Musical judge brings new tone to court of appeal

| 06/11/2014

(CNS): As the first week of a busy schedule for the winter Court of Appeal draws to a close, local attorney’s appearing before the judges will also have seen Sir Bernard Rix sitting on the bench for the first time. Sir Bernard, a recently retired Lord Justice of Appeal with 20 years experience in the Commercial Court and Court of Appeal of England and Wales, was sworn in on Monday after being appointed over one year ago. As well as having a long legal career Rix is also a musical aficionado, having sung in Richard Strauss’ opera Der Rosenkavalier at the English National Opera in London and having spent 30 years as a director of the London Philharmonic Orchestra.  

However, it is his talents as a legal expert that are required to assist with the winter session’s appeal court list. Chief Justice Anthony Smellie said it was an honour to be able to welcome Sir Bernard as a member of Cayman’s judiciary.

“Sir Bernard is a distinguished jurist who has made a very significant contribution to the development of British jurisprudence.”  The country’s top judge said that he looked forward to similar “important contributions he will certainly make to the development of Cayman Islands’ jurisprudence". He added, "I hope that he and Lady Rix will enjoy their times spent in Cayman.”

Officials said his specialization in commercial law will be important for Cayman's appeal court with the financial cases. however, over the remaining winter session he will be concentrating on criminal appeals.

Commenting on his new appointment, he said, "It is a wonderful job, for all its hardships and difficulties, to be asked to think about the problems of people.”

Happy that he is not only serving as a judge on the appeal court panel but that he is doing so in the Caribbean, he said, “I spent some happy times in the Caribbean on holidays."

Other members of the appeal court are Sir John Chadwick, who is president, and Justices Elliott Mottley, John Martin and Sir George Newman.  Justices sit in three’s for three sessions each year, each of which tends to be for three weeks.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Commenting on his new appointment, he said:

     "It is a wonderful job, for all its hardships and difficulties, to be asked to think about the problems of people.” HUH?

  2. Anonymous says:

    He should fit right in around here

  3. Anonymous says:

    Why must everything be at Camana Bay is that no eliminating a large sector or the country that are not supporters of this location?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Opera and lovely in the same sentence is an oxymoron

    • Anonymous says:

      Perhaps, if you are a poorly educated oik with a limited attention span.

  5. Welcome! says:

    Welcome! Maybe we can get The Met at Camana Bay?  Opera would be lovely to see on the big screen.


    • Anonymous says:

      How about going to see it at The Met?  Although I do prefer Milan and London myself.