Dutch leave messages for God

| 07/03/2009

(BBC): An art exhibition opening in the Netherlands will allow people to call a telephone number designated for God – but they will have to leave a message. Dubbed God’s Hotline, it aims to focus attention on changes to the ways Dutch people perceive religion. Dutch artist Johan van der Dong chose a mobile phone number to show that God was available anywhere and anytime, Radio Netherlands reported. Critics say the project mocks those with religious beliefs. Forming part of an art installation in the town of Groningen, thevoicemail message says: "This is the voice of God, I am not able to speak to you at the moment, but please leave a message."

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This voicemail should say, "I am sorry, but in your current fallen and prideful condition, you would not be able to hear me even if I did speak, so let me just point you to My Son and if you can humble yourself before Him, you are good enough for Me. See you later, hopefully."