Archive for June 28th, 2010

New Jersey visitor dies after swim
(CNS): A 66-year-old man from New Jersey in the United States died Friday. Police say that about 2.00 pm on 25 June, he lost consciousness while swimming near to the Paradise Bar and Grill, North Church Street, George Town. The man was helped to shore and was given CPR by paramedics. He was subsequently conveyed to the Cayman Islands Hospital and pronounced dead on arrival. Police enquiries are ongoing.

Alex likely to become first Atlantic 2010 hurricane
(CNS): Forecasters are predicting that Alex will become the first hurricane of the 2010 Atlantic season. After losing strength as it hit land Alex reorganised and gained strength this morning as it headed into the warm Gulf of Mexico waters. It is still unclear where Alex will make landfall but forecasters do not believe it will affect the oil spill clean-up. The most likely location for landfall is predicted to be along the northern Mexico or South Texas coast on Thursday, but some uncertainty still exists, in terms of intensity as where it will land.
The National Hurricane Centre has warned that there is a divergence among computer models about Alex’s track and while the are fairly sure the major effects of the storm will be away from the part of the gulf affected by the spill it could cause higher waves and swell in the oil spill area. This could interfere with some containment devices, such as booms, but not completely shut down containment operations.

Miller warns of inflation
(CNS): With the Cayman Islands economy likely to remain in recession this year, the representative for North Side told the Legislative Assembly on Friday that the government’s proposed duty increase would cause inflation as the price of everything would go up. During the debate on the law to increase gas and diesel by 25 cents a gallon Ezzard Miller said the reason why government was not taking on board his idea of increasing vehicle licence fees instead was because it already had plans to increase those fees under another new law in September. He also pointed out that, despite claims to the contrary, government had not cut its overall expenditure for 2011.