Archive for September 21st, 2010

Government buy-in and public participation needed
Coming from a country where FOI has been in place for over a decade provides me with a unique vantage point from which to observe how Cayman is implementing the law, coping with new responsibilities and openness and how the public is embracing (or not embracing) these new rights.
The two most prominent points that come to mind as I think about writing this article are government “buy in” and public participation, both of which are necessary for the law to work properly and be meaningful.
What do I mean by government buy in? I mean a genuine effort by those who run the show to provide support for FOI processes, respect the timelines prescribed in the law and respond as openly and completely as possible to requests no matter who has made them and no matter the perceived reasons for the request. During my time here I have seen a dedicated commitment to accomplishing the goals of the law from a large number of civil servants. In some other cases, unfortunately, I have also seen a good amount of apathy from a small group of others who hold key positions within government. It is disheartening to see this when they are the ones that should be champions of the law rather than neutral or, in some cases, negative. Now, this is not to say that Cayman is unique in these attitudes as I have experienced similar trains of thought back home. The uniqueness here, I think, is the fact that some of the negative attitudes come from some of the highest places in government and in such a small community this can have serious ramifications on the acceptance and continued use of something as potentially controversial as FOI.
The other piece of the puzzle which has to be in place for this system to work, and with which I have seen and heard some issues, is public participation. So far, I believe the trend has been that the media and a few savvy, interested members of the public have been responsible for making a large number of the requests so far. This is evidenced by the news stories coming out in the media and the appeals that have been received by the ICO. This is not necessarily the case when it comes to all the public authorities as I know that a large number of separate individuals have requested their files from the Immigration Department. For other public authorities, however, the trend that a few are responsible for the most requests seems to stand firm. While the media does have the responsibility of conducting investigative journalism and informing the public of what they find, the public should not solely rely on them to keep the government on its toes.
I know there is still a large number of people that know little or nothing about FOI. While it is true that some people will just never be interested in the topic, I get the sense that many are at times reluctant to learn about or use the FOI system in fear that they may be singled out. A fear of repercussions if they do not make their requests anonymously may in some cases be well founded. Anonymity is especially important in a community as small as the Cayman Islands and efforts should be taken not to erode this protection or an increase in public participation may never be possible. People have a right to know what their government is doing. The culture has to change so that questioning the government and the answering of those questions should be the norm rather than the exception.
Of course change does not take place overnight. In a short period of time the government has been forced to at least partially open its doors to a level of public scrutiny that it never experienced before. For some this scrutiny can come across as threatening and, in a sense, unnatural. Change will take time. While I have picked on perhaps a couple of the more negative aspects of the Cayman FOI arena it does not mean that I have not seen other very promising aspects as well, especially from some of the very hard working Information Managers whose job it is to keep the FOI system running. The cultural change will be gradual and over time, hopefully, FOI will become more mainstream. Inevitably there will be dissenters and people that will say FOI is too much work and too costly. These people’s voices will fade, believe me. I just hope the cultural change will come before any possible negative legislative changes can be made, such as the inability to make anonymous requests or an exorbitant increase in fees, which are within the government’s power to make happen.
Cory Martinson is a former appeals and policy analyst with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

Caymanian game designer hits global apps stage
(CNS): Local games designer Garth Humphreys has made history by becoming the first Caymanian to have a game application he designed published and distributed by Apple iTunes. His game Wubble is now available in the iTunes App Store and Humphreys says he feels like he has hit the big time. The game is a simple, yet fun word challenge for all ages and it has placed Humphreys on the world stage of game applications. While Humphrey’s says he’s not expecting to be rich beyond his wildest dreams yet the satisfaction of getting his game published is a pretty good reward.

Small hedge funds head for closure say experts
(Bloomberg): As much as 20 percent of hedge funds globally may be liquidated by the first quarter because smaller managers are starved for fees and new capital, according to Merrill Lynch & Co. Hedge fund managers overseeing less than $100 million may be the worst hit, said Justin Fredericks, New York-based head of introductions, a prime brokerage team that brings together hedge funds and potential investors. Hedge funds globally returned on average 1.65% according to Hedge Fund Research Inc., headed for the third-worst annual return since the Chicago-based company started to track data in 1990 on concern that the recovery in economic growth may falter.
About 93 percent of the $9.5 billion net inflows into the industry in the second quarter went to managers overseeing $5 billion or more, said HFR.

Health insurance in recovery
(CNS): Insurance firms will no longer be able to cherry pick who they insure as a result of amendments to the Health Insurance Law passed in the Legislative Assembly recently. The road to recovery for the country’s health insurance regime is likely to be a long one but the health minister has made a number of amendments to provide for increases in fines, improve the administration of the law, as well as bring wider and more comprehensive coverage for all. The first step in what Mark Scotland said would be a comprehensive overhaul of the system and improvements to the basic health package, the changes will hopefully address the myriad complaints received about the sector. Scotland said that in the last year alone the Health Insurance Commission received over 1400 complaints.

New local gong created for architects and designers
(CNS): Hoping to encourage innovation and sustainability in the Cayman Islands construction industry, the Cayman Society of Architects, Surveyors & Engineers (CASE) and the Cayman Contractors Association (CCA) have teamed up with the governor to create an award for architects and designers. Duncan Taylor, launched the new national gong – Governor’s Award for Design and Construction Excellence in the Cayman Islands – at a reception on Friday. Taylor encouraged members of the industry to submit their work for consideration and get the awards off the ground.

Action group gets WISE to waste debate

Whistling-duck recuperated and released
(CNS): Woody the West Indian whistling-duck has been successfully rehabilitated and released to his home on Cayman Brac after being hit by a car last month, thanks to Cayman Wildlife Rescue, a program of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, and Marine Enforcement Officer Robert Walton. While Woody was lucky, CWR says that one of the major threats to West Indian Whistling Ducks in the Cayman Islands is traffic and that people who feed wildlife near roads are attracting animals into unsafe areas. Walton found Woody on 24 August suffering from a head injury and needing immediate attention. The bird was flown to Grand Cayman by Cayman Airways Express for several weeks of care.
The duck was nursed by long time CWR volunteer and “whistler specialist” Carolyn Perkins, and progress was slow to begin with, but soon Woody regained his motor skills, walking first and eventually flying.
“I thank all the parties involved in the rescue and rehabilitation of this duck. It indeed took many hours of volunteer care and the continued support of Cayman Airways has been an essential for our program to offer care for wildlife in the Sister Islands,” CWR Program Manager Alison Corbett said.
On 15 September Woody was finally ready to make his voyage home. The caring Cayman Airways Express staff facilitated a smooth process and Robert Walton received the duck in the Brac. Woody rejoined his flock, taking immediately to the water and seemed very relaxed and at home, CWR reported.
One of the major threats to West Indian Whistling Ducks in the Cayman Islands is traffic. Corbett said, “Hit by car remains one of the top reasons for wildlife injuries. This is further compounded by the issue of people feeding wildlife near roads. We strongly caution the public on feeding wildlife, especially near roads as it attracts them into unsafe areas and alters their normal feeding and behaviour patterns.”
If members of the public would like to support Cayman Wildlife Rescue, they can make a donation to Cayman Wildlife Rescue and mail to: PO Box 31116 KY1-1205 or purchase symbolic wildlife adoption kits available at the National Trust gift shop. For more information visit:
917-BIRD (2474) the Wildlife Rescue Hotline, sponsored by LIME, is available for the public to call for injured, sick or orphaned native & migratory wildlife.
Cayman falls further in financial centres global index
(CNS): The Cayman Islands, along with most other offshore financial centres, has fallen down the ratings in the latest edition of The Global Financial Centres Index. The GFCI started in 2005 and examines financial centres from the perspective of those who use them as well as the instrumental factors such as the data and statistics about the actual business. The index authors examine 75 places with a financial services industry and this year all of the offshore centres have again lost ground in the ratings showing larger falls than average. The Cayman Islands lost 23 points and fell six places since the last assessment in the index to position number 38. When the survey started Cayman was in the top 20.

Bermuda back in business as power restored
(Royal Gazette): A "thankful, grateful" Bermuda will be back in business today — with flights and public transport running and most homes with power — after Hurricane Igor proved far less devastating than predicted. The 100 mph winds and torrential rain that lashed the Island on Sunday evening caused only minor injuries to a few, according to the authorities, and did not wreak disastrous damage, as feared. Public Safety Minister David Burch said yesterday that Bermuda seemed to have "dodged a bullet in a significant way". Igor — which weathermen warned could batter Bermuda with winds as fierce as Hurricane Fabian in 2003 — ended up being much less intense than feared.
Lisa becomes season’s twelfth tropical storm
(CNS): As Igor began to lose its tropical characteristics this morning, back across the Atlantic a tropical depression blew into the season’s twelfth named stormed. Tropical Storm Lisa is 530 miles west north west of the Cape Verde Islands and looks to be heading out into the mid Atlantic. Maximum sustained winds are currently 40 mph as Lisa slowly heads towards the north at near 5mph. Forecasters from the NHC said the current general motion is expected to continue during the next 24 hours before a turn toward the north-northwest with a slight decrease in forward speed on Wednesday. Additional strengthening is forecast during the next couple of days and tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 40 miles from the centre.