Shetty hospital treats cruise visitor for heart attack

| 27/06/2014

(CNS): The Health City hospital in East End has revealed that a 55-year-old female cruise ship passenger was treated at the facility following a suspected heart attack while aboard a Carnival cruise ship recently. The American patient, from Sarasota, Florida, was headed for Grand Cayman when the passenger woke in the early hours with chest pains. The ship’s medical staff performed enzyme blood tests and suspected a heart attack. She was brought to a doctor in George Town and then referred to the Shetty hospital, where she was treated and has since been discharged and is on the road to recovery.

During her treatment her husband stayed at The Reef Resort and following her successful recovery the couple returned home at the beginning of this week. The patient was physically fit, very health conscious and a keen diver with no prior cardiac history.

Dr Chandy Abraham, Medical and Facility Director at Health City, Cayman’s new private hospital specialising in cardiac surgery, cardiology and orthopedics, said the fact the patient had been treated in Cayman will greatly aid her overall recovery.

“In emergency situations such as this it is vital the patient receives excellent medical care as soon as possible after the cardiac event,” hesaid. “We were able to treat the patient as soon as she was sent to us. This is important because any delay in treatment for a heart episode can lead to a less successful recovery.”

Dr Chandy said the patient and her husband were extremely grateful she was able to receive medical care on island and did not need to be air-lifted to Miami for treatment, as would have been the case prior to the advent of Health City. “They were also extremely grateful to the staff and physicians at Health City for the care, attention and concern shown during this worrying time,” he added.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Well. . . that's at least 2 patient's they've treated.

  2. Mitzie Tomlinson says:

    Good Job go out to the Staff of Shetty Hospital  Thanks for all you do.  Y go to Miami when we have you.

  3. Anonymous says:

    In the meantime the locals have to rely on the governmental hospital and receive second grade care.

    • do better says:

      CINICO is the HSA's only lifeline. If you want a healthcare revolution in Cayman, give civil servants choice on their healthcare provider. If that means they have tocontribute towards their health insurance, so be it.

      The HSA has an unfair advntage by having an entire market (civil serants and their dependents) captive by law and it's not fair to anyone. It's time for the HSA to operate like every other real business on this island and attract their patients because of high quality care and good reputation, not because these people don't have a choice. That is a form of oppression.


      • Anonymous says:

        I work in the private sector and I have never had a choice on health policy – in Cayman or anywhere else.  But I would say my firm's health policy is waaayyyy better than CINICO.  So what I guess I am saying is the government should be looking out for its workers by providing a better health policy – similar to those the private sector have to take out.  You see former administrations would rather live up and spend your money on themselves and their whims, than properly protect their workers.  It will be interesting to see if this administration does anything to fix that. 

    • Anonymous says:

      Why is that ? Does the government hospital not refer patients to the Shetty hospital or airlift them to the US when needed. Confirm what you are trying to say if this is fact. I can also assume that these people had to pay for the procedure up front. 

  4. Anonymous says:

    It's a hospital, that's what they do. Do we really need a patient by patient commentary to give ourselves a pat on the back, even though the money for this project came mostly from overseas?

    This hospital is a business like many others, or shall we give a running commentary on purchases from duty free shops as well?

    Until this oversized vanity project starts putting serious money into the local exchequer and makes good on all it's promises, it's just a huge white elephant, pure and simple.

  5. Anonymous says:

    And why is this news???? The government hospital and Chrissie Tomlinson Hospital must deal with this type of medical emergency on a daily basis and we dont read about it so what makes this case specail – the patient? the facility? I am confused.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because this very specialized care was not available in Cayman previously, and would have required an airlift to Miami.   That is why this is news.   As someone who has had a family member airlifted out of Cayman in the past, you would understand why this is of interest (and I forwarded the story to many of my friends).  

      It funny, you took the time to read the story and then the time to wrtie a comment on it.  If you werent interested, why did you read the story?   

      • Dr. Anthony Britsen says:

        Very specialized care?  What very secialized care was performed that could not have been provided at another hospital?  If this was a seriousheart attack the patient would have been kept for a while and given some diagnostic tests.  She wasn't.   To date, how many emergency heart patients have been admitted to Health City?

        • Anonymous says:

          So are we not better off for having this additional medical facility in Cayman?    Would you prefer we opened another rum cake factory or a specialized hospital?   

          You have no idea what you are talking about.    Some of the equipment they have at Shetty's hospital are not even in some large Miami hospitals.    Do some reading about the resolution of the CT scanner at the hospital compared to  ones in Miami, let alone Cayman.

          If you have to have a cath procedure, have fun sitting in a US hospital rather than close to home with your family and friends around.

    • Anonymous says:

      Curious if the government hospital and Chrissie Tomlinson Hospital do this type of work all the time why were they referred to the Shetty hospital ?

      • Dr. Anthony Britsen says:

        Payments for referrals are not unheard of, even in the Caymans.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually they dont when it comes to life threatening heart conditions. They refer people to Miami. It is a new state of the art heart facility, first of its kind in Cayman and broader Caribbean area. It was capable of treating a visitor quickly and efficinetly. This is good for Cayman and the region. If saving lives in Cayman isn't news-worthy then I dont know what is.

      • Anonymous says:

        But from the story it's not clear this WAS a life threatening event.  Sounds as if she had some blood tests and that was that  No procedure was performed. This is a private business taking every single opportunity to promote itself.

  6. Anonymous says:

    So glad to hear some positive news about our beautiful Islands, safe travel for the patient.

  7. Anonymous says:

    All starts well………………THEN…………………………..