Two polls will be easy to follow says Gomez

| 06/05/2009

(CNS): With only two weeks to go before Cayman goes to the polls not just to elect a government but to vote on the country’s new Constitution, the Supervisor of Elections Kearney Gomez has assured the electorate that with trained election officers on hand to assist and a logical set-up of polling stations, voters will find that “dual polling” will not be a difficult process. After months of preparation for the historic event he said that the process will be smooth and efficient.

“For the first time in history, the Cayman Islands will hold a Referendum on the same day as General Elections and the two separate votes will be conducted at dual polling stations because they are being held under two separate laws – the Elections Law and the Referendum Law – and to avoid any confusion,” Gomez explained.

As people arrive at polling stations, trained Field Officers will meet them and help determine whether they are on the List of Registered Electors and at the correct polling division. Voters will then be directed to the correct polling station, which is determined alphabetically by voters’ surnames.  Gomez said that everyone is encouraged to check in with the Field Officers to avoid delays later.

As voters approach the physical voting station, they will see a yellow line. They should stand behind it until the Presiding Officer calls the next person forward.  “It is the Presiding Officer’s responsibility to keep order and see that voters are not impeded or molested in any way. A Police Officer will be present, in uniform, and the Presiding Officer may call for his or her assistance if considered necessary,” the Supervisor added.

As a voter approaches the Poll Clerk, he will first state his name, address and occupation as it appears on the Register of Electors. A Polling Clerk will confirm the information while another Polling Clerk enters that information into the Poll Book. Voters will then proceed to the Presiding Officer, who will explain the voting process and issue the ballot paper. The voter then takes the ballot into a Voting Booth, marks it, folds it and returns it to the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer removes the counterfoil and the Voter deposits the ballot into the ballot box.

The voter then exits the Election area, which is the entrance to the Referendum area where another Field Officer will be stationed here to confirm that the voter is proceeding correctly. The voter will again approach a Polling Clerk, stating name, address and occupation as it appears on the Register of Electors and the information will be entered into a Poll Book. The voter proceeds to the Presiding Officer for the Referendum, who will explain the process and issue the ballot before taking the ballot to a voting booth, to mark it, fold it and return it to the Presiding Officer, who will remove the counterfoil and return the ballot to the voter. Finally the voter will deposit his or her ballot into the ballot box and then exit the polling station.

Although voters are not compelled to take part in both the General Elections and the Referendum, the Election Office said it is urging them to take advantage of the opportunity to cast ballots on this historic occasion. Speaking at the recent polling demonstration set up by the elections office Colford Scott, Deputy Supervisor of Elections said that the office hopes that by passing through both sections people will be encouraged to take part in the full democratic process.




Category: Election 2009

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  1. Iron Wood says:

    Damm that old gray man (I think his name is Mr. Cecil Connor) still working with the elections office? Man he been around longer then time.

  2. Anonymous says:


    …"voters will find that “duel polling” will not be a difficult process."

    I do hope and trust that Mr.Gomez said DUAL polling, as the alternative (duel) would not be nice!

    CNS: Sometimes spellcheck is your friend, sometimes it isn’t. I’m changing this in the copy.