7 negative tests support containment of Chikungunya
(CNS): The running total for confirmed chikungunya virus in Cayman remainsat five following the return of seven negative results from suspected cases sent for testing. Since the first suspected case in Cayman in June 26 suspected cases have been investigated but just four patients with a travel history to endemic areas and one patient who contracted the illness locally have been confirmed. Of the remaining cases sixteen were negative and one was inconclusive while four of the latest amples remain outstanding.
Although Cayman seems to have contained the disease public officials remain vigilant and the MRCU is doing what it can to keep the relevant vector down. However, the Aedes aegypti which also transmits dengue fever tends to live in urban areas and breeds in standing water in vessels rather than in the swamp. As a result the public is being urged to ensure they are not inadvertently collecting standing water in their yards and gardens by overturning or covering any pots or other vessels where water can collect.
To date, 8,285 confirmed and probable cases of chikungunya have been reported around the region. For more information on the local impact visit www.hsa.ky and for regional updates visit the CARPHA website on http://carpha.org/What-We-Do/Public-Health-Activities/Chikungunya.
Category: Health
Can the Health Services Authority and or MRCU tell the public what specifically it has done to CONTAIN Chikungunya? Containment to me means they have actively put things in place to stop this disease and so I would like to know what that is? If a person gets the disease now that they have contained it, and that person has not travelled outside these islands, will they compensate them or how does that work?
If by containment they mean they have isolated all the mosquitoes somewhere, I want to know how and where as this is a miracle!!!!