Bread roll fraud set for court return in October

| 26/08/2013

(CNS): The baker whose conviction for swindling a local supermarket out of more than $300,000 worth of cinnamon rolls, spicy buns and bread loaves was overturned by the Court of Appeal will now return to court in October for a retrial. Dave Bryan (47), a Jamaican national, was also given conditional bail ahead of the new trial, in which the crown will once again try to prove that the former business partner of MLA Bernie Bush deliberately falsified invoices and conned Foster's Food Fair into paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to Cayman Bakery for goods that were never delivered.

Defence attorney Margetta Facey-Clarke argued that the crown's case had been considerably weakened by the Court of Appeal's findings and said it was not fair to keep her client on remand for the two months or so before the case returns to the Grand Court.
With the courts in possession of the defendant's passport, a requirement for a $5,000 surety, an 8pm to 6am curfew and the need to answer bail at George Town police station twice per week, the judge said that once the individual standing surety for Bryan was checked out, he would be released from custody.
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