Firework displays need to get airport OK

| 06/12/2010

(CNS): Organizers planning firework and light displays during the holiday season will fall foul of the law unless they contact the Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands (CAACI) before hand. Under the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order 2007 organizers are obligated to coordinate proposed events with the authority to prevent potential threats to aircraft operations, officials said on Monday. The associated risk posed by firework and light shows increases when the activities take place in the vicinity of aerodromes, particularly during critical phases of flight including approach, landing and take-off the CAACI said as it asked organizers to make contact with the office.

“The hazard is more likely to be from the unexpected dazzle rather than ocular or physical damage, although the risk of actual injury cannot be ruled out,” the CAACI stated in a release explaining that displays from small domestic events to major commercial or ceremonial shows are included.
“Coordination with the CCACI is required to mitigate such risks for all firework activity that takes place within 3 nautical miles of an airport or under the approach and departure paths. Firework displays outside this area but where the display height is expected to exceed 200ft above ground level must also be coordinated with the CAACI. Proposed laser and searchlight events within the same areas are similarly subject to coordination with and approval by the CAACI,” the authority added.
Displays must be formally approved in advance by the CAACI and will also incur a fee according to the Air Navigation(Overseas Territories) Order Fees Regulation 2010. Organizers planning events in what is considered to be a risk area should discuss their requirements with the CAACI well in advance of the intended date.
All such enquiries should be addressed to: Director of Air Navigation Services Regulation, Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands, Unit 2 Grand Harbor, PO Box 10277, Grand Cayman KY1-1003, Cayman Islands . Tel: (345) 949-7811, Fax: (345) 949-0761 or E-mail:

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