Interpol calls on region to help find fugitives

| 17/12/2013

(CNS): The international crime fighting agency INTERPOL is asking the people of the Caribbean and the Americas to help them track down a list of international fugitives linked to organized crime networks and wanted for offences such as murder and drug trafficking. Crime Stoppers International (CSI), in conjunction with its programmes in the region, is supporting the global fugitive hunt, called Operation INFRA (International Fugitive Round Up and Arrest). The initiative aims to involve the wider public in as many countries as possible to report what they may know about any of the 266 fugitives on the 'most wanted' list where the trail has gone cold for domestic police.

From Monday, in collaboration with the local and regional media, an intense effort  is being conducted to encourage the public to assist INTERPOL in tracking down the most wanted criminals who are believed to be resident in this region.

Photographs and details of the people of interest can be viewed at  and anyone with information on these fugitives can contact their local Crime Stoppers programmes anonymously. Alternatively, they can provide information directly via the INTERPOL website, but although this is confidential, information cannot be given to INTERPOL anonymously.

Forty-six countries and territories are involved and priority is being given to 15 specific individuals, including Rafael Caro-Quintero, the former leader of the Guadalajara Cartel in Mexico (above).

The fugitives are believed to be hiding out in Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela or the Caribbean. They are all cases where no new leads were generated during the initial phase of Infra Americas, or where there is no current intelligence on the potential location of these individuals.

Ervin Prenci, criminal intelligence officer with INTERPOL’s Fugitive Investigative Unit, which is coordinating Operation Infra Americas, said the public could provide vital leads in helping to bring these fugitives to justice.

“Any piece of information, no matter how small or apparently insignificant, could be the missing piece in the puzzle which will help locate these dangerous criminals,” said Prenci.  “The public has a valuable role to play in supporting law enforcement efforts but we would not encourage anyone to take action themselves, but instead to pass on any tips to their local or national police or INTERPOL.”

Information on the possible location of the targets of Operation Infra Americas or any internationally wanted persons can be sent to  INTERPOL’s Fugitive Investigative Support unit. Any leads will be passed on to the INTERPOL National Central Bureaus concerned for further action on the ground.

The 15 fugitives are:

  1. Clemente de Jesús CASTELLANOS RIVAS 
  2. Cristian Antonio DICENT POLANCO 
  3. Elvio Dionysus Diogenes HATO 
  4. Emil DAN SIRBU 
  5. Federico Carlos TORRALVA PERDOMO 
  6. Jaime Osmin VALLE PLEITEZ 
  7. Jessie GORDON MICHEL 
  9. Marvin Brian PEROTI 
  10. Michel EMOND 
  11. Miguel MATUS 
  12. Patrik SNAJDR 
  13. Rafael CARO-QUINTERO 
  14. Steven Douglas SKINNER
  15. Victor Rodolfo LANGUASCO FRANCO
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  1. Anonymous says:

    Richard Hurlstone has not been tried and convicted, why should Cayman worry about bringing someone back and spending hundred of thousands of dollars trying them, then spending anoth $57,000.00 or more per year to keep them in prison.

    Who we should worry about are the ones that are here terrorizing Caymanians.

    From my following of the case, he was the one who had the most to loose, he was accused by the people that actually commited the crime and not the victim.


  2. Anonymous says:

    I don't see Caymans name on the list assisting with this.. They must know our RCIPS will catch them….LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      Wait a minute…the photo…is that Mac without his glass and moustache????

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is a joke for Cayman to help. We can't even round up our own fugitives!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Bring in the finger printing system Cayman if not criminals will always enter our shores Mr. Alden! Wp

    • Anonymous says:

      In other news, Biometric Passports by Dec 2014

    • Jack says:

      I remember a while back there was a movement to fingerprint all expats due to the rising crime problem.  With the crime wave now fully developed and completely out of control, it's clear that in fact it's the expats who need protection from Caymanian criminals, but where are the calls to fingerprint all the Caymanians?  Anyone?

      • And AnotherTing says:

        Pardner  if you really think its that bad then haul yo bomb0  nah!

  5. Anonymous says:

    What has Interpol done to the growing list of convicts that are outside Cayman, Example:

    Richard Robert Hurlston – location Guanaja, Honduras. Sentenced 15years by Cayman Courts.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman just washes it's hands once people leave. It is not Interpol's job to go arrest him in Honduras. They do not even have authority to do it/.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think the point was that he could have been added to this list.

        • Anonymous says:

          Exactly. Not being on the list means that when he travels to other countries like the USA he is not in fear of anything. I wonder why he is able to continue to have a construction business here and employ his brothers. Imagine a fugitive applying annually for permits and business and trade license renewals. Only in Cayman!

    • Anonymous says:

      Or Robert DeLisser who escaped years ago by seaplane and sspected of being in Atlanta.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s call having the proper extradition treaties in place with these countries to be able to have these persons arrested. INTERPOL will and can arrest if the proper procedures are in place.

       If you have any Questions you might want to contact the INTERPOL office here.