Mothersill takes Commonwealth gold in 200m

| 11/10/2010

(CNS):  Cydonie Mothersill took the gold in the 200 metres at the Commonwealth Games in India this morning. Mothersill pulled ahead early and was never in danger of being overtaken in the final race. She won in 22.89 seconds, ahead of Abiodun Oyepitan of England who earned silver in 23.26 and Adrienne Power of Canada who was third in 23.52. The race had been scheduled for Sunday but was postponed because the Cypriot team protested the disqualification of sprinter Eleni Artymata. The appeal was denied last night and Artymata did not race Monday. Although Mothersill is a veteran sprinter at 32, she has displayed some of the best form of her life this year and was favourite to secure Cayman’s first ever gold in the history of the games.

This is also Mothersill’s first gold at a major world competition. Mothersill now joins Kareem Streete-Thompson in Cayman’s sporting history books, as he was previously the only Caymanian to win a medal at the Commonwealth Games when he took bronze in the long jump at Manchester in 2002.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If she could not run, she would have remained in Jamaica, where she was sent home despite her Caymanian links at the time. But she was rescued by Evelyn Rockett in order to make Cayman look good at the first Junior CAC games to be held here, many years ago. Congrats should go to Evelyn and all the other Caymanian progressives who made it possible.

    Question is, how many others did we uproot from their families and send ‘home’ to a strange country of no childhood memories and roots?


    • Yada Yada says:

      she was "rescued" — from a superior Jamaican track programme?? Really? Lol.

      You need help. Stop trying to detract the discussion away from Cydonie’s  achievements.  If anything she perservered, including against the haterz, like you.

      Sorry, this is not about your negativity (as much as you would like it to be) – this is about Cydonie’s victory, which we share and celebrate with her.

      Go seek attention elsewhere. Its Cydonie’s moment baby! Whoo! Go Cyd! Well done! Congrats, congrats! Soo proud of you!!

  2. Really tired says:

     Cydonie we are so proud of you.  You are everything that anyone could want in a Caymanian woman.  Dedicated, committed, hardworking and honest.

    We the people of your home country- Cayman cherish this victory.  We finally have something to truly celebrate as a nation.  No one can take this away from you because you earned it the right way.

    I am happy that my tax dollars has gone towards supporting your career.  You carry our name and our flag with elegance and pride.  Many of us have known you, supported you and cheered you since primary school and we still do.

    Thank you for winning this for us.  We share in your victory with tremendous pride.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to Cydonie and all our other athletes, keep up the hard work and continue to make Cayman proud.

  4. Jumbles says:

    Hurrah!  Another positive example of immigration into the Cayman Islands.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wow, everyone can finally celebrate a Paper Caymanian. Normally they are bashed as not belonging. Just goes to show you that expatriates that become Caymanian can contribute and do have good attributes.

  6. Anonymous says:


     It’s good to see Cayman embracing Cydonie and not doing the usual of trying to figure out whether she is "Caymanian" or NOT. I trust this is a new beginning and that the same level of respect will be extended to the other decent and hard working Jamaicans that are living here and contributing to our local economy.

    Congrats Cydonie!  Cayman and the rest of the Caribbean appreciate your hard work and dedication.


  7. Anonymous For Cause says:

    Congratulatons Cydonnie on your well deserved Gold at the Commonwealth Games. You have done yourself and your country, the Cayman Islands proud.

    Way to go!  God Bless.

    • Anonymous says:

      Congratulations Cydonnie on your well deserved Gold at the Commonwealth Games. You have done yourself and your country, Jamaica proud.

      Way to go!  God Bless.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Cydonie!! You make Cayman very proud. Keep up the good work.

  9. Anonymous says:

    It’s about time!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Do you readers noticed something here?  No matter how positive the comments are on behalf of Cydonie, they received thumbs down?  I find this very strange, or should I say evil.

    • Anonymous says:

      Whoeveris giving the thumb down is just plain childish or stupid. Now what could be negative about one of our own securing a gold medal at an international sports event?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Cydie, you never gave up on your dreams.  Just like the good Lord pormised you that He would carry you through, you trusted and depended upon Him to take you all the way.  Congrats Honey.  Keep going.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully our Government could throw a little parade for her in town our something…Don’t worry it won’t cost as much as you spent in Asia,Russia,Africa and Monaco.Would set a positve role for the youth too!!

    Congratulations Cydonie, You are a hard working achiever and went after your goals and you got one.I salute you for making Cayman proud.

    • Anonymous says:

      As far as I’m aware she is being paid for what she does, isn’t that enough compensation.  The Govt. is broke!!!

  13. Anonymous says:

    This feels so good, i say give more Jamaicans status so that can the countrys name will be mentioned more at meets.

    I am starting a campaign to give more Jamaicans status as they sure can win races.


    • Anonymous says:

      You are an idiot. People like you try to deflect praise and celebtration from Cydonie by comments such as this. She is a Caymanian, regardless of how she became one, and many of us descend from Jamaica and are proud of our ancestral history, so shut up and celebrate Cydonie’s victory without interjecting political comments/suggestions.

    • Anonymous says:

      I bet many people did not know she had jamaican roots.I did not

    • Really tired says:

       Yes- just like the Canadians gave Ben Johnson citizenship and celebratedhim proudly when he won the Olympic Gold for Oh Canada in world record time.

      That was until he tested positive- they dropped him like a hot potato.  Then they referred to him as a Jamaican born sprinter!  Amazing how is Canadian identity was also stripped from him by the Canadian and American press.  I wonder where he got the steroids from…I am sure it wasn’t in Kingston, JAmaica…. maybe Kingston Ontario!  

      So as usual you imperialists set the standard for hypocrisy.  

      Cydonie’s our girl.  We raised her, trained her, invested in her and we LOVE her.  She’s honest, hard working and committed and now she is the legitimate Commonwealth Champion.  Fyah Bun fi all down-pressers and hate-mongers.

  14. The Crown says:

    Way to go Cydonie! You are synonymous with dedication,determination,committment, i could go on & on. Wow!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Whoo hooo!! Go girl!! Well done

    Any idea when the coverage of the race will be on – I’ve been catching the Games on 24 but have not been able to see Cayman compete as yet!

    In any case, there with you in full spirit to all our athletes!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Cayman please recognise that Cydonie is the highest achieving athlete in our history. She deserves the accolades that reflect this.

    Congrats Cydonie! Let’s give her the respectful welcome that she deserves!

  17. Macman says:

    Absolutely brillaint!!!

    The only people who have a genuine reason to travel…our athletes..and they bring home the medals!!

    What does the travelling governement and their cronies bring home?? bills!



  18. Richard N. Parson says:

     Proving once again that she is one of the fastest women in the world!  It was a proud moment when she was in the finals of the Olympics and now this!

  19. Queenie says:

    WOW!! Cydonie What a joy! I am indeed very proud of you, Coach Williams I can see your smile, it is so big that the entire Cayman Islands has been light up by it. Please make sure to tell us when the team is returning so they can get the welcome and celebration they so well deserve. 

    I have seen in the Compass where some of our other athletics’ had made it to the finals, congratulations to everyone!  Sports," what a joy to see 1 of our own out there competing amongst so many athletics’ from around the world and the spectators got a show, again I feel so proud and my little track star will be all smiles when I share this great news with her. 
    Cydonie she will be waiting to give you a big hug!! 
    Also India did a spectacular opening ceremony wow, so many different cultural dances and entertainment; it was worth watching every moment of it. Not to mention the beautiful colors and costumes.
    Support of our young sports stars:
    Special request: To our returning athletics; it would be so nice to have you sit and share your experienced with all our little young at heart for sports.  I am hoping to see this, especially from all our athletics that have gone overseas to compete in the past. Please get together and motivate those that are rising behind you all. I know it will help them to follow their dreams. Coaches I am also appealing for you all to get together and call for some kind of support that is so lacking from many of our parents. Parents this is not about dropping your child/ren off to track or where ever they have to train, you need to make an extra effort to stay and watch and encourage them.
    How can I end without making special mention of our Flag Football Ladies, they are the best in woman’s league…go Lady Sharks go….keep on keeping on.
  20. Right Place, Right Time says:

    60th fastest time in the world this year.


    • Anon says:

      Yeah, not bad for a small nation!

      Keep your negativity to yourself, okay?

  21. Dennie Warren Jr. says:

    Congratulations Cydonie!



  22. Anonymous says:

    well done!!!!!!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Cydonie!! You are a credit to yourself, family and country.  You hard work, dedication and commitment has paid off for you.  How proud you must be and rightly so.   I hope you get the welcome home you deserve…

  24. scratchin'mehead says:

    Nice to have some good, positive news on a Monday morning for a change. Congratulations Cydonie and well done!!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Mothersill! Making us proud as usual!

    On another note… did CNS get any coverage of our recent win on the island? HellCats have ONCE AGAIN walked away as the champions in this year’s flag football finals.

    CNS: No we didn’t. Maybe someone can send us that info.

  26. Ray says:

    Congratulations on your success. I am proud of you & your achievements. I do hope you can continue to the next Olympics and inspire others to follow your example.

  27. str8bayer says:

    we tha best,ya dig, congrats cydonie!!!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Cydonie – well deserved! You make our country proud!!

  29. str8 bayer says:

    Lets hope that the government starts to support the ahtletes mentally an financialy,the talent is here just not the support, well done cydonie, you truly are a shining star!!!

  30. Thankful Again says:

    Love it love it love it!! My CAYMANIAN girl.  Cydonie, so proud of you.  I can only imagine the joy of seeing your flag our flag raised and national song/anthem played…what a sweet victory this must be.

    I remember you in school my friend – always determined and diciplined.

    You make all CAYMANIANS proud.  There is no doubt in your mind or heart whos’ you are.  And because of that, there is no doubt from this end.

    She may not like KFC but am sure she likes her turtle stew 🙂

    Way to go Champ.  Set your eyes on London 2012!! 

  31. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Cydonie!!!

  32. Anonymous says:

    Way to go!!!

  33. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Cydonie!  Well done, we are proud of you and all your accomplishments.

    CIHS Class of ’94 😉

  34. Anonymous says:


  35. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Robert Nesty perhaps you should ask Cydonie that question why do she repersent for the Cayman Isands . I dont think she forget where her roots come from but may be she know where here roots where grown . For once let the goodness shine above the negative.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to Cydonnie!!!

  37. Joe Average says:

    Cool Runnings!!!   An i bet she don’t eat KFC!!!!

  38. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Mothersill!!

  39. Anonymous says:

     Wicked!!! 🙂 🙂

  40. Anonymous says:

    Just awesome.  This great news is such a breathe of fresh air!

  41. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Cydonie. My two daughters were so inspired when they saw you at the CARIFTA games and we talked about who you were and the dedication and committment you had displayed over the years to get where you are today.You are an incredible role model.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations!  All your hard work has paid off, well done!

  43. whodatis says:


    How I admire and respect this woman!

    Dedicated, talented, humble and loving.

    A true role model for the younger girls of Cayman!

    She really ought to be better celebrated.

    I can recall being positioned at the end of the finish line back in the day at "the track" (as it was called then) for her races to catch her fall as she would often pass out at the end! (Girl didn’t like to eat for nuttin’ – used to get poor Ms. Rockett so vexed! Lol!)

    Nonetheless – Gold medal today!

    Congrats girl – I always make a point to follow your progress and shout, "Let’s go Cydonie!" to the sky regardless of locale.

    Again, congratulations … you deserve it an a whole lot more.

    Thank you for being such an amazing and committed ambassador for the Cayman Islands.


  44. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Cydonie!!! We are so proud of you.

    Well done!!!

  45. Anonymous says:

    Congrats  Cydonie  a job well done.

  46. anonymous says:

     Congrats Cydonie!

    We are so proud of you!

  47. Robert Nesty says:

    How you all like them Jamaicans now?

    • Anonymous says:

      They all work hard!  You should try some hard work on your attitude!

      Well done Cydonie, you deserve it!

    • Anonymous says:

      Silly, she is Jamaican, just been here a long time.  Congrats!

      • My people says:

        Bet you not singing the same tune to the gun runnings?????

      • Anonymous says:

        Yep been here from about age 9 years old, and her track career began in High school as far as I know.  CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

      • Anon says:

        Who cares whether she was born in Jamaica or not? On her victory run, she proudly waves the Caymanian flag. In my opinion, that makes her Caymanian. Besides, this about the only positive press time Cayman is getting these days.

        Well done Cydonie. We (all residents on the Cayman Islands) are very proud of you.

    • Anon says:

      What a nasty comment! Shame on you!

    • Anonymous says:

      So what would you say when a Jamaican wins? "How do you like those Africans now?" Listen man, we all come from somewhere else. Congrats Cydonie!

    • My people says:

      Why dont you people stop the different day same thing Sh….it.

    • Anonymous says:

      you mean them status holders?

  48. JEB says:

    Cydonie a BIG CONGRATS to you continue to shine girl ………………….

  49. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely Awesome! Way to go champ!

  50. Peter Schmid says:

    Congratulations are in order!

    Determination + perseverance = results!

    • happy for her. says:

      …Minor amendement.

      Determination + perseverance (minus no form of injury before or during the race) = results!