Immigration cuts wait times in half with technology

| 18/03/2011

(CNS): Average waiting times at the immigration department have been halved as a result of a number of changes, officials said on Thursday. The recent series of public meetings as well as the collection of feedback from staff and customers has led to a number of improvements in the service, according to the department, which is one of the busiest government offices. During 2010 almost 23,000 work permits were processed and the counter handled more than 89,500 transactions at the Elgin Avenue office, Chief Immigration Officer Linda Evans said. “While the average waiting time in February 2010 was 30 minutes, that time has been halved,” Evans stated.

“We also have a new desk that fast-tracks our corporate and business clientele by handling their large-volume transactions by appointment,” she said.

Following a concerted effort to review and enhance internal operations, the department has implemented several customer service-enhancing measures. Increased use of technology has speeded up transactions and along with additional counter officers, the new automated client check-in system queues have been reduced.

A new “Q-matic” machine has been introduced, which issues tickets directly to customers, simplifying the process. Walk-in customers now follow simple on-screen prompts, enabling the machine to issue need-based counter tickets. The “Q-Matic” machine also facilitates the measurement of staff performance and enhances management’s overview of the department. The machine produces statistics on particular transactions, and allows supervisors to rotate staff to utilize resources more efficiently and reduce waiting time.

One of the new stations caters to corporate applicants submitting more than three applications or transactions. Larger companies and agencies can process multiple applications, yet avoid delaying other front-counter clients.

“This improved service practice evolved after consultation with corporate stakeholders. They were most receptive,” Evans said. “To date we have 20 regular business clients and we are seeking to expand that number.”

Chief officer in the Portfolio of Internal and External Affairs, and the former chief immigration officer, Franz Manderson, said he was delighted that the department continues to challenge itself to raise customer service to higher levels. “I look forward to even more positive results,” Manderson stated. 

Category: Local News

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  1. IRON CLAD says:

    Government takes priority in cutting wait time in half for lines at Immigration, but what about our lines of approx 4000 UNEMPLOYED CAYMANIANS WAITING FOR EMPLOYMENT???

    I could ask a rhetorical question like "When is our Government going to pay attention to the unemployed?", but instead, I will just REITERATE the fact that the PREMIER/Government does NOT GIVE A RAT’S BACK-SIDE about the Caymanian people who continues to suffer under the conditions of unemployment. I pray that the people sees and understands this aspect of our Premier/Government.

    IRON CLAD to no end.

    • IRON CLAD says:

      Better clarified… "unemployed Caymanians SEEKING employment and ASKING for our Government to take the required action to counter the large-scale discrimination against Caymanians with employment.

      And yes, while "Caymanians are unskilled" is THE excuse being used, this is NOT always the case. There are many who now have the qualifications and a wealth of on-the-job experience, and are now being given excuses such as that they are over qualified etc. I’m not going to elaborate because those who perpetrate knows and those who are at the receiving end also knows and MANY others of us can easily identify that we do in fact have a great deal of discrimination being exercised against the Caymanian people – dating back to the 60’s..

  2. Patricia X says:

    Why does every government form in this place need to be handwritten and filled out on carbon paper.  Is Cayman sponsored by the 1970’s?

  3. P says:

    I was pleasantly surprise when I went there a few weeks ago. I had to really ask the security officer” am I in a Government Department). The line attendants were friendly and actually smiled! I was in and out with in 20mins. If they can only find a way to send the approval letters or notification of approval to the applicants quicker; then I would have absolutely no complaint.

    Congrats Ms. Evans or whomever created this positive change. You have done a great job.

    Lets hope passport office mimic this approach and put staff at the counter at the busy periods (12:00 – 2:00pm) and find a way to process passports and waivers quickly in the hurricane season.

  4. Sheena says:

    Does it reallyh make sense though, since no one can afford to take out permits anymore. And it doesnt make sense to improve the technology if the staff remains the same..coming to work with hickeys on their necks, eyes, nose, lip and everywhere else pierced…what a sight!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Perfect! Now work on the Drivers Licensing Dept!

    • noname says:


    • Anonymous says:

      08.51 and pleas dont leave out applying for a police record. That is the worst run department in government.
      They got to do better, not meaning staff. It is the long wait in the lines, heat no chairs rain andthe list goes on.

    • Can't Win says:

      It’s already been done – went there the other day to renew car license and it only took 10 minutes. The time consuming factor was the car inspection – that too 20mins

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t understand your math 

      • Judean People's Front says:

        Where do you apply for this VIP / Express membership?
        How much do you have to pay and to who?

    • Sheena says:

      That’s already done, seems like you dont licence your car every year like normal people or you would know..i’m just saying

    • anonymous says:

      They have done. They have the number system too.

      But it doesn’t help if the staff are in slow-mo and you can’t force someone to smile back at you. And that’s a shame

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree. I’ve been there and yes they have the system however it takes longer than when they didn’t have the system!
      Friendly staff? Where the hell are those? They are ruder than ever yelling at the people!!! I heard one lady (staff) shout at a man for asking for help on how the process works. The whole room could hear her voice!
      How do you file complaints? Maybe that will make a difference! These are customer service jobs. Don’t these people realise that? They are the face of Cayman.

  6. Anonymous says:


    E Government is finally picking up in Cayman.

  7. Anonymous says:

     A wonderful improvement.  I must also comment on the staff, much more friendly and helpful!

    • Anonymous says:

      I think the Immigration staff is OK, you want to see sulky idiots in an immigration staff…. then travel to Cuba, its the worse in the world. Those women have to manners whatsoever..