United in cruise control

| 28/09/2009

(CNS): Brac United grabbed four points from their two leaguematches in week two of the Cayman Brac Power & Light 6-a-side Football League to sit comfortably atop of the standings with a three point lead in the youth division. Nicholas Laurendo of Brac United tormented defenses again this week and snatched his third hat-trick in only four matches. He shares the lead in goal-scoring with Erick Rodriguez at nine goals apiece. Female sensation and team mate Shanelle Frederick continues to shine and remains a top choice as striker for Brac United when goals are needed.

She now has five goals to her credit and is among the top five goal-scorers in the youth division.
Team Olimpia has become the draw specialist and seem content in just taking a point from each game they play. They almost provided a massive upset last week against team Gazza even though they went down a man in the first half.

It was Gazza who in the second half were content on just defending and knocking long-balls forward instead of taking the game to an exposed and weak Olimpia. Instead it was Olimpia that took the game to Gazza in the second half as if it was Gazza that was a man short. What ever their strategy is it is working for them for they are only three points behind Bad to the Bone who still leads the senior division.

Un-Tiro Ballers picked-up the largest defeat of the season with a 9-1 loss against Lion Tail, perhaps because they played the entire game a man short when a few of their team-mates failed to show for the game. That loss kept them at the bottom of the table with four defeats from four matches even though they recruited target man Nathan Walton to help rebuild the team with confidence and provide more fire-power up front where they badly need it most. Adding Nathan should help keep the game forward providing goal-scoring opportunities and away from their defense and goal area for most of the games to come.

CD Marathon failed to keep team Bad To The Bone at bay last week also and got punished by goal hungry Cameron Brown who netted a hat-trick on them and leads the senior division with four goals from four matches. CD Marathon remained at the bottom of the table also like Un-Tiro Ballers with four losses from four matches.

Captain Brian Martin will lead his troops into week-three with no points from all of their efforts and try to keep their heads up and pull-off an upset or two in coming weeks. Marathon has nothing to be ashamed of for they provide the most entertaining football of the senior division which everyone comes to watch, but will have to turn that entertainment into win’s by improving their defense and getting some goals which seems to be a very tough feat for them to muster.

All eyes will be on Brac United next week as everyone is trying to knock them off their crown. Will Un-Tiro Ballers rise to the occasion and challenge the pack in the championship race? Can Bad to the Bones be defeated? Will Lion Tail and marksman Jacob Scott rule the nest after week-three? Next week may provide an upset or two, a clear runaway leader, or uncertainty in the making.

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