New elections boss to take up job after 2013 poll

| 24/04/2013

Wesley-Howell-Speaks-on-Behalf-of-Sponsor-FSH-Design-at-Website-Launch (245x300).jpg(CNS): Wesley Howell, the deputy chief officer in the Portfolio of Internal and External Affairs, has been formally appointed by the governor as the new supervisor of elections, who will step into Kearney Gomez’ shoes after the May 2013 general election on 1 July. Alongside Howell, Sheena Glasgow, who is currently the postmaster general, and Suzanne Bothwell, who is crown counsel in the Attorney General’s Chambers, have been appointed as new deputies. Howell, who already has over 20 years’ experience working with the Elections Office in various roles, will work alongside Gomez and his team over the next couple of months in order to ensure a smooth transition.

Glasgow and Bothwell will replace Colford Scott and Orrett Connor, while the district commissioner Ernie Scott will retain his job as the third deputy. 

Glasgow has headed the Cayman Islands Postal Service for the last ten years and has also worked in the planning ministry and at Radio Cayman. 

“We have only just begun to see the impact of recent constitutional changes on Cayman’s political landscape, so the role of the Elections Office in overseeing future electoral processes will remain an important one,” Glasgow stated.

Bothwell has worked closely with the Elections Office as an attorney and in her past role as director of the constitutional review secretariat with the then Cabinet Secretary Orrett Connor. She said she was looking forward to working with the newly appointed team and Elections Office staff in maintaining the high standards of Cayman’s election process. 

Governor Duncan Taylor, who announced the appointments on Wednesday just five weeks ahead of the General Election, said he was delighted to appoint dedicated and experienced civil servants into the important roles.

“Their knowledge, experience and commitment to public service will go a long way to ensuring the Elections Office continues to fulfil its legislative role effectively and professionally,” he said.

Category: Politics

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  1. Anonymous says:

    McClearly… they are just changing the (hand picked) guard.

    With the Same good ole boys club behind the scenes!

    Why not add some names from private society?

  2. Anonymous says:

    The elections law says so

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wes Howell is a great guy and will do a fantastic job. Congratulations Wes.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I had the pleasure of working with both Wesley Howell and Sheena Glasgow a number of years ago.


    Both are high quality individuals who will bring experience, competance, and integrity to their new posts.


    Cayman is lucky to have them.


    I am a professional expat, now living outside Cayman.


  5. Anonymous says:

    Great news, but what are they really going to do until the next elections?

  6. Disgusted Voter says:

    Thank God. Kearney is a lost cause. With the vote buying, alcohol at meetings and intimidation of voters at an all time high, it seems the Election Office has decided to turn a blind eye to everything. I am now worried about the outcome of the election because I am no longer conviced that it would be difficult to stuff ballott boxes etc. Kearney has allowed all manner of bad behaviour so far and I for one am glad he is going.


    • Anonymous says:

      Disgusted Voter, you are so disgusted with yourself that you seem to be hallucinating! Obviously you do not like Mr. Gomez but say what you will he has served his country well in the capacity as Supervisor of Elections and has a well respected group of people who have worked alongside him for over 30 years. The fact that people were not prosecuted or dealt with for alleged wrong doing was a matter to be decided by the Attorney General and not the Supervisor of Elections who would only have reported the matter for investigation and further action. I applaud Mr. Gomez, thank him for a job well done and wish him a long, happy and healthy retirement. There are stringent measures in place to prevent ballot box stuffing as you suggest, in fact a very transparent process and your ignorance of the process is apparent.

      I also wish Wes Howell, Sheena Glasgow and Suzanne Lookloy Bothwell all the best. With folks like you out there ready to tear down and attack they sure will need lots of luck.

  7. Anonymous says:

    No disrespect to new appointees but why do they all have to be civil servants?

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree.  Why Civil Servants? Are they ready for retirement and need another job?

  8. Just Sayin' says:

    If the new Elections Office is run anything like the, postal service the next election will be in 2020, at the earliest.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Good to hear this news. Kearney Gomez lost all credibility after the two illegally elected now Ministers from Bodden Town were allowed to get away with failing to comply with the Elections Law.