West Bay man found guilty of indecent assault on teen

| 21/08/2013

(CNS): A 52-year-old man from West Bay was found guilty by a Grand Court jury Wednesday of one count of indecent assault on a teenage girl. The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was accused of indecently touching the girl while she was staying at the man's house. The teen was sleeping in a room with a female relative when the convicted man came into the room and touched the girl's breasts and genitalia. During the shorttrial the man did not give evidence but when he was arrested following the crime he told the police that it was a "terrible mistake" and, having consumed alcohol earlier on that evening, he had mistaken the teen for his wife in the darkened room.

The man claimed that his wife was not sleeping in the room where she normally slept and he went looking for her. Having seen the sleeping teenager, who he said was similar looking and the same skin colour as his wife, he began touching her in the belief that it was his wife. It wasn't until the girl spoke, he claimed, and told him to stop that he realized his dreadful mistake.

However, the jury members were unconvinced and returned a guilty verdict after just over an hour and a half of deliberation. They found that the assault was intentional and there was no case of mistaken identity.

Justice Charles Quin, the presiding judge in the case, denied an application from the defence to continue the convicted man's bail until the sentencing hearing as he was persuaded by crown counsel’s observations that because the starting point for the punishment was a custodial sentence of 12 months, he should be remanded. The judge, however, allowed for a social enquiry report and set the sentencing hearing for 12 September.

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  1. A-nony-mouse says:

    To quote a popular story, "off with their heads!"  It is past time we take such offenses more seriously in Cayman.  It is becoming more prevalent and I believe it is because the sanctions, if imposed at all are a joke for the severity of the offense.

    The ramifications to the victim can be lifelong, and I know this from first-hand experience having dated a rape victim for many years.  There is no such thing as normalcy for most of them, as they will never fully trust anyone again in life!

    OK lawmakers & judges, time to roll up your sleeves and get serious about deterrent sentences.

  2. The Pastafarian says:

    This 52-year-old West Bay pervert was right on one thing when he told the police "it was a terrible mistake"!  It sure was!!

    • Anon says:

      A pervert by any other name is till a pervert. Don't know why CNS had to have "West Bay" in their headline. What difference does it make where he was from?  I'm sure we have them from one end of Cayman to the other.  Our children need to be protected from all of them. 

  3. Anonymous says:

    We all know old men who travel to other, poorer countries who come back bragging about the young teenage "girlfriends" they have. These men are no different than the ones who are convicted that we scorn. These men justify their behavior because they financially help the "girlfriend's" family. How disgusting. You can still help a poor family without screwing their children! Beware of these men. They get away with it, brag about it, and send a message to other men that their behavior is acceptable.

  4. anonymously says:

    fondling this girls gentalia with his durty fingers and touching up her nipples.. wat a durty ole man!  should be castrated!

  5. Anonymous says:

    It's interesting that this was dealt with before a Judge and jury in the Grand Court when the recent case involving an 8-year-old was heard by a magistrate.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, one pleaded not guilty and wanted a trial by jury and it therefore went to Grand Court. 

  6. UH UH UH says:

    CNS: I have moved this comment to the Viewpoints section.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Unreal. Will he be given 6 months also?

  8. Anonymous says:

    And a 44 year old man got 6 months for molesting his daughter over a period of 2 years?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Jury did right. Now maybe it’s time for Sandra’s law to be passed! If a gun is 10 years. Pedi’s need 20.
    But my hats off to the brave girl who spoke up and told someone! She is a champion!

  10. Anonymous says:

    another disgusting PIG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hope he gets more then 6 month  

  11. M says:

    Alcohal uncontrolled will get you in serious problems. You may know what you're doing, but your judgement is distorted and your sense of right and wrong. That is why so many spiritual authors oppose drinking liquor even if its a taste. Most of the crimes I see committed like assaults and wounding are done by people under the influence of alcohal or a drug. I like to see statistics on this.

  12. Hoping for better days says:

    Yea…..you knew exactly what you were doing PERV!!!!! DISGUSTING. These men are so sick.

    And when caught they want to sugar coat the truth. The jury were obviously not at all in belief of what he claimed happened as they only took an hour to give a guilty verdict. GOOD NEWS!



    • Anonymous says:

      The maximum sentence for child molestors should be life in prison. This appalling behaviour has become much too common in Cayman, and the court/government must do something about it. Sex offenders should be named and shamed in order to protect the public. Hope the PPM government make this a priority. Increase the sentence and legalize the sex offender list.

      • The Thinker says:

        Life imprisonment is a bad deal for everybody.  The people have to pay the bill for a lifetime of food, clothing, healthcare, etc.  What's wrong with a good execution?  It only costs a few bucks and there's NEVER another crime from that person.

    • Anonymous says:

      We have some sick, depraved people, who need to be taken completely out of contact with people.  Can we cage them?

    • Anonymous says:

      So hold on a minute now………. 

      The judge said….. " because the starting point for the punishment was a custodial sentence of 12 months, he should be remanded."

      BIG discrepancy here!!!  He only touches and starting point is 12 months.

      Other guy sexually abuses his 8 year old daughter and gets 6 months!!!!


      SOMETHING is not right here!!!!



      • Anonymous says:

        What do you think "indecent assault" means? It means touching! 

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes Einstein!  Doesn't mean sexually assaulted tho…………

          • Anonymous says:

            In case you were not aware, the 44 year old man was not in FACT charged with sexually molesting his 8 year old daughter over a period of 2 years, it was during a period of 7 months… BETWEEN the ages of 8 and 9…  his charges were those of INDECENT ASSULT,… Not justifying his crime here, but one shouldbe careful how we put a lable on these men.  Bare in mind that while speaking out is always good thing on such crimes, this child is now between the ages of 12 and 13 years old, and  herself and family had started to rebuild their relationships… NOW this child is being forced by the PUBLIC (you/us) to relive her ordeal.  No one's a winner here!  For those of you who know this man, being in jail for 6 months is like a life time to him (I know him, I know is daughter, I know the familly personally).. however he was prepared to serve whatever time they gave him, it just so happened that he was only given 6 months by the court of law.  Another crime similar to this happened earlier part of this year where a man raped a 13 year old and got a 2 year suspended sentence, NO jail time and yet no scandal was made about him… he is walking free amoungst us.  Becareful of what comments we make in these cases, we don't have all the FACTS in the matter.

            • Think! says:

              Fact? What facts?? Sandra "it wasn't me" and her gang of bored house wives and a few men are the ones that need the facts. But alas, this is the way of the arm chair lawyers and experts. I find humor in most of the arrogant comments at the SOR Facebook page. I'm waiting on the falsely accused to be hunted down and hurt or killed. Every irresponsible post on that page that can be identified for possible cause of public riot or retaliation or other disturbance to the peace of the islands should be notedby the authorities before the commenters edit or remove them. I don't mind people speaking out and voicing their opinions, but they should do so in a responsible manner. I fear this will not be so however. It's a sensitive subject matter that should be treated with responsibility and reasonable, well thought out input. Wait, who am I kidding? Not the way of the mob mentality. Carry on.