Three men charged with GBH

| 04/04/2009

(CNS): Police say they have charged three men following their arrest on 22 March after an investigation into a serious assault. Sharlon Allen Hodgson Bent, 26, Jorge Eliecer Bowie-Thyme, 25 and Jeremiah Pusey Sjogreen, 28 were each charged with causing GBH with intent and inflicting GBH. The three appeared in court on Friday 3 April, and were remanded in custody at Northward Prison.

The three men were arrested at Owen Roberts Airport originally on suspicion of attempted murder by officers investigating the serious assault of a 23-year-old man. Police had responded to a 911 call made at around 4.35am on the morning of 21 March from a member of the public reporting that an incident was taking place at the Cay Courts Apartments area on Newport Road, George Town.

Arriving on the scene police reportedly found a man with serious wounds. He was taken to hospital suffering from lacerations to his head, arms and legs. Detectives from George Town Criminal Investigation Department started an investigation which led to the arrest of the three men.

Police said anyone with information is asked to contact DC Orlando Mason at George Town CID on 525 8744. Anyone with information about crime taking place in the Cayman Islands should contact their local police station or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling crime stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I can tell you for a fact that there is definitely more to this story than is being told in the press.  While they may not have used their best judgement while defending themselves, please don’t judge unless you know the whole story!

  2. Nicky Watson says:

    We have a comment by an individual with a credible story that offers some defence for the actions of the three young men charged in this case. While I’m not sure of the legal ramifications of posting the comment – and therefore not willing to post it – I would suggest that there may be more to this case than is apparent from the police report and encourage people to keep following this story in the news.

  3. Anonymous says:

    When one does not know the background of a situation or the circumstances of which the situation was brought upon, then it is quite easy to assume what took place. There is a old saying about the word "assume" – ass-u-me, no need to go in to further detail.

    With regards to the "ones" that bring there so called bad habits to the islands, I agree that they are "ones" that indeed bring their bad ways with them, but does that statement stand true to all "ones"? Did these "ones" have bad habits and did what they did because of that? Maybe those "ones" so happen to have be provocked and it lead to the charges they received? Who knows? Do you? Did this derive from prior events? Again, who knows? Do you?

    Long and short, when it comes to certain things, assumption is usually the first thing that people tend to do, but then again realistically speaking, everything happens for a reason. Regardless how good or bad the reason was.

    Hopefully both parties involved has now learned a lesson and act upon the lessons learned.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s very amusing when one writes a comment with so much bias in it. Obviously this writer is implying that he/she knows more about the incident that took place. Maybe it was from previous issues?

      In Cayman and around the world, the issue is with socializing and being able to express ones feelings. We always assume that for people to commit heinous crimes against a victim, the victim had to do them something in the past or something really terrible. People will kill you faster than they will discuss a petty issue with you. When men don’t like violence they are considered ‘soft’.

      I honestly believe that it is the lack of proper trainingand education that allows people to behave in such an animalistic manner. What can a person do to cause people to react that way against them? At the end of the day is it really worth it? People don’t know how to converse anymore! They all turn to violence to express themselves and it’s getting worst. It is evident in our youngsters now also, because there parents are probably the same way. Normally people who behavelike that are illiterate and uneducated.

      What is Cayman coming to? Where are morals and values?


  4. Anonymous says:

    It’s certanily a sad commentary on the state of crime on the island when CNS assumes we all know the meaning of GBH!

  5. A Concerned Caymanian says:

     There is something with our entry system in Cayman.!!!!!!

    (But Wait if you look nice ! Then I don’t have to double check you! Because you look NICE!!!!

    Hello those days are gone!!! never to return!!!

    Every rif-raf that wants to come here! can come!

    When are we going to stop landing the ones ! That bring all of their country bad habits here!

    Caymanians Need to re-vamp the Immigration Law on this Islands.

    I hope that everything that has been happening here lately will be taken in consideration  when Caymanians go to the polls on May 20th!!!!! to VOTE for WHO!!!!!

    I Think we have another Turks & Caicos Here!!!!


    • Anonymous says:

      When are we going to stop landing the ones ! That bring all of their country bad habits here!"

      Oh no, very bad. Very politically incorrect to say that. We are supposed to say that all the crimes are committed by Caymanians.  

  6. Anonymous says:

    I don’t care what anyone says, "Jeremiah Pusey Sjogreen" is a great name.

    • JAW says:

      Where are these persons from: Names dont sound like Caymanians, were they trying to defend themselves