Mac argues for development

| 14/04/2011

(CNS): The Cayman Islands must have more physical development if the local economy is to survive and prosper, the premier has stated. McKeeva Bush said those who were opposing all development were standing in the way of creating new economies. He said there were developers who stood ready to invest millions of dollars of their own money, which would generate jobs and business, while people stood around “hemming and hawing”. With a decreasing population and the continuing economic crisis, Bush said he was committed to sound development for the Cayman Islands and would encourage those developers to invest before they took their money elsewhere. (Photo Dennie Warren Jr)

At this week’s public meeting in North Side Bush warned that other jurisdictions in the region were wooing local developers here to get them to develop in other Caribbean locations, such as Jamaica. He said he would do what he could, however, to get them to invest here, adding that he would offer concessions if it got local people back to work.

“We need diversification,” the country’s leader said. “We will not see the past growth in financial services and tourism again. We new areas.” Bush said that the standard of living Caymanians had enjoyed in the past was a direct result of allowing people to invest and of allowing people to come and spend their money. “We cannot go back to being in the poor house.”

His goal was to create an environment where people could make money, he stated, and he criticized the negativity people had towards development projects. “Everything is wrong,” he said, reflecting on what his critics were saying. “There something bad about everything the government is trying to do,” but no one was coming up with any better ideas, he added.

“No one has come up with a plan to create jobs and plan the future for these islands. It is easy to talk," Bush said. “I ask them to tell you how they will give you a better future. We don’t have any industry to get funds for what we need to do. We have to prepare ourselves for the next time there is an economic crisis.”

The projects that he intended to support would create a sustainable future, he said, as he questioned where the money would come from to give scholarships to the 400 school children graduating or to create new jobs if Cayman did not allow the projects and instead ran away the companies. “We need wealthy people to come here and invest. If we can get some of the projects off ground and get over stumbling blocks, people will have work and … people will get business,” he added. “Everybody wants something but no one wants to change anything.”

People needed to get the facts before they criticised, the premier declared, as there had been misinformation about the various projects he supported. In particular, he said that when people said there were plans to dredge the North Sound “nothing could be further from truth,” as the plan was for a small channel. Bush added that he was not going to support any development that scientific evidence says would damage the natural assets. Before agreeing on any project, he said he needed to know it won’t harm the Sound.

“No work will begin until EIA study completed by a world class team of marine biologists and engineers familiar with the North Sound and the Caribbean …The EIA will be completed in a transparent manner and with the Department of Environment and funded by the developers.”

He claimed it would enhance the existing environment but he would make sure there was no damage to the Sandbar, Rum Point, the marine wildlife or the overall environment before the channel was developed.

In face of the opposition in the district about the proposed East End Sea Port, he revealed that there was still no formal proposal before government for that project. The developer was waiting on the findings of his own environmental impact study, the premier said. But he said government would support the proposal if the concerns are met.

One of the best development proposals, he said, was for the special economic zone, which would attract science, technology and new media to the islands. Bush said so far at least he had not heard that project criticized but he suspected it would be in time as everything was criticised.

“We know we will be criticised as you expect that in a democracy. I just wish it was a little less,” the premier concluded.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Now, lets not jump to conclusions. Im sure his preposition would not make the island’s economy any worst than it is now. Why not let people come and invest thier money to the Cayman Islands. I must admit though that this can soal the intergrety of the island and its people but in times like these were people are in need of work and money, what other choices do we have? I have to say that I am not happy in which the country is heading and having to have people come from overseas doesn’t set with me well either. But this is a new era and things are not going to get any better. With that being said, I am in favor for the change.

  2. Anonymous says:

    We, the people of the Cayman Islands, in our right senses, will continue to oppose stupid ideas such as an oil refinery in Cayman. We will not have it here. Period. A small channel in the north sound? Small enough to create two mile-wide islands? Is this man completely nuts? He is STILL expecting the PUBLIC to do HIS job of coming up with sensible ideas for economic sustainability while he spends millions of our dollars trotting the globe with NOTHING to show for it?

    • Lachlan MacTavish says:

      Mr. Bush push’s development for three reasons, he has a real estate company, he has developer friends and he doesn’t know how to fix the rest of the countries problems. Sustainable managed growth jobs trickle down is tourism and the professional services first, the fiscal responsibility and finally managed development. I took my unscientific calculator and added up all the money Bush and Oconnor have wasted, divided that by $250.00 and came up with an island full of stay over tourists. CAL, "buy one ticket get one free". Remember that is from the money that has been frittered away with no tangible results for the people. 

      Improved tourism improved economy and life style for Caymanians. Then focus on the professional services before you drop further down the ladder.

  3. Michel Lemay says:

    I am far from being against any development but it worries to see Mr. Bush so eager to get his hands on some of that money thet he says might go elsewhere. Mr. Bush when are you going to hurry up and slow down. Don’t sell us out to the first bidder, negotiate on behalf of the people for the people. Bring back that 60-40 local jobs versus permits. I told you several times in personnal letters that the level of service is not worth what we offer. I told you that we need to go back to the basics. Our good old long term investors,clients, friends are selling out what they own here and many are saying that the instability,crime and sourly service are not worth bringying in their families here anymore. The PEOPLE who made these islands special working in tourism are just as rare as Blue Iguanas but you don’t listen. You need to form a TOURISM TASK FORCE. Mystery dining, mystery shopping, getting people to ask questions to some taxi drivers. Bottom line ensure that the services provided are what they are suppose to be.Many Caymanians are now too hold to maybe work hard physically but their knowledge sir are not taught in the best books. Cayman had a special market and we are not St-Thomas, St- Marteen or Aruba. we were better then them including Bermuda. If St- Lucia most beautiful place I have ever been is ahead of us( no disrespect St- Lucians) you have to agree that it can be a little scary at times if your a tourist taking a chance to walk arround. It’s not the quantity sir you should seek but the quality; but you don’t listen. You don’t even trust members of your own party so they could go attend certain conventions and bring you feebacks. No you want finance, you want tourism when you have good people who know tourism way better then you do they have to humble themselves. I should know after 25 years of day trading in town and serving in restaurants at night and there are many like me some of us is still alive in case you haven’t notice. Remember the old saying that if you chase 2 rabbits at the same time you may and probably loose them both ? Heaven forbid you drop down, very few would know what to do. Some are too green behind the ears, others have that have to remain humble do not have a clue what you are up to sometimes. Back to the Basics sir, if not not all the money in the world will not help us because you don’t listen tothose who know and we will be back to sqare one with many unhappy people that are finding it difficult to feed their families never mind keep up with the bills. You and I know where that will lead. This is not a personnal attack I supported you from day one when you came nocking at my door with Capt. Benson when we were staying at Capt.Allies old house across from Mr. DaCosta (God bless is soul) Silver Sands . Your first time running NOW I beg you get back in touch with the people and listen because I have seen this picture before during my sailing days and I did not like the ending. Yours truly, Michel Lemay. Less is sometime more.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure it would be a great help to the local economy if Caymanian business would employ the employable/available Caymanians, instead of griping about the cost of work permits for persons who they bring in, simply because they can pay them little or nothing. Not only are they exploiting the foreign workers but they are also contributing to the plight of the unemployed Caymanians and their families.

    I am so sorry to say this, but wanting everything for oneself is the mindset of many Caymanians – and you won’t take one penny with you. Do what is right and don’t let greed ruin us completely! May God have mercy on us!

    It is not the Legislators alone who have allowed Cayman to go the way it is going – many Caymanians have contributed to this ourselves.

  5. CU Bodden says:

    What you folks do not realize, but this we know for sure;

    Dart owns the portion of land where he has placed the ‘vehicle’ barriers, from Tiki Beach to the first and only house towards West Bay. (almost to the Yacht Club)

    He owns the land across the street from these barriers as well. Once the road is blocked and moved, the next step will eventually be to remove the road/asphalt itself, while you’re not looking. (kind of like mangroves being removed when you weren’t looking)

    I mean, why would you want a road to stop the beach from connecting it to the rest of your property?

    And NOW you have the most valuable multi-million dollar stretch of pristine SMB property with no 10 story buildings blocking your view.

    Now, how much “ACCESS” do you think you’re going to get to that stretch of beach with the teeny tiny vehicle barriers?? Far fetched, eh? You will be allowed access when the owner decides you will have access and when you will not have access.

    Give ’em aninch and they will eventually, sneakily, take 7 miles.
    This is on the down low for a reason. Maybe you won’t notice.. And if they do it slow enough, you won’t even mind.

    Thumbs down to those of you who do not believe this.

    CU Bodden – Not from West Bay

    • Michel Lemay says:

      Thank you CU Bodden, you could not have said any better and the portrait you painted is exactly the one we would one day see as planned; slowly but surely. Mr. Bush did you see it that way ?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Another great photograph!!! Mouth obviously swallowing foot!!!

  7. Anon says:

    Mac betta learn… like the good book say, you spit in the sky it lands in your face!

    • westchest says:

      it doesn’t say that in the good book!

      • Anonymous says:

        What the good book does say is "in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he will direct thy path". Are you listening Mac? Surely they preach that at your church?

  8. B. B. L. Brown says:

    Sad, sad, sad……  I keep thinking of the old joke, "How can you tell when a politician is lying?"   The answer of course is, "His lips are moving."

    Personally, I think the reason the government has no money is simply that they waste too much…….. W-A-A-A-Y too much.  Dredging the sound is just another example.

  9. ahh boiii says:

    Mr Bush you have missed the point entirely. People are not against development, we simply want development to meet the following criteria:

    1. That all negotiations and dealings involving the Government be open, honest and transparent and not rife with contradiction, cronyism and corruption. We also expect that the Government will demand the very same from private comapnies and individuals.

    2. The Government should be party-neutral in its dealings with the public, my political views no matter how contrary to the UDP should be respected and should not influence the outcome of decisions made by the Government. *Mr Premier I myself have heard comments that “we” do not want any Powerys serving on any of your boards in the past! This sort of bitter hatred for other Caymanians is not becoming of a Government. You should be gracious, polite, strong, bold, charismatic and appealing. Not angry, scowling, condescending and at times downright rude!

    3. Foreign political allies with money and power are welcomed but should be held to the same high standards and ethics that apply in #1 above.

    4. Anything that threatens the well-being, prosperity and future of Caymanians shoudl be rejected.

    5. Anything that threatens the beauty, natural resources and environment of the Cayman Islands should be rejected.

    6. Remember that what is good for you is good for the rest of the country. We all deserve equal treatment, benefits, perks, trips, bonus, surprises, treats, freebies, invitations etc etc you are not the only person who grew up in hard times in “Ole Bush”.

    7. Respect the ambitious, loyal (to country not party), hard working, honest, ethical (non butt kissing) Caymanians, and be their defender and champion, it is us who gave you the title Premier, wear it with pride and dignity in the same way our Seamen carried their titles from mess men right up to Captain, you are trying to fill some very big shoes and you are failing miserably.

    This is not all but I didnt want to give you a task that was not achievable.

    • nauticalone says:

      Well said! I agree completely with your post!

    • Anonymous says:

      As an older Caymanian I just want to say to you, Thank You from the bottom of my heart. You said it so well.

  10. Lachlan MacTavish says:

    There are some very good comments and ideas here. Cayman needs managed growth and development that is good for the many not the few. The majority of your proposals are not very good for the country according to people who are a lot wiser than I am. Plus many feel that development alone is not the answer to Cayman’s problems. People are frustrated because you refuse to listen to very knowledgeable people unless they are endorsing your position. You are being criticized heavily because you are failing to address core issues with your Government and the country. The vast majority of the educated, well thought out and expressed criticizm is well deserved. You are on the defensive constantly and you and your Government is failing the people. There must be change in order for Cayman to grow and recover. 

  11. Anonymous says:

    McKeeva, lets get the port and airport started, reduce duty and work permit fees. This will save a lot of the businesses that are on their way out and breathe new life into the economy.

    Government is afraid of doings these things because they maybe seen as not raising enough revenue or spending on grandiose schemes like the past government but if we don’t start doing something there won’t be anybody around to collect these fees from.

    Why do you think the population has dropped? Most people can’t afford to stay here and that’s just not expats, Caymanians are leaving too. McKeeva, you are right enough excuses from you and from those that oppose you. Let’s get something done. You can’t please all the people all the time but how about pleasing the majority and actually starting something.

  12. nys_best says:

    Who are these people with money waiting to invest…?  One thing is for sure, it’s never good to invest money is a place that has a shrinking population.  I wonder how long it would take to get ROI(return on investment)? 

  13. The Truth is Out There says:

    If Mac wants to diversify the economy why don’t we buy some space shuttles from NASA at close out prices and start our own space program.  Just think how many jobs that would create and how good it would be for the island.

  14. Caymanians for logic says:

     It is obvious that the Cayman Islands gets ALL of its money from the Tourism & Finance Industries…Both produce two things…development and consumption.


    As strange as this may seem, Bush is only stating the facts on this one…to get money for Government (ie. for our expected level of CIG spending on roads, hospitals, police, etc) we need People and we need Development…simple and end of story. You cannot have your cake and eat it too


    If someone can find another source of money put it here and lets start a dialogue on it. Nice dream to go back to old times but realise that to do so, we must go back to old times….

    • MichaelK says:

      I would tend to agree with you on this. I have watched the meeting on TV the other night after listening to the radio ‘hipe’ the morning before and thought that is was a very good meeting and not at all as stated by the radio panel. A lot of truth spoken in the usual ‘Mackeeva fashion’, but none the less it was the truth.

      The country is in a financial bind some, if not most, due to the spending of the last government, who did not stop and take heed of the world economic downturn and put a little away for a rainy day, we the people nor the last government can deny this.

      I would agree that we do need more sustainable development for the ever growing demand for jobs in this country and in stating this I do not mean only buildings – for people tend to confuse development with more buildings.

      The issue of crime is very important and needs to be addressed and Mr. Bushes statement of the people being the key to solving most if not all of the crimes in the country was very near accurate, for the people do need to come forward with any info they have on persons of interest.

      The use of the word PUNKS was not necessary but of course this was coined by the Rooster show a fews weeks back when they again in their frenzy on crime called the crimenals and robbers PUNKs therefore why the noise when the words are eccoed by the premier I am not certain. Too much chat over nothing.

      However on a more positive note, I WAS left with the message behind the words of the premier. This country is in a rut and needs serious investment and this would be best done from the persons currently living within our society without bringing in others to devy the pie up further.

      There are those amoung us who are interestedt in Cayman and in assisting its people so why not let them have the first attempt.

      We cry for the good old days however on the first blackout from CUC we cry bloody murder. We do not even store the old calculaters or typewriters which did not require electricity to operate or no longer purchase prophene stoves, anyone care to throw some chow on the old caboose.

      Cayman it is time to stand up and be honest with ourselves no matter what side of the fence you are on. The truth is the truth no matter who speeks it.

      We need assistance not tomorrow but today, we do not want the good old days, we want today and if we continue to cry about everything the government OR OTHERS attempts to do to improve this current economy there will be nothing left for any of us to have.

      Give the people a chance, it has only been a little less than two years, you gave the last government four. if you are not satisfeid after that then you hold the power
      For should we continue to blast all persons foreigners and locals alike no one will want to assist, not now, not tomorow or in the future and you might just get what you wish for – the good old days. Bring on the candles, gerosine lamps … for all you hold dear now will be gone WOOSH and you will be left crying of the good old days when we had nice cars and homes and could take vacations, go camping every easter we would sit and say wow boy you memba when Mr. So and So wanted to build this, to buy that, to come here and give us this or that. Ya THAT WAS THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Why can’t one of the ‘new areas’ be education?  Why can’t the Cayman Islands ‘develop’ a reputation for being a world-class center for the diversification of learning?  We could be doing so much more to properly educate young and old Caymanians and quite frankly student all around the world.  The Cayman Islands are home to some of the rarest species of plants and insects in the world and how grand it would be to have state of the art facilities devoted to research and the development of IDEAS.  

    UCCI is a great place to start, but students often move on to England or the states and never complete their studies here.  Cayman needs a world-class university that would attract talented instructors, students and likely would in and of itself promote tourism and physical development, focused around such things as environmental and marine sciences.

    McKeeva doesn’t understand is that all these pet developers he speaks of are not doing anything to actually contribute to the welfare of the country long term or really even short term.  We operate under a system that allows for people to come to Cayman, rape the land and sea of its natural resources and beauty, and be gone.  They don’t have to care about Cayman, so why should they?  

    Education is the outlet these islands need to progress the country in the right direction, not buildings and endless pools.  I wish Government and the Premier would take 10 minutes to think critically, rationally and reasonably about what this country actually needs.

    • One Bracker says:

      Anonymous 12:51, I’m with you on this "suggestion".  A good college in the Caymans is a great idea! 

  16. The Original Anon says:

    I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow…Great picture, Dennie!

    • Just Commentin' says:

      1,000 LOL’s for that! I was thinking the same thing when I saw the picture! Priceless. It is a portrait that is the soulful embodiment of the man’s personality. The picture captures the man in a way no other picture I have seen has been able to do.

      Since we are needing comic relief from Mac’s running the country into the ground, I think the spoof site on the Net should start a “Mac Lookin’ Stoopid” photo contest. Should be a lot easier than a “Mac Looking Intelligent” contest- those moments would be real hard to capture. The idea behind this is simple: the more a politician becomes the butt of humour and jokes, the more his power dwindles. Just think of the many politicians who have been joked into oblivion. It works!

      To that end, here is the latest Mac Joke of the Day (let’s make these go “viral” everybody – email ’em to your friends):
      “Here is some good news. For several weeks in a row, the Cayman economy is showing signs of real economic gains and political progress. Analysts now are saying that the only thing that could hurt the recovery is Premiere Bush’s return from his latest overseas trip.”

  17. Anonymous says:

    the usual hot air from mckeeva just like the last 2 years…what have you achieved?
    all he has done is raise the cost of of doing business (doubling work permit fees!) which hasdone untold damage to the economy….

  18. Anonymous says:

    There is no issue with development – IF it is carefully planned and thought out and truly to the benefit of the entire country and not just a few selected, and done in a manner where it is not to the detriment of the environment!

    Unfortunately, neither of your proposals fit the above criteria!

  19. While You Were Out says:

    “There something bad about everything the government is trying to do,” but no one was coming up with any better ideas,

    Lots of ideas have been put forth, so that is incorrect and misleading. You are just not listening!

    How about supporting local businesses? How about reducing the cost of doing business for local people? How about not selling out the island to every developer that comes along?  How about enhancing what makes Cayman unique? Instead of trying to turn it into your version of Miami or Dallas? How about sticking around for awhile and dealing with crime?  How about getting your finger out of the pie? How about making government accounts available?

    No, Mr. Premier the criticisms you have received are justified.

    • Live Free... says:

      While You Were Out. You could not have said it any better, that’s a TKO to the Premier, even the opposition table some good ideas, and he refused to listen and went ahead with so much things they warned that would affect the businesses, and the people of these Islands. And he was also warned not to raised the permit fees, the 25 cents on the Fuel, and the increase of the Import Duties, which affected the cost of doing business in these Islands, all these was opposed by the opposition, and he never listen to us the people of these Islands. That’s why we are where we are today, he never listens to no one, and never yet accept his own wrongs. Macdinejad needs to retire before 2013.

  20. Anonymous says:

    “We know we will be criticised as you expect that in a democracy. I just wish it was a little less,” the premier concluded.

    We know our Premier will make some bad decisions as you expect that in a democracy.  I just wish it was a little less.

  21. petermilburn says:

    Just a couple of quick comments on the above story.Mr.Premier a lot of us are not against development but proper development as apposed to some of your lets tear this all down type.The economic zone you are proposing I think has merit and will work if thought out and done properly.The Shetty hospital is another project that will help our economy but please stop all the destruction of the mangroves just to satisfy the few which I can count on two fingers.Some of us have long said to get the stay over visitors back up to pre Ivan times as they are what will help to get us back on our feet.Hotels,airlines condos etc must ALL tow the line in order for that to happen.Cut the cost of airfares back drastically and include all taxes when posting prices.Remember a full airline at a lower price is better than a half full plane at crazy high prices.The govt is subsidising the airlines all year long so increase that subsidy and keep the planes full.Full flights will have a spin off effect on the whole economy.
    For goodness sake give it a try it might just work.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I have to admit I am quite on the fence about the political party. However, I do feel that Bush is just throwing around ideas, and that they are very ill-founded.

    I agree that we have to diversify in order to maintain our economy, but the key here is in a sustainable way. There is no point in ruining our current source of income. The thing is that we are quite developed and I believe that part of the reason investors are looking at other islands is because they are undeveloped.

    I am also quite curious to see how exactly these EIAs are done. I think they did one for the new cruise berthing facilities and I don’t think I ever saw it. THere’s no point in having an EIA that is going to be biased. I hope the people appointed are neutral party driven.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Other viable ideas put forward and promptly shot down by King McKeeva are:

    * Implement Daylight Savings Time
    * 24 hour companies registry
    * Doing research before buying into every cockamamie idea some greedy developer puts forward
    * Not giving away excessive concessions as part of prostituting Cayman to every foreign developer
    * Collecting the moneydue from the developers who were given concessions by you the last time
    * Doing government accounts so we know how much we have/ need to spend and can budget properly
    * Stop giving ‘sweetheart’ deals to your UDP cronies
    * privatise businesses that CIG have been unable to run profitably, such as turtle farm
    * stop travelling unnecessarily with your full entourage at first class cost
    * capitalise on available investment by wealthy Caymanians so that we can actually own something instead of having a temporary job building another mans castle
    * follow the public tendering process so we can be sure to get value for money

    * give crime some attention and resources to ensure tourists and visitors can come here safely

  24. Joe Bananas says:

     Wish away Mr. Bush  you are heavily criticized for good reason.  Cayman is failing fast under your watch.  So much money goes in, so little of anything of value to the people comes out.  Spending money on yourself and your friends traveling the world for no reason other than your own on the peoples dime while you steal as much of the peoples money as you can possibly get away with.  Why would anyone but a fool fool believe anything you have to say anymore?  

    • Florence Goring-Nozza says:

      Mr Bush,

      The people of the Cayman Islands is not at all against development as long as Caymanians are reaping the benefits in being able to acquire gainfufl employment.

      This is NOT HAPPENING on your watch!

      Your subtile,  XXXX cry for increasing the population is XXXX a danger to our local and national security interests, and a license to escalate CRIME! in our little society, how dare you!. To date you as Premier of the Cayman Islands nor your minister for labor and education is doing "NOTHING" to ensure nor secure JOBS FOR OUR PEOPLE. You have in fact chosen to secure an immigration system with policies to make hiring easier for unscrupulous employers seeking cheap labor ruling out all chances of hiring our young people allowing them to make an honest living, and forcing them to engage in illegal drugs and weapons trading. This is GROSS FAILURE on the part of your government where you are not at all  serving the people who elected you and your cabinet to office. This is no time for you to initiate an argument of defense for your behavior or your actions the situation is not debatable. But it is time for a strong and deliberate response to you that we emphatically DISAPPROVE!

      NO! a THOUSAND TIMES  NO! we will not standby idly and be silent while you make a social and political dungeon of our precious society by trying to impose STATUS GRANTS to increase your votes, terrify Caymanians making them more financially  insecure, and keep you in political power while our people stand in lines at social service seeking aide, jobless, homeless, humiliated and devastated, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

      No more development for your friend developers, you and your cronies are selling this country acre by acre and our children’s futute.. We invite development that has a partnership with a government that is working for and with the people allowing them to taste a piece of the PIE..  XXXXX you have elected to cause our people to suffer and remain unemployed while your government collect huge work permit fees in revenues to fill the public purse for this government to waste entertaining yourselves and people that do not have the interest of Caymanians at heart. Just who are you developing for?

      We can not approve of ANYTHING THAT YOU ARE DOING UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE YOUR FIRST WORK,  Putting Caymanians back to work. Yes its time to provide jobs for CAYMANIANS.

  25. NJ2Cay says:

    I have to say that he hit it right on the nose. Everyone is quick to criticize but slow to offer alternatives. It’s time the Cayman people realize that they are sailing a sinking ship and drastic steps have to be taken in order to keep it afloat and get it back in good sailing condition. The PPM always starts trouble and puts down the choices of the UPD, but the fact still remains that the country is in such dire financial straits because of their lack luster spending habits. Sounds to me like the UPD is trying their best to do what it takes to get the islands back on track no matter how unpopular the choices may be. So either show your leaders some support or shut the F&$% up if you have no viable alternatives to offer. PPM, you had your chance and you screwed everything up leaving the country in a mess for the UPD to clean up. If you want to point the finger at someone just take a long look in the mirror..

    • Anonymous says:

      Why should we listen to anyone who cannot even get the party initials right? The country is not in dire financial straits simply because of the spending spree of the PPM, regrettable though it was. That simplistic notion is UDP (note the correct initials) partisan rhetoric. A number of factors are responsible and Mr. Bush and the UDP have contributed as much as anyone to our adverse financial situation most recently by the hike in work permit and other fees which have choked off businesses, and historically through such colossal white elephants as Boatswain Beach (which did not even have the saving grace of being an essential infrastructure project). To the extent that govt’s finances have improved this is in spite of, rather than because of, Mr. Bush and his govt. There has been increased revenue because there is some resurgence in some onshore economies which feed our financial industry. Nothing to do with the Premier’s foreign excursions.

      The UDP are trying their best to do what benefits them and their cronies. If Cayman also happens to benefit then all is well and good but there is no hint of statemanship in any of their actions or rhetoric. Many of their policies will inflict irreparable damage to these Islands. Nothing is being “cleaned up” by the UDP. Quite the opposite, never has so much been created that needs to be “cleaned up”.

      • hmmmmm says:

        Very passionate words, reveal your name and I will mine.


    • Just Commentin' says:

      You hit the nail on the head! The current two-party system is a disaster and the electorate is either too dull or too lazy to find a viable alternative.

      While this idea may not get a lot of “thumbs UP”, the problem indeed can be found by looking in our mirrors – all of us. We the people collectively trod into this quagmire and only we can get ourselves out. Will we? Now that’s and entirely different question. The fact that we were morons enough to get to this point ( I mean, really, what prudent, intelligent society would end with a Leader such as ours?) does not bode well for our chances of recovery.

  26. Caymanapedia says:

    "Maconomics" – a term for the bizarre use of economic terms in sentences which make no sense whatsoever.  Often using to support decisions based upon the Rule of Mike.

    "Rule of Mike" – a political term for guiding economic policy by the use of the test "What would Mike Ryan like usto do". 


    1) Mike would like a trench to let big yachts come to his new buildings so he can sell new buildings.

    2) Applying the Rule of Mike, Mac wants a trench.

    3) Through Maconomics Mac says that building a trench is vital for the economic recovery.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mike Ryan has been trying to sell the idea about the north sound channel for mega yachts since at least 2008.

      Quietly doing so. I guess he figured it a better strategy to get Mac to push for it than for him to do it directly.

    • Anonymous says:

      "Mike" needs to pay his bills first…particularly those owed to the government……us!