Cops charge suspect bakery robbers
(CNS): More than seven months after their arrest two teens have now been charged in connection with a robbery that occurred last September at a bakery store in West Bay. The young men aged 18 and 19 years are scheduled to appear in court next Tuesday (31 May) to answer to charges of robbery and possession of an imitation firearm with intent to commit robbery at the Caribbean Bakery on Mount Pleasant Road on 29 September. The robbery took place on a very rainy day just before noon when the armed assailants escaped with a small amount of cash after threatening a female member of staff. (Photo Dennie Warren Jr)
The police helicopter was deployed in the wake of the robbery and police arrested three teenagers soon after the incident. Officers were seen arresting two of the young men close to the entrance of The Shores along Batabano Road and the third suspect was apprehended along Mount Pleasant Road.
Police gave no details regarding the reasons for the long delay in charging the teens with the crime.
Category: Crime
Caymanians need the right opportunities in their country not everyone has the ability to attend university so where do those that do not fit in to this go? no technical schools or apprenticeship programs, politicians do your job and realise that Caymanians are smart even if they don't all go to universities. Look around at countries like, Bermuda, Bahamas and Barbados and see what education for all has done for its people…
A rude awaking will befall all of us here…. our young people now immulate those who have no hope for a future, the world has changed and is changing even faster do you really believe when we allow this country and the next generation to go down hill that we will be able to get out as easily like many who ran here when they could no longer survive in their native countries. Sorry fa ya, dog going eat our suppa soon.
So many Caymanians keep on talking about jobs for young people, particularly those that don't get to university. Why doesn't anyone ask the obvious question, why are there so many non Caymanians working in bars, restaurants and hotels????. The jobs are there for them, I accept that the wages are poor but everyone has to startsomewhere!!.
The Question has been asked and answered many,many times its just that many, many don't like the answer. The bars, restaurants and hotels require workers who will show up and work hard every working day. Caymanians have shown that this is not what they do well. The many Caymanians that do will always have work. Hireing a hard working Caymanian is less (now much less) costly for the business thanks to the high permit fees (witch have caused manybusinesses to close down) but there are not enough hard working and skilled Caymanians to keep all the businesses running. There is your answer. The obvious question should be how can Caymanians become as skilled and hard working as the expats they wish to replace. And the answer is to have the same education and be brought up to value a hard work ethic. But that would take hard educated work from your leadership. See the problem there?
By now the kids will have forgotten why they were arrested. See another story regarding a Caymanian arrested for drugs last Thursday; tried convicted and safely tucked away in Trinidads prison one week later. When she comes back she can tell us how it compares with Northward.
In many cases the parents who bring up children nowadays are just selfish……….and that is the case no matter the social status, poor or rich! Parents seem to rather spent their time at Happy Hour or other events than spending time with their kids.
Also, I wish more of these young women in Cayman would snap to reality and realize 1. you can exist without a man in your life 2. there are plenty choices of birth control and 3. having a baby doesn't mean the guy will stick around or love you any more.In fact, you are likely to get stuck with the care and footing the bill while they are moving on…….Why would you be so stupid to go along for something like that???
Amen! Live & Learn !
You are a princess, so just realize it (no matter what anybody says) so just act, talk, walk & think like one!!
Excuse me? You can’t be serious!
Who the h*ll are you to make such a statement? I am a young Caymanian Woman, born and bread and I happen to enjoy going to happy hour from time to time, but that doesn’t interfere with my ability to take care of my child. Becoming a parent doesn’t mean you have to end your social life.
Also, 1. I have no problem existing without a man in my life.
2. I am aware that there are many choices for birth control and it is my choice (not yours) to take it when I am ready. I can support my child/other children that I may have, so I don’t need anyone to educate me on contraceptives. I am in my early 20’s and I have a brand new car, 2,500 sqft home, my child goes to a private school and wants for nothing.
3. I did not have my child in hopes that the father would stick around. Young people fall in love too in case you didn’t know. And no one knows ifa relationship will work out or not. People can’t predict the future. If they could your mother would have slapped your teeth out for wanting to post such a degrading comment.
4. I have no issues with my child’s father with regards to financial assistance.
5. To answer your question I am not stupid enough to go along with anything and I’m sure I speak for ALL responsible Caymanian Women when I say that your comment was untrue and an insult to us. People should spend more time acknowledging the good that is done instead of the bad. If they did the world would be a better place.
Born and "bread"? "Bread" is stuff that you eat… "Bred" is the word that you were looking for…
Not all single mothers ended up as well as you, though I doubt that everything is all peechy keen for you either. One of the main reasons for the gangs and high crime rates in the Cayman Islands today is because of kids growing up without parents – that's undeniable… And by the way, whether you have a 2500 sq foot home and a nice car and your kid goes to private school is irrelevant – the question is, how much time do you spend with your kid?
So if none of the above set out criteria applies to you, what are you getting upset about? I am sure you can acknowledge then that you are the exception and not the norm, or do you not see all these young women who have several children with different men and are not able to bring up their children in a solid family support system and need their parents to help them raise their babies?
If your guy is still involved in your child's life, then good for you, but hopefully you can recognize that this seems to be the exception as a lot of children NEVER see there father come by on their Birthdays, do homework with them or support them finacially on a regular basis.
So if a young woman has experienced this situation the first time around, why would she go back and then get pregnant the second time with another guy she is not even married to, has lived with, or worse a guy who has already 5 children with some other women? Why?
You may not have a problem with your baby's dad or paying your bills, but it seems you have a problem to identify which comments on this blog apply to you and which do not!
Breaks my heart to see our young men led off by armed police. :'(
Such a sad situation. All of our children hold such promise and potential.
We need to figure out where it is going wrong and fix it. There is no one person or entity to bear the blame – it's a multi-dimensional problem that needs a multi-dimensional solution.
But let's start with vocational education and training. And positive reinforcement for our boys and young men.
If you are told all your life you won't amount to anything – chances are – you won't.
I am the poster from 9:51, and totally agree. Years later, some of my guys still come to see me, in spite of the fact that I may have fired them. Some are in their 30's now and lost to substance abuse and petty crime.
We talk about how they got this way and what they plan on doing about it. The fact that I have no family connections, and keep our conversations confidential seems to bolster them. If they start to brag about illegal conquests, I tell them I will report them, and it seems to actually strengthen our ties.
These are damaged and hurting souls who have been betrayed by their families and people who profess to love them.
I don't recommend they be prayed for, but rather listened to, accepted, and advised in the same repectful manner one does with friends.
Age 18 & 19….CNS when possible please publish the names as they are adults. Maybe this will shame the families into action to stop this madness. Stop raising hoodlums!
If you are the mother, aunt, girlfriend, friend, or neighbor of a young man between the ages of 16 and 20 do whatever you can to give that young man a job so he has a choice NOT to join gangs or run around town.
Employed young men do not rob corner stores! First the job, then community college or learn a trade, show these young men a straight path so they may avoid the crooked ones.
CNS: The RCIPS has stopped supplying names when suspects are charged, as it used to. The names become public when they stand in court.
I have done that probably 20 times. It has worked once. If the youth is pre-disposed to criminality, a job is not going to prevent it.
Mothers, girlfriends and aunts are actually enablers. They often apply for the jobs on the guy's behalf, begging you to take on their "burdens" and then rouwing with you when you have to fire them.
I still do hire some of these guys because even one success kind of works for me. Unfortunately by the time they are even 16, these guys have become manipulative tricksters, and their girlfriends, mothers, aunts acytally seem to have taught them that. And at no time EVER have I met the fathers.
Once again: young Caymanian teen males robbing and stealing
EE tourist mugging
Hitchiker mugging
Blackbeards attempted murde n robbery
McRuss robbery
Timbukto robbery
Dominoes robbery (including teen girls)
MOneygram Express robbery
CNB countryside robbery
Schoolchildren mugging
Our failings as parents are now coming back to haunt us
– for another 50+ years as they get older and worse
and let's not forget that these boys are starting to have kids of their own…..does anyone think that their parenting by example is likely to produce good law abiding teens of the future? So what does that mean for the next generation?
Parents, Pastors & Social Workers need to come out of their comfort zone, stop complaining, pointing fingers & stop being 'too busy' to attend parenting workshops etc.
What a very worrying trend.
Plusthe 'gang connections' that feature in every spate of drug murders and robberies, including an innocent 4 year old baby
As a community, we need all hands on deck if we are going to deal with this growing scourge: this is not a problem for just Government, this is not just for parents, schools, teachers, churches, the police or 'somebody else' – everyone that occupies this little space called Cayman is affected by crime: directly as victims or indirectly as observers living in fear and go to buy burglar bars on houses, one by one