Cops invite George Towners to crime fight meetings

| 19/07/2014

(CNS): As the police tackle increasing burglary rates in the capital in particular, the area commander for George Town is hosting a series of three public meetings over the next few weeks in the capital starting on Monday evening. Angelique Howell explained that it was vital for the RCIPS to involved the public in policing their neighborhood and said it was important that she and her police team tasked with handling crime in the capital listen to what the community has to say and keep them informed regarding their initiatives to tackle crime. She invited everyone to come out and make their voice heard.

“The RCIPS police by consent, which means having a working partnership with the community can only be a good thing. We want to hear from you, we want to work with you, come out and show us that only together can we make a difference in the community," Howell said.

The Meeting dates and times are as follows

Prospect Primary –  Monday July 21st 6pm-8pm

Tigress Street off Shedden Road (behind Phillips Electrical, Scranton Park)- Tuesday 22 July 6:30pm – 8pm

Selkirk Drive ( Red Bay Church of God (Holiness) ) –  Monday 5 August 6pm–8pm

Category: Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Implement CCTV equivalent or better than the downtown London's system. It reduced crime  there. It can do it here. The three islands are much smaller. 

  2. Anonyanmous says:

    All of the know criminals already have their finger prints on the system, what we don't have are fingerprints of all who enter these shores via sea or airport as guest workers or tourists. It is high time for Cayman to get in line with the rest of the world.  In the UK they have portable fingerprinting machines and not to mention the USA no one get in there without being fingerprinted and photographed.  Time for Cayman to catch up with the rest of the world when it comes to having a proper database of our homegrown criminals and those that we have imported.

    • Anonymous says:

      Include students. Those high school boys cause a lot of trouble too

    • Anonymous says:

      The use of mass fingerprinting processes for criminal enforcement purposes for people who are not charged or convicted of crimes is illegal in the UK and Cayman.

  3. C'mon Now! says:

    More contraception!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Honestly, to find out who the new wave of prisoners will be have meetings with the teachers. They can see it. They are the disruptive students that show potential of a criminal lifestyle. This is not limited to public school either. Police can keep them on watch, listed as potentials. They do not have to arrest them unnecessarily. It is just good information to know. 

  5. Anonymous says:

    More CCTV? And mandatory fingerprinting of all entering the islands. Mandatory photographing and fingerprinting of all students aka student ids. 

    this sounds bad but it works, profiling. The majority of dangerous crimes are young males. 

  6. Anonymous says:

    I am tired of hearing and reading the same nonsense. Yes, police can't do it alone, but what is police doing? They don't even deal with issues that they very well know exist. I was yesterday in Northside and it is well known that every Sunday the stretch between Rumpoint and Over the Edge turns into a race track, yet, there is NEVER any police there to deal with the speeders and crazy drunks. Once in a blue moon if the residents up there finally get enough and moan and gripe, you will see a police car parked in full sight so that everyone slows down a mile ahead. A week later, everything goes right back to usual with no police presence and all.Come on, if you want the public to help you then you need to be able to demonstrate that you really have an interest in keeping the public safe and at least deal properly with the ones who are easily caught breaking the law!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Stealing is nothing new It has been going on for a long time it is part of the way it is Many people in Cayman feel it is OK to take a little something if it is from someone that has more than them.

    Stealing in general is out of control.

    In my shop 3 employees were caught stealing last week I wonder why making money is so hard it seems to me they are stealing about 5000 a month minimum perhaps 10000 and thats just a little shop its hard to figure out exactly.

    That said i know other retailers must be crying. I see workers showing up to jobsites with tools they would never purchase themselves. Ever

    People wonder why its so costly in Cayman but they just have to blame it on those that dont know anybetter than to steal.

    Look around at those that have been caught lately that are public figures.

    Perhaps there should be a manditory 2 years in prison for theft.


    • Anonymous says:

      Stealing that amount from you a month and your small business still going wow in this economy ur being jived of between  5,000- 10,000 sounds to me your bank account sitting pretty good or you just ain't managing your books the right way. What needs to happen is cayman needs to step up we are not third world so why are we acting like a third world country.  Immigration needs to enforce the laws and people coming here should have their fingerprints collected before entering cause we import a lot of criminals like Peter levitt who was jailed in South Africa for the seem white collar crime he committed here in our islands but yet we didn't know that till after the fact, the Canadian officer that was sentenced and served 18months at HMP for theft of money relating to a school and donations that were being made ,and was then deported back to Canada he was also wanted in Canada for insurance fraud so he ran to these islands and was hired by the Rcips no background checks made cause he was white skin with blond hair.  Tons of imported criminals here guys sorry to say so.  XXXX

  8. Anonymous says:

    I personally don't feel that the police can solve the crime issue. We the citizens need to feel empowered to take responsibility for our own safety. I make an effort to know my neighbors and we look out for each other. 

    Many of these foreign police officers have no idea how to police our communities because they are so removed from them. They have no connection with the public. They ride around in their air conditioned cars. They only show up when there is a crime and they certainly are not equipt to solve crime. 

    Police need to be stationed to certain neighborhoods and they need to build relationships with the community. Many people don't trust the police. Many people feel that more police will mean more crime because of corruption. 

    The bottom line is we need more than police officers patrolling to tackle the growing crime. The force needs to have a real strategy not radon bodies driving the road. 

    I can tell you the height of embarrassment is when a shop a stones throw for the west bay police station was robbed and they had the nerve to ask for the public to come forward with information…..I was flabbergasted ……the police all had their heads in a hole while their neighbor was being robbed. 

    You can't get a greater police presence than an entire police station ….yet the shop was robbed. Police with no strategy, no training and no knowledge of our local communes ….well they are useless. 


    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately that robbery happened just a hop skip and a jump away from wbps, however I think that it should be noted that wbps is an out station that's understaffed , secondly would police have known that the store would be robbed, did it ever occur to you that officers are stationed at a police station not posted in the station to sit down day an night they patrol the district respond to calls , the sgt on duty is who remains in the station along with the communications officer. So I am uncertain what makes you think it was the RCIPS fault the store was robbed regardless of how close to the station it is located! The station is there the shop is here and gets robbed, ok what's the difference with someone going into fosters that's crowded with people packs there cart full and makes a b line for the door unload the cart full of goods into their vehicle and goes on their merry way.  Are we going to blame the RCIPS and say a Police officer should have been there to prevent that from happening. The point I am making is this people committ crimes everyday and every night worldwide Police can only do so much,  and with the way the CoP the boss of the RCIPS and his deputy treats the local RCIPS officers minus the Brits we are lucky the officers even show up for work.  

      Crime is a part of every day life and has been before Christ, what makes us think it's going to stop now!

      The RCIPS conducts a road block we bash them , a robbery happens across the street from the station we blame them, crimes being committed we blame them, I mean like seriously.

      It's a joint effort here, if, we see a crime being committed report it and give a witness statement , we see something suspicious – the nearest police station is just a call away everybody has a cellphone even the 10 yr old kids do!!!!  Let's play our part and keep our islands safe let's help the RCIPS as despite the huge numbers of police officers you actually only have a portion of those in uniform. What happens when some one gets arrested for DUI and are taken to the station the officer/s in that unit are now engaged and will spend more than 1 hr and a half at the station having the individual booked in which requires the officer to provide the custody officer info regarding the arrest, then the individual will be breath tested after which they will then have to be processed. That leaves about 5-6 officers actually on the road and have to prioriterize between calls.  I mean common sense a domestic dispute would be more important than you calling to report your neighbors dog that keeps barking keeping you up all night , and a report of shots fired would be more significant to respond to over a loud music report.  Not saying that your call isn't important it's just that with low numbers of uniformed officers it's a matter of what takes priority. 

      And If I may, can I suggest to you poster, that you contact the RCIPS and offer your services as clearly you have some brilliant ideas backed by qualifications that allow you to help them be more strategic and eliminate crime.  
  9. Anonymous says:

    I would be happy to help the police to keep my neighborhood safe amd while it is easy to criticise I have to say that there doesn't seem to be a very high profile police presence on the streets at the moment.

    It seems to me that too much attention is paid to policing the West Bay Road, presumably because that is where all of the tourists are based. Nothing wrong with that if the resources are available but most apartments and hotels in that area have their own security guards.In my view it would be better to increase police presence in the known areas of criminal activity in West Bay, George Town, Bodden Town and elsewhere.

    Police need to be seen to enforce the ban on cell phone use, illegible car number plates and window tints that are too dark and maybe fines should be increased to act as a deterrent. Anyone who has a dark tint on their windows is probably up to no good in my view so lets harass these people and get them to toe the line.

  10. Anonymous says:

    There is too much talk and not enough action. The police need to allow people to protect themselves in their homes as that is the only way to get a handle on this problem.

  11. Anonymous says:

    In order to reduce crime, a police presence must first be felt. We see no cop cars or cops on the streets. Where are they?

    Permanently station police cars at various locations on island and enforce the existing laws and you will see a significant drop in crime.

    Stop this "we want to hear from you" nonsense. You know what you have to do, just do it.

    There seems to be a craving on island for meetings, dialogue, committees, reports, engaging outside consultants, when the truth is obvious and right under our nose: more cop presense while actually enforcing the laws.

    For instance, how many traffic tickets have been issued over the past 2 months? The answer would be a good indication of whether the cops are enforcing the laws or not. If not, its not the public that can make them do it, this has to come from the top.

  12. Dread on Dread says:

    Great Talking Heads. More police patrols on foot , on car and plain clothes  is what is needed. More day to day dialogue with the community in their communities and not this show and tell nonsense. Ya need communication with the people who the will trust you and provide you with information. If yastush with ya uniform you will get no cooperation.