Man shot near BT bar

| 15/12/2014

(CNS): Police are investigating a shooting which occurred in Bodden Town around midnight Sunday at the end of a violent weekend.  The incident took place close to the Everglo bar when a 43-year-old man from the district was shot in his left shoulder. An RCIPS spokesperson said he was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital in George Town, where he was treated for his injuries, which are not considered life threatening. He is now in a stable condition, the police reported Monday. The shooting comes after a number of crimes in George Town over the weekend: there were two armed street robberies on Saturday night, as well as a violent stabbing and reports of a car being shot at, both in the early hours of Saturday morning. 

Police have arrested a suspect in the car shooting incident and have charged a man in connection with the stabbing but the armed street robbers remain at large.

Officers are now also looking for the Bodden Town shooter as no  arrests have been made in connection with that incident.

Anyone who may have witnessed this incident or who may have information to assist are asked to contact the Bodden Town Police on 947 2220 or Detective Constable Karen McQuade at 326-2558 or Crime Stoppers on 800 8477(TIPS).

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  1. Anonymous says:

    More gated communities please.  And a permanent road block in and out of West Bay and East End.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well it's a good thing the police don't have guns…… That would just force the criminals to carry gu…….. Oh wait! That never satisfied me as a proper argument when I was workingthere! Still makes no sense to me now! Seems like maybe people need to realize that the criminals already have guns! 

  3. Anon says:

    We see these punks all the time. They are not invisible. They are not unknown to law inforcement. Why not run a few stings, send out some undercover officers at hot spots? Nooooo, Instead we are checking working Moms’ minivans for expired registrations, how about we focus on real issues, and real criminals? Why, because that would require effort and not lead to easy revenue.

  4. Michel says:

    For this Christmas Holiday, Love one Another. Be careful at how much you drink before you get home and be aware of your surroundings. Spend it at Church and @ your children's Christmas program or spend time toview the beautiful lights. Christmas lives in our Hearts as the Holy Spirit, in our minds as God and in our ways as Jesus. 

    Our Families and close friends are precious so look out for " One Another". End the year well and Forgive and ask Forgiveness to who may have offended you or the one you may have offended you. God Bless to each and everyone and focus on the good. Remember the sick and the less fortunates. To God be the Glory. Michel Lemay and Family.


  5. Anonymous says:

    A 20.000 fine for the owner of a bar in case of shootings, and there will be no more shootings.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just have two armed security people in each bar at the expense of the owner.

    As an owner you have the right to deny people from entering. And they know who the problem makers are.

    • Anonymous says:

      What you say is true but do you really think that is the solution to this problem. That is only a possible solution to preventing the shootings from taking place inside the bars as opposed to outside of the bars. You get me ?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Public seems to have little response to so much crime.

    What to do?

    Lets get some politicians to bash Baines, he must be responsible.

    Or Dart moving the road and destroying our heritage.


    Until the citizens of Cayman take an honest look at themselves and their families and develop a zero tolerance for criminal behavior.

    The blame game will continue.

    • Anonymous says:

      16:40. "Until the citizens of Cayman take an honest look at themselves and their families and develop a zero tolerance for criminal behavior.The blame game will continue" says the poster as he becomes the latest player in the game..

  8. Anonymous says:

    In order to keep safe you now have to stay off the mean streets of Cayman after dark, Gated communities are becoming prime real estate.. 

    • Anonymous says:

      15:12.Northward is a gated community.Do you really want to occupy a piece of that prime real estate?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Another Caymankind Christmas weekend!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Great crime free Island we are living in!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      It was Crime free until MacKeeva started importing criminals and gave them Status.

      • Anonymous says:

        7:16, either you are just a troll or you are plain mad. Or maybe a mad troll. So Cayman was crime free before 2003? And why are most of the criminals in Northward BORN Caymanians? You is a hijut.