Kittiwake closed on first day

| 07/01/2011

(CNS): Following the excitement of Wednesday’s events, just over one day after the Kittiwake was sent to its watery resting place off the coast of Seven Mile Beach the new dive attraction has been forced to close before it has opened to the wider public due to the Nor’wester that blew into Cayman late Thursday afternoon. Membersof the Cayman Islands tourism Association said that the contractors who were expected to work on the wreck on Thursday making the site was safe for the public to dive were unable to complete that work because of the weather. As a result Cayman’s brand new dive attraction is off limits to divers until further notice. (Photo by Elly Wray of Ocean Frontiers)

“We have been advised that the contractors have not been able to complete the moorings and preparatory work to be done at the Kittiwake site,” a spokesperson for CITA said. “We will advise the public when it is open after the weather clears and work has been completed.”

The contractors were scheduled to install moorings, remove sinking equipment and ensure the wreck was free of air-pockets allowing the vessel to settle further down on the sandy seabed.

According to the Cayman Islands official weather forecast, the Nor’wester is expected to last into the early weekend but fingers are crossed that the site will be open to licensed operators from Saturday 12noon.

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  1. A Positive Caymanian says:

    Here is some great footage of her going down in HD

     I’m saddened by the negative remarks I’m reading here on CNS about this amazing undertaking that is trying to breath some life back into Cayman.

    I was out there for the entire day and witnessed the men from West Indian Marine and the tug America do one heck of a job to put a ship of that size on the bottom, sitting straight up. The police and Department of Environment did an excellent job at keeping lookers at bay and assisting when needed.

    It is a shame that more people were not able to watch the event but you know what, *&#@ happens. Keeping that ship afloat with giant holes cut in the sides with weather on the way and the bill getting higher and higher to keep all these men on standby was just too much to ask for. If that ship had been in the harbour and a Nor Wester had pushed through and sunk her in Hog Sty Bay then you would’ve seen a mess. She had to go down on this day. Period. If somthing had happened and put her on the bottom anywhere else than where she was supposed to go would’ve been a DISASTER. And then you would’ve heard moaning from all of unna on CNS!

    Great job to Nancy. Great job to Tug America. Great job DoE, Port Authority and Police. Say want you want(I was there) but the SINKING went off without a hitch. She’s in 62 feet of water with about a 3 degree lean to her port and she is one heck of a dive. I cannot wait to dive her again.


  2. a nah no mouse says:

    Thanks for keeping us updated CNS!

  3. Thinking before speaking... says:

    If it was not just a marlroad rumour that a private diving trip was to be done today, then perhaps that might have been another reason why the Kittiwake site was "closed" today.    Anyway, hopefully before too long, not just MLAs, but the general population will become newly certified divers so that more people will better understand and appreciate how very important Cayman’s marine environment is to our three islands’ long term future.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Its the sea. Its open water, you can swim over, around, and in the Kittiwake whenever you want. They cant stop you as the sea is owned by the Queen not CITA (but that said, wait till the boat is safe!)

    • Anonymous says:

      Sure.  Or you could make a donation of just $25 towards the substantial efforts, receive an annual medallion from CITA and not be a freeloader.

  5. SUNSETHOUSE says:

    "CNS: As you can see if you actually read the article, it was expected that the Kittiwake would beopen for divers today, Friday. Given the publicity surrounding the sinking many divers and snorkellers will be wanting to dive the wreck as soon as they can. CITA sent notice of the delay last night and asked the media to disseminate it to the public."

    The Day after the Sinking was NEVER a dive day CNS.  Report the facts straight or please show us documentationt that said that diving and snokeling would be accessible the next day.

    CNS response: The report below arrived by email from CITA yesterday evening. Note: "Due to the Nor’Wester The Kittiwake Attraction is currently closed" implies that without the nor’wester the attraction would be currently open. I don’t know what your beef is – we are simply trying to let people know what is happening according to the information that we have. If you want to continue this discussion, please email

    From CITA:

    Please immediately advise media and viewers of the following:

    Due to Nor’ Wester The Kittiwake Attraction is Currently Closed Until Further Notice

    We have been advised that the contractors have not been able to complete the moorings and preparatory work to be done at the Kittiwake site. We will advise the public when it is open after the weather clears and work has been completed. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Should you have any questions please contact the CITA office at 345-949-8522.

  6. Anonymous says:

    There has never been a "day one" announced concerned about when the Kittiwake will be open. We all knew it would be a while – maybe a few days, maybe a week or so. Why does CNS keep trying to find a negative slant? What do you have against this project?

    CNS: As you can see if you actually read the article, it was expected that the Kittiwake would be open for divers today, Friday. Given the publicity surrounding the sinking many divers and snorkellers will be wanting to dive the wreck as soon as they can. CITA sent notice of the delay last night and asked the media to disseminate it to the public.