Hospital begins month long blood drive

| 25/11/2014

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Hospital Blood Bank, with the support of the Cayman Blood Donor Service, has begun a blood drive, which will run until 24 December. Officials said that one pint of blood can save up to three lives, as they urged people to help increase the hospital supply. People can walk in to give blood and the blood bank will be open Monday through Friday 7am until 6:30pm and on Saturdays 9am until 5pm. The team will also be in the hospital atrium this coming Saturday, 29 November. However, the hospital does not accept blood from anyone who lived in the UK for more than three months from 1980 to 1996 because of the possible transmission of CJD ('mad cow's disease').

Donors who wish to schedule an appointment can call 244-267.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Even the blood service is xenophobic…..


  2. Just Sayin' says:

    I just got back from West Africa and have scheduled my appointment to donate. Forunately for the receipients I have never lived in the UK though.

  3. Anonymous says:

    My wife ived in the UK of more than three months from 1980 to 1996.

    Maybe thats why she is mad cow!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes 08.43. I can see from your English why she would no longer be with you. Idea and context totally impossible to understand.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Isn't it about time the hospital changed or at least reviewed that policy? Surely anyone who caught BSE in 1996 would be showing symptoms by now?

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      No, which is why the blood donation/transfusion rules for virtually any major country, including the US, have the same policy. 

  5. Anonymous says:

    Does any of HSA's blood end  up in Health City?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just wait by the side of the roads, after the driving I have seen recently there will be plenty of blood to collect.