West Bay woman found

| 06/10/2009

(CNS): Jana Ebanks, who was reported missing Monday evening, has been located, her father, Carlyle Ebanks, has said. Jana’s family launched an internet campaign, disseminating a flyer about her dissappearance that has been widely circulated. This morning the RCIPS reported that they had begun an investigation into the matter and that they were taking Jana’s disappearance extremely seriously. However, at approximately 11: 20 Tuesday morning, Mr Ebanks called CNS to say she had been found.

Anyone with information about crime taking place in the Cayman Islands should contact their local police station or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 (TIPS). All persons calling crime stoppers remain anonymous, and are eligible for a reward of up to $1000, should their information lead to an arrest or recovery of property/drugs.

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  1. Island Atheist says:

    Dear C.Y.C.M. & others,

    I guess I initiated the on-going exchange in regards to Christianity / religion below.

    However, I had no idea it would strike such a chord.

    I too came on to get news on Jana’s situation and was genuinely relieved to hear that she was safe – however, as I read through the posts and comments something struck me as a bit odd – I commented on it and the rest is history.

    You raised points about a few past incidents and I completely agree with you – and rest assured, I would NOT have posted what I did in my initial post had Jana’s situation turned out differently.

    Apologies for those who may be offended by our little exchange below, however, it is actually anchored on the events surrounding the issue at habd. Obviously such discussions rub some the wrong way, but I must say- it seems to be the offended who are leaving the most rude and disrespectful comments.

    In any event, I believe this may actually be a positive development as we are finally getting a bit of an insight into what is truly the state of Caymanian "Christianity".

    Now, if you will excuse me – I shall return to the basement to continue the little debate with my fellow participants.

    • Concerned young caymanian mother says:

      "I would NOT have posted what I did in my initial post HAD Jana’s situation turned out differently".!!!!

      Are you serious????

      IF the situation HAD turned out differently…. so if she was DEAD, thats when you would have SYMPATHY and POST a HEART FELT COMMENT!!!

      I would say what I REALLY FEEL, but it would be rude, and I was taught that if I don’t have a nice thing to say, keep quiet.

      Have fun in the basement!!!!!

      • Thought about being a Christian but just decided against says:

        I’m going to support Island Atheist on this one. If this had turned out to be tragedy, then no, this discussion on this thread would not have been appropriate. But since everyone appears well and it seems no more than either a non-issue or a family issue, then I don’t see why you have a problem with our back and forth. If you do then stop reading it. This is a public forum, babe.

        • Concerned young caymanian mother says:

          Obviously, birds of a feather flock together, and I am very aware that CNS is for anyone to post their comments, however, if that is your reason for posting your BS atheist statements, then thats fine with me.

          I know Jana personally!!! She is my FRIEND! and it really doen’t matter to me what YOU or ISLAND ATHEIST think, feel or believe! This is CAYMAN! JANA & I are CAYMANIANS! from the way you and IA are blogging, tells me alot!!!!

          To you Thought about being a Christian but just decided against, go to h#!!


          • Agnostic says:

            Is that what Jesus would have said?

          • Anonymous says:

            If the meek/merciful/peacemakers are supposed to be blessed, I guess that means you’re screwed… It’s one thing to claim to be "Christian," it’s quite another to act it.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is a public forum for a specific topic, babe. If Rooster or whatever station is talking to a politician about a specific issue, Mt Trashmore, murders, whatever, no one is going to bring up the war in Afghanistan. They’d stick to the topic. How you doth protest. Maybe this is ‘Island Atheist’ who has changed his/her handle just to respond again? I’m happy to hear about Jana’s safe return as I too was worried and thought of Sabrina Schirn at this time. We are thankful for a good ending. God bless everyone.

          • Buns of Steel says:

            Yeah but you guys brought up God. What’s that got to do with a real situation in the real world?

            Hey, who is "Island Atheist"? I thought I was the only one in the Cayman Islands! We should start a support group. It ain’t easy keepin’ it real!

      • Island Atheist says:

        Dear Concerned young caymanian mother,

        I am hoping that you simply haven’t bothered to read my initial post hence your otherwise disturbing response.

        Had you done so, you would have realised that I did in fact express relief to learn of her safe return to her family.

        What I meant by what I posted above was that had something bad actually happened to her I would not have detracted from the seriousnessof the issue whatsoever – as my actual initial post carried the risk of doing.

        Do you really not understand what I am saying or are you just being a "woman"?

        You know what I mean by that.

  2. Concerned young caymanian mother says:

    Its a shame to see how many people are posting these religious comments.

    If you are a believer of Christ (Which I am) or if your an Atheist, that is not the issue here! The issue is that one of our young caymanian ladies has a loving family, who cares for her dearly and was concerned for her saftey. What if it was your daughter, niece, sister, aunt or cousin?? What would you do??

    Do you remember Sabrina Schrin? (may her soul rest in peace). What if Janas’ sistuation didn’t have the outcome it did?? Be greatful and thankful that this woman is SAFE!!!!

    To all of you posting the BS, I hope you keep in mind, your daughter, sister, niece, aunt, mother or whomever is a statistic as well!!!! All of us Caymanian woman are at RISK!!

    Estella, the woman who found someone was in her car when she returned, and the woman whos’ home has been broken into did NOT expect what happened either!! Sympathy is the word.

    I pray for all the woman in Cayman.

    "Walk Good", as Twyla would say.


  3. Anonymous says:

    There has been many posts here assuming that this young woman was just being "a rebellious child or a teen just wanting to get back at their parents" and blaming her for not staying in contact when she was just off with her friends.

    Are you sure about this….? Jumping to conclusions is what causes more problems.  Doesn’t the fact that the investigation is still ongoing suggest that there may be more to it. 

  4. Anonymous says:

    I don’t usually respond to posts and comments here, but I thought this section was about Jana and her being found. Why all the vitriol and back and forth about christianity and atheism? People came on this page to comment on Jana, and I would think people would be adult enough to stick to the topic. I don’t know who threw the first "blow", but the retaliation is also very unnecessary and childish. It seems like both the christian writer and ‘island atheist’ have serious agendas. You two need to meet and discuss your ‘religions’ between yourselves. I’m sure no one else is interested in what you two have to say. Very childish!

    • Thankful says:

      Most certainly was having an interaction with someone, which is what the Forum’s may generate.  Readers (yourself) may learn something in the process…or not.

      That said, I have been called worst in life and actually it is quite humbling to be referred to as a christian writer, but I am not sure if I could wear that tall order – tahnks do.

      Apologies if you were offended in the process.  I did wish Jana and family well and even prayed for them


      • Island Atheist says:

        I have to agree with and support you here Thankful.

        (Except for the last sentence of course! :o)

        I too believe this is a very useful exercise.

        Anonymous: I have no "agenda" – I simply made an observation and it blossomed into a very enlightening debate.

        As already mentioned above, I too apologize to anyone who was offended by my words – was not the intention…but, by all means – feel free to join in.

        • Thankful says:

          no problem and thanks for the backing…oh and the praying part comes with practise and a sincere heart πŸ™‚

  5. AJ says:

    God is all about choice; He wants us to choose to come to Him not by force but by will.  I’m not going to even suggest that I can understand His infinite wisdom in things or why He does or lets certain things happen.  I believe because time and time again God has proven to me that if I rely on Him, the burden I bear does not seem as heavy.  That is not to say that He has saved me from going through some unfortunate circumstances, but that He has helped me to get through those circumstances and be a better person for them.  My belief is also that God takes back some of His angels but leaves the wicked to repent and come to him.  ("A funeral should not be a mourning of the life that has past but more a celebration that they lived".)

    Please don’t think me rude, but if you would like to better understand God or Christianity as a whole why not talk to a Pastor?  I’m sure they would be able to explain things a lot better than some of us would.

    Yes, you are going to find people who are very passionate about Christ, the same way you will find other people who are very passionate about their religion, non-religion or material possesion.

  6. So this God guy . . . says:

    Why did he intervene this time, but let other recent female murder victims die?  Just asking, so I can start to understand this whole God thing.

    • Anon says:

      There’s nothing to understand – you just have to follow his teachings without question. Now go in peace my son and place your small change in this collection plate here.

    • frank rizzo says:

      The rain falls on the just and unjust alike.

      • S. A. Tan says:

        I understand: God is no more powerful than a raindrop, and is powerless to help good people in need.

        Is that what you really mean? 

    • Thankful says:

      I invite you to follow in on the thoughts generated below.

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember God gives life he does not take it away.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This will continue until the government change the laws where the Police can charge these people who don’t care about themselves and will not answer there phone just to say "Am ok"

  8. "Caymanian to the Bone" says:

    We’re thanking God that she’s been found safe, but trust she will take this time to apologise to her family for putting them through this un-necessary stress.  Young people you need to realize that no matter what you are undergoing, there are family members and friends who love and care for you.  Please start acting responsibly.

  9. Thankful says:

    Hello, there are many angles I could come at you with this.  Most of them would be from a biblical perspective, which, for all intent and purposes would mean very little to you.

    So I will try this simple way to better explain all these public expressed convictions of the soul.

    The believer in God, I would estimate 99.99% of native caymanians believe there is a God, believes and accepts that the very foundation and character of this heavenly being is good.  He/It, does no evil.  Further to this though, His accepted powers transend sometimes our human understanding, and indeed, save personal experiences/encounters, could same irrationale to our human earthly limitations of the five senses.  these powers include the ability to be all places at all times and to know all things.

    Conversely, the believer believes in a devil/or evil existence.  This force is exactly opposite in character to God.  So death, sickness, disease, murder and all the evil intentions of the earthly-man are the sum of all that evil personify.

    The believer believes that there is a constant battle for the spirit-man and for their actions that come as a result of the heart’s convictions to what is good and bad and what they represent.

    To answer your question directly…which is why He (God) would allow her to missing the first instance, would require greater exploration and further building blocks that this forum does not allow.  However, if you build upon my layman answer above we can settle here. 

    That said, it is interesting that you would use the word allow and not make…as in He (God) made it happen.  You would be happy then to know taht we share in that premise, that is, that God allowed for this happen.  This accepts that He has it in His ultimate control to stop it.  One can also extrapolate a greater truth from this premise and that is: He (God) gives us the ultimate and heavy responsibility of choice.  His desire, again for the believer, is that we are not made/forced to "see", understand and respond to good but rather that we come to it (Him) because we want to…I dare suggest: needs to.  Of course, always working against this plan, again for teh believer, is evil, which/who wants the very opposite to.

    Okay….that is it for now. Hope it helps a little now for you to read these expressed "convictions of teh soul".  Thanks be to God.

    • Island Atheist says:

      Dear Thankful,

      I appreciate the time and effort put into your response.

      However, isnt all of what you said just a long-winded and complexed way of saying;

      "Sh*t happens?"

      If "God" truly is as they say (know all, do all, allow all etc.), then why would he cause our community such worry knowing full well that she would be safely returned to her loved ones?

      Furthermore, how then could he possibly truly appreciate our prayers, concerns and calling out to him for "help" and "strength"?

      As a matter of fact it appears that God has quite a twisted and egotistical sense of humour. (I guess this is where the age-old "free will" card is played – again…"sh*t happens".)

      The more I study and improve my understanding of "God" – the more he appears to possess such fickle human characteristics.

      Could this be because he was in fact "invented" by us humans?

      • Backstroke says:

        "Island atheist" post 18:00  The almight God looks out for fools like you too, whether you beleive it or not, go ask or pray to  your atheist man tell him  your troubles see how soon you get an answer. Its for a lack of common sense that someone would post what you have posted, we will all pray for your enlightment.

        • Anonymous says:

          Perhaps you should look up the definition of Atheist before making stupid comments like this. Atheists don’t beleivein imaginary wizards controlling the world. They gave up on imaginary friends when they left childhood. Personally i have nothing against other peoples beliefs just as long as is does not distort their view of the real world and helps breed ignorance in children through not teaching them the proper scientific history of the universe and planet. Beliefs should not be seen as an excuse for ignorance.

      • Thankful says:

        Thanks for your kind words and the recourse indications.

        No actually, for the believer, we are created by him.  Interestingly enough we accept referenced details of being made in His image.  So, it would not be too much of a stretch to say that there are similarities in His favour of course…although many, including myself, would argue otherwise πŸ™‚

        It was a winded summarize of a bigger truth than myself; although interwined were personal experiences and a journey with self and self discovery.  I do accept your summarizing of it : sh+t happens and would only add that what we seek to do is to try to better understand the sh+t, seek aid with the sh+t and make sense of the sh+t.  For the believer, this is found only in God.

        Now to your substantive question again:  If "God" truly is as they say (know all, do all, allow all etc.), then why would he cause our community such worry knowing full well that she would be safely returned to her loved ones?

        The short answer is, building from my answer above: once again, the believer is mindful that the working against good always is the forces of evil.  So, given the believers acceptance of the gift of free choice in decisions and or actions as a premise, we accept that evil reared its head in the yound ladies actions or (in)decisions or those/things she may (have)encounter(ed) and the believer no doubt was seeking intervention by the forces of good (God) to aid in the outcome.  Now at the heart of all this, for the believer, is a level of Faith.  Faith of course raises the stakes and adds a whole different angle to this discussion.  It is at the heart of the believers soul convictions.  I will quickly add though, as mentioned earlier, for many if not all belivers, there is usually an unmistakeable, undeniable and unforgettable encounter that brings this repsponsible element of choice and decision up-close and personal.

        This is where one will no-doubt further explore.  No doubt you will encounter the accepted greater truth known as the "stone" or the "sheperd" for believers…you may have heard refeences like: the door, the way and no doubt : The CHRIST.  Yes, Jesus and what to do with Him enters the mix.  The foundation of biblical truth and again for the believer hindges on acceptance of the man who journeyed up a hill and was nailed to two sticks.  That is the biggy my friend.  One you should explore.

        All that said, the believer accepts that there will be many unanswered explanations and again this is where faith exist.  No arguments here.

        I invite you to continue the exploration…my faith allows me to declare He (as in God) is big enough for your probes.


        • Island Atheist says:

          Dear Thankful,

          Again, I appreciate your sincere feedback – glad to know it is possible to have a mature exchange on such matters.

          I guess the issue of "faith" is the dividing factor here.

          Personally, the notion of "faith" and or religion as a whole does not impress me very much.

          Interestingly, what initiated my journey to this point was my thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world – as I knew / lived / perceived it.

          What I realised is that there are billions of people in this world and the vast majority of them hold as sacred some belief system or religion or another – normally, with each individual believing to his core that his is the right or true one.

          As a result wars have been waged, brothers have killed brothers, fathers have KILLED daughters, millions have been enslaved in accordance with scripture, democratic political elections have been bitterly fought, MILLIONS of innocent children have been perfectly positioned to be preyed upon by "holy" fathers, women have been ostracised and slaughtered – the list goes on.

          I am sure one could counter with: "those were acts of men" – however, all of those acts were made possible, proscribed, defended or enabled by organised religion and or blind faith. It begs the question – where is God? What is he doing? What is the point of him being there if an innocent 4 year old boy is being sexually molested by a perverted "holy" man?

          I honestly cannot imagine a worse (or better for that matter – depends on the person) set of historical, economic, political circumstances in this world had he not been around.

          He may as well not have bothered showing up – no?

          • Thankful says:

            wow…Actually my friend a world without Him for many, including me, would not make the greatest of sense.  It actually takes more faith, in my opinion, to believe that there is no God or greater truth to the offers of evoluton for example.  Think about that for a minute

            Again, you would be well to know that I do not identify with be religious myself.  You know what…some six years ago I wrote something for the compass in response to a heated issue at the time.  I never sent it in for publishing.  As I started to think of your email above, I realized that much of how and what I would share was similar to what I wrote back then.  I debated sharing it…but do feel strongly about it.  I hope this is great reflection and insightful to all, including, the believer/church to not make life most diffcult for others.  I do add though, Christian does not equate weakness. 

            I hope you find this enjoyable:

            how does our religious teaching differ from our faith practice?  How do the things that we have learned impact our sense of self and our world?  No one can answer that question for me, nor can any person answer that question for you. Each is shaped by our own perception.  Not just what we have heard, but also what we have experienced inside ourselves and from external forces.  But here’s the rub, the sandpaper that makes us raw.  We can take a teaching, combine it with experience and often bend it so that it wounds us.  I think that is the saddest thing about religious education: preaching, Sunday school, house meetings, etc. 
            We are human creatures with human failures, anxieties, wounds and more; we pass on our own fears to others, often in the form of blame or shame.  Now, put all of this into the big world context, and we discover that we live in a space that can inflict great pain, deflect it from the real things and leave it to rest as a burden upon someone else.  This, I think, is at the source of the church’s fear of ‘other,’ and the other of which I speak we know so well.  To top it off, because we are the church or the people of God, we think that we are immune from this process of inflicting great pain.  That is only fuel for the fire of fear.  To think that we never participate in bigotry or the ‘isms’ of humanity is to tell ourselves the biggest lie of all. 
            I am grateful to know that God knows this about us.  Just the same way as there is knowledge of all the days of our lives even before we are fashioned in a womb, Godknows how easily we slip into fear-based bashing of others and how good we are at crafty blame and slinging guilt.  It’s fear, fear fear.  It has nothing to do with an attempt to be holy. It has nothing to do with being the people of God or God’s people as God suggests. God’s holy people become holy or our holiness, as I see it, comes from our relationship with God, not from a set of holiness codes that were, even way back then, distorted by human fear.  And our holy (holy because, I take seriously “we are made in His image”) personalities have always been nurtured in the acts of mercy, compassion, justice, grace and more…the very characteristics that make God who God is. Perhaps this is why we are all so very vulnerable.
            For me, I am happy to know that I can take all that I have learned in my religious education and continue to find out how it has shaped me.  I do not suggest that we pick and choose what we like and what we don’t like, but that we are open to what God is revealing now, today, and always.  There are new things to learn.  And when our learning or living leaves us, in this case the “others” of life, feeling less, perhaps it is time for additional seeking.  I say that because I do not think that truth, understanding, revelation and epiphany, for that matter, can be marred by feelings of inadequacy or shortcomings.  If we are left feeling that we can never be what God wants us to be or that we can never measure up, I suspect that what we think we have discovered must be inconsistent with what God wanted us to know.  But when our learning helps us to see that we are so loved, so loved by this God that nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from that love, well, that is truly a lesson to be learned.
            Religion has taken a negative connotation in my thinking.  Faith, on the other hand, has become a joyous experience: life-giving and feeding.  Do I think that God is a God of justice?  Oh yes.  But I know that God’s justice is always, always, always, always, always tempered with mercy and compassion.  If this was not so, the Lord Jesus would not have journeyed up that hill to the cross.  So maybe today, you and I can leave our fears and suspicions of ourselves, and others, at the foot of this cross that begs us to be relieved of the burdens and find freedom in living as a whole person of God. 
            May it be so for you…and for me.  Love and prayers to all living in our Island Paradise…..My Cayman Islands. 
            As I close this letter, please take the time to ponder these words, but, also think about them in context of the following scripture: Luke 7:47. Recently, whilst overseas, I was reading the word and as is so often the case with this God, I “saw” something I never “saw” before. The entire passage/story surrounding this scripture was most “enlightening” for me at the time. Except I thought, in context, it would be most relevant to finish our little reflective session. The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, speaking to Simon says “wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. I wonder about us……I wonder, if we have had much forgiven in our lives…..Even more, if we look at that passage differently – I wonder, if we arenot forgiving others little hence our low propensity to love much?


            • Island Atheist says:


              I did find that enjoyable.

              Powerful stuff!

              The ending scripture and words that followed I shall remember for some time yet (hate it when you guys do that!).


              I’m done.

              P.S. If you ever have the time – do a Youtube search of:

              "Father George Coyne Interview – Richard Dawkins" – quite simply one of the greatest debates in recent times on this issue – a must watch!

              • Thankful says:

                Thank you for your kind words and as a Caymanian I am hopeful that you can appreciate the depth of our thank yous now…which was what started this.  Nothing is in vain.

                I shall most difinately look at the video.

                I appreciate the interactions even with all the interuption…if I was not so careful in thought, I could easily entertain teh thought of the evil force doing all to stop it πŸ™‚

                Finally, I could not help but look at the date I intended to publish that letter.  It was 8 October 2003!  Yup…now was that the force of good and knowing all things?! πŸ™‚

                Have a great evening


      • Anonymous says:

        Dear Mr. Island Atheist…Please bear in mind that the devil is also at work as well and sometimes (most times unfortunately), us poor sinners choose to listen to him.  Sneaky little devil with the big fork!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      99.99% of native caymanians you say? gotta love the hyperbole here… or else those two atheists and/or agnostics (by your estimate) are in real trouble once jcc finds them.

      • Thankful says:

        Am not sure who jcc is but any way…the reference to native caymanian was because I believe I was very comfortable with speaking on behalf of teh native caymanian.  I believe I have a fairly good handle on their belief system…as presumptous as that is.  I do not think I could that acurate place a % to the figure of Caymanian that includes our integrated "new faces".

      • MathDude says:

        Actually 0.01% of 15,000 "native" Caymanians is 1.5 people.  I know which Caymanian is the one wholly going to hell (good on you, ya rotter), but I have no idea which one is going to get split and sent half to heaven and half to hell.  Maybe he’ll go an a rotation, 4 weeks up, 4 weeks down… I just don’t know.

        • Anonymous says:

          Meh, I just rounded up because half an atheist is what, an easter sunday christian anyway? though now i’m starting to like the way you’re thinking with this whole rotational business, haha

    • upset says:


      What you say I am certain you believe, but it is somewhat arrogant to assume that just because someone has called themselves an Athiest, implies they have no understanding of the scriptures or Christianity.

      Quite the opposite in my experience, as most people who profess to be Athiests hold that belief because Christianity simply makes no sense to them or has not been relevant in their lives but they mostly have a good understanding of the Bible to have formulated that opinion through their understanding.

      It in no way implies that they are ignorant of Christian teachings …you should be more respectful of all human beings feelings, regardless of their culture, colour or religious beliefs…is that not what Christianity professes?

      • Thankful says:

        Actually thought I was rather respectful by not assuming I know the length, depth and scope of their understanding.  As such threaded carefully. I think you should read again.

        Arrogant…sorry wrong person.  However, the author asked questions (read again) and I tried to assist.


  10. Mr Safety says:

    Any disappearance needs to be taken as dead-serious.  This battle-zone isn’t the place to wander off without telling people.  They’ll presume with good reason that you are no longer alive.  Think about that people.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I am happy that she was found but I must say, this same like Ms. Jana wanted a couple of nights out on the town.  Why did she abandon her car? I ask myself.

    It just same like these missing cases are happening in Cayman a bit too often now and it only turns out to be a rebellious child or a teen just wanting to get back at their parents.  

  12. Island Atheist says:

    Why is everyone thanking "God"?

    Is her being found his work?

    If so, why did "He" allow her to go missing and cause tremendous concern for her family and the entire community in the first place?

    Just doesn’t make sense to me.

    Anyway, I’m happy to hear that she is safe and sound.


    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe next time you or one of your atheist friends or family members will go missing an no one will care – but GOD will. If you dont have something sensible or positive to contribute shut the f…k up. You obviously dont give a s…t whether she was found or not. But to those of us who do care WE THANK GOD. Go to hell you damned fool.

      • S. A. Tan says:

        Sorry to have to break it to you but after the mess the PPM made of the government’s financces, God got mad and left the Cayman Islands.  We’re all by ourselves now. 


        Just us. 

        • Anonymous says:

          How silly can you be. God got upset about Cayman’s finances. Are you really that stupid?

      • Agnostic says:

        Is that what Jesus would have said?

      • Anonymous says:

        A god fearing person use this kind a foul language.   You sounds like a hypocrite.  Watch your words.

        • Anonymous says:

          Let us all remember that not all people possess what they profess.  In other words, chritianity is used too lightly.  I never say someone is a christian as it is not for me to judge one way or another.  What I prefer to do is, if they say they are a christian, then if I have to repeat it to someone, I would say they are professing to be a christian.  I can see how some people would be turned off by someone who is not acting in a way that they perceive a christian should act but if we believe in God, we will not be able to use that as an excuse on judgement day as we will all be responsible for our own actions.  I also do not believe that you have to break down the church door to be the first one there every time church is going on to be a christian.

      • Anonymous says:

        Great comment from a Christian.  Judge not lest ye be judged

      • Thought about being a Christian but just decided against says:

        Why is it that Christians get so angry if you doubt their beliefs? And why is it that they assume that you are a bad person or don’t care if you don’t go to church. There is so much hypocracy here. This is a prime example of the hatred exhibited by Christians for anyone of any other belief. This is what’s wrong with the world. How depressing.

        I wouldn’t dare put my name to this because of the victimisation I would have to suffer afterwards. Can you say "Taliban"?

        • Island Atheist says:

          Dear Thought about…,

          I know what you mean – and not signing your name is a very wise decision.

          To add to your points – have you ever attempted to explain to our steadfast Caymanian Christians that the fact that they are "Christian" is COMPLETELY based on historical and political developments in our part of the world (and of course the parts from which our original "settlers" derived).

          Had the Arabs / Moors / North Africans had their way we would have been splashing around Seven Mile Beach in our hijabs, burk-kinis and head scarves – of course the men at Governor’s and the women at Public!

          One’s "religion" is determined more by wars, money, politics and chance than some "heavenly spirit" or earth sweeping holy wind – just ask a Indian, Pakistani and Punjab.

          Sadly, most of us fail to think beyond the time of our births or the births of our parents and grandparents.

          History folks…history – man’s best friend.

        • Poster 17:14 Why christians get angry?   No one said that they were  perfect, they have faults too just like you, thats why there is a God to forgive all of us, never knew that we had so many christian haters here,  I feel for all of you.

      • Island Atheist says:

        Dear Anonymous,

        With that dirty mouth of yours I’m quite sure I’ll be meeting you there.

        Keep the AC at 65* F – I like it just like that.

        Do you have extra blankets, or should I bring one along?

        • Anonymous says:

          Glad to see you believe in hell Mr. Atheist.  Maybe we are making progress after all!!!

  13. Anonymous says:

    We all give thanks to God that Jana has been found ,  But the question remains,  when was she actually reported missing to the Police?   Have we Caymanians so quickly forgotten?   Please give us the actual time she was reportedto the RCIP.    Between 11.03am and 11.20am   does’nt make much sense.  I say this because  I  learnt of her disappearance via a phone call from New York at 10.45am today.  Have The RCIP been sleeping on this missing report  (AGAIN)?   The submission at 11.45hrs is very valid.  Let’s  get to the bottom of this.  This is disturbing  and adds to the concern  of us West Bayers.  

  14. Moderation in everything.... says:

    How long was she missing? How old is she? Is there any kind of punishment for causing this type of concern in the community when from the sounds of it she was off with friends.

  15. Anonymous says:

    So, where the hell was she after causing all this alarm??

  16. Anonymous says:

    You need to be clear in your reporting.  When I read the update I wasn’t sure if she was safe or they found a body.  Not until I read the comments did I know for sure she was safe.  Thank the Lord she is!

  17. Anonymous says:

    I am glad that she is safe and I hope her family makes a clear understanding with her that she needs to stay in contact as to not scare the wits out of those who love her.

  18. Anonymous says:

     Alive and well, we hope…?

  19. English says:

    Thank God for that – I was starting to get worried when  I saw the earlier update about Jana’s car being found unlocked near Chrissie Tomlinson with her phone and personal possessions in it.

    Glad to hear you are safe and well Jana, and glad to see you safely reunited with your family.

    God Bless.

  20. A Concerned Caymanian says:

    Glad to hear hope she returned unharmed…

  21. Janelly says:

    Thank god they found her, πŸ™‚

  22. Anonymous says:

    A little bit confused. If she was found at 11:20 how could the update be released at 11:03??  Thankful she is safe.

    CNS: The original story that she was missing was posted at 11:03. I updated it when Mr Ebanks called me. Glad to see you’re alert though.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Thank the LORD! Glad to know she is alive!

  24. Thank God says:

    Thank God she was found alive.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Thank god…a happy ending for a change!!!!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Thank the Lord.

  27. Anonymous says:

    My prayer goes out to the family of this missing girl.