Jamaican police weed out bad apples

| 09/08/2010

(Jamaica Gleaner): One hundred and forty-nine rogue cops have been removed from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) in the first seven months of this year, an indication that the police anti-corruption arm has stepped up efforts to weed out bad apples. Assistant Commissioner of Police Justin Felice (left), who is in charge of the Anti-Corruption Branch, said this was an increase over the number recorded for the corresponding period last year. A breakdown of police statistics released yesterday shows that 105 cops were barred from re-enlisting at the end of their old contracts, 26 were retired in the public interest, while 18 were dismissed for corruption-related matters.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I commend the police commissioner in Jamaica for doing a fine job and and wish him and his department good luck in cleaning house.

    And to the previous comments, I agree I hope that we never get them here. For the bad eggs that we have here now (and we do) Caymanians and foreigners alike I hope that they get what is comming to them.

    In  writing these comments we must never forget that  as terribble and dishonest as we think that Jamaicans are (please do not be hipocrites and act as if that is not what we think) , we must not forget that that Jamaicans are not the only nation on this rock (Cayman) who plays from that book (crook book).

    We also have to be careful that in focusing on the Jamaican bad apples ( of which we should) then the bad apples from the other nations (surprise !!! they do exist) just slip by. 

    Crooks and the wicked comes in all skin color, sizes and intelectual backgrounds, you might be so surprised about the ones we have worshipping now.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The best avenue to ensure that no "rogue cop’s or individuals" enter the Cayman Islands jurisdiction is by utilizing the RCIPS Special Branch to connect with the Jamaica Constabulary Force Special Branch, to identify these individuals. I trust that the now UK Inspector who is in charge of RCIPS training department and the Human Resources Administrator, utilizes this important asset. If they are not doing so, corrupt cops and others will no doubt enter our jurisdiction.

    The JCF Special Branch is probably "the very least corrupt" of them all and it would surprise me (not impossible) if any of these rogue cops identified, actually came from or was connected to the JCF Special Branch.



  3. Bobby says:

    Yes just like the Canadian Officer they employed a few years ago who was wanted by the Canadian Authorities for fraud!! You place far too much in the RCIPS rigourous checks, an email from a ‘supervisor’ is all they will need. That ‘supervisor’ could be anyone…..


    • Anonymous says:

      If you remember the facts right, a former Deputy commissioner when asked about the officer, came out and said the matter was cleared up and so the recruitment went ahead. I believed that the only reason he stuck his neck out for the former officer is because he was from canada. Had that been Caymanian or west indian you would hear something else and he would not be recruited

  4. Anonymous says:

    You know it really hurt me to read some of the nonsense that ought to be grown people post on this site.  I wonder how many of these posters have any idea rigorous background checks that the RCIP use when hiring officers; especially overseas ones.  I remember about 2 recruits ago I was talking to a collegue who was waiting on the results of his background checks to resigned and I enquired what was taking so long and the respond was "it is not a quick process, they have to wait to hear back from the organisation doing the checks"

    So no need for these negative commentsRemember these comments are view internationally and when others see such – imagine they think about this place; all because we are "keyboard" happy.

    • Twyla Mae Vargas says:

      I would like to agree with you on this, but I am not sure, and why I say this is because one or two persons have slipped through the seams before, entered the police and immigration, and security guard department workforce, only to later discover that they paid for a good record.  Uhmmm I wonder  how that happened?

  5. anonymous says:

    This article  is interesting on the JA Constabulatory Force,  they should be now in a position to regenerate and pull through with so many bad apples being plucked out.  RCIP should keep  their eyes open wide that they do not  seek employment into the Organisation and add to their problems.

  6. Anonymous says:

    "Take note !!!! So that they don’t come here!!! And get hired by our Police Dept!!! And the numerous security companies that we have here!!! Because we do not want or need these people here!! So to all the powers that be!!! Please take note!!!!


    A Caymanian!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    What they should do is focused more on their recruitment, on screening people by making them go through certain behavioral and psychological tests that has been accredited. If they fail, don’t pass them. The recruitment process should not be just about head-knowledge and knowing the law.

    The same should be here in Cayman.

  8. Anonymous says:

    i trust there is an information exchange mechanism in place that would prevent those "rogue" (ex) officers from being employed here in Cayman.

  9. Anonymous says:

    For the sake of national security and preventing fraudulent applications & undesirable employees; I trust that the Deputy Governor’s Office, Immigration Department and Commissioner of Police will all closely monitor the applicants to the RCIPS or other security positions to avoid importing these persons. Maybe a private person with the time could review officers recently recruited to see if any have already slipped through the cracks.

  10. Anonymous says:

    No doubt they are all on their way here..

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘All on their way’….I am wondering if the new recruits late last year or early this year in the RCIPS may not have already included officers from Jamaica who were terminated. After all, if the 149 were not all terminated at the same time, it would be interesting to compare recruited officers here with that list.