Family member says she tried to stop fishing trip

| 14/01/2010

(CNS): Joshua Gilman’s mother has said that she couldn’t believe her son, who is one of the party of five missing at sea, actually went out on the fishing trip given the weather. Speaking in an exclusive interview with News 27, Claudette Bodden tells how, when she heard that he was planning to go to Honduras in that boat, she had tried to persuade her son not to go. She said Gilman had helped fix the boat but it was not seaworthy and she had told him the trip was not worth his life. Despite extensive searches there is still no sign of the five people who have been missing since Sunday.

See full video interview with News 27

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  1. Debbie Eldemire says:

    Dear Claudette and Charlie and Family, I am so sorry to hear of this very sad news.  Thinking of you all and sending my prayers.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think most idiots don’t understand what thumbs up and thumbs down mean. Or they just don’t understand what they are reading.

  3. anonymous says:

    My heart goes out to Claudette. My prayers are with her and her family in this hour of grief. We pray Gods strength to her mind soul body and spirit that she will pull through this time of grief and rely on God who is above all and we can call on the name of Jesus in times of trouble.

    A word to those wo will not hear their parents.

    cildren obey your parents in the Lord for tis is right. Honor your father and mother that it may be well wit thee.

    I as a mother also tried to stop my son from going on a trip one year ago. I told him it was not the right time and that if God approved of the trip, God would also provide the money needed for the trip. He could not find one red cent to go on the trip. He hard headedly went ahead on the trip and things happened onboard the ship that  almost cost him losing his job! A lot of things went wrong for him.That’s what happens when you do things without your parent’s blessings, especially the one that birth you, your Mother. Se gave you life, and she knows how to preserve your life.

    Children, just because you’re grown, does not mean that you are all on your own, your parents are your instructors of knowledge and wisdom to keep you on the right track for as long as you live even if for l00 years.  OBEY YOUR PARENTS!  You’ll live a long life. And things will go well for you.6

  4. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous at 17:48, I totally agree with you. What’s with the thumbs down for the post at 09:02? This negative response must be coming from the same hard hearted people that’s been showing their disapproval of the other posts on this site where the writers were using the words prayer, God etc. In these sad times, I must say the stupidity of some people are giving me something to laugh about.

  5. BeanBag says:

    To Claudette,

    When you miss him,
    we’re with you in spirit,
    wondering how you feel,
    hoping you’re coping,
    and getting a little better each day.
    We understand. We care.
    When you’re grieving,
    we’re beside you,
    in our hearts, in our thoughts,
    we’re sending you sympathy,
    encouragement, affection,
    and strength to carry on with life.
    He would want it that way.

    From all of your friends here in Grand Cayman and especially from Cayman Brac. We love you.


  6. Peter Milburn says:

    My sincere condolances to Claudette and the rest of the grieving families.

  7. Anonymous says:

    words can not express what’s in her heart…

  8. AwlyMilly Kins says:

    So very very sad….I remember when he was just a little boy….seems like yesterday. My they be found safe and sound. There’s still hope….

  9. Anonymous says:

    My heart and prayers goes out to this poor woman….I hope that you find comfort in your time of need. 

  10. Anonymous says:

    Claudette comes across as sad and dignified. those of us who are parents can only imagine her -and the other persons’ families’- grief.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think it’s extraordinary that the post of Anon 9:02, sympathetic to everyone concerned, got 5 thumbs down. Who the hell/what kind of people do we have reading our posts, friends?