TCI governor reports progress but no election date

| 07/05/2012

ric_todd2.jpg(CNS): The Turks and Caicos Islands governor said Monday that good progress was being made on the eight milestones the country needs to achieve before the British government will permit democratic elections in the territory. Releasing the latest progress report Ric Todd added that work still remained to be done however, before the UK could reinstate the constitution and set an election date. The British government implemented direct rule in 2009 as a result of the discovery of suspected systemic corruption, as well as the mismanagement of public funds and assets and began a long investigation into the previous leader Michael Misick and his Progressive National Party government.

Since then the UK has said that the democratic process can only re-start in TCI once certain milestones have been achieved. Almost three years on since the constitution was suspended work continues on the goals such as reform of the public sector, good governance and sound public financial management , new legislation on crown land, the regulation of political parties and public life as well as the introduction of a fair process for TCI status.

Todd said that some milestones were almost completed or well on the way to completion.
“We must continue to give UK Ministers confidence that the country is run according to its stated budget and a fiscal surplus will be achieved this financial year,’ he said when he announced his progress report. “The milestone relating to substantial progress in the on-going criminal investigation will require their clear judgement given that the trials will not be completed this year.”

So far 13 people have been charged with corruption, conspiracy to defraud and money laundering in the investigation launched in the wake of Sir Robin Auld’s Commission of Inquiry that concluded that there was a high probability of systemic corruption in Misick’s government. Since then a warrant has been issued for the former TCI leader’s arrest. Misick is believed to be in exile in the Dominican Republic and he has consistently denied any wrong doing.

See Todd's progress report below


Category: World News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Right about now, I think Britain taking over is the best option for Cayman. A Premier under criminal investigations, mismanagement of the Public Purse, creating alliances with foreign companies of a Communist governement……..need I say more???


    Many will argue and say that the British taking over is not good, but think of how much worse it will be if they do not: our beloved Cayman Islands could become another Greece, God forbid the thought.

  2. Ike N. Sienow says:

    Excerpts from the article:

    "discovery of suspected systemic corruption, as well as the mismanagement of public funds and assets."

    "people have been charged with corruption, conspiracy to defraud and money laundering."


    Sounds like it could be referring to the Cayman Islands!  I don't understand why they waited so long to do anything about it.  How long are they going to wait before doing something here?



  3. Truth says:

    TCI is just a practice warm up for the Cayman game.  Watching the CIG try to dig themselves out ofthe hole they make bigger every day is cruel punishment for the people who call Cayman home.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Many people fear the British Government taking control of us as they did in Turks & Caicos (TCI), but after reading those Milestones to be achieved before they allow elections it occurred to me that having most of those Milestones would do us good.


    The best way for McKeeva to hit back at the FCO is to start doing what they would do if they were in charge. How about it Mac, kick their butts by implementing those good Milestones now!!!


    What amuses me is that Big Mac has always said that he has saved Cayman from having income tax and property tax. He has always said that the FCO had told him to implement these taxes. Well Mac, how do you explain the British being in charge of TCI for the same amount of time you have been in charge of Cayman and they have not attempted to impose Income Tax or Property Tax in the TCI?