Tomas strengthens as it heads towards Jamaica

| 01/11/2010

(CNS): Update Tuesday morning –  Tropical Storm Tomas was located around 445 miles SE of Kingston, Jamaica at 6am local time on Monday as it began to strengthen again. Maximum sustained winds are now  near 50 mph and Tomas is moving towards the west at 12 mph. Forecasters said a turn towards the west northwest is expected during the next two days and further strengthening is also forecast  the NHC warned. Tomas is farther south in the Caribbean than originally expected, which means the storm may have more time to re-intensify. Tropical storm force winds currently extend outward up to 115 miles from the centre. Tomas became the twelfth hurricane of the Atlantic 2010 season this weekend and is still the 19th storm.

Most forecasters currently have the storm turning towards the north over the next few days before reaching Jamaica. On this forecast path Tomas will not pose a threat to the Cayman Islands, though deviations from that track could occur and residents should still monitor Tomas closely.

Forecasters say Tomas still has the potential to strengthen into a major storm as it moves westward toward Jamaica.

Tomas has torn off roofs, downed power lines and dropped several inches of rain across Barbados, St. Vincent and St. Lucia. Hundreds of people took refuge in shelters at the weekend when winds tore at buildings and rain-soaked hillsides slid across roads.

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  1. Concern says:

    Poor Haiti, because that is where it is project to make land fall. Already we should have a container prepared to send clothing and food to Haiti. These people are going to once again suffer from a major disaster if this hurricane does not change course and dissipate.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yep, I think we should all keep an eye on this one, something tells me we may get a bit of bad weather from it

  3. Anonymous says:

    Is it not about time that we quit referring to the NHC as the National Hurricane Centre but call it the United States National Hurricane Centre?

    Surely we are not a sovereign nation but a territory of Great Britain, why can’t all of the local media including the television weather people get this little but important point correct?

    • Anonymous says:

      I am worried about our security and damages, not fancy titles and political correctness. Titles be dammed I,m worried about my house, car, lives of myself, family and friends.

  4. Last Say says:

    This Hurricane is worrying! Please take all precaution to protect life and property! 

  5. Anonymous says:

     Tomas is at hurricane strength already, and less than 100 miles SE of Barbados.  I fraid for my peeps there, and worried for the entire Caribbean.

  6. Very Concerned Citizen says:

    This one has the capacity to be an Ivan event. Watch the website. They have been accurate all season.

    Just make damned sure you take all necessary precautions. It is your family, your house, and your life. Deal with it.

  7. Anonymous says:

    NOAA has it on a path close to us, where did this track come from?