Leadership reboot needed

| 28/05/2012

There are 15 elected representatives in the Legislative Assembly in the Cayman Islands, earning total salaries of approximately CI$1.9 million per year. They were elected on the basis that they would use their incredible power and influence over the country's laws, policies and the indirect influence over the civil service to improve the standard of living of all residents in this country. They are also especially accountable politically to Caymanians.

These men and lady are presented to us as representing two political parties with the exception of the independent member from North Side.

From a policy/philosophical perspective it is near impossible to find any useful distinction between these two groups. At this stage all we know or candeduce as amateurs on the outside is the following: one uses the colours green and blue, seems to be slightly more into doing things to get the economy moving, seems susceptible to attracting allegations of corrupt practices (particularly at the very top), and has a chaotic/autocratic leadership style fused with lack of statesmanship most of the time.

The other group uses the colours red and blue, is responsible for one of the worse displays of financial mismanagement in the country's history in their last term in office, has a reputation for leading too passively, is notorious for its anti foreigner rhetoric, has respect for good governance, is not susceptible to allegations of corrupt practices and generally seems to conduct itself in a more respectable and statesmanlike manner.

The problem is that not much in the above (aside from the corruption susceptibility and statesmanship issue) gives us any compelling reason to choose one group over the other. Unfortunately it gets worse; there is certainly nothing in the differences mentioned above that indicates which group is capable of improving the current local economic situation in which the country finds itself.

The brief history goes something like this: the Red Team were swept into power largely on the basis that the Green Team were alleged to be corrupt based on media reports and the fact that the Green Team granted Cayman status to approximately 3,000 persons. All this played perfectly well into the hands of the Red Team, who are of course overly protectionist and certainly seem to be much better at good governance and diplomacy.

Unfortunately when given the opportunity, the Red Team also did nothing for the economy, spewing out lots of anti foreigner sentiments along the way, essentially screwed up public finances, and did not produce a single set of financial statements during their four years in office.

In 2009 the Green Team were swept back into office, rightly pointing out the Red Team's deficiencies during their campaign, and promising to set things right.

It's been 3 years. And we are all still waiting for the fix to occur. Aside from the initial flurry in its first 9 or 10 months in office where, to its credit, the current government stabilized the financial fallout, it has done next to nothing to address the many issues that this country is facing. And worse, along the way it has managed to put itself (yes, you guessed it) right back into that "alleged corruption" space that it always seems to gravitate towards.

So where does that leave us?

While the so-called parties have not presented us with any meaningful ways to choose between them, we at least now know a bit more about their capabilities as a group from recent years. We do know that the Cayman Islands has not improved much over the past 11 years. We know that neither group wishes to truly look into the causes of our many social and economic problems. And it is also clear that neither group can avoid the temptation of distracting themselves (and us) with silly politics aimed only at maintaining their jobs at the next election and subjecting us to that CI$1.9 million salary bill that none of us can afford but are forced to pay nonetheless.

So we may not be any better off but at least we have got a bit wiser along the way. The upcoming 2013 election campaign will be swamped with red and green shirts, fridges, stoves, a little cash here and there (on the QT) and lots of promises. But what this country needs are individuals who genuinely can demonstrate that they understand the issues this country is facing and in no uncertain terms that they have solutions to address those issues. Anything less and the potential candidates are seeking only to steal upwards of CI$2.2 million dollars in wages from the people of this country (taking into account the three additional seats to come in 2013).

That is the standard by which we must hold them. We must ask them what they are going to do, why and how. If they don't wish to engage us with this brand of politics, accountability and style of discourse, we must continue to look for anyone, political party or not, who fits the bill. And if we don't like the answers they give we should move on to the next candidate.

The situation in this country at this stage is far too serious to entertain this red and green team game. We must forget not only the colour shirts borne by each party, but we must also avoid sticking our friends and family into these "party groupings", which is a practice that is slowly destroying our small community.

In the end, if we are not careful, the soon to be 18 representatives will gain a nice fat salary check and our lives will only continue to get worse. Of course, we can all turn to the blogs and each other to vent when that happens, but that won't address any of our issues.

It's time for a leadership change. A change that gets us at least closer to a group of leaders that want to do things properly, crafting solutions based on the best information and analysis, taking the tough decisions when they are the right ones for the country, conducting themselves like leaders of a country that is seen to be sophisticated (and not like a banana republic), and taking us into a new era to rebuild this country. Let's make this group of individuals the best we can, irrespective of their party affiliations. We control the ballot so this is definitely our choice, not theirs.

Category: Viewpoint

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  1. Whodatis says:

    If we are saying that our main political parties are basically full of crap – then I must ask the question; "What's new?"

    That sounds like pretty much the same story in every 'great', modern democracy today – USA, UK, etc. … take your pick.

    There is no nation enjoying a good old time at the moment – even the ones that have had the best and brightest (in terms of education) at the controls for centuries.

    (For the past 3 – 4 years there has been a grassroot awakening in respect to established and accepted modern 'democracy'. This has been spearheaded by the young people of the world via many different avenues. Unfortunately, you would have missed the vast majority of their efforts if you were tuned in to CNN or the BBC as they exist to legitimize the status quo.)

    In any event, Cayman is in a far better standing in respect to the prospects of making significant and meaningful changes to the way we do things. Unfortunately for some, it will not necessarily include certain self-serving agendas – at least, not in the way in which they envision.

    Regardless, the focus point has to be that of the long-term, overall welfare of Caymanians … and it will be.

    However, kindly bear in mind that naturally, this approach will not accommodate (in the long-term) every individual with their thumb out.

    We have to look out for ours, for if we don't everyone on board will suffer and we will ultimately breakdown into a small-scale version of the very existences from which so many are hoping to escape by climbing aboard S.S. Cayman.

  2. Kosher Nostra says:

    My People Cayman,


    I , just like you don't have all the answers.  I do however feel that I ought to be mature and sensible enough to realize that politicians neither have all the answers.  Decisions they make will be with regrets sometimes.  They may over spend, or they may try too hard to get business and the economy rolling and appear to be ignoring or breaking the law.  Point is, sometimes we all make rash decisions-less than ideal decisions.  However, if we correct our mistakes and don't make them again we can say that we have improved and progressed.  If we continue-then we have an issue.


    My problems with the parties are:


    Passive.  Almost soft in making decisions that matter.  Complaining and talking about the Blue team really means nothing.  Eating turtle meat as a group or within your circle means nothing when your people are broke.  No real confidence.

    Poor Money Management: Despite the call for "growing and eating"-going back in the day by the then LOGB hey still over spent like kids in candy stores.

    Emotionally driven:  These folks almost wanted to make a name for themselves in trying to catch blue team in name calling-especially the EE member.  They would get all hyped up and make rash decisions and remarks- no distinction here.



    Aggressive:  The aggressiveness brought about an image of unprofessional and less diplomatic acceptable behavior.  It also rose many questions on the legitimacy of the business pratices.

    Poor Money Management:  Only difference is that one island looks better and has much better roads!  Weighing in on it, they still get a better grade than Red (sadly).

    Emotionally Driven: See above.


    Truth is, if Blue had a better, more diplomatic leader- (Julianna Oconnor-Connlly) we'd be much better off!  His intentions are good, but the practices are questionable and casues too much of a "stur".  Julianna conducts herself better and does have the country at heart.  I've witnessed occassions where both friend and foe benefitted from here projects etc.

    Red; Use Moses Kirkconnell.  A businessman and conducts himself with more zeal and eagerness for business.  


    Either way folks and in no way do I mean to rock the boat, but let the Bracers lead the way for the parties. It's best for Cayman.  If my mom knew I was saying this she'd be a little disappointed, but, truth is, they are much better behaved and better at getting things done right and fast.



    • Anonymous says:

      Dear dazed and confused. SHHHHHH. Please. I simply cannot bear the thought of having only blue christmas lights in Cayman next Christmas. Hell I'm not even your Mom and I"M disappointed. Be quiet. Please. Cayman just might have a slightly better chance of surviving the mess we're in. And you'll show the world just how smart you really are.

    • Anonymous says:

      Particularly following the Auditor General's recent findings re private car park and driveway paving it is amusing that you think Ms. Julie would be any better a leader than McKeeva. The "blue" team deserves a lot more criticism than you are prepared to offer. The UDP govt. is in complete chaos and has not achieved anything of substance since coming to power 3 years ago. They still haven't got their act together to sell the Water Authority assets. Instead they have spent the entire term blaming the PPM so they will get a free pass on whatever hare-brained scheme they come up with which will of course benefit them and their cronies but not the country. Some people are stupid enough to buy into it. They made a bad situation worse. The only reason they haven't spent as much money as the PPM is because they couldn't but still have wasted millions of dollars while declaring that the country is bankrupt.

      No one would have guessed from your post that the Premier is under three separate criminal investigations that may involve corruption and has really brought this country to edge of the abyss with the possibility of a British takeover.   

  3. Anonymous says:

    CI$1.9m per year?…. and how many days has the LA met this year?….. 3-4….. what a joke this place is!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      thats a lot of money for only 3-4 meetings per year, but remember that this is not the only amount that they are in fact working for the country.

      In terms of Cayman politics the article captures a lot of what is happening. The people of the country is stuck between two parties that have not found the solutions to the countries problems. On the other hand many are turning now to the independents. However they too will have to form small parties to get things accomplished as well. The key is will they be bold enough to stand forward and tell the leader that he is messing up.

      The people of this country has long had to depend on expat workings as there are too many jobs for the caymanian to hold and some positions we just dont have the training for it. In recent times this relationship has become strained to say the least. If you read comment on this site you will see a number of coments crying expats to the lowest and others crying the Caymanians down. In truth there are good people and bad people on both sides. There are also educated and poorly educated on both sides, although one would expect that most expats would have a good education however in todays times of trickery there are some that suspect some of their qualifications.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The PPM won't get the 'Expat Vote' 🙂

  5. Danonymouse Man says:

    Is it time to change the leadership or is it time for the people to change themselves? Why is it  that when the government is not doing things our way, or doing the right thing, we believe that we have to change them? Why don't we ever start with the man in the mirror? Until we learn to change the things we can change, then we should stop looking at others to lay blame on for the things we can't change. The leaders we have are the one we deserve, if we want better leaders then start a new political party withpeople that are better managers and less susceptible to allegations of corruption. Or join the UDP or PPM and influence change. But until then we need to stop looking at people to take the blame for our inept and incompetent attitudes. Or in other words stop sitting back in our comfort zones and looking to protection of our images by using the privledge of anonymity, like you and I are doing here. This can't bring about the desired leadership we need.

  6. Special Needs Donkey says:

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time………..wait is it election time again???

  7. Anonymous says:

    Just getting to this but wicked commentary. Sums things up just like it is!

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree.  Excellent article. I can only hope that more persons would read this and consider the many truths that were presented when they go to the polls in 2013.

  8. Anonymous says:

    No point just re-booting when the pudgyware (that is what they are called in politics) is corrupt.

  9. A. Pastafarian says:

    I agree with this article with the exception of the following statement:   "They are also especially accountable politically to Caymanians"   In my opinion, they do not seem to be accountable to anyone!  It would be nice if they were.


  10. Anonymous says:

    The public dosen't want just a reboot, it needs a whole new operating system,

    • John says:

      The quest for power has never been so vivid and rampant in these Islands and we have to wonder whether the throat cutting back stabbing represents a serious political immaturity problem. Psychologically it must be very devastating to hold power and lose power mainly because because arrogance,immaturity, stupidity and all the rest of it.

      This country has suffered a political malaise over many years of ego centric, untalented,immature individuals who have been elected not on their knowledge or prowess in the market place but on vain calculated promises that the people have not sufficiently analyzed. If they had none i repeat none of these jokers would never have been elected

      What is the solution, a leopard never changes his color? Well we have 15 of them and what do you think. The people the voting public needs to take a keen look at not just the candidates but what they represent as individuals in the community, what expertise,knowledge and experience they bring to the table. We have been saying for a long time that "this election" is critical but never in our history ha it been so important to have a concerted public effort to review,find and elect men and women who are principled, who are loyal to country first, who have the knowledge and ability to take out of the storms were facing. Iron will and determination is needed to move this country forward.

      God Bless these Cayman Islands

    • Anonymous says:

      And a top of the line antivirus program to go with it.

  11. Chris says:

    We have tried the blue team and the red team.

    They have both failed to yield any reasonable/satisfactory results (failed to improve our lives)for the vast majority of us.

    What we need is a strong group of educated independents to run this country.

    A viable third option means that will we no longer have to default to the "other" party.

    Dont drink the Kool-Aid dished out by the parties that the party system is hear to stay and Cayman needs them to move forward.

    For those who can remember we were moving forward better without them and we must move forward without them having a strangle grip on politics and Cayman's resources which they choose to divide amongst the party faithful.

    Vote for independents in 2013!


  12. Joe B says:

    So your ready for a "NEW" Caymanian run Government?  It will only work if you get some expats to do the thinking and due diligence.  Also the hireing.  And checking the gas cards.  Don't forget the speech writting.  And ALL business dealings.  And try to keep the new king off island.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because we know that Caymanians are all corruptand incompetent while expats are supremely intelligent and invariably ethical in all their dealings.

      Learn to spell and don't be such a bigot.   

      • Joe B says:

        Never mind. I see your point.  Just keep doing it your way.

        • Anonymous says:

          The choice is not between letting expats run the country on the one hand and the status quo on the other.   

          • Anonymous says:

            Caymanians are the stupidest people on this planet. Guess what? Yes, that is how the expats feel about us .  What messes with my mind is, if we are so stupid why the hell would anyone want to live here? Why do we have people from 140 + countries living on this little rock inhabited by stupid Caymanians?  There are people, majority that don't even have an elementary education yet they even come on the airwaves and call us how stupid we are. What do we do?  Well, some have blasted off because they felt violated at the moment, however, they continue to embrace them and allow them to live here better than they can live in their own country.  Talk about stupid Caymanians, I know a Caymanian employer who has paid for her helper's children to attend top notch private school in their country and right now one of the children is aspiring to become a doctor, that is very noble and God bless these children, but what about our own Caymanian children?  Take one of them and mentor them and help them financially.  Well, I know this helper personally and I know that she has nothing good to say about Cayman or Caymanians and she has all right to her opinion afterall she found one hell of a stupid Caymanian.  If there is anyway possible for a law to be passed where people from other countries maliciously put Cayman and Caymanians down can be removed from our society then that law should be passed.  Give Caymanians back their dignity and let them be proud to be Caymanians and who don't like us and think we are stupid then get the hell out of here.  Bear in mind that these same expats that have so  much to say don't have a voice in their own country and believe me they didn't come to Cayman to help make it a better place for all to live.  

            • Anonymous says:

              I wish you'd stop beating around the bush and tell us what you really think. 

      • Joe B says:

        I agree with everything you said including the bigot thing.

        • Anonymous says:

          You are just stupid enough to think that is a sensible comment. The fact that there are even four expats that agree with you shows the problem Cayman faces with some expats.  

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree with you.  Whomever Joe Blow is, he is obviously speaking with a "forked tongue".  He should read what he writes before hitting the save button.  I am not a supporter of either party, because I believe the Cayman Islands are too small to have these parties cutting each others' throats.  What happened to the honest, caring people like Berkley Bush, Charles Farrington and that group.  McKeeva needs to be made to stop selling off The Cayman Islands to the highest bidder.  He should stop and look at the Cayman Islands, not only West Bay and his own pocketbook.  Michael Misick, of TCI, acted almost exactly the same way and look at what happened to him and his millions.  I believe his last set of condos were auctioned off sometime last year and the proceeds used to help improve the country.  We have already had one visit from Lord Bellingham, maybe he will return with a contingency to take back the country from the XXXX politicians who are being advised by XXXX businessmen.  XXXX


        The only way middle and lower class Caymanians can survive is to have a quick change of  Government.  We need experienced statesmen, who cannot be bought, at the top.  Maybe it is too late, but the other alternative is direct British Rule. 

  13. Anonymous says:

    "Aside from the initial flurry in its first 9 or 10 months in office where, to its credit, the current government stabilized the financial fallout".

    The entire UDP administration has been about a flurry of activity yielding no results. They are spinning their wheels and going nowhere. Perhaps you can enlighten us as to how it supposedly stablised the financial fallout. From my standpoint they have made a bad situation worse. They have also wasted public funds through reckless behaviour. In addition to the Cohen fiasco which cost us $1/2m and the GLF payout which cost us another $3m we may also be liable for another $20m to Tom Jones International. Obviously their figures for surplus or deficit are completely unreliable. One day we are $20m in surplus and few months later we are $12m in deficit. They have hindered economic recovery by over burdening businesses with additional taxes. 

    That is just an unsubtantiated UDP claim.   

    • Anonymous says:

      I assumed the writer was referring to Mckeeva signing up the TIEAs to keep Cayman off the OECD blacklist, which would have impacted international business?

      • Anonymous says:

        McKeeva merely continued the process of signing TIEAs started by the previous govt. That was no great accomplishment. And before you say that the PPM should have signed more during their term consider that McKeeva signed none at all in 2001-2005.  

  14. Anonymous says:

    That was a well elucidated description of Cayman politics.

    That anti expat trend that lies under the thinly veiled phrase of pro caymanian has proven a voter hot topic issue. It is an ideal use of blame and denial for local issues.  Cayman politics has learned the political power of the radio and the political aspirations of the talk show hosts and the political manipilation of the management. Very little is accomplished on air except to attack the ideas and programs of the opposing politics. Cheap shots and derrogatory sound bytes are preferred to real solutions.

    Dart has become another favorite target of some politicians who have given not clue to any real solutions themselves rather have chosen to use attacks of an intregity nature as their main platform.

    When asking any of the opposing politicians or political aspirants what they would do in power one gets the usual laundry list without any real ideas and then back to the attack mode.

    One's solution to development in their district is bed & breakfasts, certainly not the type of job producing many young Caymanians are looking for.

    The dinosaur politicians need to step aside or be helped to make way for new educated men and women who can lead Cayman in the 21st century.

    • Anonymous says:

      The anti-expat charges are just political propaganda. It is used by expats trying to seize the moral high ground even while treating Caymanians poorly in the workplace. The thinking is simply that if it improves the position of Caymanians it must be harmful to expats because it is "them" vs. "us". It is used by the UDP to get big campaign contributions from wealthy expats.

  15. Anonymous says:

    good commentary….. the bottom line is that caymanians politicians are not competent enough to run the country…… unfortunatly it is the only job in the country where you need zero qualificatons……..

    in every other job expertise/experience is needed…hence the need for expats… but unfortunatly the best people in the country are prevented for running for office

    • Anonymous says:

      I find it very upsetting the way that some people are persistently trying to create dissension between "Caymanians" and "Expats". Part of the Cayman success story has been how these two groups have worked harmoniously to create what we had.

      Unfortunately Caymanians are starting to feel that their rights are being undermined and displaced by the rapid influx of persons who are seeking a better life. In many instances this is being done at the detriment of Caymanians.

      As an educated Caymanian with a senior positionin an international company I am confident in my intelligence and my ability to suceed and prosper, given a level playing field. As an ambitous, hardworking individual I am also conscious that there there are many other factors that come into play.  There are glass ceilings, there is 'cronyism' and there is downright bigotry in some companies. As Caymanians we need to stop being naive and understand that we are operating in a highly competitive environment, where 90% of the CEOs/MDs are not born Caymanians and do not have the long term interest of these islands at heart. These individuals are focussing on the short term needs of their companiesand their own short term goals.

      Unfortunately, our politicans are also working to short term goals and in recent years these goals have not been congruent with the best interest of these islands.

      Wake up Caymanians, native and new, take a look at where we are going and act not just for today, think about your grnad children. What have you done to preserve these islands and the standard of living which we took for granted?

  16. Don Quixote says:

    Mr 101: I assume you are one and the same as the writer of the preceding viewpoint! Thus I shall address you as if you are.

    Firstly let me say that I think everyone has a right to express their views on any subject he or she so desires. That includes political views as as well. What does not make sense to me is, that on the one hand [ viewpoint No. 1]  you are singing the praises of Mr. Dart, and on the other you are calling for the ousting of the present Government which has given Mr. Dart practically every thing he has asked for. YOU CONFUSE ME!  And I must say that after reading the litany of verbiage in the above viewpoint, I'm more confused! 

    Please do yourself a favor and learn the meanings of the words you use, and the context in which to use them. REREAD THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF YOUR COMMENTARY, and you'll see what I mean? If you were determined on going, on such a literary journey as you have done in the above viewpoint, then the least you could have done was to reread what you've written and try to correct any errors.

    Now back to the reason why I'm writing this!  As I said before I'm a bit confused as to why you would want to oust the present group of legislators when they are the group from whom Mr. Dart seems to get whatever he wants. WHY? Ah!  But then it hit  me!  Could it be that someone is "HEDGING THEIR BETS" just in case the present group are ousted? HHMMM!



    • Anonymous says:

      Poster: I will let this author speak for themselves but fyi it is possible to support a particular project like darts while not being supportive of the government that happpens to be in power at the time regardless of whether that govt supports dart or not. You can’t seem to separate dart from the govt andpolitics which only proves one of the points that the viewpoint is seeking to raise….

  17. Anonymous says:

    Mama always said "you get what you deserve". 

  18. Anony says:

    The PPM never has been anti-foreigner. You have simply bought into the cheap B. S. sold by the UDP. Seems to me they are for fairness.

    Does the elected arm of any government produce accounts? I think not. The appropriate persons in the Civil Service are charged with this responsibility and should do so without interference from the elected persons. So that the figures are accurate & transparent. A better question I feel is why did the current Govt. amend the laws so that no figures for the missing years were ever required. Would you do that if you could show your opponent to be derilect in their work? I think not. So I would caution against repeating the "financial mismanagement" tag-line without any real evidence.

    Are we to presume that you are advocating a new group who are not a "party"? I feel that everyone is now well aware that a collection of individuals with a common political aim is a party. It matters not what they are called. At least with a properly structured party, persons can have a say in the operations of and the direction taken by the "collection of individuals".

    I do agree that we all need to hold our elected representatives to a high standard. Voting YES in the uncoming referendum will assist us all in doing so.

    • Anon says:

      Does not have to be a new party. The viewpoint speaks about any group of persons and for me that means regardless of their party affiliations. That’s how I will vote this time…just who I believe in and they will all just to work together like the old days

  19. Anonymous says:

    The PPM is not anti foreigner. It is pro-Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is most definitely anti-expat – to the detriment of Caymanians as well.



      • Anonymous says:

        On the basis that any pro-Caymanian stance is anti-expat? Please give us examples of how it is anti-expat.

      • Anonymous says:

        Anti-Caymanian is the detriment of Caymanians and you know it.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is neither anti foreigner nor pro Caymanian – although I do wish it were a little more of the latter. It has done nothing to prevent the takeover of our economy by foreign interests. The licensing laws were just as much ignored under the PPM as they have been under the UDP – and the PPM were simply too chicken to challenge even the most outrageous status grants. Now the Caymanian people suffer.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is that all you got from this rather excellent piece ???? That is precisely our problem and the main reason we are in the mess we are in now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ezzard isn't either! lol

    • Dred says:

      Giving the devil his due….

      PPM is not ANTI Expat and neither is Ezzard.

      Some how when you promote Caymanians as being priority 1 SOME people get rubbed the wrong way.

      Now in light of our new unemployment figures maybe we see where the Anti-Caymanian UDP team is getting us. If you don't know the score let me refresh your memory:

      1) Hike on business fees all but killed many small CAYMANIAN business people and put Caymanians out of work.

      2) Hike on duties especially FUEL put the nail in many of our coffins.

      What needs to be done but no one is doing……..

      Move CIG employees deemed to be unnecessary to private sector jobs being sought to be filled by foreign workers. What does this do?

      1) Lowers government expenses in salaries, health and pensions.

      2) Lowers work permit fees

      How do they offset?

      Salary CI$2,000 + CI$220* (Pen) + CI$800* (Health) = CI$3,020.00 x 12 = CI$36,240.00

      Lost Income = CI$2,000

      Net Savings = CI$34,240.00 for the country


      Now times this by how many employees are moved across.

      We have always said that the Civil Service is too large. It's time to do something about it. NO ONE IS TALKING LAYOFFS. We are talking about moving CS workers to private sector only.

      Will there be loss of services? Possibly or we could have:

      1) More efficency

      2) Added Technology

      3) Less red tape

      What we need to start at is OLD SCHOOL CS. We need to break the mold of "this is how it was always done" and change it to "How can we do this better?"

      Fundamentally I believe in the roll over and I know a great deal of business owners do not like this but if they did what they were suppose to do we would have have issues today and in fact they would be better off today because they wouldn't need as many work permits.

      There is no doubt in my mind that we need work permit holders. There are far too many jobs for all the Caymanians to fill and ad to that we have unemployable Caymanians also.

      Too many politicians run from this topic because they want to secure their next term in office.

      • Crabs says:

        You supporting PPM and Alden last year made a huge flip-flop like McKeeva Bush… talk about leadership. Alden declared he is now against the ROLLOVER policy. So how come you being PPM support rollover?  I must scratch my head!

        • Anonymous says:

          A person being able to think independently of the party line would definitely make a UDP supporter scratch his head.

          As the saying goes there are only two kinds of people who can change their mind: a dead man and a fool.  

          • Anonymous says:

            Oops. That should have been “cannot”.

          • Anonymous also says:

            I believe that is "can't" change their minds.

            There is a very big difference!

          • Anonnymous says:

            I believe that is "…………..who CANNOT change his mind…………………….