All I know is this…

| 14/10/2009

My original Black African a$$ wouldn’t be "Christian" had it not been for murderous, gun-toting, Bible thumping "Christian" White Europeans (not being racist – simply stating historical facts) that came and plucked my forefather from his rightful home on the planet’s most earthly continent.

His captors justified their actions for 400 years and used the Holy Bible to demonstrate how they were in fact blessed in their actions of capturing, enslaving, jam-packing, shipping, chain-ganging, marketing, whipping, raping, lynching, dismembering, slaughtering, quartering, "genociding" etc., etc., etc. complete generations of men, women and children as they built up the "West" and secured the economic position of America and Europe as it stands today.

However, my forefathers were actually given a choice in the matter – adopt Christianity or have your head blown off – so nice of them wasn’t it?

Although, I shouldn’t really take it personal as the same attractive option was presented to many a people; Native Americans, Incas, Arawaks, Caribs, even way over in Asia as well. They were even kind enough to bless the innocent babies and toddlers of the native Central American people before they literally bashed their brains in with their stone-headed wooden clubs – a guarantee of a heavenly ascent of the soul, how sweet!

I am sure someone will regurgitate the same ‘ol tired excuses and justifications of "those were the acts of men – not religion / God" – regardless, these are the actions and legacies that have brought us (everyone) to where we are today.

Tell me, should I now be thankful that my people were made to endure such inhumane cruelty for hundreds of years? Is the fact that I was born and raised "Christian" the positive pay-off for such cruelty and wickedness?

Am I somehow "better off" than my Muslim blood relatives that still exist in the true "mother land"? (Though, the Arabs / North Africans were not exactly fans of K-Y Jelly during their earlier descent into Western Africa either).

What then is the pay-off for those that committed these acts – most notably, within the spiritual context?

Does anyone find it disturbing that the most powerful (and filthy rich by the way) bodies of the Christian faith (Vatican etc.) were granted their prowess and wealth on the blood, sweat and destruction of so many human beings? It has long been proven that these entities were complicit and at times directly responsible for countless atrocities dished out to mankind throughout history.

Honestly, how can these possibly be truly "righteous" organisations? Just a simple question.

I know many folks take great offense when reminded of such truths but this is the reality of how we arrived at our respective, collective socio-economic, "racial" and religious places in this (western) world that we live today.

What makes this whole story even more disturbing is the FACT of how the integral element of "Christianity" (Mary / virgin birth / Christ) was in fact stolen from ancient African (yes, not Greek) legends / religions / artwork / depictions. (Considering that Africa is the cradle of civilisation and mankind it only makes logical sense anyway – honestly, the dismissal of all things African by the hundreds of scholars and experts throughout time is absolutely amazing! Research the facts surrounding the "Venus figurines" and the lies and deception propped up around them. All one can say is wow – are you serious?!)

Had the blue eyed and blonde haired Jesus Christ of the Europeans been properly depicted I truly doubt things would have turned out in the way that they have. This folks is simply the fickle nature of man.

Question: Is everyone reading this fully aware that there is NO WAY that the Christ you pray to could have possibly possessed the "racial" features that he does in our standard illustrations? No my friends, think more – Osama Bin Laden.

At this point some may retort with "Why does that even matter?" Well, again, history comes into the equation. The historical dominance and secured position of Europeans in the western world was built upon the "fact" that they were the people closest to God as they looked just like him. Interesting, as those at the top and truly "in-the-know" knew full well that they were exhibiting a terribly inaccurate misconception, aka, lie. Sadly, this misconceived notion is seared into the psyche of the western world – whether we like to admit it or not … and this still offers many advantages to many people to this very day. Weird how this world works huh?

Most folks in the Cayman Islands do not properly align themselves with historical facts and like to champion fables of, "My great, great, great, great Grandmother was married to a wonderful Scottish man – that’s how I get this surname!" (Sigh).

If people insist on consciously limiting their understanding of the harsh history of the world then yes – the dominance of Christianity in the Western world appears to be a wonderful and enlightening phenomenon.

However, as a teenager I opened books and researched historical facts for myself and in doing so I came to understand what is truly what.

When one ignores the greater ugly truth surrounding the chosen faith of the Cayman Islands and selects the perspective of the "righteous, God-fearing, good, "Christian" Europeans (For real folks?! Those drunken, crazy, treasure chasing, soul-less b*stards?! **Not "Europeans" as a whole – here I am more or less referring to the front-liners of the explorers / "settlers"), then yes, the reality of us being a "Christian country" is a romantic one indeed.

Sadly though, history is history, and what truly baffles me is how one is often "forced" to separate history and "religion" at times of debate on the matter. This to me is quite absurd as our history was in fact justified by and burrowed through upon the back of Christianity / religion.

As you can see much of my offering has been centered on historical, political, "racial", economic and power-seeking factors. What we can also see is that there appears to be a COLOSSAL absence of "righteousness" and or a Christian attitude that brought us to this point.

So … help me out here – someone, anyone …


This Viewpoint was submitted as a comment in response to a long conversation about this Telegraph article

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  1. Anonymous says:

    "All I know is this my original Black African a$$ wouldn’t be "Christian" had it not been for …Bible thumping "Christian" White Europeans (not being racist – simply stating historical facts) that came and plucked my forefather from his rightful home on the planet’s most earthly continent".

    Reality Check. You may also ‘blame’ our Black African Brothers and the Arab Muslim Slave Traders who sold our ancestors to the "Christian" White Europeans. Think of it as having shades of Joseph who was sold by his brothers to the Ishmaelite traders (who just happen to be the ancestors of the Arabs) to the Egyptians.  Were it not for Joseph his brothers and father would have starved to death in the famine. What they meant for evil, God meant for good (Gen 45:5).     

    • Aliased Alias says:

      I hear you … and you do have valid points – of which I am very much aware – however, that is but a minor factor in the overall setup, organisation, and evil debauchery that took place HERE IN THE WEST.

      You seemed to have interpreted this into a black vs. white issue and decided to focus on particular sections of my post.

      If I was to play ball and limit my scope on the surrounding issues then I would say to you that the actual sale of my ancestors pales in comparison to what we were made to endure for half a millenium at the hands of the European / Christian "pioneers / settlers" – what say you now?

      Interesting how so many of us ignored all other points of my post and went straight to the "sale" or "Africans sold Africans too" argument.

      That, my friends, is but Page 1 in the "western legacy" of my African ancestors.

      • Anonymous says:

        "You seemed to have interpreted this into a black vs. white issue and decided to focus on particular sections of my post".

        Perhaps it has something to do with your opening paragraph which appeared to set out your central thesis.
        "My original Black African a$$ wouldn’t be "Christian" had it not been for murderous, gun-toting, Bible thumping "Christian" White Europeans (not being racist – simply stating historical facts) that came and plucked my forefather from his rightful home on the planet’s most earthly continent”.
        Clearly, unlike this post, you were focused upon the slave trade at that point as a black non-christian versus white Christian issue and your point appeared to be that we should reject Christianity as the religion of the enslavers of our ancestors. If you did not wish your entire article to be seen in light of that opening paragraph then you should have omitted it or at least not given it priority.
        Obviously, our ancestors would not have had to endure slavery in the West at all were it not for the slave trade in the first place so it is a fundamental, and not minor, factor. You should recognize that while these evil doers may have professed to be Christians their actions were not Christ-like. Stealing someone’s labour is un-Christian. You cannot love your neighbour if you treat him as slaves were treated. Finally, bear in mind that, recognising these principles, many of the key abolitionists were Christians. Please don’t try to turn the issue into a case against Christianity. 
        The purpose of my post was to get you see that God can bring good even out of evil in order to give you a more positive perspective.  If instead you focus upon past injustices it will only bring bitterness and hatred in your heart. The Evil One wants you to point the accusing finger at God for your own destruction.
        God bless.     
        • Aliased Alias says:

          My overall objective was to illustrate the evil, reprehensible real-world history (and current events to some extent) that took place right here in the Caribbean / western world despite the fact of us being a "Christian" nation / region / people.

          Yes, today we are all Chrsitian – but we have very different legacies that within one would be very hard pressed to find any equivalent of WWJD.

          I cannot imagine a more heinous past to reflect upon – so what exactly was the purpose of Christianity / God in the first place?

          (Just the other night I watched a "shocking video" TV program in which a 7 year old girl was spared certain death by a runaway, unmanned car which was diverted away just in the nick of time by the metal barrier behind which she stood – very dramatic footage indeed! A few of the family members and interviewees put it all down to a "miracle" or "the hand of God".

          My question is – "Why would God place an inncoent little girl in that terrifying situation in the first place?" Likewise, I would say – why would "God" allow 400 years of the aforementioned only to eventually send a few gracious, Christian Parliamentarians to end it all?)

          By the way – those are rhetorical questions, I am fully aware of the usual responses.

          You referred to the fact that Christians helped free the slaves.

          My friend, slavery only came to and end because it was no longer an economically viable undertaking. It was not brought about by some sudden glorious wave of rigtheous, Christian spirituality sweeping over the land (after 400 long years mind you).

          I focused on the "race" factor at times because, frankly, it was during the discovery of my personal ancestral history that I came to truly understand how the western world actually arrived to the point that it has today.

          The thing is, regardless of the region, nation or people in this world there has been, still is and will always be great suffering at the hands of men. As far as I can tell it appears that money, wealth, politics, hatred and ego are what run this world in which we live.

          In our / my particular legacy Jesus / God seems to have been but a mere bystander – if anything at all.


          • Anonymous says:

            I understand that your questions are sincere. The problem of evil in the world where there is a loving and omnipotent God has been an issue tackled by many philosophers and theologians. Indeed I too have had many questrions about where was God when…I do not have all the answers. Many times God is speaking to us but our heart and minds are too much consumed with what is happening to us for us to hear Him. What I can say is that evidence of God in my own life is too real and personal to ignore.  I have experienced the power of prayer that baffled physicians. I have experienced divine healing when medicine could not help. I havelearned to trust Him even when I don’t quite understand.    

            You asked a peculiar question:  "Why would God place an inncoent little girl in that terrifying situation in the first place?" Why do say that God put her in that situation in the first place? This is how the Enemy speaks to us. If God really loved you He would not have put you in that situation in the first place, it does not matter that He rescued you from it. He makes us believe that God is holding out on us, which was the original lie. You are putting the blame on God rather than where it rightfully belongs.

            "As far as I can tell it appears that money, wealth, politics, hatred and ego are what run this world in which we live". 

            You are quite right. That is the world system designed by the Evil One. It works because we believe his lies about God and put our trust in his plan rather than God’s. Those who are a part of the "world system" hate believers. The return of Messiah will be about smashing this evil kingdom once and for all. In the meantime the Enemy wants you to give up on Him for then you will have no one to turn to.  

            It is interesting that you are so willing to attribute the good of the abolition of slavery to economic forces (rather than God) but content to blame slavery itself on God rather than economic forces. It is plainly not factually correct to state that it only came to an end because it was no longer an economically viable undertaking. Indeed, the U.S. Southern Plantation owners argued that abolition would bankrupt them. They were quite determined to hold on to their slaves and did not happily give them up because they were no longer economically viable. But the point was not to say that it exclusively had to do with the work of the abolitionists, but to point out that these were Christians who were doing what Jesus would do, rather than others who only carried the name Christian.

  2. David Shibli says:

    So … help me out here – someone, anyone …

    Well to start with, let’s realize the fact that your capacity to love and forgive is the same colour as anyone else’s.

    You may have a different skin colour than many other  people in this world and you may very well have experienced discrimination at their hands, but they did not create you in their own image, nor have they loved you since you existed, and you should not draw your conclusions based on their flawed ideas.

    You have the right to walk this earth as tall as anyone else and anyone who denies you this right is not worthy of your precious time.

    God is definitely real and He certainly does not play favourites. So enjoy being you and share the joy. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow will bring its own challenges.

    • Islandboz says:

      Can you tell me what makes "God" (the one you are refering to as "he"), anymore "definitely real"  than :

      Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares,Artemis, Zeus…..

      Janus, Vesta, Lares,Pales….


      Shangdi, Yu Huang, Heaven..

      You get my POINT!!

      Owe…can I add DARWIN to the list?





  3. Dan Dan says:

    Aliased Alias, loved it!

    It was honest and it was your spin on why we’re at where we are presently with our ‘Christian ways’.

    A lot of people will not read that with an open mind, they’ll just take offense to every other word, such is the way of us Caymanians, I guess!

     CNS – GOD bless you for allowing people that have an opinion (that otherwise would probably never have been uttered outside of someone’s home, non-christian of course) to express our opinions as we see fit without worrying about being mobbed by the ‘holy crew’.

    One Love,

    Dan Dan

  4. Thankful says:

    One question: Surely you are not suggesting that Christianity was not around or that there were no africans who were chrsitians at the advent of the slave trade?!

  5. Aliased Alias says:

    Fist of all – CNS, I am humbled by the submission of my post to this most esteemed category! :o)

    As for the rest of you lot…

    Anger? Malcolm X? Black vs. White? Islam vs. Christianity?

    Seriously, what are you people on about?

    Everyone here is obviously too intelligent to be pretending to not understand what I am saying, therefore, I shall ignore the idle comments and replies – won’t be suckered into that game.

    I stand by everything I have said. Maybe next time more of you folks should try reading again minus the biased starting point.

    Understand that current day "Christian, British / Caymanian citizens" do not equate to a homologous group.

    For some odd reason that fact is more readily recognised by those that acknowledge they fit not the typical "British" profile – in an event, we are here and this nation created us.

    I guess folks didnt know…

    (A bit of shock and awe today. This is what happens when a people decide to ignore their actual history and thereafter, appoints "the church" and "the Queen" as their "culture" – and every single one of you know exactly where I’m coming from with that one.)

    Regardless of what position one may take within the spectrum of storylines of our people – I am yet to see  a more spineless, cowardly nation when it comes to an acknowledgement of our actual past.



    Aliased Alias

    • Joe Average says:

      It’s far too early in the morning for me to aborb all this but let me say this:

      When I first arrived here, I took out a library card.  One of the first books I took out was called Caribbean by James Michener.  An eye-opener?  Oh yes.  As I absorbed it and related it to an area of the world I found absolutely enchanting it also gave me insights into the social history.  I had never been addressed as "sir" in a store.  Or when buying gas.  I have tried to be sensitive to the history ever since.  And also to what was inflicted by representatives of my supposed culture in the past.  Is it embarrassing?  Yes it is.  Does it make me angry as I realize what a f***ed-up culture has done to beautiful people and a beautiful area of the world?  Truly.  But for us to talk about oppression it has to be realized there are different sorts of oppression. For one people from one culture to oppress another they must be convinced that what they are doing is right if that takes place through the church or government….that is oppression too. We’re all in chains. But some don’t see them.  And it’s too easy to see the chains on others and tell them "hey…you’re in chains."

      "the function of freedom…is to free someone else"  – Toni Morrison

      It doesn’t mean I don’t agree with what you’re saying but by grouping us all together you’re perpetuating the same attitudes. 


  6. Joe Average says:

    I was moved by this.  Because so much of it is true.  The anger felt by someone finished looking into their past/history/culture is more than evident.  Being a WASP, my past/history/culture was in many ways sanitized for distribution. It was much harder to find or seek out real truth. However, I am knowledgeable enough now to know it can’t be found in textbook descriptions we were fed about the glorious "crusades" or the "discovery" of the Americas.  And early on, I always stumbled when confronted with "original sin" which basically said we were all worthless. If this article was about Christianity and it’s offshoots.  And it would seem it’s a religion based on guilt and feeling guilty. I agree. That is my opinion. Unfortunately the writer made me feel the same way the local vicar made us feel with their sermons. The last line was the only one that contradicted that.  And knowingly or unknowingly brought the writer and ourselves back to our goal.  Our common humanity.   And the pain and confusion we all feel when we know what’s been done to other humans in the name of religion.

  7. a man says:

    Just as there will always be reasons to hate..There will always be reasons to love.The choice is yours alone.  Look with wide open eyes and you will see both. Look for just what you wish to see and you will see only that.  It is this way so that you have a choice. Everyone and all.  But with choice comes responsibility for that choice.  nuff said.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Later in life Malcolm X himself recognized the folly of some of his earlier pronouncements. You still haven’t.  

  9. Anonymous says:

    Nice to see these types of opinions expressed. 

    • Anonymous says:

       If only it was more of an article and less of a rant

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually I don’t think articles should be posted if the writer can’t put together the first sentence without using the word ‘a$$’ 

  10. Anonymous says:

    Dear CNS 

    is it possible to put voting buttons in such as are available on other news website for posted content?

    CNS: Can you post this in the forum topic How could Cayman News Service be improved? When we look at ways to develop the site it would help to have all suggestions in one place.

  11. Common sense says:

    The true reality is that all religions promising an afterlife are based on the standard and natural human fear that this is all there is, folks. The rest is about making yourself as comfortable as possible on your way through this "vale of tears". The fact that the pursuit of wealth is synonymous with greed and the other "deadly sins" is typical of our single-minded focus on the "good life" at the cost of all else.

  12. Pommie B says:

    Great rant and much of what you say is probably very true but calm down and be just a little more objective…this, like most great human crimes was perpetrated by a desire for wealth by people of all nationalities, religions and beliefs…Africans were captured by fellow Africans and sold to (mostly) Muslim Traders who in turn sold the slaves to European traders who shipped them to the Americas and Caribbean….Incas, Mayans, Polynesians, Asians, Africans also have exploited the slave trade over thousands of years yet you conveniently avoid that issue and most of them were not Christian.

    This kind or aggressive stance on what you perceive Europeans to have done is nothing new and many Europeans were themselves descended from Roman and Norseslaves, so nothing really new here… we are all mongrels with dubious pasts, but what is important is that we can make a change and help humanity develop so that this stops ( as I’m sure you are aware, slavery still exists today ) so lets concentrate on fixing something tangible and stop casting blame on people for the actions of their ancestors and just try to grow up a little.


  13. I'll take that bet says:

     Of course Christianity is and always has been a terrible institution and belief system. The only people who don’t know that are the lost sheep who can’t or won’t think for themselves. No news flash there.

    Forgive me if I’m misintrepreting your intent here, but you seem to be suggesting that Christianity is somehow worse than Islam. If so, that’s crazy. Both of them are nutty and dangerous delusions. Judiasm too. Yes, Christianity has a higher body count but that’s just because it had a headstart over Islam and had the good fortune to sucker in drones in lands that would be wealthy and militarily powerful later in history.

    Oh, and Malcom X was not so bright. After all, he believed the Koran was some sort of wise and accurate source of information. Sadly, of course it is as absurd and scary as the Bible.

    –L. Farrakhan Jr.

  14. Anonymous says:

    You cannot claim to have been brought up Christian if you view the Vatican as part of Christianity.  Roman Catholicism, in my view, has little to do with Christianity besides giving true Christians a bad name for those who don’t know the difference.  As a Christian, born again, changed forever by accepting that I am a sinner in need of a Savior and looking to that Savior Jesus Christ for everything that I need, I do not see how your view is that of a Christian.  Knowing that this is a fallen world, Christ is the only way and the Bible is the only place to find the answers will eliminate the confusion that seems to be going on inside.  Seek Him first, know Him and He will explain it all.  "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Mathew 7:7-8

    Honestly, what harm can it do? Just keep doing your research, only let Jesus be your guide.  Trust me, you will not find His intentions to be violent, deceitful, harmful or harsh.  What you will find is that God works in ways we do not understand and only when we see that and trust Him can we be okay with whatever He has layed out before we even existed.  He knows you better than anyone and created you with His own Hands for His purpose which is perfect and righteous.  Seek that loving God and the rest will fall into place my friend.

    Love in Truth,

    Someone praying for you.


  15. Anonymous says:

    Malcolm X was a greater leader thanMartin Luther King.

    "Dr. King"  was a fraud and a hypocrite


    JAH Rastafari – The One truth


  16. Child of Africa says:

    History is history as you say. History also has many lessons to teach us, most of which are constantly being ignored by our political leaders.

    In seeking to understand the lessons of history we should try to separate history from pure myth, and to understand history with all of its complexity. The same is true with respect to the historical role of Christianity and other religions in our Caymanian history.

    My argument would be that Christianity has had a useful role in adding an element of social cohesion, even though over the centuries many who profess Christianity have failed to live up to its teachings.

    The love of money (and its other face – the love of power) is the root of all evil. It is also the religion most practiced by the rich and powerful who tend to shape history more than the rest of us.

    Truisms are easily found in this subject area. All religions seek to shift human behaviour from the way we are, to the way we "ought" to be. The rich and powerful seek to have the religion in their locale interpreted in a way that benefits them – whatever that religion. Marx referred to religion as "the opiate of the masses". Etc. etc…


    You might want to do a bit more reading on the history of the slave trade. It had relatively little to do with Christianity and much to do with the pursuit of money.

    One relatively informative recent book is by James A. Rawley, Stephen D. Behrendt

    The transatlantic slave trade: a history

     As noted in that book and many others, slave trading existed in Africa long before the Europeans saw its potential for "globalisation" and profit. Even after the Europeans arrived, the capturing of slaves was largely done by other Africans who followed a variety of religions – including North African traders who professed to follow Islam. Then, as now, the Europeans sought to limit the extent which they got their hands dirty and therefore as a general rule simply bought slaves at a low price from Africans slave-traders and transported them to overseas markets where they could be sold at a higher price. Undoubtedly European demand greater increased the level of enslavement of Africans and in any event Europeans cannot be at all excused from their role in the slave trade. However, we must try to avoid revisionist history if we are to actually understand the effects of historical events in modern society. 

    It is also necessary to keep in mind that many if not most of the Europeans who came to the Caribbean did not do so as wealthy land owners. Many were indentured servants, people who had sold themselves into bondage in order to survive. Others, and in particular many from Scotland who found their way to the Caribbean, had been thrown off their lands by wealthy landowners who preferred the company of sheep. Others were press-ganged into military service and sent to fight in places they had no desire to go. Our own history indicates that some of Cayman’s earliest settlers were deserters from Cromwell’s army in Jamaica. They too were starving and dying to make others more rich and powerful.

    We should also remember that here in Cayman some of our few slave owners were themselves of African decent. Some who had been slaves but were freed by their European masters, in turn became slave owners.

    As complex as all of that is, it remains the case in my view that it is the failings of people who from time to time claim to be Christians that have caused a variety of harms to come to us. These failings are not the fault of Christianity or a reason to give up on following the teachings of Christ. Rather, the examples of such failings provide a history lesson showing why we ought to do better.


  17. Anonymous says:

    Funny stuff. The past is past we can only be responsible for our own actions. I could care less how did what to my great great great grand parents. I am too busy living in the here and now.

    • Pale Rider says:

      "I could care less who did what to my great great great grand parents."

       Couple of issues with that statement..

        First, it would seem as though you don’t care because the type of crimes against humanity that were described above were not perpetrated on anyone in your distant family…bet you wouldn’t feel that way if, oh let’s say you had a grandparent/relative who survived Aushwitz?? 

       Secondly, you don’t have to experience something firsthand to empathise with the history and culture of another persons background…that is the problem with people today…we are "too busy living in the here and now", to actually take the time to care wether this sort of thing is happening to those around us.

       Your statement of only being responsible for our own actions is only half true…we can be responsible for other peoples actions if we let others know that we will not stand for actions which cause harm to others…

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree.  We use to say that it takes a village to raise a child.  This is basically a social contract, which carries with it a responsibility to assit parents in the moulding of their children.  If I see young people misbehaving I speak to them, if I see people littering I speak to them.  I don’t abuse them or speak disrespectfully. But I take up my responsibility to bring the beaviour of myself and those around me up to appropriate levels.

        So I have 2 responsibilities, me and you.  That is what society is all about.  Anything else is selfishness and chaos.  I learned this from Jesus.  Not only did He tell me this, he also told me that this is the way it will be in Heaven, perfect society.  And He said that if I am to get there I must give myself to Him and avoid selfishness and chaos.

    • Anonymous says:

      Echoes travel not only over physical distances, but also through time as the echo progresses. 

      Similarly, the events of the past may be finished, but their echoes impact and shape the nature of our world today.  If you choose to ignore the events of the past, you choose to be ignorant of the realities of today.  Understanding how we got to be here helps to understand the dynamics of the present.  It also just might help avoid the atrocities our ancestors caused or suffered.

      Our dead forefather perpetrators are not here to be forced to account or apologise, and neither are their victims here to receive it, but if our society is unjust TODAY because of a social imbalance with roots in the past, we still need to fix it.

      It isn’t all about the here and now.

  18. Anonymous says:

    LOL! A hysterical early Malcolm X impersonation. Calm down.

    • Pale Rider says:

      ^UP…little too close to the truth for you??  You have to put this down to Malcolm X impersonations??  Sorry…you FAIL!!  Malcom X was a great orator..and had a unique vision…you…on the other hand…..