Mac takes 3 across LA floor

| 18/12/2012

(CNS): Update 7:50pm — Opposition Leader Alden McLaughlin's no confidence in government motion has passed in the Legislative Assembly with 11 ayes and 3 noes. Premier McKeeva Bush abstained after making no contribution to the debate. When the LA opened Tuesday afternoon Bush, Mike Adam, Captain Eugene Ebanks and Ellio Solomon immediately crossed the floor of the House, indicating a clear split with the rest of the United Democratic Party members. As McLaughlin pointed to the gravity of the situation in his debate, the problem now facing the UDP was apparent. (Photo below by Dennie Warren Jr)

mac crosses floor.jpg

The leader of the opposition said Bush could not stay in office while on bail and said that was the essence of motion. He had hoped that the UDP would have dealt with Bush themselves, he said. 

However, the crossing of the floor by the premier accompanied by three members signaled the death knell for the UDP government and confirmed the party split. It also illustrated why the caucus was unable to deal internally with the fallout from the premier’s arrest on suspicion of theft and offences under the anti-corruption law.

Indicating his intention to fight the forces against him and in a strategy that may see Bush come out fighting with a reformed UDP, his former government colleagues are now dependent on the opposition to stay in office.

Mark Scotland was the only person on the remaining government front bench to speak in the debate and he indicated that the decision by himself, Deputy Premier Juliana O’Connor Connolly, Rolston Anglin, Dwayne Seymour and Cline Glidden to vote in favour of the motion was based on an agreement that all of the caucus had arrived at following Bush’s arrest, which was to ask him to resign.

Well aware of what the decision meant for him and his colleagues’ political careers, Scotland said the situation the House found itself in and the break up of the UDP could have been avoided.

In what was evidently a difficult day for the premier and the UDP members, the cracks in loyalty for the political veteran turned into a distinct split.

While Solomon, speaking to CNS after the debate, said that the premier and the three members who had split from the government retained the support of the party, inside sources said that the wider UDP had supported the need for the premier to resign.

It is now unclear which of the two distinct camps will remain with the UDP and which will form a new political group.

With many questions remaining unanswered, the governor is expected to meet with Bush on Tuesday evening to consult with him over his inability to command a majority.  Duncan Taylor is expected to make a decision about revoking the premier’s position tomorrow and to either call early elections or facilitate the remainder of government to reform and limp on until May.

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  1. Roseapple says:

    Could someone tell me what Capt Eugenedoes, besides collect a paycheck? There's a deadhead fa ya!

  2. Anonymous says:

    An obvious split of the UDP intelligensia and intellectual elite vs the old school type of grass roots Caymanian politicians have now come to a head.

    Perhaps we are entering a new era in Caymanian politics after all where critical thinking and logic overrides passion with more objectivity.

  3. Old Sea Captain says:

    They should have done the country a favor and walked out the front door of the LA and at least save us the balance of their salaries that they will be paid until May 2013.. Anyway where they are sitting now Ezzard can keep an eye on them, at least when the house is in session.

    Little did we know that when Mac created National Heroes Day that we would have use for it, it should be moved fromJanuary to December 18th and the five that saved us should be eternally honoured as National Heroes.

    Now can we move on with early elections.

  4. Anonymous says:

    So where does this leave Leonard Dilbert, McKeeva's chief of staff who decided to go public with his political support for Bush? That must mean that he disapproves of the action taken by the soon to be new Premier, JOCC. Will he be put out to pasture? And what about fall guy Richard Parchment? Surely JOOC won't need him to correspond with Mike Ryan and Stan Thomas.  

    • Roseapple says:

      Len Len can start a poetry corner. Hopefully Mac has a few dollars left for Richard so he can buy a new pair of Levis and put those faded carpenter pants in a recycle bin. 

  5. james brown says:

    don't you find it interesting how mac would take it this far and not defend himself in the assembly? he is not known for not defending himself.  maybe he is innocent and is weeding out the true enemies (the coat tail riders) from the udp and plaans to get young people of substance to run with him next election. it could also be that he will ride with this situation knowing that he is innocent to use it as an upcoming election explosion.

    his deep silence is bothering…just saying

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would any young person of substance (and sense) want to run with McKeeva Bush after this? He will attract only those who are on the make. 

      May be his silence means that the reality that he is not invincible is finally beginning to dawn on him.

      Your mindset is what is wrong with you and people like McKeeva. It is not an expression of personal hatred for you to vote for him to be removed if that was in the best interests of the country.    

  6. Anonymous says:

    HE’S DOING IT AGAIN! Mac is doing that infernal shuffling through the papers again. It makes me nutty!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Like most prototypes, Mac has crashed and burned!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Why are they even talking about juju as interim premier, she has obviously abused the government credit card with her lavish vacations which is theft, she has also used public funds to pave private driways and carparks for free. Why has she not been arrested also?

  9. Anonymous says:

    What happens to Mac exec  staff, the so-called spin doctors , the one that sent the Stan Thomas letter and his press agent.? do we still have to pay them or do they go too! Including is on staff Lawyer Mcfield?

  10. Anonymous says:

    What a picture!

    The goof troop…

  11. Anonymous says:

    I think its pretty straightforward, isn't it? Bush effectively resigned from the UDP by crossing the floor of the house (that's what crossing the floor means). As he is no longer in the ruling party, he is no longer it's leader, so he has effectively resigned as Premier (the Premier being simply the leader of the group that has sufficient votes in the house to form a Government). The Governor will now ask, in turn, the (now) former premier, then the new leader of  the ruling party whether they can form a Government . If they can't, then he can invite anyone else that is a current member of the local assembly that can command a majority in the house to form a Government – if someone can, then everything continues until legally required elections are held at the normal time next year. If no-one can do that, then an election will be called immediately, the campaign clock starts ticking and an early election will take place. The Governor could in theory ask pretty much anyone to head the interim administration, but the convention is that they appoint the current leader of the ruling party and that they simply attend to the day-to-day running of the Government and do not attempt to bring forward new legislation etc in the house (so the lack of a majority in the house is not an issue) or enter into any new agreements that bind the country in any way.

    Just my 2 cents worth

  12. Anonymous says:

    Wouldn't it be interesting if the new UDP government decided that West Bay was the best place for the relocation of the dump?

  13. Anonymous says:

    I’m suspicious as to the lack of comment or debate by the UDP mlas : do they not think they need to explain themselves to the general public for this ongoing MESS?

    NONE of you had anything to say??

    I guess without McKeeva giving them a statement or a thought, they’ve been left to their own devices … And couldn’t come up with anything on their own

    Seriously pathetic!

    And this is how JuJu will be new Premier and leader of the country? Christ alive.

    Maybe she going wash the Governors feet again – in the hope he will throw her a bone, comment or an idea

    And what happens to the investigation into her illegal paving in the meantime??

  14. Anonymous says:

    Well kudos to Mark and John John. They had more b*lls than Roy and gilbert did during their time. Yu let him run too long though, but thanks for finally standing up.

    • Anonymous says:

      Shutting the stable door after the horse has already bolted.  Too late to save their skins if you ask me.  I don't think they were doing the right thing, I think they were just doing what they had to do because they no longer had a choice in the situation if they wanted to retain any credibility at all… which for me, they don't.

      And I really hope Juliana isn't made up as Premier after her paving scandal, or Rolston after his DUI scandal(s).  We need conscientious politicians with tact, diplomacy and an understanding of finances and the use of the public purse – not these power crazed pompous fools we have in politics right now.

  15. Anonymous says:

    The real question here is whether (assuming no charges are laid and Bush is free to run in the elections) Bush can be displaced in West Bay.

    I honestly think not. This essentially means that the PPM are going to pick up the majority along with indpendendent Miller and Juliana, with the two formerly senior UDPs- CG and Rolston lost in the wilderness.


  16. Anonymous says:

    A lot of material for 'Rundown'.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Mike has fooled a lot of people, including me, but hopefully his fooling days are over. I do not see anyone in the UDP 'only sorry you were caught' camp who should take over as premier. We do not want the whole island paved or our precious children ending up in AA.

  18. Anonymous says:

    great photo….

    foolio…smugness personified, but keeping an eye on his beloved blackberry

    whogene…. no pen,no tongue, no brain?

    mike….. double checking his finances…..

    mckeeva…. as usual scribbling down notes….busy looking busy….

  19. Anonymous says:

    shambolic end to a shambolic administration……..

  20. Anonymous says:

    Mac should have taken 3 across his face, back and a$$.

    Bleeping Nuisance!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone think that Rollie should be Deputy Premier? Did he not plead guilty to DUI or similar charges earlier this year?

    Does anyone know if there is an active investigation relating to the use of government equipment to pave private driveways in Cayman Brac? If there is an active investigation into this then should JuJu be trying to take on the position of Premier?

    I think that both Rollie and JuJu are good people but wonder if it was correct for the UDP party to put them forward as the proposed leadership under the circumstances.

    Please upadate me on these items if you have any information.

  22. Anonymous says:

    The reign of terror of Bush and his party of blind followers has ended and the countrys darkest period of our political history is over. The events of today show all Caymanians that Bush and the three blind mice do not care for their UDP party or their country, which clearly sends a message from the four that they do not care about their people or representing their people’s wishes who elected them into office. A great day for us all because it is now all over for these four traitors who care not about what we want or wish for them to represent us, but instead wish to be all little Hilter dictators against their people. Goodbye Mr. Bush and good riddens to you and your party. Welcome to new beginnings of honesty and transparency and a whole new era for the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      You should write fiction for a living.

    • Anonymous says:

      When Rollie and CG decided to betray and oust the premier they had no idea that he would not provide the support they needed to maintain the majority in the house.

      This thing is now bigger than them, most likely the Governor will have no other choice but to dissolve the legislative and call early elections, and the traitors had no idea that this is what would happen.

      They thought that they would simply have JuJu as premier and Rollie as Deputy and business as usual, but the premier pulled the rug from under them by walking away.

      By crossing the aisle Mac showed the traitors that he wanted nothing to do with them, and cemented the split in the party.

      The question is, with all the upheaval that has been caused today by ousting the Premier, is it worth it Rollie, Mark, Johnjohn, and CG? I say not.

      Shame on you all for making your greed create such a crisis in this country, The premier could have stayed in office until March and created less havoc than what you guys accomplished today.

      The UK thank you for doing thier dirty work and removing your premier. You imploded like the UK knew you would. Divide and conquer , the oldest British strategy there  is and you fell for it!

      • Anonymous says:

        what about the time Mckeeva turned against Kurt Tibbetts? wasn't your beloved Mac a traitor also, i guess what goes around comes around. 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      Think again… That reign may not be over YET. Remember 3 walked across the floor with Mac and 3 is too many for MY confort. Further more we still have Julianna, Rolston, Johnny boy and CG who may still be attached to the PUPPET STRINGS as they were for so long and Papa Mac would still likely be the Puppet Master.

      • Anonymous says:

        Good points but a bit paranoid, mac is clever but XXXX, he is advised by others and not as smart as he thinks he is. He has presided over the worst government in the history of these islands and is being investigated for many crimes. He will always be strong in west bay but that is because we all know that they are bought and paid for in the majority. Weak men like foolio and mike are no support for his dead party and captain eugene is a waste of money and space unless the udp hold more seats. And that will never happen again.


        What needs to happen is an all bulletins broadcast to the world that we will not stand for corrupt governments in the Cayman Islands. The damage this joke of a former premier has displayed is still hurting, people are still holding off or canceling all kinds of business opportunities here and those that are here are busy speeding up any private deals they had with mac as they know they will also be investigated. XXXX

  23. GT Voter || says:

    The UDP has simply imploded!! From its birth in 2001 the idea was to create a “Party” to “Unite” its people, for a better way forward. Instead it wrapped (from the beginning) it failed miserably due to it inconsistency for the good of the country.

    Their rendezvous and lack of discipline from its leader had to come to its end. It has weakened the young bloods that have come forth to its helm in 2009 to capture the great “Better Way Forward” and they too had consumed the greediness and dishonesty. It was like if, all had their own agenda.

    But look amongst those that have slipped out and now seeking to be part of something else. Those that too were the cause of this thing call UDP from its very institution in 2001/2009.

    They all flocked around a man that everyone like to say, “Only Mac can get it done right”. But “Getting it done right” never met “Right”, but for a few greedy rass.

    So, it caucus today has asked its master to step down is like telling a untrained grown dog to roll over or flitch the ball. Perhaps the UDP MLA’s and Ministers should have been wiser to have thought it as a puppy.

    It reminds me of what Aeschylus once said, “In every tyrant's heart there springs in the end this poison, that he cannot trust a friend”.

    So come May 2013; let's turn a new chapter for our people. 

    One Love again!

  24. Hic C Cup says:

    Rollie says they took a sobering decision. Import duty revenue just took a hit.

  25. Anonymous says:

    So Mac takes three across the floor.


    I wish I could take them all across my lap.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mac takes three across the floor, had them vote 'NO' and he abstained! Obviously he did not see it fit to vote against the motion and defend his position. He can now say I did not for or against. Mac again plays the three blind mice!!!

  26. Anonymous says:

    "Premier McKeeva Bush abstained after making no contribution to the debate."


    Wow!!! I don't believe it!!! McKeeva has at least one small eternally honourable bone in his body.


    Good for him.

    • Dred says:

      I am just amazed they managed to shut him up for 2 seconds.

    • The Rt. Hon. Anon. says:

      He never had a prayer so why bother deabting it in the House?  He would prefer to remain quiet and try to downplay the fact that his frys turned against him. Arguing more only makes them look stronger and him look weaker when they win the argument. So no, no real honur, just Grannies wits. And if the UDP 5 think there is honour in what they have done, I'm afraid it's far too little, far too late as far as I'm concerned. 

  27. Anonymous says:

    The current puppet Speaker of the house needs to go too!

    • Anonymous says:

      She was so rude today to Alden that she definitely needs to go along with what seems to be her master, she is NOT impartial, no way

  28. Anonymous says:

    This is one of those times when the Governor has to make a really difficult decision. With only 5 UDP members left to form a government, he will be walking from one end of 7-mile beach to the next until daylight pondering his choices.


    Do I dissolve the LA?

    Do I appoint John John Minister of Gender Affairs?

    Do I dissolve the LA?

    Do I appoint John John Minister of Gender Affairs?


    I don't envy him one bit.

  29. Anonymous says:

    I cannot believe that two brothers can be so different!!!! Th e Adams!!!! One ‘s back so like jellyfish like and the other one full of knowledge and standing for his country!!!

  30. Anonymous says:

    Hey Mac…United Jordanian Party (UJP)? Wha da ya seh?

  31. Anonymous says:

    I saw the Chuckster at the LA today and I couldn’t help but think that our country could have avoided all of this embarrassment if more of us had listened to him in 2009.

    But it is a good day for Cayman. The end of a horrible era…….the Cayman Bush era !!!

    • Anonymous says:



      It not finish until it finish, this is the first chapter. The best is yet to come. Mac shall return!

      • Anonymous says:

        …to police custody. Yes, the best is yet to come for this country.  

    • All seeing eye says:

      Come on chuckie, stop blogging in the third person….you keep making these silly blogs about yourself. An important thing happened today for the better of our country. Tired of these third person blogs from you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don't fool yourself into thinking that Chuckie doesn't have many supporters. Just check the thumbs up.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Elio has learnt well, playing the “English will take over” game. Elio baby, don’t you understand? We want anybody but you!

  33. Anonymous says:

    This is all BS… so Mac walks away with his close allies… bye then, dont let the door hit your arse on the way out…

    I all honesty does anyone think anything will change, JuJu in as PM – really ? – good for the air miles I guess, lets not forget any pending investigation

    Anglin as Dep – with an outstanding case on his head………..

    Gliden to take on Macs portfolio, that should keep him busy for 2 days a week tops ..


    Cayman needs to find new blood and soon…if the UDP stay in power after the next election with or without their mouthpicece/iron fist then Caymanians  only have themselves to blame


    Oh and  for the love of God, please dont think this is some UK led conspiracy plot. You really think the UK doesn't have bigger issues to deal with ? Why would they want to destabilise  Cayman? …Anyone…anyone…Bueller? Bueller ?



    • Anonymous says:

      I can provide you with some history books that might help answer your questions.

      • Anonymous says:

        Looking back while trying to walk forward means you will just keep falling flat on your face.

    • Dred says:

      How on God's green earth do you see UDP holding office in the next election?

      Let's look at the picture shall we…

      West Bay – Mac will probably keep his seat and that's possibly about it. I really think Eugene will loose his to either a PPM or this new party if Rolston and Cline should form some party.

      George Town – Honestly Mike stands a chance to get back in but let's also be real he himself has lost alot of support behind him. Foolio no chance in hell. All he has done since joining UDP is show what a complete IDIOT he is. PPM will take back at least one of the GT seats from UDP.

      Bodden Town – UDP currently has no representative now. Possibly Mark & John John joins up with Rolston and Cline in new party but honestly they themselves under no matter what grounds they should choose will win a seat. BT is a very fickle district and I feel strong PPM will either take back BT or at least one of the two seats from the now former UDP team.

      So if UDP comes out of this with 3 seats in next election they should be dancing in the streets. Thenew team could possible have as much as 4 seats so they could be stronger than UDP. BUT that's if PPM does not make some inroads in West Bay and/or sweep BT.

      Signs point to a PPM government taking office with Independents (NS & EE) possibly getting some ministerial role(s). I see PPM as confident enough in those two guys that they would possibly offer something their way. I believe PPM will garter 6 or 7 seats and form an alliance with Independents to form the new government.

      I don't see C4C doing anything at all. They may get close on a few ballots but that's about it.

  34. Precision says:

    Dear Gov,

    Would you pleeeeeease save our Country from further humiliation and embarrassment and call an early election.

    Thank You.

    BT Voter

    • Anonymous says:

      "Dear Gov,

      Would you pleeeeeease save our Country from further humiliation and embarrassment and call an early election.

      Thank You.

      BT Voter"

      Seconded by

      WB Voter.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Both Rollie and CG should be ashamed of themselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why? For actually acting in the interests of their country rather than McKeeva Bush? You ought ot ashamed of yourself that you would put some politician above your country. 

  36. Anonymous says:

    Wasn't it just last week that Miss Mary gave a ruling that members had to be in their proper seats to vote? Shouldn't Eugene, Ellio, and Mike's votes be couted as spoiled ballots under her ruling?


    I sure hope today was her last day in that chair.

  37. Knot S Smart says:

    This was the most enjoyable show on the CIG TV so far…

    I was pleasantly surprised that Mac was finally able to keep his clapper shut (maybe he thought the Po Po might be waiting outside with the silver bangles again).

    And I swear somebody must have put invisible duct tape over Ellio's mouth…

    The best part of all was the ending and the counting of the votes…

  38. Anonymous says:

    A government of coreless extension cords plugged into an aroganr ignorant DICTATOR. Shame on you all especially Mike Adam. Great SURPRISE.

    • Roseapple says:

      Leave Mike outta dis. He just nice and don't want to be a traitor. Mac got him a job. Mike is a good boy. From the heart. Lil more experience, he make an ideal Premier. Viva Mike! 

  39. Anon says:

    Thank God and good riddance.

    Maybe we can now, finally, get back to the business of running this country fairly and honestly.

    Still a few more leaches need to go, but this is a major step in the right direction.

  40. Non-Party Member says:

    Surely Alden somewhat squandered the opportunity to bolster his standing as a statesman this evening. About fifteen minutes in he was doing pretty good, talking about the need for the premier to adopt a selfless approach to his situation, and put the country ahead of his own best interests. Then, in my estimation, it all started to unravel. A wasted opportunity to allow the facts to speak for themselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      What drivel. He said exactly what needed to be said. Nothing more, nothing less.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Too little too late UDP…you are all political gonners for letting it get to this…you have only shown you have no support for someone who gets caught!

  42. anonymous says:

    It looks like Alden will have to develop a little more give and take than he would like. If these guys and gal can really work together we may get a good government. If they can't and don't they will have big Mac snapping at their heals with a new party by the next election. They only get one chance to screw this up. Don't underestimate the big man, his has built a political party before and he can do it again. He has a point to prove and he is very good at this game. I suspect he is have more fun right now he has had for a long time. I can just imagine the meetings that he has lined up. Point to make: Get this done right or pay the price.

    • Anonymous says:

      McKeeva IS the UDP. What I want is a new accountable grouping – more than a coalition but better than the past parties. Suggested founders are from the Progressives (Joey, Kenneth,  Ray and Al) to leave the PPM,  Cline and Mark to leave the UDP and Tara, Johann, Roy and Winston to leave the C4C. Give us real solutions, stick to BELIEVABLE principles and stop wearing the hypocritcal cloak of religion. No puppets for corporate Cayman, no zombies for Jim Jones leaders and no sitting on the fence. Go hard, or go home young leaders!

      • Anonymous says:

        Parties themselves are not inherently bad, flawed or divisive. The leadership and membership of parties make it a success or a failure. In Cayman the parties are more like rabid religious followings of the leader rather than democratic organisations where the executive and membership are AS IMPORTANT and INVOLVED as the chosen leader. Parties can work in Cayman if both the parties and we as a society mature and grow past the childish "what side are you on?" mentality. We will grow past this. Baptist church goers still speak to and maintain friendships with United Church goers, Seventh Day Adventists still work side by side with Catholics….lets allow people to have different opinions and still work together. 

        Perfect leaders don't exist and do not trust anyone who proposes to be near perfect.

        Here is a diverse, professional Caymanian group some with political experience, all with significant contributions to make (not all as Ministers, backbenchers are important and district issues need attention). The individuals proposed are not perfect and yet have a tremendous opportunity to lead by example, work together and  make a tremendous difference for our economy, our social issues, education, our environment.

        Donnie Ebanks, Wayne Panton, Mark Scotland, Tony Eden, Kurt Tibbetts, Alden McLaughlin, Roy McTaggart, Johann Moxam, Lucille Seymour, Garth Arch, Tara Rivers, Cline Glidden, Rolston Anglin, Ray Farrignton plus Arden and Ezzard.

        Ministers – Wayne, Mark, Alden, Roy, Cline, Rolston, Arden and Tara. They would have to put egos aside and put country first.

      • Anonymous says:

        Can Mark keep his paving company in your new Governmant?

    • Anonymous says:

      You got that right, he is the greatest politician the Cayman Islands have ever seen. He will come back with a vengence.

      This time, I hope that those that he brings to the assembly  do not  betray him like the Five Traitors who sold him out for what again? Right now it looks as if they still did not get what they wanted.  If anyone has been scammed it was them.

      The PPM convinced them that it was the best thing to do to get rid of Mr. Bush, now they won't work with them to form government and are calling for early elections. There is no way in hell that Rollie and CG, the instigators, thought that their actions would be so disasterous.

      Hope Rollie stays sober enough to deal with this mess he has placed these islands in. There is only one man with the wisdom and courage to run this country and that is the premier.

      CG has his own skeletons that he has to keep covered up in his closet, so does JuJu.

      Hope Bracers vote her out this time around.

      • Anonymous says:

        Funny you were not talking about UDP skeletons while McKeeva was still premier. Hypocrite.

        Based on your reasoning McKeeva a traitor to Kurt Tibbetts in 2001 when he pulled the coup.

        Mac won't be passing go or collecting $200.

    • Anonymous says:

      I doubt that McKeeva is having any fun at all. Didn't he say he say his doctor told him he needed rest? Hang on to your seats – the worst is yet to come.

      I agree that he is shrewd and that he should not be underestimated.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Hail, hail the king is dead. Equivilant to the ending of WWII. My heart is joyeous and my hand is greatful. The three that crossed the floor need to check into the nearest food bank and of course the local witch doctor because they will be run from this country like leprosy. You picked the wrong horse boys! My daughter's future now has a chance!

  44. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Santa. This is the best Christmas ever.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Let the healing begin!

    • Anonymous says:

      Can we finish the operation first. We also need to deal with the members of the public who are yet to pay for ” their driveways” if you know what I mean.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Rollie please? You guided my son and that’s why today I’m a peaceful single mother!. It was because of your bad influence why today you’re messed up with your country and your family. You can fix that. I stll have faith that you can do this!!!!

  47. Anonymous says:

    Bush is a cancer and needs to be cut out. Our so called democracy is not working

  48. B. Plate says:

    Clearly his "beholden pain" to the Macman (well paid jobs for himself and Timmy) have outweighed his sense of duty to country.

    Recalling now that he was in charge of passenger carrying heavier than air objects makes me shiver………..

    • JJTA says:

      Uncle Mike's association with McKeeva Bush and those like him are his faults and I myself have been vehemently against it from the very beginning, much to the detriment of our once very strong familial bond. That being said, and I cannot state this strongly enough, please do not attempt to disparage his service in Cayman Airways because that part of his life was exemplary in the way he managed the airline (and do not think that I am standing up for that unnecessarily colossal waste of subsidised national funds). For that which he is at fault he will have to take the consequences but do not for one moment imply that he did not take the welfare of all passengers on CAL as his personal responsibility for he did that job par excellence and on a 24/7/365 basis. May justice be done and let the chips fall where they may but do not think that you will get anywhere trying to disparage that which he excelled at and helped keep people safe during said tenure, whether they were the good, the bad or the ugly.

  49. Just Commentin' says:

    Things are not exactly as they seem:

    While getting up out of his seat and crossingthe floor is the most energy and most decisive manifestation of direction that Mike Adam has ever displayed in the House, this was only an illusion of direction. Most likely Mike was totally unaware of the reason he was walking across the floor: like the Macpuppydog Mike is, he was just tail-wagging behind his master as he has done from Day 1.  (Yeah! pat-pat-pat Good boy!)

    Capt. Eugene had to "go" bad and he was actually headed for the men's room, but he got confused and ended up behind Mike. (Ol' Cap was sure relived that the debate was over quickly and he ran out of the House with a rather awkward gait.)

    Ellio just did what he is best at doing: following others like a mindless lackey. (Nothing more to say here.)

    Back to Mike: At one time – seems like many years ago – I had a some degree of respect for Mike, no longer though. Silly me, back then I actually mistook Mike Adam for a man with a bit of wisdom and intellect. He sure had me fooled, eh? It was probably Mikes slick "metro" look with that head of perfectly coiffed white hair and flawlessly trimmed beard that made him appear to be intelligent. (Gee! Looks can be sooo deceiving!) Anyway, now I cannot beleive that he – like Eugene and Ellio – has his head so far up Mac's [bleep] that he would remain Mac's political minion at a time like this. (Sorry, Mike, nice hair and a cool beard does not make up for being brain-dead.)

    As long as Mac, Mike, Eugene and Ellio were out of their seats and walking, they should have done us all a big favour and walked right on out the door. (Good riddance! But, careful dere, Mac, doan let de door hit yah baxide on de wey out, dat might give Mike, an' Cap'm Eugene, an' poor ol' Ellio a bad concussion!)

    • Anonymous says:

      Great post, well said and just as I see it !

    • Anonymous says:

      I totally concur and echo the words of the other poster.

      "Great post, well said and EXACTLY as I see it !"

  50. Anonymous says:

    I am now so confused that I dont know what is happening. Am I right that Mac is still Premier but now sits on the opposition with Alden, Moses etc. It seems to me that we now have 5 UDP, four PPM and six Independents.That being the case Mac only needs Arden or Ezzard to join him and he can continue to run the Government. Well lets see if Ezzard or Alden is so power hungry that they will fall for Macs newest trick. This Guy is a Magician. He can turn any situation to his advantage.

    • Anonymous says:

      How difficukt is it to understand what has happened?!!! Mac will be removed from the office of Premier, and replaced by someone else.

    • Anonymous says:

      Arden would NEVER join Mac. Not in a million years. 

    • Anonymous says:

      Now you are dreaming. Arden was offered a seat in Mac's previous govt. and turned it down. Why would either Ezzard or Arden tie themselves to a sinking ship? They are men of integrity.  

  51. Anonymous says:

    Cue the Benny Hill music

  52. Anonymous says:

    Good riddance!  I hope the voters have learnt their lesson. Don`t elect a leader with a big head but no brains. I hope this is the last of  Big Mac as an MLA. Time for him to retire from politics for the good of Cayman. He has been an embarassment for Cayman for too long.

    Time for elections. No sense in putting any one of the other UDP MLA`s as Premier. Replacing one idiot for another is certainly not going to help the country move forward.

    • Non-Party Member says:

      The most insightful post I’ve read for a long time. Thank you.

  53. Red Flag says:

    Could it be that the 3 that crossed with mac are not so tied to mac as to some of the big boys he represents.

  54. Knot S Smart says:

    So have the whole group of them handed in their government credit cards?

    I know its christmas and all, but we need their credit cards cancelled…


  55. Anonymous says:

    GO Mac… Im sure some of the wanna-be newbies like Willie boy will be glad to form a new West Bay party with you!

  56. Polly Tricks says:

    When this charade of ego is over, add up how much we pay each of these jokers.  Then cringe at the waste of money that is the Speaker.  The ask yourself, "If there was a referendum at the time of the next election capping MLA pay at $75,000 what would the result be"?

    • Anonymous says:

      Тhe people and the media should make this one of the main election issues and force candidates to conform to will the people which is undoubtedly that they should be capped!!  And MLA pension reform as well.  

  57. SANDFLY says:

    The Puppet Master continues to play our country as if it is a YO YO. The sad thing is the three puppets that have shown the country that they can not be counted on to do the right thing for the right reasons. Being on the wrong side of history at the most important time leaves a bad taste in most intellegent people's mouth and they will take their payback on election day.

  58. Just Askin' says:

    Why has he not changed his Facebook status yet? Does this mean Challo gets added to the unemployment register? Why is CIGTV still broadcasting? Does Donna Bush regret her recent decision? Is Richard Parchment now available to service my window unit? So many questions…..

    • Anonymous says:

      So, Donna is over at the Govt Channel?  Geez, I didn't even know that! lol I do not have Westar, and I refuse to subscribe in order to get the government channel, I saw MonaLisa on Channel 27 but thought Donna was on leave or something. Another great UDP idea – a "free" government channel that I must subscribe to the privately owned Westar TV to get! Wow. That is sure not in favour of those  who cannot afford it or dont want to afford it. When they all end up being unemployed then they might understand how important deciding what is best to spend your hard earned dollars is.

    • Guardian Watch Tower says:

      Hey Just Asking,

      here is my take on things to come!!

      1) Richard Parchment is stepping down as Mac (Once hisaid) to run with Mac in May for W/Bay

      2) Bernie Bush is stepping down from his duties at Olympics committe office as vice president (which he does nuffin) and stepping down from his Pirates Week committee post (bring back Dave Martins plezzzz and run this "Thing" or "Play the Thing") to join old ye fathful Mac & Richie.

      So West UDP has: Mac, Richie, Bernie and that old sea Capt = 3


      CG, Rollie, ?? & ?? Name of Party or group:???  & Vs PPM's and C4C


      UDP GT: Ellio, Mike, Wally, Ex-weather man John Foster = 4


                                    A Swarm of PPM's and C4C or/and Indipen.


      BT: Mark, John John    Vs  Another Swarm of PPM's and C4C or/and Independents


      East End and North Side – Don't even think about it!


      PPM will win most seat taking a few of the Indies (maybe from C4C but no ones knows a who them yet!) 



  59. Anon says:

    Three politicians just walked into the wilderness of the unelectable. Bye guys…it's been a blast watching you crash the ship onto the rocks. Job well done!

  60. Anonymous says:

    This is better than Sesame Street, The Muppets and Dora the Explorer! Irrespective of the outcome- Cayman can now claim fame to the story line of As The World Turns. This fiasco today is the icing on the cake for 15 morons. I say get rid of ALL them and lets start a fresh.

  61. Boyetakeitout says:

    Thought Mikey would have shown some gumption and stayed seated.  Guess the old saying is true, When you lay with swines you pick up fleas.

  62. Truth Hurts says:

    Awww… is a sad day for commedy.

    Whatever politican will we laugh at now?

  63. Anonymous says:

    That the first time i've seen Captain Eugene move

    • Non-Party Member says:

      Except for a good catch you mean?

    • Anonymous says:

      He must shuffle through the line at the bank to get all that money he works so hard for every month!

  64. Thatch Roper says:

    Mac & d 3 Stooges!!…………bunch of jokers but this aint no laughing matter.

  65. Anonymous says:

    If only Mike had a pair. Too bad.

    • Polly Tricks says:

      He has been a shocking failure of a politician.  We had such high hope, but he is all style and absolutely no substance.

  66. Anonymous says:

    Good, because I don't think any remaining member of the UDP is fit to be a Premier either.

    So in the no confidence vote: 11 Yes, 3 No and 1 abstention.  Mike Adams (contrary to some comments on here) did vote No.  I am so glad its over… no more Bush… although I am pretty sure we haven't heard the last of his rants yet!

  67. Anonymous says:

    Oh no he didn’t!

  68. noname says:

    This man is unbelievable!  C,mon UDP oust him!

  69. Anonymous says:

    Pardon the country boy question but wouldn't it make more sense for the defectors to cross the floor to the opposition since Bush remains premier until they vote?

    • Anonymous says:

      That's what I thought. They voted against the majority of their party though so maybe that is the reason. Seems strange that you have to cross the floor to vote against a no-confidence motion in yourself but Cayman politics is a strange place.

  70. Kool Britannia says:

    This is better than a pantomime.