TT marks Independence under a state of emergency

| 01/09/2011

(Jamaica Gleaner): Trinidad and Tobago is celebrating its 49th year of political independence from Britain under a state of emergency, an eight-hour curfew and President George Maxwell Richards saying now is the opportune time for citizens to reflect on the supreme law of the land. The Kamla Persad Bissessar lead coalition People's Partnership government put the oil-rich twin island republic under a state of emergency and a curfew since August 21 as it sought to deal with the rising crime situation in the country. So far nearly 900 people, including more than 33 gang leaders and members, have been detained under the measures and the government has already signalled that it will seek an extension of the state of emergency. 

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  1. Libertarian says:

    This article is misleading. As if Independence caused Trinadad and Tobago to increase in crime, and that remaining under an oppressive british government, would have been better and crime wouldn't be so bad. You see, you have to consider those journalists who write news articles to make a point.   đŸ˜‰   Why I say this?  Because… look at it this way, this curfew started on the 21st August, 2011 – not on their Independence Day. Rather, the 31st of August, 1962 is TT Independence Day. The curfew was put in place for citizens to consider the supremacy of the TT Law.

    No one dismisses the notion that crime, independence, and bad economy, are linked to each other. It is just that that is not the case in every situation; and is probably not the case for TT. But the article is misleading. Cayman is under UK, under a British Governor, under a British Commissioner of Police, we are not Indepedent, and how is it that crime is out of control, and our economy is sinking…  just food for thought…  

    The title of this article:

    TT marks Independence under a state of emergency

    is misleading. It is cleverly written to prove a political point.


    • Anonymous says:

      Trinidad and Tobago,Jamaica both seem to think it's clever to celebrate independence… form Law and Order, and prosperity. Thank God our early statesmen citizens chose not ot go 'Independent" with Jamaica.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yet they say Jamiaca is bad……we only hear about crime there as they are so close. Places like Honduras and Trinidad would almost make Jamaica seem innocent…..ALMOST!!