Appeal court to deliver decision in child murder case
(CNS): Court officials have confirmed that the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal will deliver its long awaited decision in the case of Devon Anglin and his acquittal after a judge alone trial for the murder of a four year old child. Following a report posted on CNS Tuesday, indicating that the crown had been waiting for more than a year to hear the higher court’s judgement, in the Jeremiah Barnes appeal case and that it was still not listed for the up-coming November session, the courts have said it is now expected during this sitting. Last Friday, crown counsel had raised concerns, in the Grand Court, that decision was still not scheduled. However, a spokesperson for the courts told CNS that the chief justice has now stated it will be delivered next month.
The crown’s appeal had been heard in August last year and despite the emphasis on the time line, if a retrial was to be considered, both parties have waited more than 14 months to hear the ruling.
Category: Crime
We need justice for young Jereimiah and nothing less!
Well done CNs for putting a stick of dynamite up the judiciary backside.