Community pays tribute to Estella Scott-Roberts

| 13/10/2008

(CNS): The Members of the Legislative Assembly stood for a minute in silence on Monday morning (13 October) to mourn the death of Estella Scott-Roberts. And as her colleagues at Cable & Wireless expressed their greif, her fellow members of the Human Rights committee paid tribute to her tireless work.

“Estella Scott-Roberts was taken from her loved ones too soon, and in a manner so cruel and calculated that it is hard to fathom at this time,” said the minister with responsibility for gender affairs Anthony Eden. “Our community has been robbed of a caring and strong woman, whose purpose in life was to be of service to others. This unimaginable crime is an assault on every man, woman and child in this community.”

Eden noted that the government would provide all assistance needed to solve the crime and he said he would be calling on His Excellency the Governor Stuart Jack who has responsibility for the police to act immediately

To the perpetrators the Minister said, “We will not be silenced; we will not be afraid; and justice will prevail.” He promised her family that her work would continue, and “we will carry her in our hearts forever.”

He invited MLAs to take part in Saturday’s (18 October) Silent Witness march, organised by the Business and Professional Women’s Club that annually remembers women slain in abusive relationships. The march is from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., starting at the Government Administration Building and ending at the Legislative Assembly steps.

Meanwhile the Human Rights Committee on which Scott-Roberts served also extended its deepest condolences to her family and loved ones.

"Estella worked tirelessly to make our community a better place for women, men, young persons, and our wider community as a whole. She was a much-needed role model for young girls and to her beloved Caymanian people," the committee said. "Estella’s colleagues at the HRC will be paying tribute to her at the upcoming Silent Witness March at 12:30pm on Saturday, 18 October 2008 and the HRC strongly encourages the entire Cayman community to also support the march."

Memebrs of the HRC said they were honoured to count her as one if its members and were forever thankful for her service and work to make the Cayman Islands a better place. They added that the HRC remains committed to continuing Estella’s hard work to ensure and protect the rights of women and children, two of the most vulnerable groups in our society. 

Her employers Cable & Wireless released a statement on Monday afternoon calling on the community to come together. Country Manager Tony Ritch (left) said people needed to support the police by providing any information that may help with this investigation regardless of how insignificant it might seem.

The International Cable & Wireless family has been reeling reeling from the news this weekend that has shocked the entire Cayman nation,” the firm said in a public statement. “A search for missing Corporate Communications Manager Estella Scott-Roberts resulted in her burnt-out vehicle being found with unidentifiable remains inside, believed to be hers."

Country Manager Tony Ritch expressed the shock of all of Scott Robert’s colleagues at the firm.

“We are all distraught beyond words because of the horrific discovery on Saturday; our shock is shared by colleagues across the entire Cable & Wireless family.  While we await formal identification of the remains that were found, we all fear the worst for our colleague and dear friend, Estella Scott-Roberts,” he said. “We need our entire country to come together in support of this investigation, so that the person or people responsible for this despicable and dreadful act can be quickly found and brought to justice. Our thoughts and prayers are with Estella’s family and friends at this time.”


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    While we extend our condolences and are grieved and bereaved on the passing of a stalwart citizen, this is not enough,we need to as a community jto oin the march on Sunday in large no huge numbers not only to show our respect to Estella, but as a sign to the perpetrator(s) of this heinous murder that we are fed up and that we demand their swift capture and imposition of  maximum sentencing for this crime..