Archive for June 4th, 2009
HMCI wants new emergency building
(CNS): The local Hazard Management team is still hoping that the money can be found to build what they say is a much needed emergency services building in the area by Jose Esso off Crewe Road. During a presentation yesterday to the Governor and the Leader of Government Business about preparations for this year’s hurricane season and the development of the unit Deputy Director McCleary Frederick stressed how much the HCMI and other related agencies needed the building and that he would be making a request again in this year’s budget.
At the National Emergency Operations Centre, (NEOC) the unit used in the event of any catastrophe, man made or natural and most usually hurricanes he brought Stuart Jack, McKeeva Bush and Cline Glidden up to date with the issues relating to the agency. His main concern was funding for the new building as he said the NEOC where they were at was no longer fit for purpose as it was too small and the HCMI was encroaching on the Fire Services much needed turf as well.
As far as preparations for the immediate season were concerned however Frederick said that while the predicted forecast had been downgraded to a below average season he noted that it only takes one bad storm. He said there were now 16 fully functioning shelters on Grand Cayman but five of them still needed to be upgraded and he needed funding for that and there was now just one on Cayman Brac.
He told the audience that the unit was still developing the district emergency response teams which were coming along more slowly than he had hoped but that some teams would be functioning this season. He also said that the unit had been working on new legislation that would allow the necessary co-ordinated agencies to do what they needed to do in an emergency without having to invoke the emergency powers act.Frederick said that was now with the Deputy Chief Secretary to come before Cabinet.
Fredericks covered a wide range of areas and the issues impacting the unit and how they help the country as a whole prepare and the issuing of plywood came up. Bush asked the Deputy Director what research had been done about looking at the cost of installing shutters as he said in the long run it may be cheaper. Frederick the last report that was done revealed that concertina shutters or hurricane windows cost about three times as much as ply-wood.
Bush said that government had to explore this option however, as giving out plywood every season was a costly exercise and furthermore the plywood has to be put up every time and many of Cayman’s older people could not help themselves. “I think we have to look at a shutter system as in the long run it will cost government less,” Bush added. He also told Frederick that he did not think there would be money for the new emergency services building estimated to cost around 14 million as the country was not in a good financial situation. “Maybe if we have a few less other school buildings we could have done this,” he said but he added they would deal with the legislation needed to get the unit running smoothly.

Erotic ‘daggering’ dance craze causing bodily harm
( An erotic dance craze is thought to be the cause of a recent spate of broken penises in Jamaica, and now faces a government crackdown. "Daggering", a lewd dance style where couples simulate dry sex in various positions to the beat of the music, is characterised by over-the-top gyrating, heavy pelvis-thrusting and daredevil leaps. Many couples have taken the “rough” daggering dance from the club to the bedroom, with disastrous consequences. Jamaican doctors were prompted to issue a warning on the dangers of daggering when presented with a range of fractured penises caused by rough intercourse.

Obama reaches out to Muslim world
(BBC): President Barack Obama has said the "cycle of suspicion and discord" between the United States and the Muslim world must end. In a keynote speech in Cairo, Mr Obama called for a "new beginning" in ties. He admitted there had been "years of distrust" and said both sides needed to make a "sustained effort… to respect one another and seek common ground". Mr Obama said the US bond with Israel was unbreakable but described the Palestinians’ plight as "intolerable". The president made a number of references to the Koran and called on all faiths to live together in peace. He received a standing ovation at the end of his speech at Cairo University.

US regulations coming
(Reuters): The Obama administration plans to unveil on June 17 its sweeping plan to overhaul financial regulation, according to a source familiar with thinking at the U.S. Treasury Department. The proposal will serve as a framework for lawmakers as they embark on the thorny task of restructuring how banks, hedge funds, derivatives, and other financial firms and securities are policed. Administration officials and lawmakers have said they are aiming to have broad legislation passed by the end of the year.

Hedge funds make comeback
(Reuters): Improving markets and a need to recoup 2008 losses will prompt investors to pour $50 billion into hedge funds this year and slow redemptions according to a Barclays’ report. More than 300 investors surveyed by Barclays’ prime brokerage unit reported stashing, on average, 14 percent of their portfolios in cash. Nearly 80 percent of these investors said they plan to start putting some of that cash back into hedge funds.

Power bosses to talk shop in Cayman
(CNS): The Cayman Islands is playing host this year to the annual CARILEC conference where industry big wigs and stakeholders come together to talk about the power industry. Over one hundred CEO’s and industry representatives are expect to attend the four day 20th anniversary conference at the Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort 7-10 June. “This conference is the most prestigious of CARILEC’s conferences and I am very pleased that CUC has the opportunity to host this special anniversary event,” said President and Chief Executive Officer of CUC Richard Hew.
CARILEC, the Caribbean Electric Utility Service Corporation is an association of electric utilities, suppliers, manufactures and others operating in the electricity industry in the Caribbean which plays a coordinating role in training, research, information sharing and disaster recovery.
Hew said that the conference which normally attracts Caribbean Utility CEO’s and top level executives from companies which do business with them from Europe, Latin America, and the US would be busy but also provide an opportunity for visitors to enjoy Cayman.
“I am sure that the business programme over the four days will be busy with enlightening presentations and discussions but we will also ensure that the over one hundred delegates attending have the opportunity to explore our Island and enjoy our famous Caymanian hospitality,” Hew added.
This is the second time the conference is being held in Grand Cayman. The first time was in 1994 the same year CUC joined CARILEC. There will be a number of industry issues discussed and according to Nigel Hosein the Executive Director of CARILEC a key issue will be the impact of high oil prices on investment in clean energy. He believes that the conference is an excellent forum for ensuring that utilities across the Caribbean stay the course for integrating renewable sources of energy as part of their supply despite the recent reprieve from skyrocketing oil prices.
Lions osteoporosis campaign is underway
(CNS): Over 100 people turned up for the start of the Lions Club of Tropical Gardens Osteoporosis Awareness campaign at the Elmslie Memorial Church Hall last week. Dr Jemel Khan of Cayman Orthopaedic Group told the audience that since osteoporosis is almost symptom-free, it can be easily ignored. He pointed out that the main symptom is a big one, a fracture but that unfortunately is only the beginning and that 20% of those individuals over the age of 50 who are unlucky to fracture their hip, die within the year and another 25% will require long-term care.
Dr. Khan said that half of all women and one in eight men will suffer a fracture related to osteoporosis. In addition after 35 years old people lose bone mass each year and post menopausal women lose more bone mass. He explained that the disease is however preventable. For most premenopausal individuals, the treatment is nothing more invasive than making some healthy lifestyle changes including regular exercise and adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D to prevent bone loss. Dr Khan added that a bone density test can determine if an individual has osteoporosis or at risk of developing it before any bones are broken. He encouraged all post menopausal women under age of 65 who have one or more additional risk factors for osteoporosis, (such as being female, family history, being small and thin) people over 65 years old and women who have been on hormone replacement therapy (HRT/ERT) for prolonged periods to have a bone density test as this will evaluate their risk for osteoporosis.
Kathy Barnett from Progressive Distributors emphasized choosing a healthier lifestyle as a preventative measure to ward off osteoporosis. Her presentation included the use of food models to demonstrate ways to include calcium rich foods in diets. She said on average people under than 50 years need 1000milligrams of calcium daily while those over 50 will need 1200 milligrams to ensure that their bodies remain strong.
Samantha Conolly Pharmacist at HSA provided vital information on the prescription drugs used to treat and prevent osteoporosis. She focussed on antiresorptive medication used to stop the breakdown of calcium from the bone and bone forming medication. "We cannot feel our bones getting stronger while we are take medications for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis,” Conolly explained. “A favourable response to treatment is when bone mineral density (checked with a bone density test) either remains stable or improves and no fractures occur. Community Dietician Bethany Smith provided advice from a nutritional point and the club handing out 55 bone density test vouchers to qualified members of the audience. The club said it will continue the awareness campaign visiting the other districts under the leadership of the incoming President Lion Melrose Gooding.
Foster home and scouts win education award
(CNS): Nadine Andreas Residential Foster Home was the winner of this year’s Joanna Clarke Excellence in Education Award (JCA) for its Accessing Computer Aided Learning programme. The runner-up was the Cayman Islands Scout Association for its band. The two organizations outside the mainstream education system received their winning cheques totaling to help fund the two initiatives at a ceremony last Saturday.
The Accessing Computer Aided Learning programme which received full funding from JCA offers the young residents of the Nadine Andreas home a computing and network suite offering access to approved computer websites and activities such as ‘lanschool’ used by George Hicks and John Gray High School. The funds will go towards purchasing and installing the PCs and necessary software programmes. The Cayman Islands Scout Association received partial funding for the band which is in need of instruments and uniforms, as well as an instructor to train its band members to perform in the community.
The other finalists recognized at the ceremony and their proposed initiatives included Cayman Islands Youth Development Consortium -Youth Development Partnership Scheme; John Gray High School – John Gray Surf Club; John A. Cumber Primary – Improving Literacy and Numeracy through the Arts: and John Gray High School – BTEC First in Music Technology.
The JCA Evening also showcased the talents of Cayman’s students with John Gray High Jazz Combo performing during the reception and the John A. Cumber Primary Year 6 Choir sang “Open de Library” at the beginning of the dinner. An assortment of artwork was also on display from students of Savannah Primary School.
The award patron Joanna Clarke said she was pleased with the diversity of this year’s 14 applicants. “There was a great selection of applicants and even better finalists. We had a tough road to reach our decision, and ultimately, after much deliberation arrived at the decision to award two grants,” she said.
The JCA celebrates the exemplary service of longtime educator Clarke, and provides funding up to $12,000 KYD annually. dms launched the initiative to recognize the efforts of all people and organizations that contribute to education in the Cayman Islands. The JCA Committee carefully reviewed all applications submitted and narrowed the selection down to six finalists whom were invited to give an oral presentation outlining their project and demonstrating how the six JCA criteria would be met by their proposed project.
The JCA criteria includes ensuring the initiative promotes excellence in education; is sustainable and measurable; contributes to increase parental and/or community involvement; is affiliated with a reputable educational institution or organization; demonstrates a proven history in successful education projects and/or teaching; and has a contingency for leadership.
“The award started with a belief that our children, who represent our future, are a worthy investment in the well being of our community,” said President of dms Organization Don Seymour. “dms believes in the importance ofcorporate social responsibility, and this award is part of our ongoing commitment to recognize education initiatives and provide them the support to succeed. The evening was a great success, and it is very rewarding to do our part to support our community – particularly the youth – the future our Island. I would like to congratulate our winners and finalists alike. The N.C.V.O. had an impressive initiative which we are honoured to support.”
The newly-elected Minister of Education, Training and Employment Rolston Anglin also attended the evening and shared his insight regarding education in the Cayman Islands. Other guests included the Minister of Health, Environment, Youth, Sports and Culture, Mark Scotland, as well as the JCA Committee members and finalists, dms Organization representatives, respected educators and supporters of education.

Cop station becomes cinema
(CNS): With the hope of fostering a good relationship between young people in the district and police officers members of the RCIPS in West Bay held another movie night recently for some 65 children. The screening (appropriately) of the recently released movie ‘Mall Cop’ was projected in front of the local police station and according to Area Commander Chief Inspector Angelique Howell everyone enjoyed the show.
“This was another spectacular evening which saw young people interacting with police officers and really having a good time,” said Howell. She said the kids were well behaved and took care to clean up as the police also provided food and drink.
The ‘movie night’ initiative has been developed to help bring the police and the young people of West Bay closer together and allow them to see that police officers are approachable. It’s hoped that by holding the event at the police station youngsters attending can become comfortable with the police environment in a positive way.
The RCIPS said it would like to thank all those who have partnered with the police, made donations and volunteered their time to make these events possible including community members James Duffy, James George, Christine Volonski, Suzette Ebanks, Diana Brodowska, Calico Jacks and Heroneil Smith from Massive and Isaac Rankine from Business Solutions Technologies Group LTD who assisted greatly with setting up and operating the sound system for the movie. It is hoped that with continued support the event will be held once a month.
Anyone with information about crime taking place in the Cayman Islands should contact their local police station or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling Crime Stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

Airline mag ‘flies’ off island
(CNS): After almost thirty years in the hands of Caymanian publishers, the Cayman Airways in-flight magazine contract has gone overseas to a US firm. Despite there being a number of local publishers ready, willing and able to produce the National Flag Carriers bi-monthly magazine, including Cayman Net Publishing, Cayman Free Press and the most recent publishers of Horizons, Cogent Communications, the airline has given the job to a travel magazine publishing house in Florida.
The managing editor of Horizons, Sheridan Robinson, told CNS that it was very sad to see the beloved publication come to an end after 27 years of being on board Cayman Airways flights. “We have been proud to produce, design and manage all facets of the magazine since Hurricane Ivan destroyed the offices of the original publishers, Progressive Publications,” said Robinson. “We have consistently sought to improve the quality of the magazine and continue to have nothing but the most positive feedback from clients up to and including our current issue.”
Robinson added that the advertisers, the numerous Caymanian cultural institutions, non-profit associations and other business and editorial contributors that she deals with were shocked by the announcement. “However, without the Cayman Airways contract and due to the present economy we have had to make the difficult decision to cease publication,” Robinson stated. “We want to thank all our valued clients for their patronage over our many years of publication and we hope they feel, as we do, that Horizons magazine made a significant contribution to the marketing and promotion of our beautiful Cayman Islands.”
CNS understands that there were some seven organisations who pitched for the contract and at least three were based on island, including the two local newspaper publishers, Desmond Seales and Brian Uzzel.
Seales was the very first publisher of the airline’s first seat-back magazine, the Buccaneer. In the early 1980s Progressive Publications began producing Horizons Magazine, which has been carried on every CAL flight ever since.
During its 27 year history, Horizons has acted as a showcase for the Cayman Islands to visitors and a great source of local information for locals using the airline as well. Carol Hay, who was the creator and former Editor and Director of Progressive, told CNS that she was very upset that the CAL magazine had gone to an overseas firm.
“There is absolutely no justification for farming this magazine out when there were so many local publishers capable of producing it,” she said.
Leader of Government Business McKeeva Bush, who now has responsibility for Cayman Airways, was not impressed either and he told CNS that when he discovered the contract had gone overseas he found he was too late to stop it.
“I don’t think this should not have gone to an overseas publisher when we have publishers here that can and wanted to do it. This means that any profits made will go out of Cayman instead of staying in our local economy,” he said, adding that he felt both Robinson and Hay had done a good job with Horizons.
CNS has contacted Cayman Airways which confirmed that the magazine contract has been awarded to a US publishing house but there will be a Caymanian representative on island and the new publishers will be required to use local writers. Cayman Airways said they would be issuing a full and detailed announcement today, Thursday 4 June, about what it described as exciting plans for the new in-flight magazine, which a spokesperson said was expected to attract considerably more revenue for the airline.