Chamber members asked what discounts they want

| 16/02/2011

(CNS): The Chamber of Commerce released a Benefits Survey on Tuesday, February 8 to explore see how it can use its strength in numbers to get better deals for its members through its discount and affinity programmes. With prices on the increase and the recession still biting the president said the goal is to use the power of the collective membership to negotiate new and improved offers. The Chamber’s discount system offers benefits to business as well as consumers as it also encourages people to shop locally.

“In an effort to save our members and their employees’ money, the Chamber Council is exploring opportunities of new affinity products to reduce costs by taking advantage of the size of our membership and the number of workers these organisations employ,” said James O’Neill, President of the Chamber of Commerce.
“Business and household operational costs have increased dramatically over the past five years and it is our intention to relieve some of these burdens through group buying power opportunities. This survey will confirm our members’ level of interest and the items that rank high in their list of priorities. Based on the outcome of this survey we will know which lines of investigation to pursue to create some money saving products for our members. “
The survey takes 20 minutes to complete and the results will enable the Chamber to better communicate the needs of private businesses in the Cayman Islands as it negotiates with insurance providers to offer our members better rates and coverage.


Category: Business

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How about starting by honouring the discounts that they advertise. Last year I took my family to XXXX and we all ate and drunk, then they refused to accept my COC card for the discount, saying they were no longer members and didn’t offer the discount. Now this years list of members comes out and they are still on there, offering the same discount. This is misleading and bordering on fraudulent. The 10% would have taken the edge off their steep prices