Former minister turns talkshow host

| 09/09/2009

(CNS): One time health minister, Gilbert Mclean, will be taking to the live radio waves this week when he starts his new role as co-host on Rooster 101.9 FM and its morning talk show Cayman Crosstalk. A former member of the United Democratic Party government, McLean left the party in 2005 and stood as an independent in the 2009 May general election. A straight speaking politician, McLean says he hopes to help educate the Cayman public and offer a real insight into domestic politics. The former politician said he intends to hold our current leaders accountable on behalf of the Cayman people.

McLean told CNS that, with his political career probably behind him now, joining Crosstalk will give him the opportunity to share and comment on what he knows about the political scene and take on some of the issues with the current political leadership. “I am neither for the PPM or the UDP,” McLean said. “I am for the people and I hope to make sure our current MLA’s don’t doge the issues and are accountable.”

Joining Austin Harris from Thursday 9 September, McLean replaces the former PPM hopeful at the last election, Joey Ebanks, who has returned to the private sector with CUC. Speaking about his new co-host, Harris said that Mclean would bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the show.

“Being a former Cabinet minister, he has an inside track on how government actually works not just in theory, but by practice,” Harris said. “Gilbert is also an eloquent public speaker and has honed those skills over a lifetime of committed public service.”

McLean is widely known in the community, having enjoyed a long and varied professional career before he joined the politicalfray. He served as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for twelve years, four of which as a Cabinet minister with responsibility for Health, Agriculture, Aviation, District Administration and Works. Although a founding member of the UDP, he resigned party politics after the 2005 election when he lost his Bodden Town seat. He then stood as an independent candidate in the district in the May 2009 poll.

Rooster 101.9 FM Managing Director Randy Merren said that, as Crosstalk regularly hosts politically-focused discussions ranging from issues of good governance to analyzing current proposed legislation, McLean’s background and past experience combined with what he described as “Austin’s dynamic presentation skills" could only serve to benefit the wide and growing listening base that Cayman Crosstalk regularly attracts.

Merren said everyone at the station was happy with the decision and welcomed McLean as the newest member of the Crosstalk family.

Category: Local News

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  1. anon1 says:

    Gongrats Gilly …. you go boy.

    As for Joey ………… why did it take so long for CUC to pay out on their big gamble?

  2. Twyla Vargas says:

    HAPPY FOR JOEY AND GILBERT, Both of them are good Caymanian men.  If Joey is going back to his old job I am happy, because he deserves a second chance.  Joey is a very kind and thoughtful man.

    I am very happy that Gilbert will be joining Cayman cross talk.  Gilbert is an exceptionally smart and intelligent man who has been there and done that.  He knows exactly what went on and can guess fairly well what will go on, also he has the political background to inform us of tings we would be in the dark on.  Congragulations Gilbert  and be blessed.

  3. Anonymous says:

    To the poster at 11:37 that said "Austin (you were a HUGE help during the Election and certainly helped me & many more make our Vote count)"

    Now we understand how the result of this last election went so wrong !!!!! To think that some people actually decided who to vote for on the basis of what Austin Harris said is damn scarey. Austin doesn’t have a clue and hopefully that FACT will be properly exposed once Gilbert gets started and educates Austin on how life actually is and how government works.

    Austin actually influenced your vote……OH MY LORD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL !!!

    And as for Ellio…damn but Mac put the muzzle on him……where has all of his hot air gone ???

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said!  I agree with your post 100%.

      • Anonymous says:

        Silly rabbit

        Ellio has been on the talk show at least 3 times in the last three months – you need to get your facts straight.

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s what need – more of Ellio on a talk show. Not! He has exposed himself in the LA to be no more than the bag of hot air that many of us already knew him to be.    

  4. Anonymous says:

    Follow in Ellio’s footsteps? Is that a joke? Mr. McLean is an educated man with experience. He won’t need Ellio’s footsteps at all to follow in.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why doesn’t everyone listen to this program??? It’s the first real glimpse into "politics as usual" this island has ever seen and we should all feel lucky to have it! I think Austin & the various hosts have done a terrific job and hope they continue.  Cayman, we need voices of reason during these challenging times, Crosstalk lets the voices be heard and that is good for Cayman!!

    I’m still not sure if McKeeva is good for Cayman, but yet another reason why we need to support talks shows like Crosstalk & Radio Cayman, because "politicians" would prefer to keep us all in the Dark!

    There are alot of "closet fans" out there – come out of the closet and be proud that you have a platform to express your views and listen to what I think is really very good commentary! I’m an addicted listener!!

    Good Luck Gilbert, I think you are an excellent choice!! Keep up the excellent work as usual Austin (you were a HUGE help during the Election and certainly helped me & many more make our Vote count)

    • Anonymous says:

      Good grief! If Gilbert is so good, how come he has made no political progress since being turfed out in 2005-and also from a ministerial seat that he got from Mac through the back door!?

      What did he leave us? Hmmm! CINICO and the HSA becoming an Authority literally overnight with no preparation. Obviously a real genius.


    With his insiders knowledge and love of debate, this is indeed a great match.  Plus this man actually loves country music:-)  Good luck Mr. McLean!!! 

  7. Anonymous says:

    I had stopped listening to Rooster a long time ago. I couldnt stand Elio who knew everything about nothing and Joey who knew nothing about everything.

    Gilbert…I can listen to. Congrats G-Mac….Looking forward to the talk show now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Poster 09/09/2009 @ 8:29

      If you stopped listening to Rooster a long time ago, how do you know that Joey knew nothing about everything? You know you can’t help but listening – you ‘closet fan’ you.

      I think its great that Joey tried and now Gilbert is trying to follow in Ellio’s footsteps.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Congraulations Mr. Mclean.  I know that with your vast experience, including your time as a Civil Servant, and community leader you will make a great addition to the show.

  9. Twyla Vargas says:

    TRUST ME, we could not have found a better man.  Congratulations Mr Mclean.  I know you are another one of us Caymanians who knows the runnings of this Island, and care for your people.  Smooth sailing.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I guess we can now look forward to some real world experience.

  11. Richard Wadd says:

    Gggggggggive-it to dem Gggggilly !!

  12. David R. Legge says:

    Congratulations to Gilbert on his new media embarkment. Like many of us in the media, Gilbert thrives on debate and discourse, and I think he will do well. Also, having been on the "inside," he knows government well and will bring some real insight into his commentary.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Joey back to CUC?  Guess CUC had lots of aces in their pockets with the PPM.  No wonder they got the Arden "sweetheart" deal.  Man, politics is a b….ch!

    • anonymous1 says:

      Good for Joey that he got a good job again, he should never have made the PPM mislead him into leaving that lucrative job at the boatswain beach  to chase one of their dreams. Joey you are a nice guy and I wish you and your family all the best. I also have a favor to ask of you,  would youencourage your PPM supporters in north side to stop the animosity and hate that they  are still harboring,  I did not vote,  as I did not feel that there would be any sense of voting for the same old lame excuses,  however, what I see and hear going on here is so ridiculous, family still not speaking to each other, people cross you and turn their heads the other way to avoid speaking, so called christians shunning members of the district, it is a shame, the democratic thing was done there could only be one winner and so we have a new MLA.   Now can we just move on and still be friends and neighbors.     

      God bless you all and good luck to Mr. McClean

    • Sav/New says:

      Congratulations to Mr. McLean!.. Really looking forward to listening to him on Crosstalk.    


      To: Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 09/08/2009 – 19:34 – Joey back to CUC?  Guess CUC …

      Get a life will yah.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cut the crap about "sweetheart" deals and get a life. Good for Joey and good for Gilbert.

  14. The Force says:

    This is good, this is very good.  Looking forward to Mr. McLean’s input.