Airport mum on allegations

| 02/07/2014

(CNS): The chairman of the airport board has stated that it would be inappropriate for it to comment on the internal personnel issues it has been and is still dealing with in relation to various scandals that have plagued the Cayman Islands Airport Authority since Norman Bodden resigned as chair. Despite facing allegations of direct interference in staffing matters, including the retirement of the former acting CEO Kerith McCoy and the reinstatement of an employee involved in a porn scandal, among other issues, Kirkland Nixon said it was improper for the CIAA to make any public comment on any internal disciplinary matters.

In a short statement on Tuesday evening Nixon said, “Neither the Finance Committee of the Legislative Assembly nor the public media are the appropriate forum to raise such issues, particularly in circumstances where the CIAA is unable to provide a full response in these forums.”

Although Nixon was present at the Finance Committee and in a position to speak out, it is understood that a number of legal issues and human resource disputes are preventing the airport board or management from being completely candid in answering the allegations aimed at it.

However, hints were dropped by the premier during his response to a private member’s motion brought by Bush to the parliament, when he implied that there were significant problems at the airport as a direct result of management failures. He told the board that the mismanagement by the board and bosses at the facility had cause serious problems and jeopardized the ability of the airport to function.

Allegations that have been made about the current board interfering in staff matters and day to day operations were made by McCoy, who had been put in place by the previous board chaired by Dick Arch after that board had fired the financial controller and then the CEO in the face of various allegations in a report by board member Jewel Hydes.

Given the crisis point that the airport is believed to have reached, the current board appears anxious to complete a major reorganisation.

“The CIAA is approaching the end of a period of restructuring and organisational change that was required in order ensure that it is in the best possible position to deal with the exciting and important challenges ahead including the upcoming redevelopment of Owen Roberts
Airport,” Nixon stated. “The Board and the employees of the CIAA intend to focus their efforts on these important challenges and are looking forward to a bright future for the CIAA as an integral part of the Cayman Islands’ development.”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I don't understand why the PPM won't own this and start an investigation. It is clear from the evidence produced so far by Kirkie himself that something is not right.

    Come on Alden, don't be McKeeva and bury your head in the sand like nothing happened. History will judge you badly if you leave this thing with no resolution. Let the chips fall where they  may..People have to learn to obey the rules or pay the consequences.

    • Anonymous says:

      The obvious answer to your question….there is nothing to investigate. XXXX Look for more of these fabricated accusations all across CIG as we approach the September court date of the "Hon" ex-Premier.

      Investigate what is happening at the CIAA today and you will find a highly competent Leader, supported by a Board without conflicts fully supporting good governance principles. The dark cloud that once covered the CIAA has been replaced by a new day of competence, accountability, and opportunity for the hard working employees. 

      • Anonymous says:

        Fabricated my donkey!!

        As people we must not let our personal views of  aperson in this case Mackeeva discolor common sense. Any one with intelligence that is fair, have to know something went down after reading all the new release.  

        The present Government need to do what is right by at least investigating and be fair and not cover up evidence. If the allegations are found to be false then public will be comforted that it was investigated.

        This is what is wrong with us now in this country letting things slide all the time and not rocking the boat. What the hell does Mackeeva case got to do with this one? They are separate Mackeeva is going to court September so his is being seen to and if he is found guilty then he should pay the consequences.

        Same for this, CIG need to do what is right and investigate fairly. They need to stop burying their heads in the sand because if what is being alleged is really so, this employee needs to be  long gone.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Why is the guy's Mum being drawn into this?  I am confused.  Is she on the Board?  Isn't that a conflict of interest?

  3. Anonymous says:

    When an organization does not have policies, and does not hold people responsible and accountable, then that company does down the drain.  Welcome to CIAA to destruction and curruption

    • Anonymous says:

      That is an accurate description of the CIAA under the previous UDP administration. All that has changed now so don't try to paint the new with your old brush.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Who is this mum and what is she alleged to have done?

  5. Anonymous says:

    I'm so tired of all this scandal driven politics in Cayman.  It used to be we could laugh at the US  (watergate, iran-contra, the blue dress), but now we are just as bad. 

    Do we need an independent investigator to come in and get to the bottom of this crisis at the airport (or one for Mac's charges, or one for the Dilbert fiasco)?

    I hope not. 

    As to the airport, I know Mr Kirkie to be an honorable man so I say let him get on with his job and figure this mess out.  Good luck to him.

    • And Another Zing says:

      The ring, the ring beware of the ring.

    • Anonymous says:

      The PPM is such a disappointment.   We voted them in because we thought they were for principles and against corruption and because we thought they would keep their word.  What a joke!

      • Anonymous says:

        "We voted them in…". Yeah right.  Based on your comment, I highly doubt you voted for anyone other than your beloved UDP.

  6. Anonymous says:

    And we wonder why we need to still employ expats? The English words "couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery" come to mind when reading of these continuing administrative Keystone Cops affairs.

    • Anonymous says:

      "Expats" does not equal "competence". Plenty of incompetent ones around. Note that the "Keystone Cops" are led by an expat.

      • Anonymous says:

        True, 14:28, but you have a better chance of competence with an expat and if you don't find him/her to be competent it's easy to get rid of them, not something that is true of an incompetent Caymanian, especially in Govermment. As for your Keystone Cops being led by an expat comment, we tried having a Caymanian do that a few years ago. Remember the result?

        • Anonymous says:

          It would amaze you how many incompetent expats manage to cling on year after year.

          If you think about it that is a prejudiced and self-defeating argument. We have had one Caymanian Police Commissioner who did not do so well so we should never again have a Caymanian as Police Commissioner? We've had lots of useless UK Police Commissioners so we should keep having them. You are a bigot and totally bereft of logic.     

        • Anonymous says:

          Seriously!? Go to the head of the class and take your dumb cap with you!

          There are slack incompentent locals and expats alike!

  7. Anonymous says:

    We never hold anyone accountable. The PPM has forgotten why we voted against the UDP. As parents we have to discipline even our own children.

  8. Ike N. Sienow says:

    Just another day in La-La land.   DON'T NOBODY ROCK THE BOAT!.   Expect more of the same.

  9. Mango Tree patron says:

    The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently our own indifference. How sad for this little place.