Doctor tipped for honorary Jamaican consul

| 10/01/2011

(CNS): A local doctor may be given the role of Jamaica’s honorary consul to the Cayman Islands, the Gleaner reported on Monday. According to the newspaper, Dr Joseph Marzouca, general physician and surgeon, is tipped to take up take over the post that was filled for many years by Robert Hamaty. Since his retirement almost two years ago in February 2009, the job had fallen to acting consul Elaine Harris. Although the Gleaner has not confirmed the news with official sources, the publication claims that the appointment was waiting official confirmation from the Cayman government. Marzouca is currently chair of the Cayman Medical and Dental Council and a member of the business staffing plan board.

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  1. Dennis says:

    I am sure  the doctor is aware of the conflict and will resign from the Business Staffing Board.

  2. Alice says:

    Did I read this article correctly- the Business Staffing Plan  Board which was established to protect Caymanains will have as one of its members the JA Consulate and who is obligated to look after his country people from Jamaica. There must be a conflict. Not even a doctor can serve two masters.

    Please tell me this is not correct????

  3. Anonymous says:

    Since Elaine Harris has capably handled this position for the past two years why should she not continue and let the doctor remain a doctor.  He seems to already have his hands full of paperwork as it is.