Pawn shop robber faces charges for immitation gun

| 06/06/2012

crime-scene-tape.jpg(CNS): A 20-year-old man appeared in court Wednesday and was remanded in custody to Northward prison in connection with the Cash-Wiz robbery in Bodden Town last week. Police charged the man with possession of an imitation firearm with intent to commit an offence, affray and common assault. The man had been apprehended by unarmed officers outside the store which he had been attempting to rob. The attempted pawn shop hold-up happened at 1:30 in the afternoon last Thursday and police were alerted as the robbery was in progress. When police arrived the man was running from the store and he threatened the unarmed officers with the weapon which was later discovered to be an imitation gun.

Acting Superintendent Robert Scotland described the actions of the officers who confronted the robbery suspect as nothing short of heroic as they were unaware that the firearm was not real.

“They were threatened by an armed suspect and without thinking of their own safety and wellbeing they moved in quickly to ensure that he was arrested and could not harm any members of the public,” the senior officer said. “Fortunately the gun has been confirmed as an imitation – but the officers did not know that at the time. Their actions are testament to the dedication of our staff to do all that they can to keep these islands safe from those who would threaten that safety through the criminal use of firearms,” Scotland added.

Category: Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    1. No name mentioned in the article.

    2. The offences for which he is charged don't appear to match the seriousness of the crime.

    3. The Summary Court List for Wednesday does not mention anyone appearing before the court for these offences.

    Is he receiving special treatment, and if so why?

  2. Anonymous says:

    …so who is he?

  3. Cross dresser says:

    If finger prints are matched with  other robberies, police and the reading public will be in for a big surprise in this Pawn shop robbery.

    Lunch tbreak robbers, check them all out and see what you come up with.


    • Dr. E. Locard says:

      You should be a detective. You obviously have a hidden talent for criminal investigations.! I know these things.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The man has been charged and has appeared before the courts so why has his identity (including nationality) not been revealed? Why wasn't he charged with attempted robbery? Something is not quite right here.  

    • Anonymous says:

      He is a borne Caymanian, and was reported lost for a few days couple of weeks ago! Look in the previous news and you can get more details…

  5. Anonymous says:

    throw him in jail and throw away the key, one less bandit off the street!!!!!!!!