Robbers hit fast food joints

| 11/08/2010

(CNS): Both the Captain’s Bakery on West Bay Road and Subway Restaurant in Anderson Square, George Town, were robbed last night in two separate robberies that were around five minutes apart. Police have confirmed that a man who was about 5’5’ dressed in dark clothes wearing a dark cap entered the Captains Bakery at about 10.25pm on Tuesday and threatened staff with a silver handgun before making off with a sum of cash. Then five minutes later at 10:30pm another man about 5’7’also in dark clothes but with a scarf over his face and a handgun in his waistband demanded cash from staff at Subways and then made off with the money on foot. (Photo Dennie Warren Jr)

Police confirmed that no shots were fired and no one was injured in either incident, and so far no arrests have been made.
Officers from George Town CID are investigating both robberies and anyone with information is asked to call them on 949 4222 or call Crimestoppers 800 TIPS.
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  1. British Bulldog says:

    Anyone still living remember the good old days?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Commish. you said you knew the few bad guys. But now most of them are locked away in the cells or other places(dead). What do you have to say to John Public? What do you have tell the news conferences when or if you have one? We need experts from the UK? How will they solve anything, when they can’t even police East London or Birmingham? Why are you bringing them here when all that will be happening is more of the same.

  3. Anonymous says:

    We need to DEAL  with our social issues or things will continue to get until stores will have to close before dark and security guards( or police paid by our $) will have to be at every corner with guns during the day. 


    Government need to see the need to educate caymanians (those people that are not going any where) on how to sincerely deal with social issues-may it happen as you have caymanians that would take up these post such as the head of the social serves dept. but need financial assistance fromgovernment. I do not mean a scholarship, i mean do what it takes to have them trained.  This crime rate is causing this country more than you could ever put a $$ value to.

    Please let us see advertisements that is catering to training caymanians in the relevant areas to deal with these issues. We are not here to do a job we are here to save our country.


    God bless Cayman and its leaders!!


  4. anonymous says:

    what do you mean by burning the few….explain be specific and clear.

    • Rorschach says:

      I believe the poster meant to say, "burning out"…with regards to canceling rest days and increasing the number of hours that the officers are required to work before they allowed rest periods…

    • Anonymous says:

      There are those who collect pay cheques every month to do the following: They see no evil, they do no evil and thus say no evil. They drive the police cars, burn gas and shop. That is what is meant burning out the few good men and women.

  5. Thankful Again says:

    Yup…where are the people who said that I was a fool for saying that these are planned coordinated robberies?! 

    Okay RCIPS, do we still believe this robbery and a good portion of many of the robberies…NOT NOT ALL….but many, are not planned?  In my opinion, a core, central and obviously very close knit group of I believe 4 – 5 persons are working from things they have planned.  I wonder, if they do not purposely try and utlize one/two person robberies to try and fool police/public into thinking there are lots of people and utilize the max for big events.  I said it before, there is some level of coordination taking place.  The patterns/MO from some distinct robberies are similiar.  I bet as well there is a ring-leader or head-piece.  

    My prayer is that social movements by clicks are being monitored by the police.  Yet who am I fooling?  I am waiting on the follow-up press release: We are waiting on the public for information…someone knows who they are….we DON’T THINK these are related (the best one for me)…people need to start securing their homes with cameras and teh likes (one of teh saddest for me)…We are LOOKING into getting more cameras….We know crimes are taking place at X spot around X times – butbe careful.  The list is endless and froth with same ole same ole.  It almost sames useless to suggest, judging from previous positions taken by the RCIPS, to begin proactive police work: stake outs…YES EVEN FOR EXTENDED periods.  Increase the intelligence from feelers on the ground etc etc.  This community needs more to stop these robberies.  The community is not loking for a slow-down, we have not thrown in the white flag yet, we want it stopped.  High standards you ask.  I say: yes!  It is from that basis you should be working.  

    I believe, half of the police worries about things like witnesses coming forward witness protection programmes, would practically go away if these people are caught RED-HANDED.  Case in-point, the young man charged for robbery at Mostyn’s gas station.  He was charged within 2/3 days if I recall correctly.  That is because its hard to dispute doing a robbery when the evidence is coming out of your pants  – literally (money flying on the ground when he was arrested).

    We need more from teh RCIPS.  Yes the community needs to do our part.  But this is why we pay our Police folks.


  6. jay says:

    yup… quick, slick, fast, and becoming more professional

  7. More to come says:

    There will be more as the CP and his hench men is doing a very good job at burning the few hard working men and women. They don’t know whether they are coming orgoing. Cayman public brace yourselves.