UDP gathers at Bush’s home

| 12/12/2012

bush house (225x300).jpg(CNS): Several members of the United Democratic Party were seen arriving at the premier‘s house in West Bay Tuesday evening after McKeeva Bush’s release from police custody following his arrest. However, there has still been no public comment about the party’s position on the premier remaining as leader of the UDP and leader of the government. The UDP released a very short statement yesterday (Tuesday) via the deputy premier’s ministry stating that the caucus was convened and the government understood the gravity of the situation. Since then, no further official statements have been made by any member of the party.

The 57-year-old premier, who has served as the representative for West Bay since 1984, was expected to be back in police custody Wednesday morning to face further questioning regarding his arrest in connection with a police corruption investigation.

Officers from the RCIPS Financial Crime Unit arrested him on Tuesday 11 December at his home in West Bay at around 7am. Although the police have given only broad information about the probe, a police spokesperson said Bush was arrested on suspicion of theft, in connection with financial irregularities relating to the alleged misuse of a government credit card, and various offences under the Anti-Corruption Law.

These include suspicion of a breach of trust, abuse of office and conflict of interest, contrary to sections S13, S17 and S19 of the law. The police said that this related to the importation of explosive substances without valid permits on or before February this year.

Bush has been under police investigation since 2010 in connection with the now infamous Stan Thomas letter, which the premier sent to the developer in 2004 from the ministry of tourism, where he was minister at the time, asking for $350,000 in relation to re-zoning of land owned by Thomas along the West Bay Road. However, Bush has persistently denied any wrongdoing in connection with the issue and described it as a real estate bill.

The police confirmed that an enquiry into that correspondence was underway in June last year. Then in April of this year the governor revealed that the premier was the subject of a second investigation. Shortly afterwards, the RCIPS commissioner confirmed that the police were following two further enquiries in addition to the Stan Thomas probe. It was confirmed that one related to “financial irregularities” and the second related to the importation of dynamite by Midland Acres without the necessary permits.

On Tuesday evening the police confirmed that a second man had been arrested in connection with the Bush probe and CNS learned that the man was Suresh Prasad, the managing director of Midland Acres. Earlier this year, Prasad pleaded guilty to four counts relating to the dynamite importation, admitting that the regulatory oversights were down to the need to rush the explosives consignment in order to meet a contract with the Dart Group to supply fill for the developer’s latest projects under the ForCayman Investment Alliance.

At the time that the explosives were seizedby the authorities, the premier wrote to the NRA and collector of customs asking for them to release the dynamite. Bush also publicly stated on TV that the email requesting the release was an effort to assist his friend.

Prasad and Bush are understood to have had a friendship spanning many years and the local businessman was also involved in the financing arrangements for the re-development of the Cayman Turtle Farm, among other projects.

Category: Politics

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  1. Anonymous says:

    He will be exonerated, in any event, the police has so little evidence they can't even charge him.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The UK trying to force his hand but he is not stepping down for anyone. He has done no wrong.

    From day one the opposers were jealous of him and were calling for him to step down from the time he was appointed.

    Dr. Bush, do not step down. We have your back, to h*** with the nay sayers who don't mean you any good.


  3. Anonymous says:

    The UDP are there because they have no guts and will not stand up to Bush's One Man Rule. Why was Mary Lawrence outside the house tho'? She is in one of the photographs taken yesterday. She is supposed to be impartial as Speaker of the House and absolutely should not have been there supporting Mac when he has just been arrested under the corruption law. 

  4. Anonymous says:

    I'd imagine them gathering at his table except it looks nothing like Jesus and his disciples.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Prayer meeting?

  6. Knot S Smart says:

    Looks like he bought some new christmas lights.

    Quick someone – do an FOI to find out how much these cost us…

  7. Anonymous says:

    In the interest of the Cayman Islands, Mr. Bush and his cabinet must agree that the best thing for him to do is to step aside as premier while the investigation continues. Mr. Bush has in the past, preached  a lot about how much he does in the interest of Cayman. Well, this is the perfect time for him to practice what he preaches. STEP DOWN for the good of Cayman. However, like the true arrogant, egotistical leader he has shown himself to be, I don`t think he do so. His bunch of mindless followers,he calls his cabinet, can`t force him to step down either. For them to do so would indicate they can think independantly of their leader. Unfortunately, the past has shown they are incapable of doing so. It will be left to the Governer, at the outcry of all level headed Caymanians to force Mr. Bush to step down. Regardless of whether the members of the LA has confidence in the Premier or not, the real issue is whether the citizens of Cayman has confidence in their leader. If they don`t then the  Governor should make him step down. It is left to the citizens of Cayman to force the issue if they want something done. Don`t leave it up to the politicians. They are mindless, spineless and incompetent of making sound judgements.

    • Anonymous says:

      If he stepped down who would you suggest take his place? Cant think who would fit that position.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The real challenge here, and to the detriment of the islands, is that this group has been so infected by bush doctrine that not a one knows the right thing to do. Simple ethics is the only way out of this box and yet those simple ethics are beyond the reach of these individuals.

  9. Judgement Day says:

    Mark and Jon Jon what are you going to do ? The BT Voters need to know if you two will finally be men and stop being YES men and stand up for us. Do what is right and ask your leader to step aside. You both are bringing us nothing but GARBAGE, first the Dump and now the world is looking on and wondering what kind of Banana Republic we have here. Show some leadership or you two will be asked to step down.


  10. Anonymous says:

    All I can say is that I hope they have backing for the claims they are making and not something that neither here nor there like Tempura.  If not, believe me, Keke will be sitting happy at the end of all this.  While Mac maybe in danger of being charged, a trial will still be a long way off, much less a conviction.  And even if convicted, he will never do time.

    But if he is not and is proved not guilty, dog eat they supper.

    • Anonymous says:

      Two years into an investigation, then they arrest the Premier, two days of questioning, then release him until February so they can continue their investigation.  Are we not missing something here…whether he is guilty or not, the damage has been done to his integrity and to the Islands…why did they arrest him if they have to continue with their investigation.  He is released on Bail, now we have two long months to see what happens and to see what damage this has been brought to our Island..I am sorry I don't think the RCIPS conducted this in the correct way.  If he was going to be arrested, the RCIPS should have by NOW had all their facts together, eggs in their basket, etc and should have been able to charge him, not arrest him, make a mockery of the Island then release him on bail……sorry I don't agree, they had enough time to gather all their evidence

  11. Anonymous says:

    The ongoing gravity of this equation is that the UDP still need more time to mull over the correct action they should have proactively taken almost a year ago, which would have spared the people of the Cayman Islands this international media fiasco.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone notice if the big shredder truck was there also.

  13. Anon says:

    Jeeze, it's not hard – KEKE NEEDS TO STAND DOWN. Simple really. Now get on with it.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The UDP left out the word "finally". The statement should have said "The UDP [finally] appreciates the gravity of the situation".

  15. Anonymous says:

    The article title seems to have been cut off "…home to take notes on what they need to do next". Keke, what do we do now? We met all day today but we can't come up with anything. Please help us. They are asking to remove you from cabinet. How do we do that or should we divert by bashing the PPM and the UK instead? XXXX