Loans not an issue, says Joey

| 04/12/2009

Cayman islands news island weather classifieds business financial services(CNS): The former managing director of Boatswain’s Beach Cayman Turtle Farm has told the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) that he did not think any of the management team at the facility considered his ‘advances’ of some $50,000 to be a problem, which is why they never told the farm board.  Contrary to the evidence given by the CFO and HR manager, Joey Ebanks said they were free to talk openly to the board and he believed if they had any issues about the advances they had plenty of opportunities to express their concerns to the board members at meetings or on other occasions – a point vehemently denied by members of the team.

Giving evidence to the PAC on the auditor general’s report Loans and Expenditures of Funds at Boatswain Beach, Ebanks did not reveal why he had taken so much money from the ailing facility, or how he made a repayment of over $51,000 in cash to the farm without questions being asked. AG Dan Duguay, however, told PAC that he had informed the FRU when he undertook the audit about the unusually large cash payment.

During his appearance Ebanks did not seem to acknowledge that it was unorthodox for a managing director of a publically owned company to be taking regular interest free loans on a monthly basis from the company. He did, however, say that in hindsight he regretted taking the advances without telling the board and that he had made errors of judgment.

The former MD also apologised to the committee for making them summons him, while noting that he felt when he was ‘invited’ to come to PAC it was not a requirement, but he said he was more than willing to answer their questions.

In an opening statement, he outlined many issues and problems at the farm when he took over and focused his attention on the part of Dan Duguay’s report that referred to the hospitality spending. He said the $6,000 was not his bar tab but a policy of promoting the Schooners Bar, a policy which both the CFO, Vigay Parabddeen, and the HR manager, David McCray, (formerly the food and beverage manager) had said they were completely unaware of. 

Ebanks insisted that the 60 tabs or more were bills run up by staff at the facility with permission to encourage punters to come to the bar, which Ebanks said turned out to be a great success.  There was, however, no documentary evidence to support Ebanks’ claim of an official policy to use public money to buy drinks and cigarettes for guests to promote the facility. 

During the questioning Ebanks insisted that the loans, which he referred to as advances, were not unusual and that it was a policy that had been in place for a long time, by which staff had been allowed to take advances when required. He also said that he had not read the employee hand book where it stated that staff were only allowed four advances per year. Ebanks had taken some 16 advance in less than 18 months. He said that because morale was low at the farm and things were in turmoil he had relaxed all of the restricting policies on salary advances, so when in need staff could take them.

The HR manager, however, told the committee that, while there had been a few other advances taken by some employees, they were all relatively small amounts that had been paid back over three month periods. It became apparent that Ebanks was the only person taking several thousand dollars every month without any kind of payment plan to pay the advances back.

McCray also stated that Ebanks even signed off his own advance after both he and the chief financial officer (CFO) refused to do so as the loan reached more than $40,000.

Ebanks also denied that anyone in his management team needed to feel uncomfortable about talking to the board. He stated that he had always encouraged them to speak freely.  While on reflection he should have informed the board, at the time, as the board were never told about other advances before his time, he did not see the need, he said,

Both McCray and Parabdeen disagreed with this comment and told the committee they were told by Ebanks not to speak to the board about anything. Moreover, they both expressed how concerned they were about the situation and said they did not just see the borrowing as run of the mill salary advances.

As members of PAC continued to ask Ebanks about the processes and procedures around the loan, he continued to insist that his advances were not a priority and the farm had far bigger problems to worry about. He seemed not to note the irony when he talked about the farm losing significant sums and having no proper business strategies that he was taking interest free loans from a facility that was haemorrhaging public funds.

At no time did Ebanks explain why, when he was earning in excess of $100,000 per annum as the MD, he also needed to top up his monthly salary with constant loans ranging from $1,000 to as much as $15,500. He said it was not a problem as there was never any risk that he would not pay back the sums in question and this was demonstrated when he resigned, told the board and settled the sum in full soon after. Ebanks resigned from the Turtle Farm suddenly when he decided to run for office in the May 2009 General Election as the PPM candidate for North Side, the seat now held by the PAC chair and independent MLA, Ezzard Miller.

Despite the unorthodox nature of the salary advances, or loans as Dan Duguay has described them, during the PAC meeting, Ebanks sought to take aim at the AG saying he had refused to change the report when Ebanks had asked him to, so he had decided not to offer comment.

Following the statement, Duguay explained that he had told Ebanks he was not changing his summary of the report as that was his opinion of what had happened at the farm based on the facts, which he said Ebanks had not disputed where the loan was concerned.

Duguay explained that when Ebanks offered his defence over the $6,000 bar tab he had not been able to support it with any documentary evidence, which is why he could not change the report’s findings. But he emphasised that Ebanks had been given ample opportunity and time to offer his comments to Duguay’s office, which the AG said would have been included had he submitted them as invited.

Following the meeting PAC will now reconvene after the Christmas break to write up their own report based on the AG’s findings and all of the evidence that has come before the committee to make recommendations for the future.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Is Mr. V Arden McLean, JP MLA District of East End up to date on his CUC electric bill accounts.  Seems not too long ago that he owed over $10 Thousands covering many months of unpaid bills while ‘regular’ customers get shut off power owing just $Hundreds.



  2. Anonymous says:

    This is a good indication of what is to come for Cayman and why. Cayman leaders are only concerned with themselves and not the island in general. Cayman will continue to pay for the few until there is nothing left and the system is set up so that no one can do anything about it until it is too late.  Look what happened to the Seyschells.  Hopefully after the fall someone with compassion for the people will stand up.

  3. Anonymous says:

    "MAN OF THE YEAR", well no surprise, looked who named him that! 

  4. Anonymous says:

    For ‘what a mess’, respect.

  5. Anonymous says:

    joey ebanks … proof that cayman is a decades away from independence, maybe direct rule for a couple of years would be a good idea

  6. Anonymous says:

    As much as anyone would wish to compare Joey’s actions to ‘alleged corruption’ or ‘mismanagement’ of other public figures and as much as we would like to support a fellow Caymanian, Joey’s actions were unprofessional, reckless and wrong, wrong, wrong. Thank God he was not elected (this is not a political statement,  just that of a concerned citizen).

    Furthermore, while I do not support the actions of his CFO and HRM in signing these requests without questioning, the mere fact that they were ‘afraid’ to challenge him speaks to the culture of fear which exists in the public sector. Perhaps the same may exist in the private sector also, but at least that’s not our money!

    For this whole matter to have an effective conclusion Joey and the managers who facilitated his disregard for public money must be held accountable. Nothing less!

  7. Very Very Disapointed PPM supporter says:

    Right is right and wrong is wrong and Joey is a big hard backed man. He needs to admit his wrong doings apologise and hope the people that trusted him are forgiving. It is quite obvious that he was using his position to "whoop" it up with his friends at the very least, and I suspect there is more to the "entertainment" that took place, but I will not comment beyond the fact that he was planning to run in North side !!

    This is an alarming misuse of power and demonstrates a complete lack of ethics and morals. I am sorry, I know him personally and consider him a good acquaintance, but I feel it for the hundreds who have put their trust in him and voted for him. He owes them an apology in the same way he now owes those managers nowbeing "questioned" an apology for misrepresenting them to the PAC.

    Joey you are a big man and I believe a good man who has made a critical error in judgement. Please redeem yourself and at least apologise, drop the "they are out to get me" attitude and this will all be over with shortly. I initially supported you be the facts are clear and sorry I now have to withdraw my former support.


    • Anonymous says:


      Cayman Compass Sunday Dec. 6th.

      "During a Public Accounts Committee meeting investigating the matter last week, Mr. Ebanks declined to comment about the source of the cash he used to repay the salary advances.

      “That fact…has no relevance here today,” Mr. Ebanks said to the PAC members. “If there’s any committee member here who feels there was a breach of law, they are required to take that to the police.”

      Cayman Islands Auditor General Dan Duguay told the PAC that he had no evidence any laws had been broken by the cash payoff.

      “I don’t have any evidence…that would compel me to go to the [Royal Cayman Islands Police Service] in this matter,” he said."

      "Mr. Ebanks said he accepted full responsibility for the salary advances/loans situation and apologised to the committee members for the situation."

      He also appologised to the Cayman Turtle Farm Staff, Board and public Four times during the PAC meeting. I was there.

      • Anonymous says:

        So what? He apologized but that doesn’t make things ok? I work at a bank, and if I got one of my co-workers to co-sign a cheque with me to get a salary advance, without management knowing anything of it, would that be ok? Do you think if I would come back and "apologized" that the bank would say oh well, never mind…..

        Come on, people are upset because they trusted Joey and had some faith in him. He really let everyone down. But oh well, at the end we know it will just be swept under the carpet anyway.

  8. Anonymous says:

    How ironic that  about a year ago when Cayman Net News published their "Review of 2008" magazine, Joey’s smiling face was on the front cover as – Guess What…!!!!!!


    "MAN OF THE YEAR"……………………………………!!!

  9. Anon says:

    Just because some got away with it in the past is no reason to allow everyone to get way with it.

    If this was not the case, every murderer and rapist in Cayman would complain the same thing. So and so never got convicted when he killed so and so, so why are you convicting me?


  10. what a mess says:

    ps: my previous post says "born ya caymanian" for one reason only. Not to play the caymanian versus expat game, but for you to know that many "born ya" citizens are "for" professional and ethical behavior…in business and personally. And are voting based on same.

    History of Cayman shows clearly that expats as well as those of us born here have impacted cayman, both positively and negatively. Where one "happens" to be born does not determine who we become.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Still no apology?

  12. what a mess says:

    Joey is wrong here…no way around that! He has shown a complete diregard for professional ethics by the way he operated the turtle farm. And now he shows even more by his behavior at the hearings at the PAC. This is very shady.

    To those who speak of past wrongs by other politicians and ask where was the outcry? I agree there have been many more corrupt acts by politicians past and present and they should ALL be investigated…this does though mean…a start has to begin somewhere!…if your logic was allowed to apply then no investigation could ever begin. Also there was not CNS to report these and for us posters to comment on.

    Furthermore, you might ask the question why "you" didn’t provide outcry since "you" report "you" knew of such actions?

    • Anonymous says:

      I do not believe that anyone is saying that a "start" should not be made in such corrupt deals or actions, but what most people are questioning is WHY WASN’T THERE THE SAME LEVEL OF OUTCRY when other poliyicans were involved in major corruption! And to say that there was no CNS around to do so is silly because there was other ways including RADIO! Have you got the point yet? No one is suggesting to ignore corruption, but it does appear to be an unfair bias when a certain politican is involved, no matter what the crimes may be! GET IT YET?

      • what a mess says:

        Such investigations will always "appear" to be unfairly biased by some…especially to those who will stick up for someone, no matter what, just because they might like him/her for whatever reason. I suggest you look in the mirror to examine for "bias" also.

        I for one base my opinion on merit…and it is clear that Joey conducted his business affairs in an unethical manner…period!

        Had you read my post objectively you would have understood that i said ALL unethical politicians/other persons should be investigated. Of course most will try to deflect their own accountability by such blaming as "what about the other wrongs, where is the outcry for that". 

         In answer to your suggestion of calling the radio shows; i and many others cannot afford to spend countless minutes calling in to the radio shows… while at work.

        The fact remains; this investigation "is happening"…and the blame game to deflect responsibility does nothing to help our leaders become more accountable. And Joey, as someone who wants to be a leader, would have served Cayman well by being an example for others to follow…instead he has chosen to follow the same old"WHIFM" (what’s in it for me) "deflect and blame" game plan.

        I believe the people of Cayman are tired of this type of behavior…i know i am…and ALL politicians should take heed. Remember the "Anti-Corruption" legislation comes into effect 2010. This "should" help with ALL corruption being investigated, and more importantly PROSECUTED!

        A born ya caymanian!


  13. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard and Cayman Crosstalk have toasted Joey and they must remember the age old saying, "What goes around, comes around".

    Remember during the Christmas season, it is better to give than to receive.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Loans not an issue?  REALLY?  How about employees not being paid, vendors not being made (still not being paid) we don’t hear anything about that do we??????? I guess there must be a gag order on them… he just borrowed a few thousand dollars, he did afterall pay it back….

    • Anonymous says:

      he "borrowed" a few thousand dollars, yes, borrowed, at least he did not steal it & not pay it back. Can ALL politicans say that?

      10:15, why are you not up in arms questioning a certain politican who has taken but never given back? ARE YOU OK WITH THAT? I suppose with you it depends who steals the money, right?

      • Anonymous says:

        Unfortunately we don’t know if he would have ever given it back if he would have not opted to run for MLA and if this story had been exposed during his campaign.

  15. who de cap fit says:

    This sounds so much like Alberto Gonzales.  "I thought I was just "invited" to the PAC hearing."  "I don’t recall."  "There were rules but I didn’t like them and changed them."  "I paid it all back… so what’s the problem?"  There are several problems Mr. Ebanks.  But given your spaced-out attitude toward holding a position of public trust I don’t think you’d be capable of understanding them.  You signed-off on your own advances.  Requested others to be silent about it.  Endulged yourself and whatever friends you could with drinks.  At public expense.  Ashamed yourself and the Turtle Farm with your antics.  And still to this day see nothing wrong with anything you did.  My three year old had the same problem.  But they grew up.  Don’t change your name from Joey.  It suits someone with such a childish attitude.

  16. Anonymous says:

    It would be interesting to find out if previous managers at Cayman Turtle Farm also received salary advances.

    Will the Finance Committee go into history then tell us their findings?



  17. Anonymous says:

    BIG BOATS COST A LOT OF MONEY I guess.  Why doesn’t he admit who gave him the money to pay the funds back for the loans?  If people knew that, it would really shed some light on the kind of people that he associates with.  I think it’s catching.

    • RVT-D says:

      Oh c’mon….don’t leave us hanging….give us at least a clue (without naming names) as to who these associates are.


      I’m sure if Joey tries to run again it will have to be as an independent. I don’t think any current or future party will want him after this.

  18. Anon says:

    Joey, Joey, Joey…..if your current employer doesn’t seek to terminate your services simply on principal alone, I beg you to have the good conscience and sense not to propose yourself in the future for Elected Office. XXXXX

    • Anonymous says:

      If Joey’s job should be terminated because of this issue, then why isn’t Mckeeva Bush’s job terminated for all his questionable deals, payments, & loans, & his many suspicious overspendings as reported by the AG on several occasions?

  19. Twyla Vargas says:

    oh, Please dont say so.  I am very saddned too that this happened to Joey, but you know something, this is what I say.  Flick your minds back to the past three years and count how many others have fleeced the government of funds and have vanished in thin air.   I do not hink it would be fair to comment that he goes to Northward. 

    I still believe there is more to this story than we know.  As the saying goes, it is his side, their side, and the other side.  We all have done some stupid things in our lives, some have came back to bite us in the face, while some is still under the carpet.  He who is without sin cast the first stone.

    When this is all over and done with, I do hope Mr Ebanks and Mr Miller maintain a good district working relationship.  For the simple fact that they both are from North Side, Life is very short, make the best of it, and besides that they are Good Caymanian men. 

    • Anonymous says:

      Twyla Mae, I am from North Side and Joey’s actions are not what I would seek to defend. I am glad to know that this whole affair has been exposed because this is not the behaviour that should be condoned by anyone seeking public office. Regardless of what others have done there is no excuse of this and it should be dealt with.

      I am no great fan of Ezzard’s either but I believe that in his capacity as Chairman of the PAC he and the other members are doing what is right and I applaude them for it.

      • Twyla Vargas says:

        I SINCERELY AGREE WITH YOU in somethings, but I suggest you take time to read my comments and you will understand what I am saying.

        I am not giving Joey right for anything he has done wrong, but as a Caymanian, I REFUSE TO BE LIKE ALL A UNA, who only has a twig in the eye for another Caymanian.  Why did,nt you have much to say about what happened when all of the money was taken by Head of INT. College, XXXXX and so many others who ripped off the government and the Cayman Islands.

        I am not surprised one bit, the mere fact that you are a Caymanian and Joey is a Caymanian.  You would do just what you are doing, crucify him to the cross because he is Caymanian.

        I am going to split justice, and I am not going to be hateful, grudgefulminded or badminded against anyone.  I am a full bred, and born Caymanian to the core, but Oh what a tangle web we weave how we hate each other and must deceive.   Stop the political  S&^%T and ask yourself have you done anything wrong in your life?.

        • Common Sense 101 says:

          Woman you need to get off of this Caymanian bull crap!  I am a Caymanian and this is not about criticising Caymanians.  This is about someone working for a government entity that has to be subsidized because it is struggling finacially and yet he has the guts to dip into the till 16 TIMES!

          Clearly he dosen’t understand the responsibilities of an MD and it is not suprising that he didn’t see this as an issue issue. I think there are 50,000+ issues.

          Yes, there other similar cases (including corrupt politician)that need to be investigated and all should be punished to the full extent of the law if found guilty! 

          The problem is, who will investigate for us, Scotland Yard?

          Lucky for all Caymanians Joey didn’t get elected.

          • Twyla Vargas says:

            I am quite sure we understand each other very well, even if we disagree.  However as I am Identified and  from the District of Bodden Town, its sad that such words as "Common Sence" is used so loosley.

            • o.c.m. says:

              Twyla, with all due respect, XXXX No matter what may have happened in the past, no matter what crimes others got away with, and no matter who committed them, whether Caymanian or not, a wrong is a wrong, is a wrong.  Unfortunately you seem to misunderstand that very fine point.  And it is exactly because of the same twisted logic that there are others out there committing crime – well, if so and so did it and got away with it, I should be able to do the same…

              • Twyla Vargas says:

                I believe someone is missing the point.  I am not condoning what has taken place with Joey.  Please understand that.  I well understand every word you said, as  mentioned in my comments.  What I am really saying is that why comments like these were not done about foreign Nationals who also ripped off the Government. "I believe Joe paid back the money"  Nuff said.

                How many persons have gotten away with their scams and fleecing?   "Of course two wrongs dont make a right". But Joey paid the money back.  Why was,nt he arrested six months ago when this came to light?  Why was,nt warrants of arrest sent abroad for the others.  Why Joe borrowed this money I really dont know, because I have not seen or spoken to him from the year 2005. 

                However I am only wishing that  we would do what we have to do if there is a case to prove wrong doing , instead of critizing each other.  We only do that to ourselves………  That is one of the main reasons we write and sign anonymous, because we can spitefully and viciously  hide and destroy each other for expressing their opinion.  Thank God you have a name to call when you write.  You see I have nothing to hide, and no one to hide from.  All is well.  Walk good.

            • Dick Shaughneary says:

              It is sad that the English language is abused so horribly.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are basically saying we should let the guy off because all the other politicians past and present are corrupt too so why shouldn’t he be allowed.

      What a ridiculous suggestion, the whole establishment is corrupt and needs to be cleaned up, starting with some high profile corruption enquiries. Like the failed operations in the police but this time there shall be no Ivan to wash away the files and we’ll make it independant to ensure there is no closing of ranks or cover ups.

      It shows that because you have grown up with corrupt morals that you just accept it as a matter of fact now.

      Corruption on this scale in any developed country should lead to serious jail time, no doubts about it. He abused his position to steal taxpayers money. yes he paid it back, because he had to to try and avoid criminal charges.

      This place is and always will be a banana republic until the government is cleaned up and the public perception that corruption, wife beating and crime in general is ok, is changed.

      God must be rotting in his mosque every time he thinks of the evilness he has created in Caymanian society.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Lets not forget where the good Joey now works……………..CUC.  XXXXX

    It is also interesting to note that Joey has spent very little time at his new office within CUC.  When I enquired as to why he was absent, I was informed that he was away on extended training.  This begs the question, why did CUC hire him if he needed so much training?  I am sure there are people both within CUC and in the private sector that could have and would have qualified for this management position that did not need training.  Joey’s training costs are coming out of our pockets in the form of rate hikes by CUC.  We are told by the good Mr. Hew that the operating costs for the utility are going up…………………I wonder why.  XXXXX

    We don’t have to worry about England or the Expats ruining this country we are doing it to ourselves!

    • Anonymous says:

       Joey’s is doing ethics training  ! Just jokes. I really think the way he handled the bar tab speaks volumes of his poor business acumen.  Business 101  would be to  print some free drink vouchers , like buy one get one free, or free beer with a meal etc etc so that the effectiveness of the campaign can be tracked in the till, and such that there is a control of the inventory of liquor. the idea of just running a tab for anyone who turned up is just so ludicrous, and just so cavalier it wreaks of the corporate excesses and disasters of the last 20 years, just on a smaller scale. so  that item by itself is just incredibly poor marketing & management. then you add the free loans. really are you freaking kidding me. I would ask the HR manager/CEO of CUC why they employed someone with this record. I guess their auditor will now have been warned to scrutinize things

    • Anonymous says:

      I guess there were plenty of people in the private sector and probably within CUC its self? But are any of them best buddies with Richard Hew? 

      I never even saw the position advertised in the classified ad’s? Must have been an "Old Boy " insider deal.

      Well Mr. Hew, were you looking out for the best interests of the company you are the president of, or just looking out for a "political" best buddy?

      Professionalism in question here. You must be embarrassed now, surely?   

  21. Anonymous says:

    Why didn’t the HR Manager and CFO inform the board of this issue?  If they were so concerned for the company they should have told the board of their discomfort as that is the usual procedure when your direct manager is going against policy.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m guessing they were expats, knowing that reporting something like this against a  Caymanian inevitably leads to them losing their jobs and work permits.

      Unfortunately the corruption is not limited to a couple of politicians, it is rife throughout the government, police and immigration. Any expat knows that to report a high ranking caymanian official for something like this, will guarantee them a one-way ticket home within 2 weeks. 

      And don’t even bother arguing with me, we all know how it works.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Joey still has 4 years more or less to overcome this setback for Ezzard’s seat in the North Side.

    Who so ever lives in a glass house should not cast the first stone.

    • 4 more years you say, North Side people  are  not as dumb as you all may beleive, they both need to heed the marl road gossip up here, if either one beleives that they will win a seat here again 

    • Anonymous says:

      Sad cliches can not explain away this highly, glaring unethical behaviour.  Wonder how CUC would feel if he approved salary advances there too. Would they accept his explanation that he did’nt think he was doing anything wrong? This is certainly not an individual that I would want in my camp with all my camping supplies. Wrong is wrong and his actions certainly reeks of dishonesty, Caymanian or not.

  23. Anonymous says:

    On the one hand he did not read the manual and on the other he suspended it because of hard times?

    This is funny as I recall Joey firing a previous HR manager and made a concerted effort to change up the staff manual to reflect this new policy change of staff not dating each other – so how did that happen without reading the manual?

    Yes, he clearly thinks the Caymanian people are fools!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Come on, it is a typical example that ofthen people who get involved with a Government run entity are trying to milk it for all its worth. No more, no less!

    At the end, nothing will come of it anyway, the whole hoopla will be brushed under the carpet again and life continues. Down the road, somebody will wonder once again why our youth are turning out the way they are, forgetting that the people who should set an example are failing to do so on a daily basis.

  25. Anonymous says:

    The question that should be asked is; Why did he need such large sums of money on a monthly basis after making a "very reasonable and well paid" monthly salary and where did the $50,000+ CI dollars come from, in one such payment to repay these advances all of a sudden ??? 

  26. Anonymous says:

    This is really sad. I am so disappointed in Joey I am almost at a loss for words. He clearly things we are dumb.

    I am sure that during that time he took vacation. Are we to believe that he also took vacation without approval? Well, the same person(s) that approved his vacation should have been the same person(s) that approved his salary advances.

    The only house he should have running to get into is the big one in Northward.

    • Any Mo. says:

      When you confuse "thinks" with "things" who can blame him for thinking you are dumb?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why wasn’t there all this HYPE when other Politicians that were actually elected "borrowed" large amount of monies and Never paid back. When there is hatred involved, as there is concerning UDP towards anyone who does not support them, there will always be unnecessary personal attacks and slander!

      • Anonymous says:

        \\Two wrongs will never make one right no matter how you feel or think about it.

        • Anonymous says:

          I agree that two wrongs dont make one right, but why weren’t you & the other critics of Joey on this issue as vocal about other politicans, ONE IN PARTICULAR, when questions were raised about certain financial dealings? No one is saying that what Joey did was right, but many MANY people are questions the motive behind this hatchet job on Joey, because nothing was said about all the corruption & missing millions in the past! I wonder which politican is a multi-millionaire, & has raised many questions about the suspicious ways in which he has become soooooo fabulously rich! If we are going to question & raise so much stink about $60,000 that was advanced or borrowed, then why were we so quiet & uncaring when millions of our dollars were being mis-spent or even worse, TAKEN! WHY? Come on folks, let’s be more fair about this, & if we didn’t care about the missing millions over the past 20 years, why are we making such a fuss about $60,000. Oh, I suppose it is because of who it is!!! YOU KNOW WHO! Oh my, my, my!!!