Two hurt in violent burglary

| 17/04/2013

(CNS): Police from Bodden Town are on the hunt for a group of young burglars who invaded a remote home in Frank Sound last night and made off with cash and valuables after kicking and punching the residents. At about 11:45pm on Tuesday, 16 April, two men were at their home, which is situated off Frank Sound Road, when they were confronted by four intruders who had entered through an insecure downstairs window. The suspects grabbed the men and punched and kicked them before stealing a quantity of cash, some watches and a camera. The men raised the alarm with a neighbour and alerted police.

Both men went to the hospital and were released following treatment for the injuries they sustained at the hands of the burglars.

Detectives have now launched an investigation following the aggravated burglary. The four suspects all wore dark clothing and had their faces covered. They were described as being young people, all between 5’6” and 5’9” in height and of slim build.

Police are particularly keen to speak with anyone who may have seen vehicle activity in the Frank Sound Road or North Side area between 11:30 and 1:30am with four occupants on board. Anyone with information is asked to contact Bodden Town CID on 9472220 or 6492220, the RCIPS tip-line on 949-7777, or Crime Stoppers 800- 8477(TIPS).


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  1. Anonymous says:

    Ater much ballyhoo last year about the installation of the cameras in Northside there was a break in at our house. I contacted the police and asked to see the camera footage of the only road leaving the area that has cameras. You can imagine my suprise to hear that the cameras were not working. Not so much.

    • Anonymous says:

      One would have thought that the police would have informed the people that lived around the house that got robbed about this situation.

      Not one word from them at all.

  2. Anonymous says:

    22.31 what do you expect when our society accepts criminals for politicians? I can’t think of anywhere else in the world in a democratic society that this would be acceptable. Who can the young ones look up to when our leaders are corrupted? Man it is easier to rob in cayman thanto get a job. We got the cash for gold business purchasing the stuff, no pension and no medical expenses to pay and the police will never catch these scums so why not? Really our leaders need o be setting examples.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I live there too!!   Whereabouts did these good for nothing louts strike ???  Come near our property & the dog will get you then a seven iron…….honestly!!!  Will not be living in fear of this happening to my family. I WILL take care of it myself if they dare come near our home!  


    • Anonymous says:

      Yup.  Ilive thtere too.  My dogs are ready and I am sharpening my machette.

  4. resident says:

    I suspect these 2 guys attempted to resist the burglars; or else, why were they assaulted. If it really was the case of resistance, it was a dangerous act indeed. 2 against 4 well prepared armed burglars is no match. They are lucky to be alive.

    • JDMM says:

      Are you kidding me? You immediately assume the VICTIMS are to blame???

    • Anonymous says:

      I wont even comment on this person blaming the Victim. Sound like that person is one of the four.  Stupid comment

  5. Undercover Detective says:

    Somebody needs to set an example on how to deal with "these little pieces of shit". What needs to be done is what happened some time ago when an older gentleman and his wife were surprised in a similar manner by another piece of shit, but in this case, there was no need for the police to ask the public if they had seen anything. Because when the police came to the gentleman's house they found the tough guy lying on the lawn with a well placed couple of shots in him. 

    Please don't start with the bull shit about he didn't deserve to be shot! No! He deserved something worse, like being tied up and thrown to the sharks. This would also save us $50,000.00 per annum, by not having tokeep this "low life" in prison for the rest of his life!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Believable! This is just the tip of the iceberg for this society. Too many kids are too exposed and very slick today. They have nothing better to do around here than plot crap like this. We need to pay attention to the youths. We need recreation and multi purpose halls with pools, courts, dance, multi media, theater arts, music classes, study groups, arts, karate etc. Ask Dart to fund this in exchange for some of his requests. Because if we don’t get something done now, even he will feel the ramification at his properties. The kids are bored SILLY! We need to take action now. Look at the tragedies that idol hands brought to the states and other nations. Invest in the youths.

    • Anonymous says:

      Most of these activities already exist in Cayman — including free ones in after-school programmes run by teachers and volunteers.   I've always felt this suggestion, that youth are bored and need to be constantly stimulated and active, to be wrong-headed.   There are already plenty of things to do here.   My own children can't decide which activities to fill their short weeks with, and are often so busy they beg for play time at home.  On the contrary, I think the problem is that our children are overstimulated, rushed, and bombarded so constantly by activity, crowds, media, cars, ringing phones and voicemail they cannot think straight, never mind concentrate on a single, worthwhile activity.   I mean, really, any child who wants to learn or do something can find out how, just as they've always done.  In fact, it is no doubt easier today, given that we can find instructions for practically anything at the touch of a button.  The question we need to ask is:  Why do our children choose the activities they choose, either productive or harmful?  What are they missing, that makes them act as they do?  I honestly can't believe it's lack of things to do.   


      Studies prove quite beyond doubt that crime and domestic strife are reduced when people spend time in green spaces.  Children who suffer from attention disorders and hyperactivity show marked improvement when they have ample time outdoors.   What our children are missing is nature, and possibly kindly supervision.  They don't need more organized activities.  They need their parents, the outdoors, some good books, a ball, and each other.  They need the beach, and the sea, for crying out loud, preferably without ten-story condos shadowing them everywhere.


      The answers are all around us; we're just too busy and too blind to see them.



      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly.  They have no creativity.  I used to use rocks for dollies and the baby bottle was a smaller rock.  We did this while our mothers' were fishing on the iron shore.  The holes in the iron shore was the crib.  The same with boats.  We used pices of wood with nails for tankers.  When we went in te sea, we used coconut huska and sailed them with a grape leaf.  Marbles was another favorite pastime.  Jumping rope, playing ball, etc.  All the kids want these days are BB, iphones, PS 3's, XBox and all the latest gadgets.  I don't keep up with them so I don't know them.  We need to get back to the basics.  I see that marbles is coming back with some of the  younger children.  We need to encourage that.

        • Anonymous says:

          Aye 15.58, and then there was the dinosaurs we 'ad to kill on the way to work in the mornings or get eaten alive. And work, aye, 28 hours a day, 9 days a week and when we got 'ome nowt for supper. And then Dad would beat us round the 'ead with a broken bottle until we were dead and then he danced on our graves. Those were the days.

          So 15.58, progress is a bad thing? As far as I understand if you stand still you die.

          • Anonymous says:

            But is it progress?  I suppose in some ways it is; that is, the folks who created the technology have progressed, and the sophistication of our tools has improved.  Has our own creativity?  Our resourcefulness?  Our curiosity or determination or resilience?  How exactly have we progressed?

            I think 15:58 would give many of our children a run for their money in terms of creatvitiy and wherewithall.  

      • Anonymously says:

        Like it or not but all this and most of Cayman’s woes are as a direct result of the 2003 status that displaced natives and brought in just too many foreign elements goog and bad now our people are unable to cope with the rapid change in their way of life for one unemployment and the kind of wants that no Caymanian under the age of 40 have ever experienced. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but unless we get better leadership and representation for Caymanians on May 22 2013 things will only get worst.

        • Anonymous says:

          I am not sure I follow.  The majority of those who receieved status in 2003 (despite the sad fact that they were given rather randomly and haphazardly, as they no doubt were) were here already, working and contributing.  Were there a few bad apples?  No doubt there were, but I've read the list.  Lots of deserving names there.  Lots of them still contributing just as they were in 2003.  I'm not seeing where the rapid change came into play as a result of these people being handed a piece of paper.  


          I suppose you mean that there would have been dependents flocking in as a result of these grants?  Maybe, but a good many of the folks on that list were already here with their families in professional capacities.  I understand that you may not like the way the grants were given; I don't either.  I'm just not sure it's fair to blame these folks for what surely is a much more complex problem.

      • Anonymous says:

        And they need a community that provides positive role models, not public and community figures who laud themselves as "honourable for life" but feel themselves above the law.  If we want honour in our children, we have to show it, first, ourselves.

  7. anonymous says:

    It's just getting worse by the day…

    • Anonymous says:

      Two young expat ladies of my acquaintance had a home invasion in SMB near WB last Monday. Fortunately they hadthe sense to pretend to be asleep. Guy was carrying a large knife, which the police never found but the victims did. They lost a lot of stuff. 

      Useless on this stuff RCIPs, you just have to do better.

  8. Anonymous says:

    We need to give people the ability to defend themselves in their homes.

    • Anonymous says:

      Be like the Boy Scouts, "be prepared".  Never be caught with your pants down.

    • Anonymous says:

      like what?…you afraid to say guns????

    • Anonymous says:

      You already have that ablity, its called defeding your life,freedom and family to any extent. I dont need anyone to tell me how to do that or what to do that with. Thank you

      • Anonymous2 says:

        If you defend yourself and use unreasonable force, you can be prosecuted and imprison for it – even if its in your own home. No joke.. under the british system that is how it is

    • philip says:

      grab a can of wasp/hornet nest killler, most are capable of projecting   over 15 feet and will temporarly  brind an intruder from a safe distance, ALT has them.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Can the police be a little more specific?!!!

    Frank Sound is a big area with a long road!!! How do they expect people to have any idea as to whom or where they have a particula interest?

    More details can only narrow it down for them.

    • Anonymous says:

      I live FSR in NS and agree more details is needed.  Did our cameras catch anything?  Where did this take place?  I find it very saddening to think I will now have to close and lock my door when sitting at home on an evening instead of having it open to let in the cool night air like I've done for years.  I used to feel safe at home, but I admit this incident has made me think again.

  10. needlecase says:

    If police can carry tazers, what is so wrong with keeping a registry for an upright citizen to carry a tazer likewise.  They do it for guns. Tazers and pepper sprays are harmless. Why not a registry for them?

    • Annonymous!!! says:

      Tasers or pepper spray. Its a no win situation,  Police carry them, let the good citizens purchase them and register them, when we use them they know who has them. Other wise folks, lets grind up as much scotch bonnet and ferment it , put in spray bottles and keep in our cars and homes.

      We are so far behind when it comes to the use of this type of defense. For God's sake use your brains and allow us to defend our selves.  Other wise get a few crow bars, one inside the door, one in the bedroom and one in your car , when they  enter, let it fly.

      If they can break in and harm you, then you can harm the scum bags too.

      Police need to think here.

    • mentallist says:

      Machettes are legal, go to ALT's and get one today.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The cops had better put a lid on this kind of thing, beacuse I guarrantee it will escalate. These theives are a smart bunch, believe it or not.

  12. Anonymous says:

    OMG I live in Frank Sound – was this Frank Sound Rd heading to North Side or Frank Sound Rd heading to East End??  CNS would you happed to know this?

    • Anonymous says:

      It was frank sound heading northside. The dirt road bought a half mile before the gas station.

    • Anonymass says:

      It doesn't matter. The next one could be anywhere on the island. No place is safe. Act accordingly. (Equally, I am allways amazed when I do make a mistake, how safe Cayman really is. Thankfully.)