Two nabbed in West Bay raid

| 01/09/2010

(CNS): Police arrested two men and took a semi-automatic pistol and a quantity of ganja off the streets following a police operation in West Bay yesterday. According to the RCIPS, at about 1.45am on Tuesday, 31 August, a joint uniform, CID and USG operation was launched in the West Bay area. A car and premises were searched resulting in the seizure of a quantity of ganja and a semi-automatic pistol. The men, aged 23 and 31 years, were arrested on suspicion of possession of an unlicensed firearm, as well as possession and consumption of ganja. Police enquiries are ongoing. (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

Detective Superintendent Marlon Boddensaid, “Following the gun amnesty the commissioner warned that we would be going all out to gather intelligence and mount targeted raids to take illegal guns off the streets. This latest operation and the successful recovery of this dangerous weapon underlines our commitment to do exactly that. The joint RCIPS and Cayman Crime Stoppers reward offered for information leading to the recovery of illegal guns and the arrest of those who hold them still stands. So now is your chance to tell us what you know to help eradicate gun crime in Cayman and put those responsible behind bars."

Anyone with information about gun crime should call their local police office or Cayman Crimestoppers on 800-TIPS.


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  1. Alan Nivia says:

    What in West Bay?  What a surprise!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Most police do their jobs.  If the communities did theirs by letting the police know what was going on, then their success would be far greater.  But you know what – even far more important to note is that the criminals today were groomed for over 15 years of their life by other criminals.  Society, not the police, are responsible for the criminals we are facing today.  It will only change when society start teaching their children the principles of the 10 Commandments – respect for God, themselves and others.

  3. Anonymous says:

    GREAT JOB!!!

  4. anonymous says:

    the police cannot protect themselves, never mind protect an informant.  the first poster was correct to ridicule the police’s plea for the public’s help.  until the police can demonstrate that they do not leak information, that they can protect informants, etc. they will not receive the public’s help…

    • Anonymous says:

      seems you’re part of the problem too.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seriously people, let’s stop being so unkind to the police and their efforts. Yes we have a huge problem and it is not going to all be solved at one time. But you know what – that one gun may have been responsible for a number of shootings. One gun does not necessarily equate to one incident.  Even if it does then that’s still one down and many more to go. I agree but nevertheless, it’s one less.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Bravo RCIPS!  One less gun and two less morons to worry about.

  6. My2cents says:

    Job well done RCIP!

    More of the same please.

    See where PROFESSIONAL policing gets you?

    Baines is right to demand professionalism from his officers, and this is the result.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This is great news that at least we see a criminal getting apprehended by the Police. I wonder though if they will get a conviction, and if the gun was stolen from a legal firearms holder as Baines implies is the cause of a large percentage of the firearms crime.

    I commend the Police for getting the drugs and the gun off the streets, but however I think we are far passed calling a raid on a ganja dealer or maybe even just a user and one gun any real commitment to dealing with the crime that we face today.  Make no mistake, raiding a house is not an easy job, and life-threatening when guns are involved and this one may have been used in a past crime, or a future one, but my point being that it is insignificant when looking at the big picture. When looking at the big picture I ask, how can anyone be using such a small catch to saying that there is a huge commitment to curbing crime? The fact is you can be on board all you want, but if you are unable/lack skills etc to get the job done, then it is all in vaine. And that my folks is the very issue that we are facing. Once again we have the grand-standing of the Police on a job well done.

    On a good note, at least Baines did not send the Community Constable to do the raid, he sent an armed unit which is unlike his normal policy when dealing with armed criminals. Thank goodness that there was no other violent crime going on at the time of the raid as all armed police I bet where engaged in that raid! Job well done, but you have not even come close to winning the battle, let alone the war.  Instead of spending time telling the media how great you are (RCIP) make sure these guys are the right people for the crime, and DO NOT WALK OUT OF COURT with a stupid smirk on thier face, as you cannot take any more egg on yours and hold your heads up!


    Detective Superintendent Marlon Bodden said, “Following the gun amnesty the commissioner warned that we would be going all out to gather intelligence and mount targeted raids to take illegal guns off the streets. This latest operation and the successful recovery of this dangerous weapon underlines our commitment to do exactly that. The joint RCIPS and Cayman Crime Stoppers reward offered for information leading to the recovery of illegal guns and the arrest of those who hold them still stands. So now is your chance to tell us what you know to help eradicate gun crime in Cayman and put those responsible behind bars."

    Here we ago once again, more of the same. Tell us what we should know already. Do they really think anyone with common-sense is going to talk on anyone and think that they may be around within a few months, after it is known fact of information being leaked, incompetent Police Officers, and last but most important the ability to protect anyone or allow them the means of protection if they give evidence on these thugs. Give me a break and do your job and not bring the citizenship into harms way as you will not protect them, sorry CANNOT.  This is all Grand-standing and a load of BUNK!

    • My2cents says:

      What a lot of garbage. One step at a time. Everyone knows it takes a number of smaller battles to win a war. This is just one step. You’re not going to eradicate the problem overnight.

      As for putting RCIP officers in harms way – DUH – they are police officers and are SUPPOSED to be in the faces of the bad guys. They are not going to do any good by sitting in their offices texting their g/fs.

      NEWSFLASH – Policing is dangerous. And I humbly respect EVERY police officer willing to put themselves at risk for the benefit of this community.

    • Anonymous says:

      Complain, complain, complain!  Very useful.

    • Anonymous says:

      While I agree that the comments made by the RCIP may be a bit of grandstanding however I think it’s important to celebrate the few successes that they have had and hope there will be many, many more whether they be small or big. 
      Surely everyone sees by now that the quest for information is standard in every press release and so it should be.  You should not hamper any person who is willing to step forward and offer information as then you become part of the problem! 

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m impressed that you criticise the Commissioner for his policy on (not)arming all officers in paragraph 3 and then in paragraph 5 you criticise police officers for being incompetent. Presumably you are then advocating arming INCOMPETENT POLICE OFFICERS? Great policy. I’m glad Baines is in the chair and not you!