Pregnant woman dies in crash

| 15/08/2011

(CNS): Update Monday 3:00pm – The driver of the vehicle that crashed last night, killing a 25-year-old pregnant woman and her unborn child, has been airlifted to Miami formedical treatment, police have said. The 24-year-old driver was one of three women who were injured and was later arrested on suspicion of DUI and causing death by dangerous driving. Another 24-year-old remains in the Cayman Islands Hospital in a serious condition and a 21-year-old has been discharged from hospital. According to the RCIPS, at approximately 7:08pm on Sunday, 14 August, the 911 emergency communications centre received a report that a car had crashed off the roadway in the vicinity of Sea View Road, East End, and that the occupants of the vehicle had been seriously injured.  (Photo Dennie Warren Jr)

Police say it appears that the vehicle had been travelling along East End Road towards Bodden Town when it apparently went out of control, collided with a tree and came to rest in a bush area. There were four women in the car at the time of the crash.

Police, Fire Service and ambulance personnel attended the location and found three women at the scene. They were informed that a fourth woman had been taken from the crash and conveyed to the Cayman Islands Hospital, George Town, by passers-by.

When officers carried out a search of the bushes at the location, they found a pregnant woman lying a few feet away from the car. She was lying face down and was unresponsive. Another woman, who was found just outside the vehicle, was responsive, police said. The third woman was trapped inside the car.

All three were taken by ambulance to the Cayman Islands Hospital. On arrival the pregnant woman was pronounced dead, and doctors’ efforts to save her unborn child were unsuccessful. The three other woman who were in the vehicle at the time of the collision remain in hospital in serious condition.

Police enquiries into the crash are on-going.

The RCIPS extends condolences to the family of the deceased woman and have assigned a Family Liaison Officer.

Anyone who has any information about the crash should call the RCIPS Traffic Management Unit at 946-6254 or any police station within the Cayman Islands.

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  1. The Grieving Family says:

    To everyone who has posted their condolences, we thank you!

    To everyone who has assisted us in any way at this difficult time, we thank you!

    To those of you, who are posting comments with no understanding that your words are doing more harm than good – please, please find something else better to do with your time. If you don’t have something comforting to say then by all means don’t say anything. It has happened and we cannot change the results.

    Finally, we are asking that you ALL respect our grieving family’s privacy during this heart-breaking time. Thank you.

    “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” – Matthew 5:4

    • Anonymous says:

      How thoughtless can these persons be, we are all humans and what is done is done so please allow the families to grieve in peace. Pray for them that God will comfort their hearts at this time.

  2. Anonymous says:

    my condolences to the family of the decease.



  3. Loren says:

    My condolences are with the families and I pray that God will comfort all those involved in this tragedy.

  4. Anonymous says:

    deepest condolances to the families involved, this is very tragic.


    May the families be able to find some kind of understanding & peace from all this tragedy & sorrow & confusion.


    God Bless you all



    • Michel says:

      I wish the families our outmost condoleances to the families ot this wonderful person involved  in this terrible tragedy. To my neighbour, Please do not hesitate to call on us. I so looking forward to coming home and will also be able to help and I ask God to be with all of you including the children. To the families whom are related to the others that are hurt that the Good Lord may give you the strenght, patience and understanding to be strong as they all recover. Dear God Master Healer please guide the hands of the Doctors and Nurses as they were you own in your Son's name, Thank you jesus, Amen. Michel Lemay and all the family. 

  5. Anonymous says:

    Belt up people…ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELT…its not an optional accessory.


  6. awlymilykinsl says:

    Wow! We have yet another preventable tragedy on my beloved Island. An old saying goes: SPEED KILLS!! ……Please SLOW DOWN young people!! Please. Rum or not, speed kills.

    PIP mom and innocent unborn baby boy.   

    • Anonymous says:

      Speed kills and alcohol kills 

      Alcohol impairs judgment and contributes to speeding and lack of control. 

  7. Anonymous says:

    i believe that yall should leave the young lady alone who has been arrested as it was an accident & yes she should've been smarter but same way she's going to have alot of pressure on her from now on and two lives have been lost already, do we want to make this a third one? as all of yalls negativity can lead to suicide? yall just take a break yo! rest in peace karen & the unborn & yall pray for each one of them & stop blaming one person or putting them down because if the other three had know any better they would have either drove,called a taxi or another ride home. it's just that simple. But im praying for all of them including shane<3

    • Anonymous says:

      I'm Sorry poster 14:25 while the driver may be under pressure, she still needs to be accountable for her actions two lives were tragically taken. When we get behind the wheel of a car we all the responsibility to abide by the road laws including but not limited to: driving the speed limit, no tailgating, running red lights, bbm or texting and certainly no driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It's just that simple! 

      Driving a vehicle is a privelege and if you cant follow the rules use alternative transportation (bus, taxi, bike etc).  So many lives have been lost on Cayman roads, it"s time for drivers to be responsible.

      If you"re late for work, school or an event then guess what your late, there's no need to make up for time by speeding, if you"er out drinking make sure you have a designated driver or call a taxi, and for the reckless people who just speed, tailgate, overtake and cut drivers off simply for bad mind sake PLEASE go turn your license in at the Dept. of Vehicle & Rregistration because you don't deserve your driving privleges.

      • Anonymous says:

        She is being held responsible for her actions but for now she needs to recover.  Running her down and all the negative comments will not help her recovery and just upset her family as well.  Any one of the persons in this car could have been the driver in this case and could have ended up in the same accident.  Please do not harass them any longer.  She will suffer enough as it was her friend and child who perised.  This is punishment enough.

    • Khandie says:

      Render to Ceaser what is due to Ceaser…Karen is my cousin and it really hurts that she had to go like that…I assume they were all friends, but every single person on planet earth even the baby on the breast is aware that DUI is dangerous and illegal. Hence it is not my wish that anyone should suffer but there is always consequence for every unjust action. She knew her state and knew her capability.  People would ask what would Jesus do? Jesus gave us rules and guidelines. When we choose to disobey of course He forgives us but we still have to suffer the consequence of our actions. So to the dear driver It was hard for me to accept it..I do forgive you but the consequence still lies..I hope u do not take it the wrong way but make my cousin's death useful and meanigful to you…NEVER DUI!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    My prayers go out to all the family and friends of this young lady. People please dont attempt to drive when your under the influence. Or these types of horrifc events will occur. SO SO Sad!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Just too sad – so many families impacted! poor baby

  10. Tufty says:

    People who get into cars with drunk drivers sanction and validate criminal activity.  They take their chances selfishly and they are not innocent victims when accidents occur.  It is the people killed in collisions with drunk drivers that are the tragic victims of the epidemic of drunk driving in this country.  We need serious jail terms for anyone caught over the limit.

  11. Anonymous says:

    How many times do people have to die before people realise they need to stop DRINKING AND DRIVING…..XXXX. STOP DRINKING AND DRIVING and DO NOT GET INTO A VEHICLE WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN DRINKING… could save your life……my prayers and condolences go out to the families.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don't think people are taking heed of road deaths.  I honestly believe that people think they are invincible or simply believe it cannot happen to them.  Perhaps they get away with it so many times they don't even stop to consider the risks.  XXXX  I wish people would pay attention, know yourself and you limits.  Either don't get intoxicated or be mature enough to put your hands up and ask someone to drive you.  My sincerest condolences to all involved and I pray for the swift recovery of all the innjured – I also hope this is the wake up call you have probably been getting and ignoring before this tragic incident.  XXX let's grow up and take responsibility for ourselves, too many young people are dying.

  12. Anonymous says:

    It always seems such a waste to have people die in auto accicents. So tragic and so sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      what's an even bigger waste is when some of these accidents are preventable (e.g., no drinking and driving)…

  13. Anonymous says:

    So very very sad. May god guide these families through these tragic times.



  14. Anonymous says:

    I am acquainted with the families of all involved .  My prayers are with all of therm.  On another note,  I wonder what about these above comments could possibly make anyone LOL.  There is nothing funny about the loss of life , injuries etc.  ESPECIALLY when it involves young people who have barely begun to experience life.

  15. Cashema Rankine says:

    We know not the time or place when our life will come to a sudden stop. I am begging of you, please accept the lord as your personal savior, and tell your love ones how much you love and care for them and don’t ever take each other for granted. It wasn’t even 3 minutes after seeing these young ladies at the gas station alive and well before I saw them lifeless and in pain, their life was changed in an instant.

    Dear lord,  as I come to you now, I’m just asking for you guidance and protection. I am asking you to  heal the hearts of the family and friends and bind up their wounds, O Lord from this, make some positive results. let this draw people closer to you and take life more seriously. in Jesus name I pray Amen.


    • Anonymous says:

      This Island needs Jesus. Can you Imagine, one moment you are enjoying yourself and the next you are across Jordan? We can never know when our time will come even with the many ambitious plans ad goals ahead. Let us seek the Lord while he may be found when we  are alive.

  16. Anonymous says:

    My family was actually right next to that girl when we were at the gas station filling up, Thats so so sad:( one min they are there then gone the next.


  17. Trust Police says:

    A special prayer for our young people in these islands. " Lord, cover these children of your islands that they may live a healthy and normal life with You. Let them treasure You as You treasure them. Grant them and us the three scores and ten which You promised us and even more, in your Son name Jesus. Amen".  

  18. Anonymous says:

    Dont have words… so sad

  19. Anonymous says:

    This is really sad, my condolences goes out to the family of the decease. May the Good Lord be with you in this tragic time, and may God guide you and keep you, and help you get through this hurtful time.

    I have you all in my prayers.



  20. Anonymous says:

    So very, very sad at East End…..and If reports about Linford Pierson are true, please, please stop riding in the back of trucks, so dangerous and you are so vulnerable, one harsh brake and you can be catapulted into the path of other traffic…

    • Anonymous says:

      I do agree, but we all know that that's easily fixed: make it illegal to ride in the back of trucks. But will the politicians do that? Of course not. They'd rather jeopardise precious lives than precious votes.

      • Anonymous says:

        FYI it is already illegal to ride in the back of trucks..

      • Anonymous says:



        Traffic Regs:

        18. (1) A motor vehicle, every trailer drawn thereby and all parts and accessories of such vehicle and trailer shall at all times be in such condition, and the number of passengers carried by such vehicle or trailer; the manner in which any passengers are carried in or on such vehicle or trailer, and the weight, distribution, packing and adjustment of the loadof such vehicle or trailer shall at all times be such that no danger or nuisance is caused or is likely to be caused to any person.
        • Anonymous says:

          This crap is intentionally hard to understand!  Try reading that in the back of a truck, and besides, who determines how much load and how many people can be carried safely.  Make it easy and clear to understand.


          Tinting ain't easy and it doesn't kill anybody, so lay off of it and focus on more important matters…(like robberies and DUIs)!

      • Anonymous says:

        It IS illegal, and passengers "cotching" on the bed of pick-up trucks are not covered under the passenger liability section of the vehicle owner's insurance.

      • anon says:

        don't make this political, please.

      • Anonymous says:

        Riding in the backs of trucks is illegal, but the law is rarely enforced. It was the subject of a police "crackdown" a few years ago, but like most "crackdowns," everything went back to normal once it was lifted, as with  super-dark window tinting, for example.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am sorry for the lost of a precious life taken away from us and wish the other three occupants a speedy recovery.


        It is a crying shame that a lot of us try to bring politics into every thing.These are lives we are talking about, but because of the hate that we carry arround at all times for others the first thing we could do is to cast blame on a political sector. Shame on us.  

        • Anonymous says:

          Of course it’s political. Not hate-filled or party-political, but when legislators can pass laws to save peoples lives, political nonetheless. I’m not sure the purpose of a site like this is to restrict our comments to inanities like “I have no words…so sad”. Or even worse, anonymous people offering their equally anonymous condolences. What on earth is the purpose of that, except to make the poster feel good?

      • Anonymous says:

        It IS illegal to ride in the back of a truck and most insurance is invalidated if you have more passengers than there are seatbelts for (and therefore the number of passengers the car carries insurance for). This is a terrible situation and I feel badly for all of the victims and families.

  21. Anonymous says:

    this is very sad all of cayman young generation is dying out……