Possible link in shootings
(CNS): Police are investigating the possibility of a link between two shooting incidents in George Town that occurred within a 12-hour period, for which three people have been arrested. No injuries occurred in either incident. The first incident occurred at around 8:30 pm Tuesday night, 14 April. Police were alerted to a report of shots being fired in the Maple Road area. The second incident occurred at around 7:30 am Wednesday morning,15 April, when police received reports of shots fired in the Myles Road area of George Town.
In both incidents, police responded to the scene and found evidence that shots had been fired in the area but no-one had been injured. The scenes were secured and processed by scenes of crime officers.
“We are taking these incidents extremely seriously,” said Acting Chief Superintendent Marlon Bodden. “We are thankful that no-one was injured in either incident and are putting all our available resources into bringing those involved to justice.” Bodden confirmed that the police are investigating the possibility that these two incidents could be linked, but stressed that it is early days and officers must keep an open mind.
Three people have been arrested in connection with these incidents. They remain in police custody at this time.
Anyone with information about these incidents is urged to contact George Town CID
on 949-4222. All information received will be treated in the strictest of confidence. People
can also call Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling Crime Stoppers
remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information
lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.
Category: Headline News
With the extrodinary amount of illegal firearms on the streets of the Cayman Islands today, it’s only a matter of short time that we will read/know through CNS that some innocent child or bystander becomes the victim(s) of these shootings.
It’s bad enough when criminals are shooting and killing one another over drugs and turf but when innocent parties get caught in the crosssfire, then all is totally lost.
This type of lawlessness did not come about overnight but seeped through the cracks when the "pale face and blue eyed Top Cop’s" disarmed the local police officers from doing their job. Sad to say, it was supported and embraced by a few local senior officer’s as well, some of whom are scratching and pulling the hair from their heads now and trying to make a discreet exit through the RCIPS back door.
All that glitters is not gold and he who laughs last laughs best. Suck it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guns are a problem, and it isnt the fault of police. This is a problem with the government not being comitted to tackling the social issues. The police are victims as much as the innocents in society.
Like the poster below said, most of these people are involved in the lifestyle and you cant protect them. ie – the Schirn girl, as sad as it is, nobody has bothered to explain what she was doing there. I know a lot of others girls that werent there and werent murdered. Its high time for society to stand up and call a spade a spade.
I say the Government should focus cracking down on making serious crimes do serious time and if anyone innocent gets caught in any crossfire, allow the police to take the gloves off and do whatever it takes to let the rest know it wont be tolerated.
Just take these people off the street and keep them off! The Police know who does what. They got enough links and get enough information.
The reason witnesses stop giving them statments and evidence is because they tell these criminals who has witnessed against them and then drag the poor witness into court to witness infront of these criminals and then the criminals get a slap on the wrist and with good behaviour they are out in no time. Where they can either go after these witnesses their self or they have a friend on the street get rid of them. Or they can either send threats or have people kill these witnesses like what happend to Officer Lake a few years back when he was suppose to witness against a prisoner.
What sort of system is that my I ask? And then you ask for HELP AND INFORMATION! That is a joke!
But now at the looks of things they don’t have to waite till their release to come after these witnesses they just have to get to a certain rank with what the prison calls "good behaviour" and arrange a murder! WOW!!! AND THEY WONDER WHY THINGS ARE GETTING WORSE!!!!
Do you really believe that it is the Police that takes individuals "off the street and keep them off?!
"They get enough Links and enough Information". Do you really think that it’s as simple as that "My Dear Watson"?!
Do you understand what the role of Police is exactly?
Where I may agree with you a bit that they (Police) should be able to "take these people off the streets and keep them off", wouldnt that be like living in Iraq during Sadam times and even some places that exist to this day? .
FYI- there are Rules and Laws that the Police operate by and please try to understand that the criminals don’t operate off the same rule book. Not only do the police operate by these laws and regulations, these rules change i.e. Police Law, Evidence Laws and the major one to come into play is call "The Constitution" which is another one of these things to be up held.
With all these laws etc in place that restricts the playing ground, do you know what makes it even more difficult and flustrating?! Its when good people do nothing and allow these persons to walk through our communities, commit their crimes and turn a blind eye to it all and then we turn around and say the things repeated here.
Crimes start from the smallest level, be it selling alcohol without a license, to being an Idle and Disorderly Person which covers alot of things people may do everyday.
Do we have the perfect police service? No! And if there is a perfect police force out there, I’d say, that is where Mr. Bridger and his crew should have been sent.
Do Police solve crimes?! Why do you think police services create programs like "Neighbourhood Watch" etc?
We the public, citizens and active members of the community that do our part, make those calls to Crime Stoppers etc and give the Information that point in the right direction are who solve crimes.The Police will make the arrest, gather evidence and hand it over to the Legal Department who should instruct the police further and or then bring these persons before the courts, who will have the say as to how these inividuals will delt with.
Do the police allow these individuals to break out of the Correction Facilities or commit these crimes whilst in them?
So while we sleep comfortably under that "Blacket of Security", take the time to remember from how’s labour that is provided. For those that do say "Thank You" to those men and women who provide the best they can with what they have, I stand with you and repeat it and say "Hang in there and God Bless you"!!
It does take a village to raise a child and yes, you’re either a part of the problem or part of the solution.
1 of the sources of imported guns in this island is thru the fish’n boats that go out 4 wks @ a time & 2 other countrys & then return 2 these islands…. these r some of the major importers of wepons…its a known fact
"Our youth, our women are being killed". Most of the recent deaths, and all those in 2009, have been linked to those who chose to live a life of crime or fraternize with hardened criminals. The police cannot protect those who do nothing to protect themselves. Provided that the law abiding citizens are safe I don’t mind if we stop wasting resources protecting those who live that kind of lifestyle.
What information? It sounds like a broken record now. Information from where? from who? We just cant do it and we aint doing it anymone. The Police cannot protect anyone. So they might as well get it into their heads that no one is going to put their life on the line with information anymore. The Police cannot protect anyone. Why dont the Government spend some money on getting undercover cops in here to combat crime? I must comment and say I do not think the police is doing enough to find the guns on the Islands. What happen with bringing in under cover cops from elsewhere. Who is responsible for making these decisions?
We spend millions of dollars on foolishness every day, PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF CAYMAN. It is going to get like a virus soon, mark my word. We cannot work with what police we have here to combat this growing crime among the Island. We need a vetran TOP COP with some foresight into getting these guns off the street. Are we going to wait until a Cop gets shot. Then all hell is going to break loose for the Police Force. Spend more money on combating crime, no matter how much it takes.
All of tax payers money going into hundred foot bill boards and the like, while our youth, and our women are being killed. Stop chasing behind petty crimes like number sellers and speak easy joints selling an illegal pint of beer or a joint. Get the guns off the street. If you cant do it then hire outside undercover cops. Do something, for Pete,s Sake. It is disgusting every week hearing about shooting and finding no gun. Heaven Help us.
didn’t Sabrina reside on Maple Road?…and it’s a small road at that.