gratitude for the honest adminstration that this country had prior to our current state of confusion. There can never be any doubt where every penny went that was spent during the former administration.

    After tomorrow night, sit down and ask yourself which one of the new UDP/Independents who are ashamed to be known as UDP publicly till after next May then the true colours will shine through. May I suggest that they stick to Accounting, Law, Fast Food and Talk Show yapping and allow our country to regain some sense of decency and respect. I can find the bee in each of they bonnets individually.

    I am glad we are not all blinded by these wolves in sheep's clothing

  20. anonymous says:

    Looks like McKeeva will be a one term premier while poor ole Alden will never become one, boy May of 2013 is going to cause some heartaches!!

  21. Ohmy says:

    What a crock……..don’t be fooled by this bunch….this is a vote splitting tactic…..if you want UDP VOTE UDP……..if not VOTE PPM…….these guys can’t even be honest about their intentions let alone a transparent administration……

  22. Anonymous says:

    Probably not a single Caymanian Status person among them so it still perpetuates the belief that a few "born Caymanians" can provide the brainpower and global perspective that is needed in today's world when we know it just isn't so. I'm waiting to see how many failed born Caymanian lawyers and civil servants show up for nomination at the next election as they did at the last. They're still "failed" but desperation for change and the fact they have to be born Caymanians to have a plausible chance of getting elected might mean we will end up with some of them and so be no betteroff than we have been in the past.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Everyone who realises that the country can not stand 4 more years of the UDP under McKeeva Bush had better unite.  That includes all true independents and PPM members and supporrters.

  24. Anonymous says:

    If its an alternative to ANY of the representatives we have now then I say let’s give them a chance- irrespective of who they may have supported before. UDP has failed! PPM has failed! Neither UDP nor PPM deserve the opportunity to run the country again!!!! The UDP has a leader who fails to listen to his supporters and the PPM has a leader who fails to speak for his supporters!!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      What were the PPM's failures? 

      • Anonymous says:

        1)Illogical and unwarrented government expansion, 2)Letting Angeelia Martins run wild with schools that have no real purpose except as a momument to her 3) Chuckie, the absolute worst Minister of Tourism in Cayman history. But…to be fair the PPM were honest, just incompetent. The present goup is the showcase of corruption. Lets try something different!

        • Anonymous says:

          While it is far too expensive it's not correct to say the school has no purpose. In fact it is multi-purpose facility and no reasonable person doubts that a new high school was needed.

          What made Chuckie the worst Tourism Minister in Cayman history?

          The UDP govt. is also incompetent.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I hope these aren't the same people that were behind the referendum..If it is that bunch of losers, I am leaving the minute they get on stage.

    I don't want to see any more divisionists. I want to see new people with fresh ideas not the same old protestors putting on a new face  but delivering the same old message.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is them…they were on with Austin and Gilbert this moring…that speaks volumes if that is their launching pad. I wish them luck if they think that is the best way to start.. Thatdidn't work before and division will prevail.


      Thank Gog I found out this morning because I had palnned on going. No I can stay home and watch a little TV and get some rest.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm..I heard they are ex-PPM'ers ..Chuckie and such…looking to become independents..

    As wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf…be careful!!!

  27. Anonymous says:


  28. Anonymous says:

    Let's hope the voting public realises that the puppet masters behind this cute social media friendly power grab are the same guys who've been making millions hand over fist year after year for as long as I can remember with their businesses stocked with Jamaicans and Philippinos. A good start to putting Cayman first would be Caymanians paying Caymanians a wage that allows a decent standard of living. 

  29. Anonymous says:

    Another upset ppm blogger that can’t understand why people would rather try independents and a new vision over the tired and failed ppm leadership.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Not everybody who is anti-UDP is interested in being pro-ppm.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Not just ex-udp supporters but also ex-ppm supporters. I guess they all saw the light at the end of the tunnel

  32. Anonymous says:

    This is a very weak launch of a new party. No candidates, no policies. Just trying to seize a perceived advantage in an anti-party sentiment at the next election. Sounds very very opportunistic and calculating.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Premier should look at the opportunists at his side, especially from other districts. They're out here telling WB voters to watch out for him, he's this & that while they contineu to reap benefits of being connected to him, taking their pics and showing their alliance to him. They want to use him for now and then have WB vote him out so we'll look like the deceitful ones.


      And, don't even mention any of WB fan club who gained some much from his alliance over the years. Now that they have their secure businesses, kids in rivate schools and the country looking for change they want to throw Mr Permier under the bus and claim to be 'standing' up for what's right. Please!!!!!!!! We've been taking the crap for years from UDP and PPM and now the young greedy supporters want to continue the ride????

      We need to vote them all out……if they were associated with either team don't waste your vote they're already part of the system that hs failed us and we want/expect change by electing them? Try something else for 4 years and if that fails we know they'll be waiting for power in 4 years too

  33. Anonymous says:

    QUESTIONS for C4C:

    Are you really denying that you have told these potential "independent" candidates that you will provide the money for their election campaigns?

    Will each of them have their own manifesto or are they really a party?

  34. Jonas Dwyer says:

    Movers and shakers who cannot get their way as they used to when they werer up to the hilt buried with one party or party member.  Long Lost families of yesteryear who wish to achieve power again in a surreptitious manner, Children of these families that never contribute a dime to the economy , but whose family business that they are running is not making any headway, because either they are not educated enough to compte in todays worlld but that merchant class dream and feel still runs through their veins..  Those Glory days are over friends welcome to the new world.

    The independent theory that this Group advocates is flawed as has been and will continue to be  in the past, back room deals as to who gets what, everybody going their own way to get their own benefit or to benefit their handlers.  That is how it has worked and that's howthis new upstart breed want it to operate again.


    People of the CAyman Islands say no to these Merchant class peple and their children, say no to BIg Business who curry favors through Independents.  Lets not go back to the days of patronage which if as they say is bad with the parties, trust me will be even more so with this attempt to subvert a now entrenched system.

    Sorry fe maga dog moga dog turn round bite ya.



    • Anonymous says:

      JD you hit the nail on the head the glory days is over for all Caymanians, we had better get used to the new reality, go with the flow or move on.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Merchant class”…really? Are you referring to the very hard working local business men and women that built this Country while they also built their businesses? What “class” would you then put yourself in with your Marxist rants? “Professional Politician with nothing to lose class” perhaps? We have all seen the results of electing leaders with nothing to lose. Pushing “inward investment” so they can sell duty waivers and collect “real estate” fees while the established local business pay and pay their taxes without any relief from Govt. Perhaps you can tell us what you and your fellow blow hards have done to improve this Country?

    • Anonymous says:

       If it  looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck  .. guess wah, it's a duck.

      Simply put, they a party but too fraid to say so — now , is that who you want to represent you Cayman?  Bunch of hypocrites I say.

      They can't even admit to being the C4C Party – it's kind of catchy too, but I much prefer the Rich Boys Party – since we know they either  financially loaded themselves or are being backed by those who are loaded.

      We already have enought temper tantrums being thrown in the house as it is – why won't a decent Cayman woman run in this election – she would immiediately have my vote cause it takes a confident and courageous woman to compete in this man ruled country.

      Women like Cora Grant  and Tara Rivers, and Geana Ebanks should team up (The Dream Team) and run in the West Bay – wha a land slide that would be. They won't be led by anyone, they too independent, literally. Can someone please convince them to run.

      Any who, I still voting for the best people to run this  country, party or not, and that's how it should be.



  35. Eyes Wide Open says:

    I looked at the website, heard the ads and saw the cute full page wordle in the Compass. What can I say? The Texas Tea Party has finally arrived in Cayman! I will be in the A.L. Thompson parking lot hungry for hope and thirsty for change. Eagerly awaiting the manna (or burger king and popeye's chicken) that will surely be doled out from the heavenly platform. The neoconservative saviours of Cayman will finally emerge. Come on now folks – let's see how the C4C/Tea Party does with the truth and transparency at their first public event.

  36. Kadafe says:

    Now something like this I could go along with.
    Then hopefully there would be some objections to some of the crap
    That gets proposed and passed by the goons in those sittings.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like another political party — whose true colors will come out  after the election — we don't need more lobbyists — what we need is new blood –out with the PPM/UDP/C4C– I can make up my own mind — thank you very much 

  38. Do not be fooled says:

    Do not be fooled, this group is made up of ex-UDP supporting rich Caymanians who are looking for a new horse to ride because they do not like the way Mac has shifted his focus over to DART…they claim to not be a party but in reality they have a common agenda which is to keep themselves rolling in cash that is made off the back of cheap labour.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry but Caymanians have long been fooled, they were fooled into accepting organized party politics, selling off their lands to finance new cars or trips to Disney World.  Selling their George Town Properties when they were able to walk to work the hospital and any government department and place of business if they wanted to.  Giving up good hospitality jobs to work in the financial industry for less money.  Importation of cheap labour and poverty into a country that was admired for its middle class and excellent standard of living.  Caymanians were fooled to believe more was better, an increased population without taxes was the way to go,  construction of the Ritz Carlton would be the solution to Cayman's problems then it was Camana Bay now it's a new independent group of politicial hopefuls.  This again is wishful thinking, Cayman's glory days are over, we might as well roll over and play dead or go with the flow because this is the mess that greed has left us with.

      • The Guardian says:

        Will said sir. But it still our land. it has never left my feet. If we dont come out now after knowing what has took place since 2001 and stand the fight then it will be lost again for another 4 years.

        With what you have pointed out kept going and going one for the longest time. Make that changes come now. So be that change my brother that you all wat to see. Caymanians never had It so good. Now it time for them to capture their prosperity and win that battle.   

    • Anonymous says:

      At least they are Caymanians benefitting then?

  39. Democracy Now says:

    This is wonderful news, as it my firm belief the thing we call politics, and that which determines much of the quality of our lives as well as our surroundings is far too important to be left in the hands of people who have chosen it as a career. When you choose something as a career, your priorities change. Often they become slanted towards personal benefit as we witness a few MLA's who have chosen to collect a pension as well as a salary. While many are looking for work. That should say something and, in the case of political parties, job security also becomes a priority.. this means following party lines no matter how ridiculous or unfounded. It is so easy to hide within a party even as the leader blunders along. Both the UDP and PPM have had ample opportunity to attract intelligent and caring individuals, and perhaps set a new course. But the choices always seem to remain the same. Reminding one of the "two shirt " method. Wear one shirt until it becomes too unbearable. Then change shirts. By the time that one is unflagrant the previous doesn't smell too bad! Voters can understand this, as often that is all the choice they are given. Independent members running for office, and vetted by the people they will represent, is a much better option for true representation. It's about time. I hope people will give this group their full support.

    • Anonymous says:

      Folks – do a little research. People don't always enter politics for money or material benefit. Some politicians chase the rush of power, the seductiveness of being able to manipulate masses they believe to be ignorant. Some people enter politics to satisfy a superiority complex. Getting elected is their game of deceipt. Being a leader of the masses is as powerful a motivating drug as those whose drug of choice is the money. Be weary of wolve's in sheeps clothing – some want power for power's sake. Some need the ego stroked because they live in someone else's shadow or have personal scores to settle (flashing red lights should go off now). It is not always about money. Being power hungry and ego centric, despite other charisma and careers does not make it any more likely the RIGHT thing will get done.

    • Anonymous says:

      What if the C4C supports previous and failed politician's / hopefuls?

  40. Anonymouse says:

    What is the differnce between this group and any other group. Let's be honest!

  41. Anonymous says:

    What is the difference between both ppm and udp?

    • Anonymous says:

      There is no difference. One supports the dominant (and domineering) politician, the other does not. Cayman politics is of the right and the ultra-right, both parties are the same when it comes to philosophy. Here's hoping that by May party politics will be a thing of the past, and that our professional politicians will be out looking for real jobs, if they need them.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Time to end party politics in cayman

    • Mon E Ting says:

      As much as I really do not like party politics, it is here to stay !  Our job is to join one and help to influence change. That new political C 4 C group is just fooling people and trying to spread as much hate and hypocracy rhetoric as they can. Of course they believe the can make change, but they believe in breaking all the rules to make change! Sorry ya maga dawg! Sorry Peanut!

  43. Stiffed-Necked Fool says:

    If it Quakes, it's a Duck!

    A "group" is a Party, so what they trying to hide? It just makes one suspicious from the begining – Not a very good start C4C!

    • Anonymous says:

      "Quakes"…what's that?

      • Anonymous says:

        Quakes, quacks — C4C is still a duck. Bunch of tom foolery people… C4C is a political party and don't even know it… or, perhaps they know it but hope the public not sensible enough to recognize them for what they are.

        Talk about lacking transparency .. C4C Party not even elected yet and already they lying.   

  44. Anonymous says:

    Finally cayman needs to end control of the parties. The country deserves independent leaders who are loyal to the country and the people who voted them in. We need MLA’s who are loyal to country not the party or the leader of the party.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Cayman needs a new direction because McKeeva and Aldon and the parties they control do not have the solutions. They both barely seem to understand the issues. They had their chances it’s time for new leadership and direction in Cayman.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Anything new has to be better than udp and ppm. How has the country benefitted since the parties came into existence? Not today Bobo!

    • Anonymous says:

      New Govt Admin Building

      New Vehicle Licencing Building

      New Road to Newlands

      New Floor to BT civic centre

      New Police Boats



  47. Anonymous says:

    What shall we say then? Has a Saviour arisen to re-claim his people? I wonder why the likes of John McLean Sr., John Jefferson Jr., Dr. Linford Pierson and Truman Bodden hasn't looked into putting a slate of candidates together for the 2013 elections? Could it be that the Premier is holding something over their heads why they can talk about the horrific UDP governance?

    Tru Tru everyone knows that in 2004 CNB insurance was given $20million to alliavate its collapse but that is history. Please Tru Tru change your mind and join forces with the new generation of young statesmen that want to take our country back.

  48. Hammer says:

    I wish them well. Heaven knows we need a real change from the current dismal options.

    A couple three problems however:

    1. They are tainted by the presence of a number of former UDP supporters and stooges. This leads to the conclusion (if one is being somewhat cynical)that they are really just a grouping of unhappy businesspersons worried they have lost control of the Dear Leader from West Bay.

    2. We need to know who they are proposing to run. The fact that they are not yet prepared to list their members and proposed candidates does not reflect well on their confidence or ability to mount a successful campaign. Hopefully this will be remedied on Monday.

    3. To get elected theywill have to adopt the dirty tactics of the current parties and give out "gifts". Much of the electorate does not vote unless they are paid to do so and both parties give out gifts (be it the much talked about appliances and truckloads of fill from the one side or utilities vouchers and other forms of gift certificates handed out at Christmas time by the other side). Politics is a dirty business and they will have to play effectively if they hope to win. They cannot simply rely on the electorate to choose sensibly or wisely.

    Best of luck. Whoever you are.

  49. A. Pastafarian says:

    It's a wonderful concept but the parties have become too big.  They have so many people receiving "benefits" that they won't be changed.  Like all democracies, people will vote for whoever promises (or gives) them most, leading to excessive spending and eventual failure.

  50. Anonymous says:

    Why the cloak of secrecy, really we could do with another party, but not one that says it isn’t. The people behind this just need to come out, it’ll do more good for their cause.

    If it walks talks and squawks like a party, it is!

  51. Anonymous says:

    This group was the money behind the scenes of the UDP. Now they are upset that Mac and Co. took their money but would not follow orders. Cayman needs true independents who would put Cayman first, not this group of money men who would sell their mothers for a buck.

    • Anonymous says:

      A new group is being formed it is called, Expats united for no taxes in Cayman ours for a better Cayman for all.

  52. Anonymous says:

    just checked the website….. no policies…..

    no comment till then…..

  53. Anonymous says:

    This group has been meeting for months and they have specific agendas and defined principals.  They have also been openly recruiting candidate's even those currently with a party, in addition they have have been conducting district meeting's, so I am confused as to how they can now say they are not an alliance or party? Is this just a group of disgruntled special interest, former UDP supporters?  Cayman First has different meanings to different people, there is no "I" in Cayman but there is one in first!

  54. Anonymouse says:

    If they are not a politica party then it seems like some kind of cartel or cosa nostra organization.

  55. Lordha Vemercy says:

    Try so na bodda endorse that boy up there in Nort Side. He a little too much independent if you see wha I says.

  56. Anonymous says:

    Please stop wasting people time. All of them, are alike,  Why should I waste my time voting for any of them to give them 4 years of lining their pockets?  I will not vote for any of them.

  57. Anonymous says:


    what took you so long??


  58. Anonymous says:

    YES! This is what Cayman needs! With a population of just 26,000 Caymanians how can you justify a party system. The UDP says something's white – the PPM says it's black just because the other party said it's white! The damn thing's probably blue!!

    But this is what's happening. 70+% of MLAs time is spent bickering against the other party rather than focusing on what is best for the country.

    This country should elect individuals who all want to do what's best for the country and their constituents, then allocate roles with responsibilities for individual areas such as tourism, finance, roads etc.

    The party system only creates division here and does nothing to help the Cayman people.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was division amongst independents that lead to the parties being formed! Turtle stew versus  fish run down…keep an eye on the "endorsed" canidates!


      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, with the old "horse trading" going on after an election, you never knew who would be in Cabinet (or ExCo) until they had all finished making deals. 

  59. Anonymous says:

    Hope they would not endorse people like Truman, John and Berna who didn't do anything for this country but help themselves and their rich buddies while they were in power.  While they were in power they allowed country's properity to be shipped out without taking anything to help with the education, infrastructure and social development. Private sector and fund industry were doing so great during their administration but did not take anything out from them to develop this country. Truman infact said there were no gangs in this country, however grangs were being created inside schools which he controlled.  Country is now paying a big price for those mistakes. Wonder any big business people are behind this group… hope not. If there are any, that means they are looking for customs duty waivers from those who get into power with their endorsements.

  60. Jarrett Nicholson says:

    Sounds good!

  61. Anonymous says:

    Calling itself a sphere and not a circle lmao!!! Alden should be the country's next leader-he has the integrity, the intellect and the qualifications. With Al and Wayne working with him Cayman's future is bright. If he can work on the humility and develop a more business friendly outlook we will have honest leadership with the necessary experience ready to take Cayman forward. I'm sure he will not repeat the overspending.

    • Anonymous says:

      PPM had their turn and look at what happened. Never forget when the slide started and the arrogance and denial that was shown by the same leader who people seek to worship. Besides boxing Eliot in the LA what has he really done and is that the kind of leadership and integrity cayman needs or should expect?

    • Anonymous says:

      A man does not change his attitude and what he really is. We were wrong in thinking McKeeva could change and we will be wrong to think Alden has changed. They both have only become worse over the years right before our eyes. Cayman deserves new leaders.

    • Anonymous says:

      How can he become Premier if nobody likes him? Without Kurt running he will not get elected in George Town

  62. Hookedup says:

    What? These people are mad! What evidence is there to prove their claims of overspending, poor governance…? Who do they think they are to think we the people of the Cayman Islands want politicians that will do what’s best for “the” people, rather than “their” people. I got my hook up, All them people need to do is stop this foolishness and work with the government and they can get theirs too. I will go to their little shin-dig and I will protest this madness, I like what I got and am not gonna give it up over foolishness like this!

  63. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the breath of fresh air.

    It is time that these Islands and it's people are given the opportunity

    to work along with all and share in the prosperity like we did up untill the early 90 ties. lets work and live together for a better Cayman Islands.

  64. Anonymous says:

    Soooooo…..will each of these "independent" candidates have their own manifesto? Will they all be fundraising for themselves? I know someone who was approached by this group and they said they would "take care of any money needed" as this person does not have the money to run. How is this different from a party system? Please just admit that it isn't, you aren't fooling anyone. 

  65. Anonymous says:

    Another faceless organization!!! While I agee with the concept I will not endorse nor participate with nameless and facelless individuals. C'mon guys, get with it. Identify yourselves so that those of us who agree with the basic policy of getting rid of party politics can identify with you.